

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 —

Fallon County unofficial general election results: County Commissioner: Donald Rieger; County Clerk and Recorder/Superintendent of Schools: Brenda J. Wood; Sheriff/Coroner: Tim Barkley; County Attorney: Albert R. Batterman; County Treasurer/Assessor: Faye M. Koenig. . .Xi Alpha Nu presented the Fall Fashion Show as a benefit for the Kevin Junso Medical Fund. . .Casey Dietz, Dallas Newell and the Lady Spartan Volleyball team are the Spartans of the week. . .Lady Spartans are District 3-B Champs. . .The National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. was attended by Baker FFA members and Plevna FFA members. . .Plevna School conducts Health fair for K-12 students Nov. 1. . .The Pumpkin Auction and Haunted House at Baker Livestock was a huge success, with $900 raised for Christmas Wishes and a large amount of canned food donated. . Totally A Gunner won the Yearling Halter Gelding/Stallion Championship honors at the Powder River Quarter Horse Futurity. Nancy Hirsch of Baker owns and shows the horse. . .The 79th annual National FFA convention was held the last week in October in Indianapolis, Ind. Baker FFA members and their advisor, Scott Rieger, were among 54,850 members who attended.  During the convention, an “Advisor’s Challenge” welding contest was held.  Rieger won first place for his entry.


Friday, Nov. 8, 1996 —

William Duffield defeats incumbent Allen Rustad in the county commissioner race . . . Baker Lady Spartan guard Karmen Bagley has been selected as one of 15 girls from Montana and North Dakota who will travel to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in June

1997 to participate in seven basketball games against selected school teams. . .Fallon Medical Complex is pleased to announce it has reopened its surgery department for planned and elective surgeries with the addition of a  Forsyth surgeon to its medical staff. Dr. David Kaderis, D.O., is a

board eligible general surgeon. . .Tim Hornung, formerly of Baker and now of Dillon, was  among  three police officers in Dillon who joined the Dillon Dae Myong Tae Kwon Do Karate Club in an effort to improve their conditioning and self-defense abilities. . . Lady

Cougar basketball team heads, to their district 4-C tournament in Miles City Nov. 14-16. Lady Spartan basketball team heads to their district 3B tournament Nov. 14-16 in Shepherd. . .Andrea Buerkle placed first in the showmanship class at the State 4-H Horse Show. She is the first Fallon County girl to win a belt buckle by placing first. Amy Callen also won a belt buckle by placing first in both English and Western four year old under saddle project.


Thursday, Nov. 6, 1986 —

Nov. 4, Fallon County voters

turned out in record numbers to elect candidates from both parties. Fallon County winners were: Hubert Abrams, Leo Giacometto, Ronald Shepherd, Mary Lee Dietz, Leland Gundlach and Faye Koenig. . .Gary Lang of the Fallon County Commissioners announced that Sandy Kinsey has been appointed as the new administrator of the Fallon Medical Complex. . .Pat and Ken Wiman are pictured with

Katharena Johansson who recently returned to Baker for a visit from Sweden. Katharena was an IFYE student ten years ago when she was in Baker. . .An open house retirement party will be held for Orlynn Sieler at Stieg & Associates Insurance Nov. 7. . .Kuts 4 All opening Nov. 18 in the Lake City Shopping Center. . . Holly Thielen of the Plevna FHA Chapter was elected president of District V for the

1987-88 school year. . .Walter

Huether, age 70, passed away Oct. 26; John LaBree passed away Oct. 20 at the age of 80. . .Spartan football team received a bye for the first round playoffs. They will play in the quarter finals against Deer Lodge Nov. 8 at Baker High School field.


Thursday, Nov. 4, 1976 —

Mrs. Vera Bruggeman, English teacher at Baker High School, has been selected as Montana’s Teacher of the Year for 1976. . .Three members of the Plevna FFA Chapter will be traveling to Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 9-12 to participate in the National FFA Agricultural   Mechanics Contest. Members of the team are Donald  Buerkle, who is studying at Northern Montana College in Havre; David Rabe is a student at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and Dennis Schaefer, senior at Plevna High School. Mr. Norman Panasuk, vocational agricultural instructor and chapter advisor, is the team coach. Gary Thielen of Plevna High School will also travel to Kansas City to serve as a team alternate. . .Last Tuesday afternoon about 3:00 a child at play was hit by a car on the Baker streets. The accident was not the fault of the driver of the motor vehicle but the forgetfulness of the child at play, which is only natural. The injured boy was Wayne Zacher who was taken to Billings where his spleen was removed and a broken arn repaired.


Thursday, Nov. 10, 1966 —

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Donnell observed their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon at the home of his brother-in-law and sister; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Myhre. . .Fallon Memorial Hospital will be forced to increase daily room rates $5 per day on all patients effective Nov. 15, 1966, making semi-private rooms $25 and a private $30. . .Janice O’Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, placed second among six candidates for homecoming queen at Northern Montana College in Havre Nov. 4. . .Harold Jensen, Matt Thielen and Reinhold Straub represented the Little Beaver Soil and Water Conservation District at a meeting at the Strobel School on Cabin Creek recently. Ranchers in the area are concerned over the water level decline which is twice as fast as predicted by the Oil and Gas Commission in Helena in 1962.


Thursday, Nov. 8, 1956 —

The week of Nov. 11-17 has been designated as American Education Week by President Eisenhower. . .There was a very good turnout at the Halloween party and parade with very clever costumes. . .Tuesday’s election in Baker followed the trend of many years with a majority voting in the Republican column although there was evidence of interparty switching.


Thursday, Nov. 7, 1946 —

The east side of Main Street

vastly improved since the R&S Partners finished painting up the front and interior of the former Hamilton Building. Leif Holmlund, who purchased the property, has the intention of tearing down the old frame building and erecting a modern furniture store as soon as possible. In the meantime, the Morrow Plumbing and Heating Co. is setting up shop in the building. . .Wm. Jesperson, who left several weeks ago for New York to meet his fiance, Ingrid Magnussen of Stockholm Sweden, returned to Baker last Friday bringing her with him. . .From comments heard round about town, the city’s Halloween party was a big success. Mrs. Robert Yokley, Jr. was general chairman of the event. . .The electric scoreboard purchased by the Commercial Club for the high school gymnasium was installed last week by Al Eckes, Guy Thomas, Ray Eggen and Francis LaCross. The board may be operated from the timekeeper’s table.


Thursday, Nov. 12, 1936 —

Victor North of the Mellor- North Garage returned Monday night from Detroit where he attended the Ford dealers convention. He claims the new Ford is even better than he anticipated. . .WPA sewing project for Fallon County was started last Friday with Laura Stoud as supervisor. . .Three below was the low recorded in the weather report this week. . .Sheldon Rediske, after spending several weeks visiting his parents in Plevna, left for Seattle where he is enrolled in the Washington Technical Institute.


Thursday, Nov. 11, 1926 —

Baker Assembly of Rainbow Girls No. 14 secured their chapter Nov. 6 at the Masonic Hall. Their mother advisor is Mrs. R. S. Johnson. The membership now numbers 34. . .Walking the plank is no longer necessary when taking the short cut downtown across the dam flat because the Boy Scouts erected a bridge over the creek. The bridge is substantial and has a comfortable width and will be much appreciated by people who use it several times a day. . .D. J. Russell, receiver of the Fallon County Bank, will give out another dividend next week. The dividend will be for ten percent and will bring the total paid out to depositors up to 80 percent. . .Baker High School football team battled Terry to a scoreless tie last Saturday on the local field.

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