
MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; Lani DeBuhr, Clerk ABSENT: William L. Randash, Member




The Commission canceled their morning appointments to go view the hail damage to County property from the June 10, 2016 Storm.

11:30 AM- The Commission returned to the meeting.


FAIRGROUNDS CONCESSION STANDS- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as

Chairman, signed the Agreement Form between Fallon County and Tooz Construction for the construction of the Fairgrounds Concession Stands.

FY2017 SALARY RESOLUTION- The Commission adopted and signed FY2017 Salary Resolution 2017-01 fixing the salaries of the elected officers for the FY2017. The resolution is filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

HEALTH BOARD DOCUMENTS- The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed the Health Board’s Transport Plan Checklist and Communicable Disease Reporting Protocol.

BOARD AGENDAS/MINUTES- The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.

REVENUES- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.

DEPARTMENT REPORTS/NOTICES- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.

EMAILS- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.


Mike Kirschten joined the meeting for Public Comment. Mike said he filed for an extension with Fish, Wildlife and Parks to allow him more time to gather the invoices and documentation for the Rifle Range bathrooms and sidewalks that were paid for by grant funds. Mike told the Commission he hasn’t heard back from them regarding the Landfill Operator wage discussion they had a while ago and asked the Commission if they had made a decision. The Commission said they can’t discuss this right now as it isn’t on the agenda and asked Mike to schedule an appointment next week to talk about it further. Commissioner Ranum asked Mike what type of wage he wanted if he was given one and Mike said an equipment operator’s wage. Mike told the Commission he will not back down from the wage issue.


Commissioner Ranum made the motion to take a noon recess. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; Lani DeBuhr, Clerk ABSENT: William L. Randash, Member



Chuck Lee was not available to meet, therefore the meeting was canceled.


PRESENT: Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager; Kim Cuppy, Health Nurse

Kim Cuppy told the Commission they only had one person apply for the nursing position and after interviewing the candidate she would like to recruit for the position again. Kim said there was an applicant who withdrew her application due to the pay so she would like to discuss increasing the wage to attract more applicants. Kim said she also spoke with other nurses who were interested in the position but said they couldn’t take a big pay cut so didn’t apply. Kim said when she set the wage at $18.50/hr she wasn’t aware the Clinic Nurses were given a $2/hr pay increase making their starting wage $24/hr. Kim said one of the reasons she set the pay at a lower rate was because the position only required an LPN license but since no LPNs applied the demand may not be very high. Kim suggested starting the wage at $21.50 with step increases. Commissioner Ranum recommended starting the position out at $20/hr, with an increase to $21 at six months and $22 at one year. Kim said $21/hr would be more appealing but thinks the $21.50/hr is warranted as it is an important position that will work independently the majority of the time. Julie Straub said this position will also be taking over the school nurse duties Kim did last year. Julie said Kim opted to give these duties to the person they hire and agreed to have her stipend paid to the County rather than to her and these additional funds will help pay for the wage increase. The Commission agreed and gave approval to set the wage at $21.50/hour.

2:00 PM- Kim Cuppy left the meeting.

OVERTIME DISCUSSION- Julie asked the Commission if they would send a memo out to employees asking them to write down the reason they worked overtime on their timesheets. Julie said this helps with accountability, tracking and further recruitments. The Commission agreed and will send out a memo.

2:05 PM- Julie Straub left the meeting.


PRESENT: Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant

Mary Grube said Forrest Sanderson reviewed and compared the planning fees for the following Counties: Musselshell, Dawson, Richland and Fallon to assist him in determining appropriate planning fees for Fallon County. Mary Grube said the Planning Fees needed to be adjusted because they have been dipping into the General Fund to provide these services where they were intended to be self-sustaining services. Mary said the Subsequent Minor Subdivision fee has been included in the Planning Fees as it expedites the process of a Minor Subdivision and asked the Commission if they would like to include it in the Regulations and the Commission said yes. Mary said the expedited review on a Minor Subdivision they discussed last week isn’t in the regulations and could be added as well.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to adopt the 2017 Planning Department Fee Schedule. Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion and there was none. Being there was no second, Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.

2:30 PM- Mary Grube left the meeting.


PRESENT: Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

The Commission and Darcy Wassmann reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the County Attorney Department. Darcy did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. Darcy requested a $70.36 increase in her monthly operating stipend for increase costs. The Commission approved her operating stipend to be increased by $70.36.

Darcy gave the Commission updates on the County cases she has been working on.

2:50 PM- Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.


