

9:00am CONVENE

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 3, 2017. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the Closed Session Commission Minutes for the week of JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 3, 2017. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 2 Ayes. 1 Nay.  The motion carried.

9:15am Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant joined the meeting.


Gave updates on department activities.

Growth Policy Draft Follow-Up – Forrest received the 2012 growth Policy in an editable format.

9:25am Joe Janz, Outside Building Maintenance Supervisor joined the meeting.

9:30am Mary left the meeting.


Department Updates:  Only major problems have been the breezeway between the library and county building, where there is water coming in through the light fixtures.

Addressed the handicap crossing issue by Library. Everything drains to the east and sand will not help the ice and snow build up at the crossing.

Joe will be volunteering for the 4-H educational fishing class at Camp Needmore. Commission has approved, per policy, for Joe to take paid time for helping the Extension Office.

Discussion followed on contractor who maintains the large air conditioning unit on the Sheriff’s Department. The contractor is requesting a cat walk, Commission feels there is not a need since there are tie off’s for their safety equipment and contractor is responsible for their own safety gear and harnesses.

9:45am Joe left the meeting.

9:48am Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant joined the meeting.

9:55am Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined the meeting.

Presented a Sanitary Restriction Certificate of Approval to remove restrictions on COS #97247, Bobby and Iris Wiedmer that were placed in error.

There is a 160 ft. well and will put a drain field in this summer.

10:00am Mary and Rich left the meeting. Julie Straub, HRM; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor and Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman joined the meeting.


Interview Panel – Commissioners Ranum and Commissioner Rost stated they would sit in on the interview board for the operator position.

10:03am Julie left the meeting.


Shop Updates – CAT is coming today to appraise the three motor graders that will have expired warranties soon.

Updates given on equipment being worked on and in need of repairs.

Council on Aging – The senior transport bus heat is not working properly. Commission would rather not keep putting any more money into repairs. It’s a grant funded state provided vehicle. This is the vehicle that will be replaced soon.

Andy is out at the shop with CAT-5 cable to try and get fuel master up and going.

10:05am Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting. Alba left the meeting.

Road Updates

Wenz Gravel Pit – Owner would like to be called before the County enters.

Also had an inquiry as to Custer Camp Trail and if it will be resurfaced. Bobby stated that from Dye Access, it’s a seasonal road and that Beaver Slide Road is mostly dirt.

Another inquiry with regards to Sather Road, there is a petition in place on that road but no easement. County employees report there are no tracks in and out of the property.

10:10am Mike Kirschten joined the meeting.

Project Updates

Kirschten Trust Land Lease (survey)

Discussion on leases and land with Mike and Shannon.  Brosz Engineering will do the survey.

10:25am Chuck Lee; DES/911 Coordinator joined the meeting.

10:27am Mike left the meeting.

Baker Lake Drainage – received two easement releases.  Brosz Engineering met with Army Corp of Engineer last Monday. The Army Corp inquired as to age of current culverts on 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th streets. If they are 50 years old they would classify as historical.  Shannon is obtaining information from the City of Baker on dates culverts were installed.

Updates on traffic control with hospital when construction starts.

10:40am Dan Brosz joined the meeting.

Baker Lake Water Removal and Cleanup Project – Update of status of project and phases. Hydrology study is complete. Approximately will take 30 days 24/7 to pump out.

10:45am Mike Kirschten and Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined the meeting.

Army Corp feels we should do one permit for both the cleanup and water removal.  Need to move forward quickly in order to start cleanup by June due to time required to obtain all needed permits.

A few issues that arose: dewater the lake, will need to use electric, not a generator to run 24/7 for 30 days.

There are a minimum of eight spots where storm water will run off into the lake while trying to drain.

10:50am Tom Kachel, Landfill Operations Manager joined the meeting.

Discussed options of fishing or netting fish, either way a need to get the fish out of the Lake prior to drainage, as it’s an issue with FAA that more birds will be in the area; primary concern of raptors.

Need to encourage fishing.

In contact with MDT to come up with routes and where to put it in the landfill.

Cultural investigation needs to be done, Rich states it’s been done.

Rich to get Brosz Engineering a copy.

Discussion on FEMA regulations and meeting those guidelines.

Need to start with Phase 2 permitting.

11:07am Bobby, Tom, Mike, Chuck, Rich, Shannon, and Dan left the meeting.

11:07am PUBLIC INPUT MEETING (Courthouse Basement Conference Room)

PRESENT: Shannon Hewson; Brosz Engineering, Steve Baldwin, Deb Ranum, Roy Rost; Commissioners, Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor, Allan Wang, Property Owner, Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk.

Proposed Improvements to Baker Lake Tributary Structures.

Shannon asked for public comments or concerns.  He explained that temporary construction easements are needed from land owners in order to install new box culverts.

Allan requested a sidewalk, an additional 10 or 15 foot beyond the project be replaced.  The sidewalk is 10’ wide. Cost is $85 a square yard; total expense is approximately $1,400.00. Discussion followed on City ordinance. Commission in consensus for adding the extra concrete footage to the project.

