
Commissioner Proceedings

MONDAY, DEC. 5, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk




The Commission reviewed the Commission Minutes for the week of November 28 – December 2, 2016.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of November 28 – December 2, 2016. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin was not present during the week of the Commission Minutes and therefore abstained from voting. 2 Ayes. 1 Abstain. The motion carried.

9:15AM BAKER LAKE WINTER USAGE Present: Rich Menger, Sanitarian; Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor

Guest: Robert Pfund, Newell Broadcasting

Rich Menger and the Commission discussed the public use of Baker Lake during the winter months. There is a good supply of fish in the Lake and Fish Wildlife and Parks deferred the decision to allow ice fishing to the County. Rich and Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff, made the decision last week to not allow snowmobiling on the Lake due to items from the tornado protruding out of it. After discussing the pros and cons of allowing activity on the Lake, the Commission made the decision to allow people to ice fish and snowmobile on the Lake. The areas where items are protruding out of the Lake will be roped off. A Public Service Announcement (PSA) will go out advising people they can icefish and snowmobile but to be cautious as some areas of the Lake are thinner than others.

9:30am- Rich Menger and Robert Pfund left the meeting.


Present: Joe Janz, Outside Building Maintenance Supervisor

Joe Janz gave the Commission updates on the items he has been working on in the Outside Building Maintenance Department. Joe and Commissioner Ranum discussed the catwalk quote Stevenson Design submitted to go around the Sheriff Department’s HVAC unit. Joe said he doesn’t need a catwalk when going on the roof but understands others might. Commissioner Ranum suggested installing a hand railing instead of a catwalk and Joe said no matter what they do his only concern is to make it safe. Joe said he is concerned a catwalk or hand rail could cause more liability issues and doesn’t think it needs to be installed. Joe said contractors who are on the roof working should have the liability while on the roof, not the County.

Commissioner Baldwin said he tends to agree with Joe also and thinks if it was truly a safety concern it would have been written in the plans to begin with.

9:32am- Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant, joined the meeting.

Mary Grube joined the meeting to notify the Commission that the staff in the Courthouse basement had an issue with Carbon Monoxide last Friday and many had headaches and got sick because of it. Joe said it was caused by his Toro Snow Blower being operated by the basement’s air intake and will no longer use this snow blower in that area in the future.

9:40am- Joe Janz and Mary Grube left the meeting.


Present: Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor; Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering

Shop Updates- Alba Higgins gave updates on the vehicles and equipment being serviced or repaired this week.

Miscellaneous- Bobby Wiedmer said the contractors at the Stanhope Addition need to put down gravel on the roads and not scoria. The Commission asked Bobby to talk to Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor, about it so he can relay that information to the engineer. Bobby suggested the County inspect the project before it is closed out to avoid having problems like Plevna had with their water project and the Commission agreed.

10:15am- Alba Higgins left the meeting.

Road Updates- Bobby gave the Commission updates on the activities of the Road Crew this week.

Cooper Bridge- The project is complete but the seeding and mulching was not done and the contractor would like to wait until Spring to do it. Shannon and the Commission agreed this is the best way to approach it. Shannon suggested the retainage of project be reduced from 5% to 2% until the seeding and mulching is done and the Commission agreed. Bobby said there will be weed problems in this area since there was a lot of Canadian Thistle and Spurge where the dirt was disturbed around the bridge and he will notify Dale Butori, Weed Supervisor, about this.

City of Baker Culvert Project- Shannon met with Luke Holstine, City of Baker Public Works Director and JoDee Pratt, City of Baker Mayor last week about the project. Shannon reported there is an 8” water main that runs along 1st street and sits above the culverts and the only way to get a box culvert in that area is to dig the line deeper into the ground. The estimated cost to do this will be $25,000-$40,000 and the Commission will discuss this with Luke and JoDee. Shannon will be present at that meeting and would like the Joint Powers Agreement to be ready to review and discuss at that time also. The Commission and Shannon discussed doing either pre-cast or cast in place culverts. The pre-cast culverts would save about a week of time but piecing the culverts with existing curbs/gutters/pavement would take more design work and thought. The Commission said they would like to go with the cast in place option. Shannon agreed and said he and his supervisor think they will get a better product with cast in place culverts.