PRESENT: Karen Banister, Museum Curator

The Commission and Karen Banister reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the Museum. Karen did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. Karen told the Commission she presented the budget to the Museum Board with all expense items being reduced due to the decreased revenues but the Board said they wanted all accounts to be set at what they have been in the past and to not reduce them. The Commission asked Karen if her operating supplies and purchased services accounts could be reduced and Karen said yes. Karen said the Museum Board discussed putting heat into the metal building so it could be open year round but Lane Straub said it would be very expensive, especially since all of the items would need to be removed to do the work. Karen said she is going to talk to her Board about this more and see if there is another way they can accomplish this without it being so costly. Karen said she would like to close off the north side of the Museum’s entry way to make it into a doll room and gave the Commission two quotes for the work to be done. Karen said that area isn’t being used right now and is right next to the toy room so a doll room in that area would be ideal and the Commission agreed. The Commission and Karen reviewed the balance of donations received from the public over the years and the Commission asked if these funds could be used to convert the north entry into the doll room and Karen said yes. The Commission and Karen discussed replacing the ramp to the Museum when the sidewalks and curb/gutters around the Courthouse are done.

Karen gave updates on the activities she has planned at the Museum.

3:20 PM- Karen Banister left the meeting.


PRESENT: Stacey Moore, Library Director

The Commission and Stacey Moore reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the Library. Stacey did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. The other budget items were 24% less than last year’s budget and the Commission did not make any recommendations at this time.

3:45 PM- Commissioner Baldwin excused himself from the meeting.

Stacey told Commissioner Ranum the money from the coal severance will no longer be available to fund the EBSCO library catalog and she is planning on trying to cost share it with other libraries since it is expensive. Stacey gave updates on the activities in the Library.

4:00 PM- Stacey Moore left the meeting.


PRESENT: Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor; Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant; Chuck Lee, 911/DES Coordinator; Rich Menger, Sanitarian

Commissioner Ranum and all present met to review the information Jason Rittal and Chuck Lee gathered or created to present to the FEMA team tomorrow during the Preliminary Disaster Assessment Meeting. The specific items reviewed were: Commission’s Declaration of Disaster; expense report for all tornado clean-up expenses; list of property that was damaged and not insured; employee payroll report for overtime accrued due to the tornado clean-up; photos of damages; letter from EMC stating the Baker Lake did not have insurance coverage; Preliminary Clean-Up Plan drafted by Brosz Engineering; Baker Lake water test results; letters from Army Corps of Engineers and Fish, Wildlife and Parks regarding the Baker Lake; list of lost items that need to be replaced; report of road damage repair and electrical repair expenses. Chuck said the total of man hours and equipment was $169,285 which the City of Baker will be able to use for soft-match purposes.

4:30 PM- Rich Menger, Chuck Lee, Jason Rittal and Mary Grube left the meeting.


Commissioner Ranum made the decision to recess for the evening.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Clerk FALLON COUNTY



The Commission attended the FEMA Preliminary Disaster Assessment Meeting. All materials were presented to the FEMA team and the FEMA team toured the tornado disaster site and Baker Lake. The FEMA team said they will meet again at 1pm after they complete their assessment of the damages and to discuss their recommendations.


PRESENT: FEMA Team: Charles M. Baird, Laurie Hassell, David Lucas, Mark Shugart, Martin Thomson, Tom Barnard; Kent Atwood, MT-DES; Tim Thennis, MT-DES; Sage Joyce, Army Corps of Engineers; Chuck Lee, DES/911 Coordinator; Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor; Rich Menger, Sanitarian; Clayton Hornung, City of Baker Mayor; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney; Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant; Luke Holestine, City of Baker Public Works Employee

PRESENT via Conference Call: Monica Heimdal, EPA

The Commission and all present met to discuss the FEMA team’s Preliminary Disaster Assessment (PDA) and recommendations. The points of discussion were:

• The focus of the PDA is to determine the best method and associated costs to remove the major debris from Baker Lake. Major debris is debris that is visible and can be easily seen.

• The PDA needs to present the “hard damage” with reasonable associated costs in order to qualify for a Presidential Declaration that will lead to financial assistance. The debris and removal of debris needs to be quantifiable and justified when it is presented. The amount of small debris in the silt bottom of Baker Lake is not easily known and quantifiable and therefore will be excluded from the PDA.

• The threshold for financial assistance in removing the major debris is $1.4 million.

• The PDA needs to be completed and a plan in place within 30 days of event. Additional items can be added to the plan after the PDA is completed but they would be considered “alternative” items and an “expansion” of the plan.

• The PDA and the County’s Restoration Plan submitted to EPA must remain separate and cannot overlap.

• The main area where large debris is located is in the Northeast portion of Baker Lake also known as the cove by Iron Horse Park and because of this it will be the focus of the PDA and the major debris removal plan.

• FEMA recommended Baker Lake be pumped down to where the major debris in the cove can be retrieved and put in a staging area. This area is expected to be 5 feet deep. After this stage of the clean-up is complete the County can choose to continue pumping the Lake to remove the smaller debris that isn’t seen but this would be considered an improvement and not included in the PDA.

• The water from the Baker Lake would be pumped into the Upper Baker Lake. If a flood or natural disaster occurred in which the Upper Baker Lake was needed for water run-off the water could be pumped back into Baker Lake until the Upper Baker Lake could be used again for that purpose.

• An access point to the Lake for debris removal was discussed and building a temporary ramp in the cove to remove debris was favored due to its proximity to the majority of the debris. There was an objection of this access point being too close to Iron Horse Park and affecting those coming in and out of the park but since it is the closest point to the debris it was favored. The cove has a small area of existing wetlands that could be returned to its original condition for EPA and Army Corps of Engineers purposes.