11:25am Allan left the meeting.

Discussion on curb type and railing on Fifth Street. On Third Street, there is no sidewalk or railing.  Per Federal Standards, as long as there is a high back curb there, a railing is not needed.  Railing becomes a maintenance issue for the City and Commission.  Decision is to let the City decide if they want a railing.

Still need to get easement from Terry Hoyt, Red River Inn.

COS on Landfill/Pinnow Agreement was discussed.

11:40am Shannon, Mary, and Bobby, left the meeting. Commission to reconvene in Commissioner’s Office upstairs.


No one appeared for public comment.


Commissioner Ranum made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Rost seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk


1:20pm Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor joined the meeting via conference call.


Rob Latimer with Trans Canada asked for a letter of support and to publish it in area media outlets. Commission approved.

Updates on Legislative issues.

1:42pm Jason ended phone call thereby leaving the meeting.

1:45pm Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

She asked the Commission to consider moving the new printer/copier purchase expense to the building maintenance fund. Commission approved.

1:48pm Brenda left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed and approved the January End of Month Claims in the amount of $ 544,693.81             and filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

2:23pm Terry Sukut, JGA Architecture joined the meeting via conference call.

Commissioner Ranum inquired as to the revised agreement if an additional eight visits with an additional cost of over $9,000.00 were required to reach the completion date by May. Originally JGA planned on 6 visits and have currently exceeded that number of visits.

Commission specified JGA Architecture accomplish in less visits if possible and no more than eight. Terry will send a modified agreement to state such.

2:28pm Terry ended the phone call thereby leaving the meeting.



The Commission reviewed and approved January 2017 time sheets, payroll & withholdings in the amount of $521,521.31 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

4:25pm Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

Qualified the Maternity Leave Policy language.

4:50pm Julie left the meeting.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


9:00am CONVENE

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



No one appeared for public comment.

9:00am Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM; Carla Brown, Council on Aging Coordinator joined the meeting.

Job Description Review – Commissioner Ranum asked if Carla was involved in the process; she was and is happy with how it went.

9:03am Carla left the meeting.

Department Updates – Seven job descriptions left to review.

HR asked if the Commission would like volunteer position descriptions written such as EMTs?  After discussion the Commission decided to have volunteer descriptions written.

The Policy Manual is complete.  Safety meetings are going well. There are two recruitments underway.

Discussion on the new Department of Labor overtime rule that passed last year, whether it goes into effect is still in limbo. Reasonable Suspicion Training scheduled for April has 32 attendees.

9:20am Julie and Brenda left the meeting.

9:25am Stacey Moore, Director of Library Services joined the meeting.


Department Updates – Continuing work of getting Fallon County Times online through MontanaNewspapers.org

Working on summer reading program the theme is Building a Better World.

In regards to having a motorized scooter; the Library Board will be voting on it next month and is in favor of purchasing one.

The restroom doors in the breezeway need the tension lightened, as handicap and children struggle with them.

The MSL conference will be in Billings in March.

The genealogy project is currently on the letter K.

Training for staff continues.

Circulation is considerably higher.

9:30am Karen Banister, Curator joined the meeting.

9:43am Stacey left the meeting.


Department Updates- The Museum Curator stated the Doll room is started, sheet rock is complete; just need to paint and put shelving up.

She is still cataloging, although donations have slowed down.

Attendance has been slow the last few months, but is starting to increase.

Karen will be attending a conference and will be able to acquire more Montana made products for the gift store.

Inquired if it would be possible to upgrade the sidewalk around the Museum. The Commission will look into re-doing the ramp and sidewalk.  The windows still need to be replaced from hail storm.

9:50am Karen left the meeting.

9:55am Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder joined the meeting.


Department activities and updates given.

10:15am Brenda left the meeting.


Reviewed and discussed the form used for County Building Demolition.

Decision to add contact information and to have the form available on the County website for county buildings only, not for building within the city limits. The form needs to be filled out prior to giving to the Commission.

10:43am Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined the meeting.


Updates given on activities in department.

10:55am Rich left the meeting.

11:02am Angie Rabbitt, Recreation Director joined the meeting.


Updates given on department activities as follows:

Baseball Concessions may need updating before the season begins.

Commission gave permission to have an electrical outlet installed on the south wall of her office.

Also requested a cordless phone since there are two individuals in that office.

Commission approved.

Discussion on 4th of July entertainment and contracts.

11:25am Scott Rabbitt, Parks Department Head joined the meeting.

11:50am Angie left the meeting.


Updates on activities. Discussion on replacement of Splash Park fence. Decision to get quotes for fence materials and powder coating.

Scott has been busy with snow removal at fairgrounds.

The Sheriff’s Department would like to see the side-by-sides used by the Parks Department licensed.

12.05pm Scott left the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Rost seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



No one appeared for public comment.

1:45pm Lani DeBuhr, Fairgrounds Manager and DeeDee Geving joined the meeting.


Discussion on contracts for the fair.