11:00am- Bobby Wiedmer and Shannon Hewson left the meeting.


Eric Kary was unable to attend the meeting therefore it was canceled.


Present: Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney; Tom Kachel, Landfill Manager

Darcy Wassmann and the Commission reviewed the most recent contract and discussed the liability clauses in the contract. Darcy will contact Pinnow’s attorney, George Huss, to discuss clarifying the liability the County will have to the Pinnows for seepage and damages. Darcy will also let him know the County doesn’t have exclusive access to the gates that lead to the Landfill and will discuss the liability of cows getting into Landfill because of this.

11:45am- Tom Kachel and Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.


Chuck Lee, 911/DES Coordinator, joined the meeting for Public Comment. Chuck reported the Lions Club is willing to donate $10,000 towards the purchase of a generator. The cost of a generator at the Fairgrounds is approximately $27,000.

11:47am- Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor, joined the meeting.

Lion’s Club member, Norton Walker asked if the County would be able to pay for half of the generator if the Club could increase their contribution to $13,500. Per the Commission, Lani DeBuhr will ask the Fair Board if they want to contribute Fairground funds to purchase half of the generator. Chuck said if this isn’t an option than maybe they can look at purchasing a generator for the Ambulance Garage with the funds.

11:52am- Chuck Lee left the meeting.

Jason Rittal asked the Commission if they had any other comments on the Hail Damage Specs before they are finalized and there was none.

11:55am- Jason Rittal left the meeting.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk



The Commission reviewed and approved the November End of Month Claims in the amount of $1,582,908.65 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.


Present: Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff

The Commission and Trent Harbaugh discussed the pros and cons of having his Deputies and Undersheriff accruing comp time rather than being paid overtime. No decision was made. The points of discussion were:

• An hour of overtime would equal one and a half hours of comp time. Comp time would then be kept in a “comp time bank” for future use. Comp time when used is paid out at straight time, thereby saving the County money.

• Comp time would be beneficial to Trent’s employees if they are low on vacation or sick leave since it can be used in place of sick or vacation leave.

• There would be a yearly cap for comp time to prohibit employees accruing a large volume of comp time. If the comp time isn’t used by end of year it is then paid out directly to employee at straight time.

• Coverage for when someone uses comp time would be an issue in the Sheriff’s Department since it is a small Department.

• Setting precedence for all County employees being able to accrue comp time was discussed. The Sheriff’s department is unique in that it accrues more overtime than other department’s due to the nature of deputies often being called out to locations in addition to their normal work week. Trent said his department is different because of this and at times warrants being treated as such.

Trent gave updates on things he has been working on in the Sheriff’s Department.

4:30pm- Trent Harbaugh left the meeting.


Present: Nicole Benefiel, Justice of the Peace

Nicole Benefiel said it has been brought to her attention that only her, her staff and the Courthouse janitor should have keys to her office. Nicole asked if she can get her office rekeyed because of this and the Commission gave permission. Nicole said she is still researching the best way to make her files secure. The Commission asked Nicole to talk to DuWayne Bohle, Special Projects Worker, about what she needs installed.

4:40pm- Nicole Benefiel left the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

TUESDAY, DEC. 6, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk



Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor

The Commission reviewed the Road Supervisor job description Julie Straub and Bobby Wiedmer worked together on. The Commission approved of the job description.

10:08am- Bobby Wiedmer and Julie Straub left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed and approved the November 2016 time sheets, payroll & withholdings in the amount of $523,135.41 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

11:00am- Chuck Lee, 911/DES Coordinator, joined the meeting.


