PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
Commissioner Randash made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2016 with amendments. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant
Julie Straub, Mary Grube and the Commission discussed Mary’s schedule and the work she does for the County and the City of Baker. Mary said she doesn’t know what this meeting is about and thinks it unprofessional to have it on the agenda without her knowing. Julie said she has received several complaints from other County employees about Mary’s hours. Julie said she recently received a call from an unidentified caller who notified her about the Courthouse lights being on in the evening and when Julie went to check if the lights were left on she found Mary working late. Julie said in response to the complaints about the hours Mary works she submitted a report to the Commission after the Commission told her to schedule an appointment. Mary said she hasn’t seen a copy of the report and was only told the meeting was about her hours. Commissioner Baldwin said his main concern is Mary’s hours being posted so the public knows when she is going to be in the office. Julie said she is concerned about Mary working 12-13 hour days and has encouraged her to flex her hours to avoid this. Mary said she often has to work late to attend evening board meetings for the City and County and to get uninterrupted work done, especially when she is up against deadlines. Mary said she has a lot of foot traffic in her office and due to the Commission taking her Department down to one person she is often interrupted and unable to get some of her work done during the day. Mary said since she works by herself and manages the Department she should be an exempt employee and isn’t classified correctly and made reference to a law regarding this. Julie said Mary is an Administrative Assistant and is classified correctly. Commissioner Ranum said several elected officials work late and on weekends also although she doesn’t agree with that practice. Commissioner Ranum said she would like to discuss this further with only the Commission and the County Attorney present and no minutes taken. Commissioner Ranum said she would also like to discuss the work Mary is expected to do for the City of Baker with the County Attorney present. The Commission asked Mary to email them when she expects to work late and to post her hours if they are outside a normal business day.
9:40pm- Julie Straub left the meeting.
Mary began to complain about two County employee’s behavior. Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk, advised the Commission and Mary that the discussion needed to stop due to the employees not being present to speak on their own behalf. Mary said the Commission are her Supervisor and if she can’t talk to them who can she talk to. Lani said she is only trying to make sure the laws and Roberts Rules of Order are followed and said it can be discussed with the Commission but the people she is talking about need the opportunity to be present also and the Commission agreed.
9:45am- Mary Grube left the meeting.
10:00AM ROAD
Present: Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor
Road Updates- Bobby Wiedmer gave updates on the activities of the Road Crew this week.
Shop Updates- Alba Higgins gave updates on the equipment and vehicles being serviced or repaired this week.
10:11am- Alba Higgins and Bobby Wiedmer the meeting.
10:15am- Shannon Hewson with Brosz Engineering and Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant, joined the meeting.
Baker Lake Dam Gates- The Commission asked Shannon Hewson to speak with Luke Holestine, City of Baker Public Works Director, about opening the Baker Lake Dam Gates. Mary Grube asked if a backup battery pack could be purchased in the event the one they have doesn’t work and the Commission said yes.
Cooper Box Culvert Project- The Commission and Shannon discussed the Cooper Box Culvert Project extending past the contract deadline. Shannon suggested not assessing Liquidated Damages since the recasting of culverts for the Westmore Box Culvert put the contractor back two weeks and this was out of their control. The Commission agreed and will not assess Liquidated Damages.
10:37am- Shannon Hewson and Mary Grube left the meeting.
Present: Eric Kary, Golf Course Supervisor; Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager
Eric Kary gave updates on what he is working on at the Golf Course and said he will not be accruing overtime this week.
11:05am- Eric Kary and Julie Straub left the meeting.
Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager
The Commission reviewed and signed the New Hire Approval Form authorizing Lani DeBuhr to be hired as the Fairgrounds Manager.
Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
Julie Straub and Brenda Wood asked for permission to begin recruiting for the Recording Clerk position Lani DeBuhr will be vacating. The Commission gave permission.
11:35AM- Julie Straub and Brenda Wood joined the meeting.
11:35am- John Beach, Member of the Public, joined the meeting. John Beach said Sandy Kinsey asked him to come for Public Comment to discuss an issue that happened last week although he wasn’t sure of the specifics. Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk, said she spoke with Sandy about it last week and Sandy scheduled an appointment for next Monday to discuss it with the Commission. Lani said she thinks the discussion is about the conduct of County employees and when this happens the employees have the right to be present in order to speak on their own behalf. Lani said because of this the discussion shouldn’t take place during Public Comment and the Commission agreed.
11:40pm- John Beach left the meeting.
Sandy Kinsey, Member of the Public, joined the meeting. Sandy asked for County Employees, Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick to be present for this comment.
11:45am- Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick joined the meeting.