Updates given on construction of concession stands.

Discussion followed on the five containers of sawdust housed at the fairgrounds. The Fair Board did not realize they were paying $800.00 a month for storage. One storage container has been unloaded into one of the buildings and will unload another in the near future.

Commissioner Baldwin inquired on the claim for Saffire website for fairgrounds and training for the Fairgrounds Manager in Texas; she will also need training to integrate ShoWorks program. Decision to allow the purchase of the website builder program as it was already purchased by means of credit card.

2:05pm Barb Ketterling, Treasurer joined the meeting.

2:10pm DeeDee and Lani left the meeting.


Treasurer made a request to remove a burned mobile home from the tax role prior to the five year period, as owners are deceased.  Commission approved removing the mobile home from the tax role prior to 5 year deadline. Resolution 2017-9.

Updates were given on department activities.

Wells Fargo did adjust the interest to offset the fees.

2:20pm Barb left the meeting. Commissioner Ranum left the meeting.

2:30pm Lisa Mitchell, EMS Director joined the meeting.


Requested permission to get rid of the old 1995 Ford ambulance. Commission approved.

Updates on activities.

Now have text to page on their cell phones, which has proven to be very beneficial.

2:40pm Lisa left the meeting.

3:00pm Lynda Herbst, Custodian Supervisor joined the meeting.


Updates on activities in department.

3:15pm Carla Brown, Council on Aging Coordinator joined the meeting. Lynda left the meeting.


Updates on transportation activities. A new bus should be arriving in the next month or two. Discussion on operating grants.

Commissioner Baldwin asked if the department was in need of anything. It does not. Commissioner Baldwin thanked Carla for all the work she does.

3:20pm Iven Felt, Cemetery Caretaker joined the meeting.

3:27pm Carla Left the meeting.


No updates to report; needs are being met.

3:30pm Iven left the meeting.

3:37pm Andy Fujimori, Computer/IT Tech joined the meeting.


Updates on activities; new servers are being installed and security will improve.

3:45pm Andy left the meeting.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess for the evening. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from Chair and seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent, 0 Nay.  The motion carried.



PRESENT: Deb Ranum, Co-Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman




No one appeared for public comment.

9:00am Dale Butori, Weed Control Coordinator joined the meeting.


Updates on activities as follows:

Modifications to trailer are complete with an approximate cost of $1,700.00.  Provided a list of projects and status of each.

Advised the Spray Day Clinic will be broken into two days; March 1st in Ekalaka and March 2nd in Baker. Commissioner Ranum questioned the selection of date as it conflicts with calving. Dale stated that with all activities going on, it would not work to hold later in the spring or early summer.  Commissioner Ranum questioned projects not completed.

Tronstad and Pinnow sites; discussion on Knapweed and getting it under control.

Collections presented, Dale will meet with his Board and have a letter sent out. This was discussed in length.

Presented Job Safety Analysis (JSA) that he has been working on.  Commissioner Ranum asked if one is needed for icy sidewalks, Dale explained that JSA’s are for actions performed by employees to do their required jobs.

Dale requested to make a table on casters to set his tool box on. Commission approved.

9:25am Dale left the meeting. Shane Bettenhausen, Shooting Range Manager joined the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum suggested to have Shane visit with the road crew to have the entry road built up this summer.

Shane presented the current membership list and discussions that have been happening at the Gun Range Board Meetings.

Thursday night pistol league is growing, but not a lot of people are coming out on the weekends.  Time and cost are two issues. Current user fees are $10 for members and $20 for non-members to shoot out there. User fees are only 23% of total revenues; not 50/50 as anticipated. There is concern there may not be many renewals in membership. Commissioner Ranum asked about adjusting hours; they have considered this.

Members currently have to pay membership fee and user fee. After a lengthy discussion the Commission decision is to let the board decide on Membership fees and whether to leave them at $80.00 for a single and $125.00 for a family, as currently is. If someone has a membership they should not have to pay a user fee and non-members pay the $20 user fee.

More matches are planned for this summer.

Commissioner Ranum asked Shane to get a quote on a roof to help eliminate the snow build up around the air intake.

Shane stated the outer door going in and out of gun range was installed backwards, but is getting it taken care of.  (pressurized room).

The port-a-johns will be picked up when they can access it.

The Gun Range would like to offer a Free Range Day for new purchases of a handgun at the area gun stores.

Approximately two weeks ago on a Thursday night there was damage to the shooting range ceiling; possibly due to door. It was not turned into insurance and has already been fixed.

Commissioner Ranum asked for an estimate to be gotten for insulating the cement building so it will stay warmer.

9:50am Tom Kachel, Landfill Operations Manager joined the meeting.

9:55am Shane left the meeting.


Updates on activities as follows:

The Landfill can handle 300,000 yards of soil for the lake drainage project.  The Landfill is also able to compost fish from lake.

Tom voiced concerns that brush pile has tripled in size with the recent City haul. He has found a brush grinder that will handle a whole tree.

They have been promoting for people to come get firewood or mulch and would like to be able to offer compost.