• A staging area for debris needs to be in place before debris is removed. The debris needs to be inventoried. The focus needs to be on the tonnage of debris removed, not the sediment.

• The staging area for debris was discussed and these options were given: 6th Street by the cove, undeveloped land nearby and a parking lot. There was objection to 6th Street being used as it is too close to neighborhoods and may be a hazard to those who live in the area. There was concern about finding a large enough section of undeveloped land that is close to the Lake for the debris to be placed. If undeveloped land was used for staging it would have to be surveyed prior to it being used. The staging area also cannot be on undisturbed land due to historical regulations and it cannot be in a floodplain area. Staging the debris in a parking lot was the favored option but finding a parking lot big enough and close to the Lake was a concern.

• An area will be needed for the silt to sit and dry out before either being taken to the Landfill or distributed to other parts of the County. The south side of the Upper Baker Lake was suggested for this. Only hazardous sediment would need to be taken to the Landfill, the rest could be filtered and used in other areas.

• The method used to remove debris will dictate the types of permits that will be needed.

• Fish, Wildlife and Parks have recently determined the type and amount of fish in the Lake and are not concerned with saving the fish when the Lake is drained.

2:30 PM- The Commission left the meeting and returned to their office.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ranum seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Clerk GUEST: Dave Havens, Member of the Public




PRESENT: Rich Menger, Sanitarian

Rich Menger gave the Commission an email from Kenneth Backes with MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) stating FWP supports allowing people to fish from the shoreline of Baker Lake providing there are no “public safety concerns”. Rich said if fishing were to be allowed he would recommend it not be allowed along the Iron Horse Park shoreline up to Wyoming Ave. due to the debris in that area. Rich also said the fishing would be limited to shoreline only, there would be no boats or people allowed in the water. Commissioner Randash said he is concerned people wouldn’t follow the rules and would just fish anywhere. Rich said he plans on putting signs up in the areas fishing is not allowed and hopefully the public will understand the importance of not fishing in these areas. The Commission asked if private land owners along the Lake could fish off their docks even if they are in the “no fishing” area and Rich said no, they too would have to fish only in the designated areas. Rich said he is concerned about a child snagging something and pulling it in as he isn’t sure what type of debris is in the Lake. The Commission said the parents should be aware of this and supervise their kids while fishing. Commissioner Baldwin said he would be concerned about kids getting into the water but would like them to have a chance to fish before they won’t be able to when the clean-up work begins and the other Commissioners agreed.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to allow shoreline fishing in Baker Lake except along the shorelines of Iron Horse Park to Wyoming Ave.

Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was any other discussion and there was none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

9:10 AM- Rich Menger left the meeting.


PRESENT: Iven Felt, Cemetery Caretaker

The Commission and Iven Felt reviewed the Cemetery budget set by Jon Stevenson for FY 2016-17. Jon did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. The other budget items were 6% less than last year’s budget and the Commission did not recommend any changes at this time. The Commission said Jon had noted on the budget forms that he wanted to get Carlyle Cemetery remapped. The Commission said they will discuss this with Jon as this cemetery is not located in Fallon County. The Commission said they will also talk to Jon about involving Iven in the budget process as Iven has not been involved in setting the budget in the past. The Commission discussed if they wanted to continue to pursue purchasing additional land for the Cemetery from the Askins. Commissioner Baldwin said they can ask Marilyn Askin to see if she is still interested and if not then they would no longer pursue it.

9:25 AM- Iven Felt left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed the Commission Minutes for the week of July 4-8, 2016.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the Commission Minutes for the week of July 4-8, 2016. Commissioner Randash seconded the motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


Lani DeBuhr told the Commission she struggles drafting the abbreviated minutes and have to choose what should be included or not included in order to condense them. Lani said she has also heard comments from the public that at times the abbreviated minutes don’t give enough detail. Lani said because of this she would like the Commission to consider no longer publishing the abbreviated minutes but rather begin publishing the full minutes again. Lani said she knows this will cost the County more money but if the goal is to inform the public of the decisions and activities of the Commission then publishing the full minutes is the best way to do this. The Commission said they understood Lani’s position and will begin publishing the full minutes in the newspaper again.


The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin as Chairman signed the Company/Financial Institution ACH Origination Agreement between Fallon County and the Bank of Baker. This agreement permits the County to initiate debit and credit entries to accounts maintained at the Bank of Baker by means of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network.


The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed the following Journal Entries: #761 to change 911 expense coding; #762 to move DES expense to 911 expense; #763 to move Bridge capital expense to Bridge service expense; #764 to move North Baker Water Sewer District expense to Baker Lake Drainage expense; #765 to move Parks capital expense to Parks supply expense; #766 to change Parks capital expense coding; #767 to move Parks capital expense to Parks supply expense; #768 to change CTEP expense coding; #769 to move Airport credit from a capital account to a supply account.

