
Stifling temperatures plus bored kids are not a good combination. Sending them to summer camp may be one option to keep them entertained and learning over the summer, but summer camp can certainly get expensive. If you are on a budget, you can look for cheaper options.

Day Camps

If you do some research, chances are that you will find a number of affordable day camps for your kids. Everything from ice skating to soccer to theater. Check local businesses (dance studios will sponsor dance camps, gyms may have rock climbing camps, etc), local townships and boroughs (residents usually get a discount), libraries and more. Plus, with day camps, your children will be home in the evenings for family time.

VBS and Church Camps

VBS or Vacation Bible School and church camps are usually very low-cost ($5 to $20 for the whole week), and many of them are free. Imagine no cost for an entire week of fun. Kids get some religious instruction, plus snacks or lunch, games, outdoor activities (such as water slides), crafts, and more. These church-sponsored camps are probably the best deal around.


Camps, especially those geared for special needs, often have scholarship funds that can provide a camp experience for children in struggling families. Sometimes these scholarships are based on income level, sometimes on academic or sports achievement, sometimes on other factors, so it never hurts to ask the camp director if there are any scholarships available.

Group Discounts

Although many camps fill up quickly, offering a guaranteed sign up of ten kids or more can often net you a group discount. So, if your child’s entire little league team signs up for baseball camp all at the same time, you can save. Talk to other parents who may be looking at the same camps because it just may be worth your while.




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