Discussion on the DEQ (disposal of contaminated soil and tanks) followed.

Decommissioning salt water site LMS south of Marmarth and Schweigert oil field waste. Commissioner Ranum, called DEQ and told them we don’t want it at our landfill. Commissioner Ranum asked Tom to refuse any and notify her if he has any trying to come in.

The landfill will not take waste from CENEX site.

10:15am Kim Cuppy, Director of Public Health joined the meeting.

Commissioner Ranum asked about handheld radios from the landfill and if the old ones could be used at the fairgrounds? Tom stated he has already donated one to the city, Dale is needing two for his side-by-sides. Tom clarified the radios are CB radios not handhelds.

Advised the Commission he is still plating the tornado shelter he is building and would like to purchase a plasma cutter. Commission approved plasma cutter for below the $2,000.00 limit.

10:20am Tom left the meeting.


Updates on activities as follows:

Discussion on mental health contract; Kim states she was unaware of the meeting in Miles City.

Commissioner Ranum wants more people attending meetings, and is upset Commissioner Baldwin did not share what was discussed. Commissioner Ranum feels it’s a dictatorship when only one person attends meetings.

Updates on dental screenings to be scheduled at the schools this spring.

There are still flu shots available.

Commissioner Ranum asked about head lice. No cases this winter.

Office of public assistance procedures are being worked out.

10:25am Brenda Hoeger, Dispatch Supervisor joined the meeting.

10:30am Kim left the meeting.


Updates on activities.

Commissioner Ranum asked if she is fully staffed. Yes.

Commissioner Ranum asked if Brenda was a dispatcher and if she was involved with Union talks with Jeff Minckler some years ago. Commissioner Ranum asked about Brenda’s involvement in the retirement program and about her job description; how many are in retirement program? Brenda stated, all but the 3 newest employees who are not trained as detention officers. Brenda stated the union was dis-banned when she was president. Commissioner Ranum expressed that she felt it is wrong they are not being included in retirement.  Brenda stated, those who are trained as detention officers are participating in retirement.  Per Commissioner Ranum’s question; Brenda, said, decision not to train as detention officers was Trent’s decision. Brenda feels it to be a liability not to have them trained.  Dispatchers have to watch the jail from midnight to 8am.

Commissioner Ranum stated she will fight for the employees and will re-address this with County Attorney.

Dispatch is working well with all Sheriff entities.

Commissioner Ranum asked who the current Union representative is and is googling it.

Commissioner Ranum asked to see contract from Brenda as she wants a copy of it.

10:40am Brenda left meeting.

10:45am Chuck Lee, 911-DES Coordinator joined the meeting.


Updates on activities.

911- New server room almost done. Andy has more equipment to move over. Exterior door cameras need completed. Not hooked up or wired to dispatch.

Upcoming meeting on March 14th in the Library basement on the CAD system with surrounding counties. Commissioner Ranum asked if commission is invited, but stated she will be calving and cannot attend.

911 Legislative session updates.

IPAWS (integrated public awareness warning system)

Currently working on 7 grants with March 2 deadlines; explained grants applying for.

Discussion on sirens and updates needed for them.  Will the fairground generator be 3 phase?  Commission advised him to check with Fairgrounds Manager.

11:07am Eric Kary, Golf Course Supervisor and Tom Kachel, Landfill Operations Manager joined the meeting.

11:10am Chuck left the meeting.

Tom addressed the Commission on slow internet issue at the Landfill and would like to have HUGHS Net satellite dish internet installed for 100.00 per month per IT’s recommendation.

Commission approved.

11:12am Tom left the meeting.


Updates on activities.

Commissioner Ranum asked if building is insulated or how warm it is in there.

11:15am Eric left the meeting.

11:20am Chuck Lee, 911-DES Coordinator rejoined the meeting.

Commissioner Ranum asked Chuck to join the meeting to explain the Bowman radar to Commissioner Rost.

11:30am Chuck left the meeting.

11:30am Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney joined the meeting.


Updates on contract activities.

Contracts are returned to fair manager.

Darcy said that although 90% of contracts are standard and fine she would still like to review language so nothing is missed. Commissioner Ranum, stated she wanted to review contracts also.

Darcy is still missing the flood gate controller details from Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant. At this time she cannot write the contract.

Firetruck interlocal agreement, Darcy is still waiting on information from them.

Commissioner Ranum asked Darcy about Bill Randash’s rubber stamp for signature.  Can a rubber stamp be used in Chairman’s absence?  Commissioner Ranum stated someone else should sign and not use rubber stamp signature and feels rubber stamps should not be permitted.  Darcy feels it’s acceptable that Commissioner Baldwin, Chairman wants to use a stamp instead of his signature, only he can use stamp otherwise not useable and under lock and key.