The Commission reviewed and Commissioner Baldwin, as Chairman, signed the following Journal Entries to make corrections to the FY2015 General Ledger per County Auditor’s request: #100, #771, #704, #773, #198, #770, #702, #703 and #772.


The Commission reviewed and signed the Agreement for the Provision of School Health Services between Fallon County and Baker Public Schools. This agreement allows the Fallon County Health Department to provide Public Health Services at Baker Public Schools.


The Commission received a letter dated June 30, 2016 from Mary Louise Hendrickson with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) stating Coral Creek Class II Landfill passed the inspection and no violations were observed.


The Commission reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes.

REVENUES- The Commission reviewed revenues received during the week.

DEPARTMENT REPORTS/NOTICES- The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.

EMAILS- The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.


PRESENT: Brian Hickey, Member of the Public; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor

Fairway Acres Road- Brian Hickey told the Commission when the Road Crew chip and sealed the road by his home the chips break off into the area along the road he mows. Brian said it ruins his mowing blades and asked if something could do be done about this. Bobby Wiedmer said they can try sweeping the road the other direction so the chips don’t go into the side he mows and see if that solves the problem.

10:05 AM- Brian Hickey left the meeting.

ROAD UPDATES- Bobby gave the Commission updates on the Road Crew’s activities this week. Bobby said they were not able to chip and seal the Triangle Park parking lot last week because the recent moisture made it too soft. Bobby reported the 101 graveling and the Calumet Box Culvert are both completed.

10:07 AM- Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman and Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor, joined the meeting.

SHOP UPDATES- Alba Higgins gave the Commission updates on the vehicles and equipment being repaired or serviced this week. Alba gave a report on the vehicles and equipment he has been repairing and replacing parts on that were damaged by the recent hail storm. Alba said he is reporting the supplies and hours spent for these repairs to Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder, for insurance purposes. The Commission told Alba to make sure pictures are taken of the damage before doing any repairs and he said pictures have been taken. Alba gave updates on the requirements for installing the new crane and the plans to remove the old one.

10:15 AM- Shannon Hewson with Brosz Engineering joined the meeting.

ROAD BUDGET REVIEW- The Commission and Alba reviewed his FY2016-17 Budget for the Road Department. Alba’s capital expenditure requests this year are: trading in two older Motor Patrols for two new 160M2 Motor Patrols at a cost of $250,000. The remaining budget items were 6% less than last year’s budget. The Commission and Alba moved some of the funds to different accounts. The Commission asked Alba if the supply account related to gas tax could be reduced by $500,000 and Alba said yes. Alba suggested including the cost of disposing of the old bridge and fencing the area into future bridge replacement bid specs since these items can be costly.

10:55am- Alba Higgins left the meeting.

PROJECT UPDATES- Cooper Bridge- Shannon Hewson said the Cooper Bridge bid opening will be August 1st at 10:30 AM and would like to come back later that afternoon, after reviewing the bids to make a recommendation. Bobby said he will be gone on vacation that day but will be available by phone to discuss the bids. Shannon said they will then need to award it and get the agreement out within a week so there is enough time if a pre-cast option is chosen.

Burnt Station Rd. Bridge- Bobby said the Burnt Station Rd. Bridge was overlooked when they were reviewing the bridges two weeks ago and it also needs to be replaced. Bobby said this can be replaced with two walk-through culverts and the total cost would be less than $20,000. Shannon said the engineering for this bridge has been completed also. Bobby said it doesn’t have to be done this year but if not it needs to be replaced next year.

Westmore & Dryfork Bridges- Shannon said they had a pre-construction meeting for these bridges last Friday and it went well. Shannon said the contractor plans to start the project on August 15th with a completion date of October 2nd. The Commission asked Shannon if it is possible to get those both completed by October 2nd and Shannon said yes and that he spoke with the contractor about the time line and they assured him they will get it done by then.

11:05 AM- Bobby Wiedmer, Shannon Hewson and Jason Rittal left the meeting.


PRESENT: Brenda Hoeger, Dispatch Supervisor

The Commission and Brenda Hoeger reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the Dispatch Department. Brenda did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. The other budget items were the same as last year and the Commission did not recommend any changes at this time.

The Commission asked Brenda to notify them when there are fires or severe weather in the area but only when they have time to do so. The Commission and Brenda discussed when to sound the tornado/extreme weather alarm. Brenda said she will discuss this with the Sheriff and Chief of Police and hopefully the three of them can create a policy that clarifies when they should sound the alarm.

11:20 AM- Brenda Hoeger left the meeting.