Present: Alissa Miller, Rec. Department Assistant Director

Alissa Miller gave the Commission updates on current and upcoming activities in the Rec. Department. Alissa said the Parade of Lights may be canceled if the wind chill is severe. Commissioner Ranum suggested moving the date for the parade to right after Thanksgiving next year since there is a better chance of the weather being nicer at that time. Alissa will suggest this to Angie Rabbitt, Rec. Department Director and the Baker Chamber of Commerce Board.

2017 Fallon County Day Musical Entertainment- Alissa asked for permission to hire a Bon Jovi tribute band along with a smaller band for the 2017 Fallon County Days. The band would play in the amphitheater from 8-10p.m. or longer, depending on the size of crowd before the firework show. The cost is $3000 plus five hotel rooms. Alissa said this item was not budgeted for but since the 4th of July is on a Tuesday this year they expect more people to stay in town and would like to offer music for the event. The Commission gave permission to hire the bands.

11:15am- Alissa Miller left the meeting.

Chuck Lee said he discussed the new phone system with Bob Brenner, Tab Electronics and how it would affect the Dispatch Center. Chuck suggested the Commission and Andy Fujimori, IT Tech, get more information about the system before moving all phones to it and the Commission agreed. Chuck will ask Bob to contact Tracy with Mid-Rivers to discuss his concerns about the 911 system integrating with the new phone system.

11:25am- Chuck Lee left the meeting.


Present: Scott Rabbitt, Parks Director

Scott Rabbitt gave the Commission updates on the items he has been working on in the Parks Department. Scott received a quote from Thee Body Shop to repair the hail damage on the water features in the Splash Park. Scott asked the Commission if they wanted him to contact Rain Drop about repairing them also. The Commission said they would like to see the quote from Thee Body Shop before making a decision. Scott reported EMC Insurance said they don’t have any control over how the destroyed picnic shelter at Iron Horse Park is built and because of this he can have Griffith Steel do it.

11:45am- Scott Rabbitt left the meeting.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk



This meeting was canceled.


Present: Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner; Mary Grube, Planner Administrate Assistant

The Commission and Forrest Sanderson reviewed the newly revised subdivision regulations for Fallon County. These regulations were revised by the Planning Board and set forth for the Commission to approve. Upon review the Commission was in agreement with the Planning Board’s revisions. The revised subdivision regulations are filed in the Planning Department Office.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to adopt the newly revised subdivision regulations for Fallon County as presented by the Fallon County Planning Board. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion and there was none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Planner Updates- Mary Grube gave updates on the Department of Commerce’s Funding for Fallon County’s Growth Policy.


Present: Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner; Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant; Kalyn Bohle, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS); Rich Menger, Sanitarian; Scott Rabbitt, Parks Director; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor

Present by Conference Call: Sam Johnson, MT Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC)

The Commission and all present reviewed and discussed the Upper Baker Lake Dam 5 Year Formal Inspection Report conducted by Steve Becker with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the action items contained therein. The summary points of discussion and action items were:

• The County needs to have a spare key in their possession for the dam since there has been an issue in the past with locating the key.

• The County needs to update their Operations and Maintenance Manual since there has been several changes over the year. The manual needs to state who should be contacted when the dam needs to be opened or closed and how to operate it correctly. It is the responsibility of the dam owner to write the manual and the DNRC can assist.

• The City of Baker was given the task of operating the dam since it was for the safety of City of Baker residents. It was suggested an agreement be drafted that gives both Fallon County and the City of Baker the rights to operate the dam and the Commission agreed.

• Rich Menger would like it noted he has contacted the City of Baker and Commission about installing a reliable power source to operate the hydraulic controls of the dam.

• The dam needs to be secured by a locked gate and fencing needs to be installed to stop vehicles and ATVs from going in the area and causing further damage. At a minimum, a locking gate must be installed to prevent unauthorized vehicles from driving across the top of the dam.