Commissioner Ranum asked about Brenda in Dispatch and the Union contract from 12 years ago. Commissioner Ranum feels that Human Resource and Commissioner Baldwin are trying to take it away from them. She feels that the contract should be upheld and entitled to law enforcements retirement. Darcy feels that is out of County’s control.  If dispatch is providing supervision as detention officers Commissioner Ranum wants them to continue the training. Darcy states they get paid extra to watch monitors.  If Dispatch is physically doing walkthroughs or feedings then they would need training. If they are only watching the monitor they do not.

Darcy asked to know about any contracts not being honored. Commissioner Ranum does not want it taken to Human Resource, Commissioner Baldwin or the Clerk and Recorder, but to the Commission only and does not want anyone to see the contract prior.  Commissioner Ranum feels contracts were deliberately destroyed.

Commissioner Ranum then asked about the Fair Board website purchase, not pre-approved by commission.  Darcy felt it was not within guidelines and should have had prior approval.

Commissioner Ranum feels the Fair Board gets away with stuff due to Commissioner Baldwin’s alliances.

Next Commissioner Ranum asked about the Fire Department retirement and training hours were not met and therefore not getting retirement.

Commissioner Ranum states the Commission doesn’t know enough what or how things work within the departments.

Darcy questioned if the retirement fund is local or state funded?

Darcy states this is another program is out of the county commission control.  Darcy asked who is responsible for reporting training hours.

Darcy asked Commissioner Ranum what fireman called her and what does this individual want the commission to do about it?   Commissioner Ranum did not respond with a name. Again, Darcy stated the county is not in a position to help this person. (This pertains to over a 10 year period.)

Lengthy discussion on fireman’s retirement and lost information. Darcy states this is out of County control.

Darcy stated that the law enforcement/dispatch retirement is out of County control.


No one appeared for public comment.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from Co-Chair and seconded the motion. Commissioner Ranum asked for any other discussion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent, 0 Nay.  The motion carried.


PRESENT: Deb Ranum, Co-Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman


JoDee Pratt, City of Baker Mayor and Roger Meggers, Airport Manager joined the meeting.

JoDee asked the Commission if they have considered merging the City Park into Iron Horse.  Commission decided to wait until Commissioner Baldwin is back.  Requirements are that picnic shelters would need to be installed.  The City would turn the monies over to County.

Commissioner Ranum asked about Parks and Rec Departments and stated the Commission wants involved in hire process of employees in those departments.

She also asked what happened to Parks and Rec board?

Commissioner Ranum stated that the City and County Commission should start having meetings and how work should be handled or tasked with Parks Dept.

JoDee stated that the City has asked that Parks and Rec start attending their meetings and states she would like more communication.

JoDee felt Scott is spread thin.  JoDee is in favor of being on a committee.

Commissioner Ranum brought up delinquent accounts in the Rec dept. and wants to know if there are hardships. Commissioner Ranum states she was unaware there were scholarships available.

Commissioner Ranum asked if the Rec Department could promote archery and shooting classes at the shooting range?

Commissioner Ranum then asked if the vehicles that the Parks Department and the Rec Department drive are city owned? Commissioner Ranum and JoDee feel they are split costs? JoDee to check into it.  Commissioner Ranum states that the vehicle Mike Reddick drives the County paid for half and that the City did not purchase the other half.

JoDee states the City bought Randy’s pickup and Mike took over the other one.

1:40pm JoDee left the meeting.


Answered Commission inquires of activities.

Commissioner Ranum asked Roger about the tear down of hangers and if they will be replaced. Roger confirmed he will.

She then inquired on the December claim of Brosz Engineering survey.  Roger states it was done to establish boundary lines of the fence of airport. Roger asked if Commissioner Ranum wanted the survey to review? She said no.  Commissioner Ranum wants to know why the county paid for it?   Roger stated that the Survey was done to establish perimeter of the airport to protect the airport in the future. Roger stated that three additional lots are City property that is south of the road all the way to golf course and oil well. The section line is not the lake road.  Commissioner Ranum questions why the City would own property in the County.

Roger stated they will have FAA/KLJ and others will Teleconference later this week for future expansion of fuel farm in 10 year plan.

Airport board meeting in March.

Roger stated that his personal buildings are painted white with gray trim to differentiate them from county buildings.

Commissioner Ranum asked if Roger felt it was necessary to keep David Turch, the lobbyist, on contract.  Roger felt he was beneficial and needed to use him more. Roger feels adamantly that FEMA would not have happened without Turch, as David Turch had a friend sitting on Obama’s board. Roger feels David could help with infrastructure monies and grants.

Commissioner Ranum expresses concern that David Turch’s invoices are blank and stated that she wants them itemized, Roger will pass that information on.

Roger noted that the RFP for engineers will be happening soon as is required every 5 years with the FAA.

2:00pm Roger left the meeting.

2:03pm DuWayne Bohle, Special Projects joined the meeting.


Updates on activities.

The Justice of the Peace wants her files secured in the vault, Commissioner Ranum showed DuWayne the proposed fence around the park and asked if that would work in the Vault. It would need to be bolted to floor, ceiling and walls. The ceiling is false can be moved and crawled into.  DuWayne moved all her files to the vault, just need to cage it.   DuWayne will go to Baker Metal and have it made 92” in height, then would use a cattle panel to seal the top. Nicole wants to see what cage will look like before DuWayne can move forward.