Sandy said she reserved the Extension Conference Room for November 2 and when she and other volunteers were using the room that day Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick came into the room unannounced and were disruptive. Sandy said they began walking around inspecting the floors and after they left the room Debbie began hollering about her cart. Sandy said this is unacceptable behavior and expects them to write a public letter of apology and to apologize for their behavior. Debbie apologized and said she should have asked permission to enter the room to look at the floors. Debbie said she was only looking for her elections cart as it would be needed for Elections. Julie apologized and said she should have paid more attention to the meeting in progress. Sandy said the Clerk and Recorder’s Office has always been very helpful but wants this meeting recorded in the minutes because she will not put up with this type of behavior and demanded it to stop. Debbie told Sandy they had already apologized and wasn’t sure what else Sandy expected. Sandy said they made her feel like a second class citizen and it was up to the Commission to make sure employees conduct themselves in an orderly manner. The Commission said they understand and Sandy said it was a done issue then.
11:53am- Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder, joined the meeting.
Brenda Wood told the Commission if Sandy was going to discuss her employee’s conduct she should have been allowed to join the meeting and it should not have been done during a Public Comment session. Lani DeBuhr said Sandy had scheduled a meeting for Monday, November 14 to discuss it but then came in today. Sandy said she didn’t want to wait that long and it was her right to be heard.
11:57am- Sandy Kinsey left the meeting.
Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick apologized to the Commission. Debbie said she will talk to Maggie Bainter, Extension Secretary, about putting signage up outside the Conference Room so people can easily see what meetings are taking place in there.
12:00pm- Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick left the meeting.
12:00pm- Jerrid Geving, Member of the Public, called in for Public Comment. Jerrid asked about the work that is being done on Pennel Road since it is difficult to drive on it now that the work has started. Commissioner Baldwin said he would check on it and call Jerrid back.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
Present: Forrest Sanderson, Contracted Planner; Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant
Forrest Sanderson asked for permission to have the boundary lines retraced for property south of the Rolling Rubber Building. Forrest said a survey was done on the property in 1996 and the tract was created as an AG Exempt Division but in 2003 a Certificate of Survey was done relocating the boundary lines. Forrest said this COS was done without a subdivision review and was therefore in violation of MT State Statue. Forrest said now a boundary line retracement is being requested and has met all the requirements set forth. Forrest said because of this he suggests the County not concern itself with undoing the 2003 COS and the Commission agreed. Forrest said the current subdivision rules and regulations set forth will ensure this type of error doesn’t happen in the future.
1:27am- Forrest Sanderson and Mary Grube left the meeting.
1:30pm- Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk, excused herself from the meeting for duration of day in order to assist in the Elections Department.
The Commission reviewed and approved the October End of Month Claims in the amount of $918,836.94 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
4:00PM COUNTY ATTORNEY UPDATES Present: Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney Darcy Wassmann and the Commission discussed items they have asked her to do research on such as the Big Sky Mental Health Contract; Shell Oil Road Culvert and the Enos’ fencing. The Commission asked Darcy to contact Shannon Hewson with Brosz Engineering to discuss drafting a Joint Power Agreement between Fallon County and the City of Baker for when the culverts are placed through town.
5:00pm- Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.
5:00PM EVENING RECESS Commissioner Ranum made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman
Building Demolition Agreements- The Commission reviewed and signed the Building Demolition Agreement between Fallon County, City of Baker and J&M Lumber to reimburse J&M Lumber 50% of their tipping fees for demolition of a house on 2nd Street. The Commission reviewed and signed the Building Demolition Agreement between Fallon County, Town of Plevna and Roy & Berdie Rieger to reimburse Roy & Berdie Rieger 50% of their tipping fees for demolition of his home in Plevna.
Encroachment Permit- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Ranum, as District I Commissioner, signed Encroachment Permit #619 to move fence on the north side of Ollie Road into Right of Way.
Journal Entry- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Ranum, as acting Chairman, signed Journal Entry #289 to correct AP coding for an airport and vehicle purchase.
Board Agenda/Minutes- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.
Revenues- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.
Department Notices/Reports- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.
Emails- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.
Present: Angie Rabbitt, Rec. Department Director
Angie Rabbitt gave the Commission updates on the activities in the Rec. Department and shared things she is working on offering in the future. Angie asked the Commission for permission to paint her office now that she has moved all her supplies to the container and the Commission gave her permission.
11:20am- Angie Rabbitt left the meeting.
Present: Scott Rabbitt, Parks Director
Scott Rabbitt gave updates on the light pole repairs around Baker Lake. Scott said he is still waiting for MDU to turn the power to the lights back on and will call Tavis with MDU to ask when this will be done. Scott gave updates on the items he is working on before winter sets in. Scott asked the Commission about having Griffith Steel build a picnic shelter for Iron Horse Park rather than replacing the log building that was destroyed in the tornado. The Commission said they will have to talk to Debbie Wyrick and Jason Rittal to see if it is possible and find out what type of building can be built. The Commission asked Scott if Jodee Pratt, City of Baker Mayor, still wants to relocate the City Park that was destroyed by the tornado to Iron Horse Park. Scott said he wasn’t sure and he and the Commission discussed the logistics and sewer availability of the City Park land.
11:50am- Scott Rabbitt left the meeting.