PRESENT: Joe Janz, Outside Building Maintenance Supervisor

The Commission and Joe Janz reviewed his FY2016-17 Budget for the Outside Building Maintenance Department. Joe’s capital expenditure request this year was for a new, small pickup at a cost of $25,000. The other budget items were the same as last year. Joe said the only account that may change is the purchased services budget as it is dependent upon getting bids for the sidewalks/curb and gutters project in this year. Joe said they budgeted for this project last year but the quote they received was well over the budgeted amount so the project was not done. Joe said he would like to wait to get new quotes for this project until Gamut Construction gets their curb and gutter machine. Joe asked the Commission if he could purchase a new mower instead of a new pickup this year. Joe said his mower is 6 years old and it continually has problems and needs repairs, making it a bigger priority than a new pickup. The Commission asked Joe to get estimates for a new mower before they make a decision on approving his request. Joe asked the Commission for permission to purchase flowers to replace the flowers in front of the Courthouse that were damaged by the recent hail storm. Joe said there are 2.5 months left before it will freeze and he could replace the flowers at a cost of $400. The Commission gave permission.

11:40 AM- Joe Janz left the meeting.

11:40 AM- Julie Straub, Human Resource Manager, joined the meeting.

Julie Straub said she had a message from Jim Leischner with D&J Insurance about the EMC Insurance recommendations that were given to Commission in May. The Commission said they will call Jim and discuss those items with him.

11:42 AM- Julie Straub left the meeting.


No one appeared for Public Comment.

11:50 AM- Dave Havens left the meeting.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Ranum seconded the

motion. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, William L. Randash, Members; Lani DeBuhr, Clerk GUEST: Dave Havens, Member of the Public



PRESENT: Jerrie Newell, Clerk of Court

The Commission and Jerrie Newell reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the Clerk of Court Department. Jerrie did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. The other budget items were the same as last year except the “other purchased services” account was increased. Jerrie said she increased this account for expenses related to a civil case that is coming up soon. Jerrie asked the Commission if she could hire a part-time person to replace the part-time position Keli Bertsch vacated when she was hired as the Deputy Clerk of Court. The Commission said they will review the salary budget and let Jerrie know if she can hire for that position.

1:25 PM- Jerrie Newell left the meeting.


Carla Brown did not attend the meeting, therefore it was canceled.


PRESENT: Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant

Mary Grube and the Commission reviewed her FY2016-17 Budget for the Planning Department. Mary did not have any capital expenditure requests this year. The other budget items were 16% higher than last year. The Commission asked Mary if the professional services account could be reduced and Mary said yes since the Emergency Action Plan that she budgeted $30,000 for doesn’t have to be done this year. The Commission asked if her office supplies account could be reduced and Mary said no as she needs to replace her computer this year. The Commission asked Mary if she could reduce her travel account and Mary said she would rather not as she was gone a lot last year and didn’t get the opportunity to take advantage of a lot of trainings that she would like to this year. Mary gave the Commission a report of hours she has worked for the City of Baker and the Town of Plevna to review. Mary reviewed what she had budgeted for versus what was charged for Mike Madler’s services and said she doesn’t think she will need Mike’s services this year. Mary reviewed the floodplain violation services KLJ performed and said they total $9,000.

2:35 PM- Mary Grube left the meeting.

2:35 PM- Dale Butori, Weed Supervisor, came in to ask the Commission for permission to add an additional $2,000 to his training budget for a class he forgot to include in his original budget. The Commission gave permission.

2:40 PM- Dale Butori left the meeting.


Angie Rabbitt, Rec. Department Director, rescheduled her meeting for next week therefore this meeting was canceled.


The Commission reviewed and approved the July Mid-Month Claims in the amount of $806,750.48

and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.


PRESENT: Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor; Ryan Rittal, Stahly Engineering; FCWSD Board Members: Laura Heyen, Bill Whitney, Judy Whitney, Laurie Pankratz; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

Ryan Rittal told the Commission the lowest bidder for the Stanhope Addition Sewer Project was EDK from Billings. Ryan said the bid specs stated it was a requirement for the contractor to provide references from owners they have done similar work for and EDK was unable to provide these. Ryan said they have done work for oil companies but haven’t done a project of this nature and because of this they cannot recommend awarding the project to them. Laurie Pankratz said this project is a large one and they expect issues to arise when construction begins and is concerned about someone without experience being able to do the job. Bill Whitney agreed and said this job isn’t one a company should “cut their teeth on”. Ryan said the decision is ultimately the Fallon County Water Sewer District’s (FCWSD) but the District wanted the Commission’s input before making a decision. The Commission asked Darcy Wassmann if they can legally not accept the bid because of this reason. Darcy said she has reviewed case law and there were two key elements relating to awarding a bid, one is not awarding a bid based on favoritism and the other is allowing a bid to be rejected based on protecting public money. Darcy said in order for a board’s decision to be questioned regarding this it would have to show the bid award was fraudulent or made in bad faith which this doesn’t involve. Darcy said in addition the bid specs addressed the requirement for references of similar work and they were not able to provide it. Ryan said if the FCWSD doesn’t accept this bid then they would start vetting the next lowest bidder, but they can only do this after a formal decision is made on the EDK bid. The Commission said they are in support of whatever the FCWSD decides to do.

4:15 PM- Jason Rittal, Ryan Rittal, Laura Heyen, Bill Whitney, Judy Whitney, Laurie Pankratz and Darcy Wassmann left the meeting.