• A large pile of dirt is located at the entrance of the left auxiliary spillway, about 200 feet East of the airport fence. The concrete debris is located on the crest of the left auxiliary spillway, about 250 feet north of the airport fence. The dirt and concrete need to be removed from area.

• After the large pile of dirt is removed, the entrance to the left auxiliary spillway must be graded back to the original design specifications. The NRCS can provide survey staking to assist with the earthwork. All disturbed areas, including tire tracks and ruts identified in the Formal Inspection Report, need to be repaired and seeded. The NRCS can assist with the seed mix.

• Cottonwood trees need to be removed from the front slope of the dam.

• The owner’s acknowledgement form needs to be submitted before the DNRC Operation Permit will be issued for the dam. The permit will be issued with the condition that the Operations and Maintenance Manual be completed within the next year. The DNRC will help with the document, with anticipated input from the NRCS.

• All present discussed the proposed wetland complex and how that would affect the Upper and Lower Dams.

3:20pm- Scott Rabbitt left the meeting. Sam Johnson ended the call and thereby left the meeting.

3:30pm- Forrest Sanderson, Mary Grube, Rich Menger, Kalyn Bohle and Bobby Wiedmer left the meeting.


Present: Elisabeth Epley, Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation (EPEDC) Executive Director; Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor

Elisabeth Epley gave the Commission the EPEDC Action Plan to review. This plan lists the projects the EPEDC will be helping Eastern Montana counties with over the next 5 years. Elisabeth and the Commission reviewed the items planned for Fallon County and made the following additions and change: The timeline for the truck by-pass was extended; ambulance garage construction for 2019 was added; making the Courthouse more handicap accessible was added; future bridges were added; Urban Renewal (SMART project) was added; Fallon County was added to the streets/pavement improvement items along with other counties

4:00pm- Elisabeth Epley and Jason Rittal left the meeting.


Board Agenda/Minutes- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.

Revenues- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.

Department Notices/Reports- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.

Emails- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that

required no discussion, action or decision.

4:30pm- Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder, joined meeting to take minutes.


Present: DeeDee Geving, Fair Board Chairman; Alyse Webber, Fair Board Member; Eddie Coulter, Fair Board Member; Lani DeBuhr, Fairgrounds Manager

The Commission and all present met to discuss who should help with the Barn Manager duties since the position has not been filled. Lani DeBuhr said DuWayne Bohle, Special Projects Worker, helped last week and did a great job but DuWayne expressed concern about his availability to do the Barn Manager duties if there is a lot of snow removal to do this winter. Lani said because of this she would like to determine the average number of hours it would take to only do the minimum duties of the position such as snow removal around the big barn and horse stalls, moving manure and garbage removal. When these hours are determined they can then ask DuWayne if he could commit to working those hours for the winter months. Lani said Jerrid Geving and Eddie Coulter have both offered to work the arena when available so DuWayne would only be needed as a backup for that. DeeDee Geving and Eddie thought it would take no more than 5 hours a week to do those duties unless there was a lot of snow to move. Lani agreed and said if there were other things she needed help with she could ask DuWayne about them as they arise. The Commission agreed and Commissioner Baldwin said he will talk to DuWayne about working 5 hours a week and have him contact Lani.

4:40pm- DeeDee Geving, Alyse Webber, Eddie Coulter and Brenda Wood left the meeting.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; William L. Randash, Member; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk

ABSENT: Deb Ranum, Member



Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Eddie Coulter, Fair Board Member; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor; Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman

The Commission and all present discussed who can operate equipment at the Fairgrounds, primarily during Fair. Currently, only Fallon County employees can operate equipment at the Fairgrounds. During Fair week Board Members need to be able to operate the tractor and skidsteer (with or without forks) in order to work the arena and help set the night show stage up. Alba said OSHA requires operators of a forklift or a skidsteer with forks attached to have operator training whereas the tractor and skidsteer without forks do not require training. Alba and Bobby said they have had problems in the past with the maintenance of the equipment not being done when several people use it and would like someone to have authority to pull someone off equipment if they are abusing it. The Commission agreed and said that can be covered in training. Lani asked if Road Department employees may be able to help with erecting the stage towers like they did last year and Bobby said yes, as long as they have someone available. Bobby said communication for those things is key. The Commission will check to see if any special insurance will be needed for Fair Board members to operate the equipment also.