The Commission presented and discussed their individual rankings of the RFQ Submittals. The rankings given by the Commission were:
Commissioner Randash made the motion to award the Professional Engineering Services of the Baker Lake Clean-Up Project to Brosz Engineering as their ranking was the highest. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays.
12:20pm- Rich Menger left the meeting.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. The motion carried.
PRESENT: Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman
Present: Lynda Herbst, Inside Building Maintenance
Lynda Herbst gave the Commission updates on things she is working on in the Inside Building Maintenance Department. Commissioner Ranum asked Lynda if the City Council could use the courtroom speaker system since it is hard to hear them during their meetings. Lynda told Commissioner Ranum to ask Jerri Newell, Clerk of Court, since she is responsible for the use of the courtroom.
2:10pm- Lynda Herbst left the meeting.
Present: Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director
Carla Brown gave the Commission updates on activities in the Council on Aging Department. Carla said she would like to expand the out of town transportation they provide to the elderly for doctor’s appointments. Carla said they currently provide transportation to Miles City but would like to begin offering it for areas such as Billings and Dickinson like Carter County does. Carla said 70% of her transportation operating costs are reimbursed back to the County so the expense to expand this service would be minimal. The Commission gave Carla permission to begin offering this service.
2:30pm- Carla Brown left the meeting.
Courthouse Scooters- Commissioner Ranum said she would still like to offer the use of scooters to the elderly or handicap patrons who come to the Courthouse since the location of the handicap parking is quite a distance from the entrance door. Commissioner Ranum said she would like to discuss this with Stacey Moore, Library Services Director, since the majority of the people who would use it would probably be going to the Library.
Parkview Rental Agreement- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Ranum, as acting Chairman, signed a Parkview Rental Agreement between Fallon County and a new resident at Parkview Complex.
Present: Stacey Moore, Library Services Director
Stacey Moore gave updates on current and future activities in the Library. Stacey said they recently conducted their annual survey and received comments on the handicap parking not being very assessable. Stacey said she would like to look into applying for a grant to either install a handicap ramp or platform lift at the front entrance of Library. Commissioner Ranum said they tried to have a ramp installed there before but the space wasn’t big enough. The Commission and Stacey discussed purchasing scooters for patrons to use. Commissioner Ranum asked Stacey to talk to the Library Board about it and gave her permission to purchase one if they are in agreement with it.
3:30pm- Stacey Moore left the meeting.
This meeting was rescheduled for next week.
Present: Karen Banister, Museum Curator
Karen Banister gave updates on things she has been working on at the Museum and gave a report on the training she attended in Hysham, MT.
3:52pm- Karen Banister left the meeting.
Present: Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff
Trent Harbaugh gave updates on daily prisoner counts and the activity in the Sheriff’s Department. Trent gave updates on cell improvements and said he will be adding two more beds. Trent said the Sheriff’s HVAC unit is working but is still throwing alarms. The Commission and Trent discussed his staff and when overtime is accrued.
4:40pm- Trent Harbaugh left the meeting.
Present: Nicole Benefiel, Justice of the Peace; Trisha Shipman, Justice Court Clerk
Nicole Benefiel gave updates on the activities in the District Court Department. Nicole said the Visionnet system in the courtroom is used for depositions and when this is done she is unable to use the courtroom. Nicole said this concerns her since she is still very busy and has to ensure all offenders are given a speedy trial. Nicole said depositions aren’t required to take place in a court room and could be done in another. Nicole said she spoke to Jerri Newell, Clerk of Court, and Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney about having another Visionnet system installed in the jury room so the depositions can take place there instead. Jerri said it could be done but doesn’t think the State would pay for another system so it would be the County’s responsibility to purchase. Nicole asked the Commission to consider purchasing another Visionnet system for the jury room in the next fiscal year if possible.
Nicole said her Clerks attended a Justice Information Conference and were informed all court documents need to be stored in a secure area with restricted access. Nicole said her files are stored in the basement vault and are currently not secured or restriced but could be by installing a fence around the files with a gate that is padlocked. The Commission agreed that would be a good solution. Nicole said she is going to contact other Counties to ask how they are storing their files also.
5:00pm- Nicole Benefiel and Trisha Shipman left the meeting.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to recess for the evening. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. The motion carried.
PRESENT: Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman
Present: Iven Felt, Cemetery Caretaker
Iven Felt gave updates on what he has been working on at the Cemetery.
9:10am- Iven Felt left the meeting.
Present: Dale Butori, Weed Supervisor
Dale Butori gave updates on things he has completed in the Weed Department this season and items he will continue to work on during the winter months.
9:35am- Dale Butori left the meeting.
Present: Shane Bettenhausen, Rifle Range Manager
Shane Bettenhausen gave updates on memberships and activities at the Rifle Range. Shane asked the Commission for permission to purchase filters for the Indoor Rifle Range and they gave him permission.
9:50am- Shane Bettenhausen left the meeting.