Snow removal updates given.

The gun range’s west fence needs re-done; where all the snow is getting pushed against it.

Next project will be to plant trees out there.

Discussion on Conservation District and what Sarafina wanted when she called last week.  Discussion followed on how to plant trees.

2:15pm Commissioner Rost and DuWayne left the office to view the vault.

2:25pm Roy and DuWayne rejoined the meeting.

Lengthy discussion on vault panels.

2:37pm DuWayne left the meeting.

3:00pm Elin Kittelmann, County Agent joined the meeting.


Updates on activities.

Discussion followed on drones and virtual reality goggles.

Elin reported the Extension vehicle windshield is cracked all the way across. Elin to get with Bobby and have the shop guys replace it.

3:20pm Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor joined the meeting.

3:25pm Elin left the meeting.

Bobby came in to address Sather Road. The road has a petition in place so people have access to their property legally and not land locked.  These roads are not meant to be maintained. There is no easement, which is required for road maintenance.

Bobby is requesting that the Commission call or write a letter explaining that it will not be maintained. Bobby requested that a Road Maintenance Policy be established as there are many driveway issues, not just for snow removal but for weed control also. Would also like the policy to include bus routes.  County has easements on driveways, but landowners feel it is their land.  Commissioner Ranum feels the County Attorney needs to write this. Bobby would like to set time aside to discuss this issue alone.

Lengthy discussion followed on language to use in letter.

4:05pm Bobby left the meeting.

Commissioner Ranum stated she won’t leave messages or e-mail Commissioner Baldwin, the County Attorney or the Clerk and Recorder.

4:35pm Nicole Benefiel, Justice of the Peace joined the meeting.


No questions from Commissioner Ranum.

Commissioner Rost asked if there are specifications on the cage that needs to be in the vault. Nicole said a chain link fence and roof with a padlock are all she would need to have.

District Court, Nicole needs to find out what should happen with their things (4 big boxes).

Nicole is very pleased with the vault project and working through records retention and getting rid of those.

Offices have been rekeyed.

When the Pipeline work starts there is potential to get real busy with regards to protesters and law enforcement.  Nicole wants to be proactive.

Nicole advised about Marcy’s Law.

Commissioner Ranum asked about Robert Wood’s court proceedings, if jury selection had started, why he was given time served etc. Commissioner Ranum asked if he will be eligible for

early out on good behavior. Some discussion followed with speculation.

5:00pm Nicole left the meeting.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess for the evening. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Co-Chair and seconded the motion. Commissioner Ranum asked for any other discussion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent, 0 Nay.  The motion carried.



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



No one appeared for public comment.

Discussion on Commission desks/table.  No decision, tabled for a later date.

9:10am address Sather Rd., a petition is in place on road but no easement, County employees report there are no tracks in and out of the property.

Discussion on language of letter.

9:30am Scott Rabbitt, Parks Department Head joined the meeting.

Powder coating fence quotes presented. Insurance claim reimbursement is $14,000.00 for the fence.  There may also be FEMA monies available.

Scott will get more quotes on powder coating and installation price.

10:05am David Espeland, CEO; Margie Losing, Controller joined the meeting.


For all purposes Selena Nelson, CFO will be done in approximately two weeks.

Doctor staffing is still progressing.

Thanked the Commission for supporting the mill levy. FMC will do a public information presentation.

Discussion on hospitals ability to provide meals to inmates. Commission asked for more options.

Reviewed financials.

11:15am David and Margie left the meeting.



No one appeared for public comment.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



Commission reviewed e-mails, letters, reports, board minutes and/or agendas and revenues.

2:00pm Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder; Selena Nelson, Fallon Medical Complex CFO;  Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman joined the meeting.


Updates on activities

Since Selena Nelson will be retiring, committee would like to appoint Margie Losing to this position and would like to have Selena stay on board for no more than two years as a public member at large.

Commissioner Ranum made a motion to accept the appointment Margie Losing as a replacement of Selena Nelson to the Health Insurance Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Rost. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Ranum made a motion to appoint Selena Nelson as member of public, not to exceed two years, for transition purposes. Seconded by Commissioner Rost. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion on Affordable Care Act non-discrimination changes that would take effect July 1, 2017.

2:15pm Kim Cuppy, Health Department nurse joined the meeting.

2:20pm Debbie Wyrick, Selena, and Alba left the meeting.


Mental Health Contract – Commissioner Baldwin updated Kim on the meeting he attended in Miles City.

The contract should be received by 3/23/17. Kim would like to attend meeting, Commissioner Baldwin was in consensus that she should attend.

2:25pm Kim left the meeting.

2:35pm Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff joined the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum asked if Jess Talkington was still in the facility. Trent stated he was not.

Trent reported the back cell is peeling ceiling paint.

Updates given on inmate cells and updates needed.

The department will need to get a commercial grade dishwasher.