PRESENT: Rich Rose, Mechanical Technology Inc. (MTI) Owner; Jon Easley, MTI Service Manager; Lynda Herbst, Inside Building Maintenance Supervisor

Rich Rose and Jon Easley met with the Commission to discuss the HVAC issues in the Sheriff’s addition. Rich said the County has always struggled with keeping the women’s jail cells heated properly. Rich said at one time they had given the County a proposal to install a hot coil system in the women’s jail cells but the Commission wanted to wait to do it when the addition was added. Rich said when the addition was done MTI wasn’t a part of it due to the type of work they do not being a part of the bid specs. Rich said unfortunately the architect didn’t do research on the history of the HVAC issues in that area and because of that the new system doesn’t tie into the existing system correctly. Rich said the contractor also installed a 100% outside air unit which wasn’t necessary. Rich said an outside air unit pulls air from the outside to heat and cool areas. Jon said they have had issues with this unit for quite some time and it isn’t energy efficient because it has to heat up the cold air in the winter and cool the hot air in the summer. Rich said they put a communication card into the system so they could monitor the system but aren’t able to manipulate the settings to troubleshoot, customize or communicate with it. Jon said the more they dig into this system the more problems they seem to uncover. Rich said he has been researching converting the unit into a return air system and possibly converting back to a standard economizer with running hot water lines from the boiler and cutting coils into the cells. Rich said before making any recommendations he would like to bring an engineer in who is familiar with the whole system to determine the best way to solve the problem. Rich said he would like to have Jeff Gruizenga (PE) investigate and review the system since he is familiar with it at a cost $3,000 to $5,000. Commissioner Ranum asked if they could guarantee whatever they do to fix the problem will fix it. Rich said they aren’t sure at this point what should be done to fix the problem and that is why he would like to have an engineer do research and investigate the problem to determine a solution. Commissioner Ranum said she just wants to make sure if they spend the money the problem will be fixed since they have had so many problems in the past. Rich said once the research has been done they will bring that information to the Commission with the proposed solution and then the Commission can make the decision on what they want to do. Rich said his only goal is to get the building’s HVAC system performing as it should be and make it comfortable for people and if the Commission isn’t happy with the solution they bring to them they won’t charge the County.

5:12 PM- Commissioner Ranum excused herself from the meeting.

Rich said if the Commission approves of the research to be done he thinks it can be done in two weeks to a month. Commissioner Baldwin said they will discuss it more on Monday and let Rich know what they decide.

5:15 PM- Lani DeBuhr and Dave Havens left the meeting.


Commissioner Randash made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Being there was no second,

Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from being Chair and seconded the motion. 2 Ayes. 1 Absent. 0 Nays. The motion carried.

MONDAY, JULY 25, 2016


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; William L. Randash, Member; Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder in for Lani DeBuhr, Clerk-Commission Secretary GUEST: David Havens, Member of the Public



PRESENT: Eddie Coulter, Pat Ehret, Jerrid Geving, Fair Board Members; Barb Lechler, Fair Board Secretary

Commissioner Ranum discussed her concerns, with those present, about the cost for putting on the Fair this year.  The Board explained there are new venues that have been added to the Fair this year and there will also be more revenue to offset the costs this year.

Budget Discussion-The Fair Board explained they cut $213,000 from their budget this year in comparison to last year.

The following item was completed but did not get billed in last Fiscal Year:

• New stalls in the Big Barn

The following items are new items/upgrades/other work to complete:

• (15) Extra Stalls-These will be located behind the bucking shoots.  Quote received for $9,100-Commission granted permission to proceed.

• 2 new Side by Sides-They usually receive the hand-me-downs and unable to repair one they were given.  Quote received for $9,200 each (No extra warranty will be purchased).  Commission granted permission to purchase.

• Additional Electric Spots on the south hill-Permission granted as long as they are cautious when installing due to the irrigation water line and its location.  Quote received $20,000.

• Floor in the new storage building-Commissioner Ranum would like to see cement installed.  Jerrid had contacted Griffith Excavating for their thoughts.  They will remove the dirt and add a road based product, water and pack it.  This will turn to a finished product similar to concrete at a very low cost.  Quote received for $6,170.  Commission granted permission to proceed.

Commissioner Baldwin stated the Commission wants the Fair Board to watch their budget closely and to first get a complete plan together and bring before the Commission.  Jerrid explained again the cost of putting on this year’s Fair does not include the Revenue that will be received to offset those expenses.

Commissioner Randash discussed the leveling of the track with the Fair Board.  Jerrid stated they do have more work to complete on the track.  Commissioner Ranum asked the board to get a second opinion on the sound system in the grandstand area.  The present contractor just doesn’t seem to have a solution.

Commissioner Randash discussed the question that has been posed to him about Outside Food Vendors.  Eddie and Jerrid both explained they feel they will have more people and more events going on at the Fair this year in comparison to other years and they have had many people ask for more of a variety.  The people that have been asked to come are not duplicating anything any of the other food booths have.  They are adding Kettle Corn/mini-doughnuts; Steak Sandwich and Noodle vendors.