Present by Phone Call: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager
Julie Straub said Michele Domagala has asked if she can interview Julie for a project she is doing for her collegiate Human Resource Management Class. Julie said she wanted to make sure the Commission would approve of her being interviewed for this and they gave permission.
9:55am- Julie Straub ended the call and thereby left the meeting.
Present: David Espeland, FMC CEO; Margie Losing, FMC CFO
Hail Damage- David Espeland gave updates on FMC’s hail damage repairs. David said the County has Parkview I/II and FMC’s Dietary wing under their insurance in which the County bills FMC for the Dietary portion of insurance. David suggested having the Dietary wing under FMC’s insurance policy instead and the Commission agreed.
Parkview Retirement Complex- The Commission and David discussed the improvements he would like to do at Parkview in the coming year. David said he would still like to trade out the window air conditioners with mini-splits in the Parkview I units. David said the window units are noisy and also have air leaks around them, causing the apartments to get cold in the winter. David said the cost to operate one window a/c unit is around $600 per season and because of this some residents don’t run the unit to save money. David said the cost to run a mini-split per unit is $250-$300 per season. David said in order for the residents to be billed directly for the electricity to operate the mini-split a subpanel would need to also be installed in each apartment. The cost to install a subpanel for each unit would be $2500 at a minimum for a grand total of at least $30,000 to install all 12 subpanels. David asked the Commission to consider not installing the subpanels and instead having the County billed for the cost of operating the units since it would only cost approximately $4500 per year to operate all 12 units.
Sheriff Department Requests Follow-Up- Prisoner Meals: David said they analyzed the price per meal and it wouldn’t be a good value for the County to have FMC provide the Sheriff’s Department prisoner’s meals. David said they could help them with giving them freezer space to store meals they purchase in bulk and will talk to Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff, about this. Prisoner Room at FMC: David said he and Sue Lundy, FMC Head Nurse, discussed Trent’s request for a room to be set aside for the Sheriff’s Department to use in the event they have a prisoner they need to quarantine for mental health issues or other medical issues. Sue said it is possile and is currently doing more research on providing this, when research is complete David will present it to the Commission.
Finance- Margie Losing gave the Commission FMC’s September Financial Statement to review. David said they have recently rented a house for traveling doctors to stay in per the doctors’ request. David gave updates on the physician recruitments that are being done.
11:00am- David Espeland and Margie Losing left the meeting.
Present: Rich Menger, Sanitarian
Rich Menger gave the Commission updates on the items he has been working on in the Sanitation Department.
11:25am- Rich Menger left the meeting.
Roger Meggers, Airport Manager, did not attend the meeting therefore it was canceled.
Present: Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
Brenda Wood gave updates on the activities in the Clerk and Recorder’s office. Brenda gave revenue, election and absentee ballot reports for the Commission to review.
12:00pm- Brenda Wood left the meeting.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum, stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. The motion carried.
PRESENT: Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman
Present: DuWayne Bohle, Special Projects Worker
DuWayne Bohle gave updates on what various County projects and items he has been working on. DuWayne asked for permission to plant trees around the Indoor Shooting Range and the Commission gave permission.
1:20pm- DuWayne Bohle left the meeting.
Present: Andy Fujimori, IT Tech
Andy Fujimori gave the Commission updates on things he has been working on in the IT Department. Andy gave the Commission quotes for a new server and a firewall upgrade and said his budget has funding for them. (Server: Tyler Technologies for $17,804; Firewall Upgrade: Cerdant for $6,607.21). The Commission said they would like to discuss these quotes with Commissioner Baldwin next week before making a decision.
Andy asked if he could receive his next step in salary now that he has completed his training. The Commission said they will discuss this with Julie Straub and Debbie Wyrick before making a decision.
1:45pm- Andy Fujimori left the meeting.
Present: Lisa Mitchell, Ambulance Director
Lisa Mitchell gave updates on the activities and upcoming EMT training in the Ambulance Department. Lisa discussed the high amount of on call hours she is accruing and is hoping this will change once more EMTS get trained. Lisa asked for permission to go to Missouri to inspect the new ambulance and possibly drive it back depending on the weather at a cost of $500. Lisa said she isn’t sure how long she would be gone for but will find out and let the Commission know. The Commission said as long as the emergency calls are handled in her absence it most likely will be ok but would like to discuss it with Commissioner Baldwin next week before making a final decision. Lisa said she would like to look for a place to build a new Ambulance Garage on. The Commission said they have always thought it would go on the east side of the Bethel Hanger but said they could consider other locations. Lisa asked the Commission to consider what ambulance they would like to get rid of once the new ambulance is here and said Miles City’s Ambulance Department would like to purchase one if possible. The Commission said they think the ambulance would have to be sold via a public auction but will research it to see if it can be sold directly to another County.
2:35pm- Lisa Mitchell left the meeting.