9:20am- Julie Straub, Eddie Coulter, Bobby Wiedmer and Alba Higgins left the meeting.


Swear In Date- The Commission chose December 30th as the swear in date for candidates taking office January 1, 2017.

Change of Rate Approval Forms- The Commission reviewed and signed the Change of Rate Approval Forms for Michael Heiser and Lori Hall for successfully completing one year of employment in the Dispatch Center.

Agreement- The Commission reviewed and signed the Building Demolition Agreement between the City of Baker, Fallon County and Steve Stanhope to reimburse Steve for 50% of his tipping fees for demolishing a home in the City of Baker.

Journal Entry- The Commission reviewed and Commisioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed Budget Journal Entry #2 to move funds from a revenue account to an expense account per Budget Amendment Resolution 2017-4


Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder



Present: Kathy Newell, Election Clerk; Brenda J. Wood as Election Administrator

Brenda Wood and Kathy Newell requested permission to consolidate Precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4 into one precinct. This precinct would continue to vote at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. Brenda said the reason for this request is each year they continue to have a harder time recruiting Election Judges for each precinct, with these precincts combined fewer judges will be needed. Voter approval is not required but letters will be sent out to each voter notifying them of the change. The Commission gave permission and asked that voters be given ample notification of the change.

1:30pm- Brenda Wood and Kathy Newell left the meeting.

2:30pm- Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk, joined the meeting to take minutes.


Present: Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor

Jason Rittal gave a detailed report of items he has been doing on the County’s behalf, including project facilitations, lobbying and holding positions on various Boards, Committees, and other entities in representation of Fallon County. The Commission and Jason discussed his upcoming lobbying activities and the bills that will be presented and considered during Legislation. Bills discussed were ones regarding fuel tax, infrastructure bonding bill, local option tax, revising tax liens and tax deed laws, coal-fire generation funding, County Commission quorum requirement clarifications and the study of renewable energy credits in Montana. Jason and the Commission discussed and reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan for the upcoming FY2017-18. Jason gave the Commission a Procurement Policy to review in the event FEMA requires it of the County.

3:45pm- Jason Rittal left the meeting.


Present: Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

Pinnow Agreement- Darcy presented the changes made to the Landfill Agreement between Fallon County and Craig and Wanda Pinnow as discussed in a previous meeting. The Commission approved the changes and Darcy will send it to Pinnow’s Attorney, George Huss.

Joint Powers Agreement- Darcy gave the Commission a copy of a Joint Powers Agreement draft to review. The agreement gives the County permission to work on installing the drainage and culverts in the City of Baker with the City of Baker being responsible to clean the channels out. The Commission suggested minor changes to the agreement and Darcy will make the changes.

NBWS Drainage Issue- The Commission and Darcy discussed the drainage issue in the NBWS.

5:10pm- Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; William L. Randash, Member

ABSENT: Deb Ranum, Member



The Commission attended the FEMA Tech Assistant Meeting in the Courthouse Library Basement. This meeting was FEMA Representatives giving training and instruction on the correct way to use and document the use of FEMA funds.


Present: David Espeland, FMC CEO; Margie Losing; FMC CFO

David Espeland gave updates on FMC’s recruitment efforts, Parkview’s hail damage claim and the FMC Basement project. David and the Commission discussed the following items:

STAT Air- FMC has become a member of STAT Air with flights coming out of Glasgow, MT. FMC will give this company preference if an air ambulance is needed and the company is very transparent with their pricing. The Commission suggested asking STAT Air if they would be interested in keeping a plane in Baker due to Baker being equal distance from Billings, Bismarck and Rapid City.