• Rain-out Insurance-Quotes Received from Payne West-$4,000; Insurance Store-$5,200. The Commission granted permission to proceed with Payne West.

• Bleachers on the South End of the Arena.  Commissioner Ranum would like them to remain Stationary.  The Fair Board stated they had no plans of allowing them to be moved.  Quote received for a 10 row bleacher that seats 104 people-$7,675.00.  These will be used for the contestants and their companions.  Commission granted permission to purchase.

Commissioner Ranum would like to see plans for the north bleachers in the upper barn to be replaced.

Commissioner Ranum would like to try getting someone else to work with the Fair Board to get the sound system working correctly.  Fair Board agreed to check with someone else.

• Continuous fence-The Fair Board would like to place continuous fence in place of the current barbed wire fence to keep the bulls in.  Jerrid and Eddie would be willing to donate their time to place the fence.  The only cost to the County would be for material.  Commission granted permission to proceed.

Commissioner Ranum asked if the ticket sales are only offered online.  No, the tickets will go on sale August 1st at the Fairgrounds ticket office.

• Advertising-Radio-$5,935 for August; Paper-$2,847; would also like to advertise in Billings and Bismarck to draw more people.  The Commission feels the Fair Board needs to make that decision.

• Surprise Event-There will be a Surprise Event for the Public, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jerrid feels he has enough sponsorships to cover that cost.  Commission granted permission to proceed.

• Motor Home Purchase-Deb Afrank is selling her motor home and the Fair Board asked the Commission’s thoughts on purchasing it to use for dressing room for the Bands, etc. and could also be used for conventions.  The Commission did not grant permission to purchase.

• Budget items, not including Salaries, Benefits and the new concession stands is 31% less than last year’s budget.

The Fair Board has a meeting tonight to discuss the Radio Ads and the Fair and welcomed the Commission’s attendance.

Hail Damaged Windows-They would like to replace the windows before the Fair.  The Commission stated they would need to get a quote before installing.

9:50 AM  Eddie, Jerrid, Pat and Barb left the meeting.

9:55 AM  The Commission moved the Commission Work Session to:  After the Road Department Updates.


PRESENT: Bobby Wiedmer, Road Supervisor; Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman

SHOP UPDATES-Alba Higgins gave the Commission updates on the vehicles and equipment being repaired or serviced this week.

Department of Labor came to inspect the County Shops on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.  Julie Straub, Human Resource/Safety Director was there as well.  Alba stated the corrections ranged from minor to a few serious:  Conduit separated and was coming down in cold storage, a few extension cord items; electrical tool strain (on cords); access to breaker boxes; some items were able to be remedied immediately.  OSHA changed the rules for the upper storage areas so will take care of that as well.

Equipment insurance adjuster is here today to adjust equipment and county vehicles.  Alba is trying to get tail lights, etc. repaired on equipment and vehicles for safety reasons.

Alba feels the CAT equipment tires should come directly from CAT, as the less expensive tires they have been purchasing do not last.

The newest Sheriff’s Expedition keeps throwing codes; they are working with Ford to reprogram it.

ROAD UPDATES- Bobby gave the Commission updates on the Road Department activities this week.

The start time for bridge work was received this morning from Shannon.

Willard Road is almost finished; they will then start on the Ismay Road beginning at Highway 12 W;

Roxy Lane needs to be repaired as the road has settled where the new culvert was placed.  Bobby will need to get the packer from the City of Baker to complete the repairs.

Commissioner Randash stated the Road Department received a compliment on the Little Beaver Road.  The Public Member stated it is the best it has ever been.

Wash over on Old Baker Highway just removed some of the surfacing, nothing serious.

Commissioner Randash stated he received a verbal complaint regarding the work the State of Montana is doing on the Ollie Road.  The County has no control over the work on this road.

Commissioner Ranum let Bobby know the Road Department will not have to do any work on the dirt project in the new Fair storage building.  The Fair Board has contracted Griffith Excavating to do the work.

10:10 AM  Alba left the meeting.

10:12 AM  Bobby left the meeting.


PRESENT: Jason Rittal, County Development Advisor

Pre-Construction conference for the FCWSD Sewer Project will be held at 1:00 PM tomorrow in the Library Basement.  Jason explained they are almost ready to start on the project.

Easements have the Commission included in case there are any issues down the road.  The Commission signed the following easements; HoleShot; Roger and Laurie Pankratz; Gary and Donna Napton, Griffith Development and Robert and Kristine Kruger.  The Commission will sign the original easement for High Plains as soon as it is received.

10:25 AM  Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the MOU between Stanhope Addition; High Plains and Fallon County.  Commissioner Randash seconds the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was any further discussion, there was none. 3 Ayes.  0 Nays.  Motion carried unanimously.  The original will be filed in the County Records in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder.

Commissioner Randash discussed the District following through with the water rates as discussed in the letter written to the FCWSD April 3, 2014.  Jason stated he would discuss this with the FCWSD Board.

10:25 AM  Jason left the meeting.

MINUTES APPROVALS for July 11-15, 2016 and July 18-22, 2016.