Present: Tom Kachel, Landfill Manager
Tom Kachel gave updates on things they have been working on at the Landfill. Tom said he is going to need to purchase two new tires for his loader and the Commission gave permission. The Commission and Tom discussed the amount of branches the City will be bringing out to the Landfill. Tom said he will not be able to dispose of all the branches with his tub grinder and said they need to purchase a grinder like the one he presented to them last month or hire a company to do it. Tom said the last time they hired a company it cost $18,000. The Commission asked Tom to contact the tree chipping company that has been in Plevna this week to see what they would charge to grind the branches.
2:50pm- Tom Kachel left the meeting.
Present: Kim Cuppy, Health Nurse
Kim Cuppy gave updates on the Health Department and shared how well the staffing transitions have gone.
2:55pm- Kim Cuppy left the meeting.
Present: Brenda Hoeger, Dispatch Supervisor
Brenda Hoeger gave updates on Dispatch and the trainings her staff will be attending. Brenda and the Commission discussed issues she has been having with an outlying County’s Sheriff. The Commission asked Brenda to talk to Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney, to ask how the best way would be to deal with this.
3:20pm- Brenda Hoeger left the meeting.
Present: Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant
Mary Grube gave the Commission Planning Department documents to review. Mary requested she begin having weekly meetings with the Commission for 30 minutes to promote communication between her and the Commission.
3:25pm- Kenny Griffith, Member of the Public, joined the meeting.
Mary said she was not apprised of what the meeting on Monday with Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager, was about and was disappointed with how the discussion was handled, especially because Julie violated HIPPA laws during it. Commissioner Ranum said she too didn’t know what the meeting was about and wasn’t the person that called Julie about the Courthouse lights being on as some people think. Mary said she was also upset with how she was shut down by Lani DeBuhr in the meeting and wasn’t able to speak about a situation and wants it recorded in the minutes. Lani asked the Commission if she could speak to the matter and was given permission. Lani said she told Mary and the Commission the discussion needed to stop because Mary was talking about other employee’s conduct and those employees weren’t present to speak on their own behalf as they should have been. Mary said it wasn’t Lani’s place to stop the meeting, it was the Commission Chairman’s responsibility. Lani said the Commission has asked her and it is in her job description to help them abide by Montana Open Meeting Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order which is what she was doing. Mary said Lani should have told Commissioner Baldwin and he should have been the one to stop the meeting and Lani agreed, saying she would do that in the future. Mary said she was also upset about Julie changing the time of Monday’s meeting. Mary said the meeting was originally scheduled for today but because Commissioner Baldwin was going to be gone Julie moved it to Monday. Mary said Julie shouldn’t have changed the time of the meeting because Commissioner Ranum and Commissioner Randash established a quorum. Mary said she was also questioned by Julie in regards to her attending City Council meetings and Mary said it is State mandated she attend those meetings. Mary said she was very upset by how two employees interrupted her last week and that she has witnesses to what happened. Mary said they were very unprofessional and caused her to break out in hives.
3:32pm- Mary asked for the session to be closed and the Commission went into closed session.
3:33pm- The Commission went back into open session.
3:35pm- Mary Grube left the meeting.
Commissioner Randash said the Commission hasn’t been able to work anything out with a landowner in resolving the drainage issue in NBWS District. The Commission asked if the NBWS District members could possibly talk to the landowner and Kenny said they have tried to no gain. The Commission and Kenny reviewed the drainage and land ownership in the area and discussed ways to solve it.
4:00pm- Kenny Griffith left the meeting.
Chuck Lee, 911/DES Coordinator, was unable to attend this meeting therefore it was rescheduled for next week.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Being there was no second, Commissioner Ranum stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. The motion carried.
THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 2016
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
Present: Chuck Lee, 911/DES Coordinator
Chuck Lee gave the Commission updates on activities in the 911/DES Department and gave a report on the most recent conferences he attended. Chuck is working on purchasing 100 NOOA Weather Radios to provide to County residents.
9:22AM- Chuck Lee left the meeting.
Present: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
Julie Straub discussed and presented the job descriptions she has been working on. Julie said an employee from the Road Department will be retiring in February and Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor, would like to start recruiting for the position then.
Julie said her and Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff, have been discussing the overtime hours his officers and him accrue. Julie said Trent’s officers often accrue overtime due to the emergent nature of their job and asked the Commission to consider allowing them to comp their time. Julie said any overtime hours would go into a compensatory time “bank” that could be used in place of vacation or sick leave. Julie said a cap on the number of hours that could be accrued would be set and the hours would have to be used in the fiscal year they are accrued. Julie said if the hours weren’t used then they would be paid out at the end of the fiscal year at the regular rate of pay. Julie said the State of Montana allows this and it works very well. Julie said it could be rolled out as a “test” program for the Sheriff’s Department and if the Commission wasn’t satisfied with it they could choose to no longer offer it. The Commission said they will discuss this with Trent before making a decision.
Julie asked the Commission if they would like her to continue submitting bi-weekly reports on Landfill employee Paul Christ’s Equipment Operator training. The Commission said as long as the training continues so he can cover shifts for the other Landfill Equipment Operators as needed no further reports are necessary.