Updates given on department activities.

The department has been running shorthanded, but interviews were completed last week for a detention officer.

2:46pm Trent left the meeting.

3:30pm Discussion on City Park and Iron Horse Park. No decision made.

4:00pm Allan Wang joined the meeting to sign easement paperwork for Brosz Engineering.

4:05pm Allan left the meeting.

Discussion and investigation that County paid for half the cost of the city vehicles that the Rec Department and Parks Department drive in 2011 and also paid ½ of Mike Reddick’s vehicle.

Discussion on the (SRS) Sheriff’s retirement system and PERS for Dispatcher Position.

4:23pm Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

Discussion on dispatch duties, not being eligible for SRS since they do not have contact with inmates, and all of them receive an additional .75 an hour for looking at the monitors.

Commissioner Ranum stated that by changing their job duties we are taking them out of SRS.

Julie stated that no one was taken out of any retirement programs.

She explained that if Trent were to get rid of detention officers, than we would need to re-evaluate the training, but no matter what, dispatchers must watch the monitor screen.

The decision regarding retirement programs was out of the county’s control.

Commissioner Ranum stated that when we made the change, we did not notify them.  Julie clarified that yes, they were notified and signed off as such.

HR does not want to call attention to the fact that dispatchers are still in the retirement program as they may no longer qualify. SRS is very resistant to allow them to remain as it is.

4:25pm Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant joined the meeting.

4:30pm Julie left the meeting.

Mary presented a spreadsheet breakdown on planning services and her time on each project as per Commissioner Ranum’s request.  Forrest felt some of the fees should be coming out of the general fund.

4:35pm Debbie Wyrick joined the meeting with information Commissioner Ranum requested.

4:38pm Mary left the meeting.

More discussion on qualifications that allow someone to belong to SRS.

4:45pm Debbie Wyrick left the meeting.


Commissioner Rost made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


s/Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Commissioner Proceedings


9:00am CONVENE

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Roy Rost, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk, Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder



Discussion on minutes and corrections.

After having time to reflect, the Commission decided not to have volunteer descriptions or guidelines written.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes with corrections for the week of FEBRUARY 6-10, 2017. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

9:35am Tom Kachel, Landfill Supervisor joined the meeting.

Tom stated there are new requirements regarding underground tanks.

9:40am Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting. Brenda Wood left the meeting.

GOLF COURSE UPDATES/Eric Kary, Golf Course Supervisor



Reimbursement Clarification

Tom asked if safety incentive could be used to buy winter gear. Commissioner Ranum, said she received a phone call and authorized them to buy the winter gear as it was so cold out at the time. Tom stated that Kimberly sent an e-mail letting them know if any of their safety incentive money was used. Julie asked if it belongs in the policy manual. Clarification on what departments can use the safety incentive for cold weather gear. Departments will be: Landfill, Road Dept, Joe Janz, DuWayne Bohle. Currently safety incentive has been limited to safety eye wear and steel toed boots.

9:47am Dale Butori joined the meeting.

Clarified what clothing items would be covered. Gloves, coats, coveralls.

Safety committee met to discuss that no changes be made to the safety incentive program; and that it not include inside staff.

10:50am Julie and Tom left the meeting.

Fireworks Funding

Dale made a verbal request for $2,500 for the fireworks fund.

Commissioner Rost made a motion to apply $2,500 to the fireworks fund. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Fire Training

Training is being offered from the DNRC for a live grass burn, but needs ground to utilize. Dale asked permission to have the training south of the softball complex. 3-4 acres of ground are needed with the ability to contain the burn and there being two roads on either side is why they are looking at this ground. 15-30 firefighters would participate in the training and would be in Mid-April, weather permitting. Commissioner Baldwin asked Dale to check with Roger at the Airport and the FAA.

Dale will get specific dates and will talk with Roger.

9:57am Dale left the meeting.

9:58am Julie joined the meeting.

Discussion on Sather Road and current County policy.

Commissioner Ranum asked if she is attending the interview process for Road Operator. Julie stated yes, there are 6 interviewees, 13 applications were received for the position and some did not meet the minimum qualifications, some withdrew applications due to taking other work. Bobby reviewed the applications with Human Resource.

10:00am Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff joined the meeting.

Trent asked for approval of Annie Newell as a Detention Officer. January 2018 is the soonest she can get into training. She has one year from date of hire to complete the training program. The Commission gave permission and signed the New Hire Approval Form authorizing Annie Newell to be hired as a Detention Officer.

10:10am Julie and Trent left the meeting.

10:05am Bryant Steen joined the meeting.

10:10am Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman, Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor joined the meeting.

Sather Road- Bryant asked for clarification on the road. Bobby stated that Sather Road has a petition and not an easement. A petition road is for land access only. The County cannot accept a road for an easement until it is built up by the individual and meets the county requirements. There are a lot of petitioned roads in the county that are not maintained.

Bryant asked if it has always been a petitioned road.

Bobby believes it has been and it was in 2005 when the decision was made that petition roads would not be maintained.