Eastern Star- Eastern Star is a non-profit company that recently purchased wheel chairs for Parkview I and II. FMC will send a thank you to them on behalf of Fallon County.

Satellite TV- The Commission and David discussed FMC collecting funds from Parkview residents for this service that in turn would be paid back to Fallon County. Margie Losing will discuss this further with Selena Nelson, FMC CFO. Hooking up the satellite tv to the Health Department’s waiting room will be discussed with Kim Cuppy, Health Nurse, also.

10:45am- Commissioner Ranum joined the meeting.

IT Assistance- The Commission and David discussed having FMC’s IT tech cover for Andy Fujimori, Fallon County IT Tech, when he is gone on vacation or out sick. David will discuss this with their IT Tech and the Commission will discuss it with Andy also.

11:00am- David Espeland and Margie Losing left the meeting.


Mid-Rivers Phone Quote Decision- The Commission reviewed the quote from Mid-Rivers for the new phone system and decided to set up an appointment with Tracy from Mid-Rivers to review it together before making a decision.

Project Reviews- Project reviews were postponed due to the cold weather.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess and attend the Baker Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members




Commissioner Ranum made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

MONDAY, DEC. 12, 2016


PRESENT: Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman



Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Brenda Wood said they interviewed four candidates for the Recording Clerk position and would like to offer it to Peggy Paylor. The Commission gave permission and signed the New Hire Approval Form authorizing Peggy Paylor to be hired as the Recording Clerk in the Clerk and Recorder’s office.

9:10am- Julie Straub and Brenda Wood left the meeting.


Present: Dan Brosz, Brosz Engineering; Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

Dan Brosz and Darcy Wassmann reviewed Brosz Engineering’s Baker Lake Engineering Contract. Dan discussed the measures included in the contract to ensure all of FEMA’s requirements are met. Dan said they will be billing their work by the hour and doesn’t expect to exceed the estimated cost of services. Darcy pointed out that Brosz Engineering’s liability is limited to $100,000 in the contract and asked if there could be a situation in which damages that were a direct result of their design could exceed $100,000. Dan said they could increase it to $1 million if desired and the Commission and Darcy agreed with that amount being changed. Darcy said everything else in the contract looked good. Dan will make the changes and then FEMA will need to approve it.

10:00am- Darcy Wassman left the meeting.


Present: Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor; Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Dan Brosz, Brosz Engineering

Project Updates-

Cooper Box Culvert- Bobby Wiedmer and Shannon Hewson decided together to assess six days of liquidated damages to the project rather than the 14 days it went over schedule. Shannon said this was because the contractor didn’t start the project until after the completion date in the contract. Bobby and Shannon felt it was fair to only charge the contractor for the six days he worked rather than all 14 days since the delay was in part because of the previous project’s culverts needing to be reformed. Shannon said the contractor was in agreement with this also. The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Ranum, as acting Chairman, signed Pay App #1 from Shep’s Welding for the Cooper Box Culvert Project in the amount of


Webster Rd Box Culvert- Shannon gave the Commission an invoice from Fox Hills Fencing for the removal of fence and installation of temporary fence for the Webster Rd Box Culvert in the amount of $3273.

10:12am- Shannon Hewson and Dan Brosz left the meeting.

Road Updates- Bobby Wiedmer gave updates on the items the Road Crew will be working on this week.

Shop Updates- Alba Higgins gave updates on the vehicles and equipment being serviced or repaired this week. Alba gave updates on other items the Shop Crew is working on this week.

10:28am- Alba Higgins and Bobby Wiedmer left the meeting.


Eric Kary was unable to attend the meeting therefore it was canceled.


Board Agenda/Minutes- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.

Revenues- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.

Department Notices/Reports- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.

Emails- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that

required no discussion, action or decision.


No one appeared for Public Comment.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 2016


The Commission attended the Pre-Bid Hail Meeting in the Library Basement.

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