Julie said Barb Lechler, Fairgrounds Manager, reported a drill and small air compressor are missing from the Fairgrounds. Julie and the Commission discussed ensuring all departments have personal inventory lists and a system in place so they can keep track of and account for items in their departments.
Julie said if she or the Commission need to discuss anything that pertains to a material decision it will need to take place while the Commission is in session and be on the agenda so there is a clear record of what is being discussed. Commissioner Ranum asked Julie to contact law enforcement if another incident happens where something is reported about the Courthouse rather than going there herself and Julie agreed.
9:45am- Julie Straub and Brenda Wood left the meeting.
Present: Eric Kary, Golf Course Manager
Eric Kary gave the Commission updates on the items he is working on at the Golf Course.
9:52am- Eric Kary left the meeting. Lani DeBuhr excused herself from the meeting to attend First Aid Training. Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder, joined the meeting to take minutes.
10:00AM ROAD DEPARTMENT UDPATES Present: Mark Sieler, Road Foreman; Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering
Shop Updates- Alba Higgins gave updates on the equipment and vehicles being serviced or repaired this week. Alba gave updates on the Shop Crane and where the fleet vehicles will be stored. Alba asked for permission to update the Vision Link software that notifies CAT when a piece of their equipment shows a code at a cost of $2400 and permission was granted. The Commission gave permission for Alba and Mitch Overn to attend window chip repair training at a cost of $750 for heavy equipment.
Road Updates- Mark Sieler gave updates on the activities of the Road Crew this week.
10:35am- Alba Higgins and Mark Sieler left the meeting.
Project Updates- Shannon Hewson gave updates on the following projects: Cooper Box Culvert, Dry Fork Box Culvert and Westmore Box Culvert. The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed Pay App #1 from Diamond J Construction for the Coal Bank Creek and Webster Road Box Culverts. Shannon gave the Commission a Bridge Structure Replacement Report to review.
10:45am- Shannon Hewson left the meeting.
Present: Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, read the 2016 General Election Results for the State of Montana aloud as Commissioner Ranum and Commissioner Randash certified the recorded results.
The Commission began reviewing the Commission Minutes for the week of November 7-11, 2016.
Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney, joined the meeting to review the most recent “Gotta Questions” from Fallon County Times. Darcy said she will draft her comments on the questions and give them to the Commission when finished.
12:00pm- Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
Present: Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant
Mary Grube gave updates on items she has been working on in the Planning Department including floodplain activity and permits that have been filed. Mary gave updates on subdivisions that will be coming before the Commission for approval in November and December. Mary reported the Town of Plevna was given a grant for $25,000 to assist with their zoning and Forrest Sanderson, Contracted Planner, is applying for another grant to help the City of Baker with their zoning. Mary said she has recently been asked to cut vinyl letters but, as discussed before, once the vinyl is gone she would like to sell the equipment and no longer offer that service and the Commission agreed.
1:40pm- Mary Grube left the meeting.
This meeting was canceled.
This meeting was canceled.
Present: Roger Meggers, Airport Manager
Roger Meggers gave a report on the Powder River Training Complex meeting that he and lobbyist, David Turch, attended at the Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, SD. Roger said several things were discussed including the data waivers that have been granted to the Air Force and the increase in activity they expect in the future. Roger shared concerns that were voiced at the meeting from various people and said they are considering establishing a Powder River Council to have a stronger voice but the Air Force may not sign onto it. Roger said he would like to continue to keep David working on their behalf as he does a good job for the County.
2:27pm- Roger Meggers left the meeting.
2:27pm- Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder, joined the meeting.
Debbie Wyrick and the Commission discussed increasing the insurance deductible for the Sheriff’s new pick up from $500 to $1,000 and Debbie will get a quote to see what the cost would be to changing the deductible to $1,000.
2:30pm- Debbie Wyrick left the meeting.
The Commission continued to review the Commission Minutes for the week of November 7-11, 2016.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of November 7-11, 2016. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
IT Tech Purchase Requests- The Commission reviewed the quotes submitted by Andy Fujimori, IT Tech, to purchase a new server, updated the firewall and wireless access points for the County. The Commission approved the purchase of these items.
Forms- Immunization Program Task Order: The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed the Task Order 17-07-4-31-113-0 Unified Government Master Contract between Fallon County and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) for the Immunization Program.
Board Agenda/Minutes- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.
Revenues- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.
Department Notices/Reports- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.
Emails- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.
4:30PM OUTSIDE BUILDING MAINTENANCE UPDATES Joe Janz, Outside Building Maintenance Supervisor, was unable to attend the meeting therefore it was canceled and will be rescheduled.