Bryant thought it was an easement road and asked if someone lived there, would they make it an easement road?

One stipulation is that there must be a livable house on the property with all utilities hooked up.

Bryant, said he had someone living there, but the individual quit due to not having the road maintained.

Bryant asked about the process and the first step is to get easements from landowners. This would be done by the county.

Easements would have to be gotten from all the land owners along that road.

Even with an easement request it still would not be granted if no one lives there.

Easements need written up and a 2 weeks’ notice for a public hearing. It could take approximately 6 weeks for the process.

At this time Bryant said he will not pursue it.

It was clarified that the petition starts at Ollie Road and 1 mile N. of Beaverslide Road but most roads there have been abandoned.

10:17am Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting.

Bryant said he has a better understanding on the process and Bobby offered to help with the process if needed.

10:30am Bryant left the meeting.

Shop Updates

Updates given on equipment arriving and timeline for repairs on other equipment.

10:45am Alba left the meeting.

Road Updates

Hauling gravel up on Cap Rock Road.

Commissioner Ranum asked for updates on roads that will be graveled. Dye Access and Custer Camp Trail Road are done.

Project Updates

Box culverts – Regarding the gas main on 1st Street; Shannon pulled the Franchise Agreement. MDU, wants the box culvert design changed instead of moving the gas line. The only way to accommodate is to use a smaller box. He will have the County Attorney review the agreement.

11:00am Kevin Dukart, City Clerk joined the meeting.

Shannon said they still need a temporary easement release from Terry Hoyt.

11:00am Bobby left the meeting.

Shannon presented the land description for the Pinnow Agreement.

Boundary retracement done on Kirschten land lease. Shannon will give these documents to the County Attorney to draw up the documents for signatures.

Pump staging would be on the east side of lake property, south end by the spillway (MDT owns). The environmental check list is complete. Paperwork to request an encroachment is being sent to MDT.

The preliminary is done on Phase 1 and to be sent in this week.

Phase 2 – presented the Agreement for Commission to review. Proposed Haul Roads was presented. Prefer Haul Rd 2 as it is the shortest distance to the Landfill; part of the project is to re-habitat the land back to original state if they build this haul road.

Soonest to dewater will be May 1st due to permitting time.

FEMA requirement is that any individuals’ personal property, that may be in the lake, must be pulled out and put in a designated secure site and a designated time set for the public to view and claim.

MDU- Still need to get temporary power to the dewater sight. Shannon is requesting Commissions help and needs to know this week. Temporary 3 phase power is needed.

11:20am Kevin left the meeting.

11:23am Commissioner Ranum called MDU, Andrew Helm, he was unavailable and left a message.

11:26am Jerrid Geving and Lani DeBuhr joined the meeting.

11:29am DeeDee Geving joined the meeting.

11:30am Julie Straub joined the meeting.

11:32am Alyse Webber joined the meeting.

11:35am Shannon left the meeting.

Fair Grounds Recruitment & Pay Update

DeeDee apologized for purchasing the website software without prior Commission approval.

Discussed the position of Lead Crew for the fair, the current wage is $13.10 per hour. Lani would like to hire the same person they had last year.

The position does not need to be advertised as it’s a temporary position and at the discretion of the Commission. This position supervises 5-6 other workers. The current wage is below market value for this position. In order to run equipment (forklift, skid steer) OSHA training is required. There is no longer a Barn Manager and this individual will have that responsibility also.

Lani feels she could use a seasonal part-time office assistant instead of a full-time, as in the past, and be in the office more; the lead crew person is the one in charge of what is happening out on the grounds. Seasonal workers do not get cost of living increases.

The question was raised as to whether all lead personnel need to be at the same starting wage. Julie states they are not doing the same job requirements. There is value in the past employee’s competencies’.

If the position is to be advertised or recruited it can be a sliding scale based on experience.

This individual was not involved in hiring the crew last year as they were all hired at the same time, but they could be.

Commission decision is to offer last year’s Lead Crew person $20.00, otherwise recruit for this position with a scale range of $16.00 to $18.00 per hour based on experience.

11:55am Jerrid, Lani, DeeDee, Alyse, Julie left the meeting.

Discussion on Landfill internet, Hughes Net, took 5 hours to install.

Commission Ranum relayed that she received a call from Kodiak, David Turch’s assistant. She will be here on March 7th to meet with Commissioner Ranum, but she will be calving and asked they be placed on the agenda.

Commission agrees that Turch’s contract needs to be reviewed.

Commissioner Ranum relayed that at the City Council meeting discussion was on increasing water rates.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Roy Rost, Deb Ranum, Members; Peggy Paylor, Recording Clerk



1:15pm Robert Pfund, KFLM radio joined the meeting.

Question and answer period for radio station.

Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor via Conference Call – Canceled – Not available due to meeting on Tuesday instead of Monday.

1:30pm Robert left the meeting. Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor; Kevin Sedgwick, Tractor & Equipment; Mark Feland, RDO Equipment joined the meeting.

Road Department Bid Opening




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