Commissioner Randash made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
ABSENT: William L. Randash, Member
Present: Barb Ketterling, Treasurer; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney; Jerrie Newell, Clerk of Court; Nicole Benefiel, Justice of the Peace; Trent Harbaugh, Sheriff
Commissioner Ranum said she called for the meeting to discuss conduct of employees with the Elected Officials as she feels the Commission has lost management of its employees. Commissioner Ranum said because of this she would like to begin meeting with Elected Officials and Department Heads one-on-one to discuss issues as they arise rather than being given the information by someone else. Commissioner Ranum sited various incidents in which the Commission was not involved with employee issues or discussions and feels Commission decisions are being conducted when the Commission is not in session.
Barb Ketterling said State statute sets forth she is the one to manage her employees and if she has personnel issues she would ask Julie Straub to help her as that is what a Human Resource Manager is for. Barb said if it became a bigger issue than her and Julie could resolve she would then bring it to the Commission. Commissioner Ranum said that is fine, Barb can manage her employees as she sees fit. Nicole Benefiel agreed with Barb and said there is a difference between personnel issues and supervisory issues. Nicole said she thought the quarterly meetings with Elected Officials and Department Heads were set up to help the Commission manage and communicate with their employees better and Commissioner Baldwin said yes, that is the purpose of those meetings.
Nicole said she is concerned about the Commission not being at all the Fallon County Policy review meetings. Nicole said she answers to the Montana Supreme Court and because of this there are things in the Fallon County Policy Manual she will not be able to sign off on. Commissioner Ranum said the Policy Manual is needed but employers have a way of twisting the manual to their own use and there are things in the Manual she wouldn’t sign off on either. Darcy said the Commission has to approve and adopt the Policy Manual so if there are things the Commission doesn’t approve of they need to keep working at it until they can all approve it.
Darcy Wassmann asked for clarification on what conduct Commissioner Ranum set the meeting up for. Commissioner Ranum said one thing they have been struggling with is when people try and speak up in a meeting and are shut down by the Recording Clerk. Commissioner Ranum said it was put in her job description but doesn’t know why since it is the Commission’s job to do that and it puts the Recording Clerk in an awkward spot. Commissioner Baldwin agreed and said he needs to do a better job at managing the meetings. Barb agreed but said if something goes south in a meeting someone needs to shut it down, that it’s not fair to let it keep going.
Darcy said the Study Commission letter was misleading and gave out wrong information and others present agreed. Darcy said because of this she would like to encourage Department Heads and Elected Officials to respond by clarifying the erroneous information and present it to the public in a pamphlet form. The Commission agreed.
Commissioner Ranum said she would like to start meeting with Trent Harbaugh once a month to discuss what is going on in his department and the overtime hours that are being accrued. Trent agreed it would be a good idea and said he believes his office and all others conduct themselves in a professional manner. Darcy agreed and said any concerns the Commission has can be addressed in open meetings.
9:33am- Barb Ketterling, Brenda Wood, Darcy Wassmann, Jerrie Newell, Nicole Benefiel and Trent Harbaugh left the meeting.
The Commission reviewed the minutes for the week of November 14-18, 2016.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of November 14-18, 2016. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin, stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.
Present: Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor
Shop Updates- Alba Higgins gave updates on the vehicles and equipment being serviced or repaired this week. Alba said Mitch Overn and Bobby Wiedmer will be getting Class A/B training for the underground fuel tanks. Alba suggested having all County employees who use the fuel tanks at the County Shop to be trained on how to operate the emergency shut off switch and who to contact in the event of a fuel tank emergency. Bobby said the training could be done during a monthly safety meeting and the Commission agreed. Alba and the Commission discussed the maintenance of the fuel tanks at the Road Department and Airport.
Road Updates- Bobby gave updates on the activities the Road Crew will be working on this week.
10:15am- Alba Higgins left the meeting.
Project Updates- Bobby gave updates on the Cooper Box Culvert, Dry Fork Box Culvert, Westmore Box Culvert and Webster Box Culvert. Bobby said there is 200 feet of old fencing along Westmore Road that will be taken out and the new fencing will go from the corner on.
10:25am- Bobby Wiedmer left the meeting.
Present: Eric Kary, Golf Course Manager
Eric Kary gave the Commission updates on the items he will be working on this week.
11:05am- Eric Kary left the meeting.
Present Jerrie Newell, Clerk of Court
Jerrie Newell gave updates on the activities in the Clerk of Court office. Jerrie said she would like to have a computer dedicated for public use in her office so the public can come in and research judgements and cases as needed. Jerrie said she would also like to have a work station built in her office for people to use when doing research. The Supreme Court would purchase the computer but the work station would be the County’s responsibility. The Commission gave Jerrie permission to get a quote for the work station.
11:22am- Jerrie Newell left the meeting.
Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant, joined the meeting. Mary reported Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner, said he can issue a permit for Sander Rentals to keep the chain link fence on their property since they raised the fence off the ground to allow water to flow underneath it. Mary said Forrest wanted the Commission’s permission to issue the permit and the Commission gave permission.
11:52am- Mary Grube left the meeting.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; Lani DeBuhr, Recording Clerk
ABSENT: William L. Randash, Member
Present: Mona Madler, SMART Executive Director
Mona Madler reported a man backed into the flashing crosswalk beacons at the Plevna School crosswalk and caused damage to the pedestal and battery box. The estimated costs to repair the beacons is $2,000 and although the beacons are located in the State’s right of way, the liability of the damage lies with the driver of the vehicle. Mona said Dale Boehning with MDOT and Dave Holien with CTEP suggested the County have it repaired right away and then submit the bill to the driver’s insurance for reimbursement. The Commission and Mona discussed the purpose of the wheel stops at the crosswalk and where they were placed. The Commission gave permission to have the repairs done immediately and then submit it to the driver’s insurance company.
1:15pm- Mona Madler left the meeting.
The Commission reviewed and approved the November Mid-Month Claims in the amount of $166,134.28 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
The Commission attended the Fallon County Policy Manual Review Session in the Library Basement.
Board Appointment- Lyle Neary submitted a letter of interest stating he would like to serve on the Council on Aging Board.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to appoint Lyle Neary to the Council on Aging Board for a term that will expire July 31, 2019. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.
Fairgrounds Food Concession Pay App- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed Pay App #4 from Tooz Construction for the Fairgrounds Food Concession Project in the amount of $233,228.50.
Board Agenda/Minutes- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.
Revenues- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.
Department Notices/Reports- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.
Emails- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.
Present: Barb Ketterling, Treasurer; Julie Post, Deputy Treasurer Present by Conference Call: Bruce Glennie, Wells Fargo Business Banking Manager; Jeanne Clark, Wells Fargo Business Associate; Bo Kombol, Wells Fargo Senior Ag Industry Specialist and Business Banker
The Commission and all present discussed the banking fees Wells Fargo (WF) is charging to the County for their 2nd quarter banking services. The County has $780.27 worth of fees assessed to them for the 2nd quarter of 2016 which has not happened in the past. Bruce Glennie said WF cannot pay “interest” on the money the County holds in their WF account but rather gives the County an Earnings Credit Rate (ECR) on the funds. Bruce said normally the ECR is enough to offset the banking fees but now that the account balance is lower than normal along with the ECR being decreased it is not enough to offset all the banking fees. Bruce said this situation has been happening to other companies as well. Bruce said they have stopped doing the daily sweep on the account since it no longer pays to do so and will look for other ways to save the County money. Bruce said if the County increased the amount of funds in the account he could possibly increase the ECR and then it would nearly absorb the fees. Julie Post said she wanted to clarify that the ECR could be raised but only if there was more money in the account. Bruce said he would need to get it approved by management and can’t commit to it now but will see what he can do to make it happen. Barb Ketterling said she would like Bruce to provide a scenario that would show the amount of money that would need to be in the account to earn a higher ECR and how it would offset the fees.
WF has been charging the County every time they go into their account online to look up warrants or print them out. Julie said they shouldn’t be charged for this as they no longer are given paper copies of the checks. Jeanne Clark said that is correct but the images of the checks are on the bank statement sent to the County. Julie said she has to reconcile her account daily and cannot wait to view the checks until the end of the month and because of this has to get into the account online and print out checks often. Bruce said he will have to look more into this to see if anything can be done about it. Julie said WF charges the County for several miscellaneous items such as making deposits or withdrawals in their account whereas the local bank does not. Julie said the local bank only requires the county to have a minimum balance in their account to avoid the fees.
Julie explained the difficulties she has with depositing money at the local branch and the amount of time it takes. Bruce said he will discuss this with the manager at the local branch to speed up the process. Bruce said they will do what they can to lower the fees in the future and explained the fees will not entirely go away as that is the way they recoup their costs in servicing the account. Julie asked if WF could pay the County their excess ECR earnings in quarters where their earnings exceed the banking fees. Bruce said by law they cannot pay interest on a standard business account but can give credit (ECR) to offset fees. Bruce said when the ECR earnings exceed the banking fees that amount moves forward in the account and is not paid out directly to the County. Julie said that doesn’t seem right since for years they have earned more in ECR than their banking fees but haven’t been paid the excess whereas now they are required to pay the fees since the ECR earnings doesn’t cover them. Bruce said he will see what he can do to help the County and get back to Barb and Julie.
3:56pm- Bruce Glennie, Jeanne Clark and Bo Kombol ended the call and thereby left the meeting.
Barb said when she was first became Treasurer she met with WF representatives to discuss their fees and they told her setting up a savings account would help offset the fees, which she did but now that doesn’t seem to help either.
4:10pm- Barb Ketterling and Julie Post left the meeting.
Present: Barb Lechler, Fair Manager
Barb Lechler gave updates on the activity Tooz Construction has been doing on the Fairgrounds Food Booths and what they will be completing before Thanksgiving weekend. Barb gave updates on the activities at the Fairgrounds this month, including the Wild Game Feed, Teacher Appreciation Dinner and the upcoming Athletic Banquet.
4:22pm- Barb Lechler left the meeting.
Commissioner Ranum made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.