Commissioner Ranum made the motion to approve the minutes from July 11-15, 2016 and July 18-22, 2016.  Commissioner Baldwin called for any discussion.

July 18, 2016-Baker Lake Fishing Discussion-Commissioner Ranum questioned the County’s ability to make decisions about the public not fishing from their personal boat docks.  Commissioner Baldwin felt the signs were placed in the areas where fishing was not allowed and felt no personal boat docks were included in those areas.

Commissioner Ranum asked if the Health Nurse provides services to Plevna Public School as the agreement signed was between Fallon County and Baker Public Schools.  Commissioner Baldwin stated he would contact Kim Cuppy, Public Health Nurse to ask.

Commissioner Ranum asked if the Commission had given an answer to Jerrie Newell, Clerk of Court regarding the part-time position in her office.  Commissioner Baldwin stated he would let Jerrie know she was granted permission to hire.

Commissioner Randash seconds the motion.  All those in favor.  3 Ayes.  O Nays.   Motion Carried unanimously.


Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Due to all of the damage from the Tornado and Hail storms, permission was granted by Jim Wosepka, County Auditor to set up separate line items in the Emergency Service Hazard account.  The plan is to pay claims based on tornado loss, hail loss for vehicles, hail loss for equipment and hail loss for property from that account only for ease in tracking.  Jim also stated any revenues received would need to be placed in a revenue account and would not be able to be placed in the corresponding expenditure account.  Brenda asked if this would be okay with the Commission.  Permission granted to track the expenses and revenues in that manner.

10:50 AM  Continued on with Commission Work Session


The Commission approved the Change of Rate Approval Form for Kodie Olsen and it was signed by the Commission for successfully completing her six month probationary employment period.


Commission reviewed-Commissioner Baldwin signed, as Chairman, the following:

Budget Journal #8-2016 Budget line Item Transfers for various budgets per 7-6-4031, MCA

Journal Voucher #775-Move invoice from Gas Tax Fund, due to lack of funds, to the Road Fund

Journal Voucher #780-Enter Solid Waste Trust Account Bookkeeping into the County Books

Journal Voucher #781-Adjust Solid Waste Post Closure Accounts to match Wells Fargo Trust Acct

Journal Voucher #782-Correct Portion of entries made on Journal #780-Move Solid Waste Cash from

Account 101000 to Solid Waste Closure in Trust Account 105001.

Journal Voucher #783-Adjust Landfill Closure/Post Closure Liability Account to match the Funds required in that account per Engineer’s Estimates.

Journal Voucher #784-Correcting entries from Dec, 2014 School Accounting-Journal #351

Journal Voucher #785-Portion of JV784 had to be removed as the accounting from Journal #351 Dec, 2014 was correct.

Journal Voucher #786-Correct entries made in prior year from Revolving Refund to Redemption Fund

Journal Voucher #787-Close Funds from #7522 Univ/Mill Pen & Int to Fund 7523 TIFID Univ Millage to Fund 7521 Univ Millage

Journal Voucher #788-Close Fund 7528 St Equal/Pen & Int to Fund 7527 St Equalization Aid Levy

Journal Voucher #789-Close Fund 7532 HS Equal-Non Levy into Fund #7529-Elem Equal Ad Valorem

Journal Voucher #794-Book 2016 Weed Inventory into County Books

Journal Voucher #795-Book 2016 Road Chemical into the County Books


The Commission reviewed emails sent to them from State agencies and other entities that required no discussion, action or decision.

DEPARTMENT REPORTS/NOTICES-  The Commission reviewed Department Reports, Newsletters and Notices.

BOARD AGENDAS/MINUTES  The Commission Reviewed Board Agendas and Minutes

REVENUES- Gas Tax Reimbursement-$4,178.51 and Wellness Vending Machine Revenue-$90.25

ITEMS TO REVIEW- The Commission reviewed the letter written to Eric Reiland by Richard Menger, Sanitarian regarding the grant Rich submitted for the Baker Lake project.  Letter explained the recent change of status due to the Tornado damage.

Commission reviewed the email from Julie Straub, HRM/Safety Supervisor regarding the Department of Labor Inspection at the County Shops.

Commission reviewed the Pre-Construction meeting minutes submitted by Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering regarding the Westmore and Dry Fork Bridge Projects.

Commission reviewed the copy of the State Declaration Governor Bullock signed July 18, 2016 relating to storm damage received by Fallon County as well as the City of Baker on June 11, 2016 when an EF-3 tornado struck the Community.

Commission reviewed the letter written by Mary Grube, Planning Administrative Assistant, to Mike Madler regarding the cuts being made in Fallon County due to the decrease in oil revenues.  GIS services will only be used on an as needed basis at this time and thanked Mike for his services to Fallon County to date.


Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff was called out and was unable to attend his scheduled meeting.


PRESENT:  Angie Rabbitt

Angie presented Fiscal Year Financial reports for the Recreation Director Budget from the City office with expenses and revenues split 50/50 by City and County.  Angie presented her Profit and Loss Statement which Angie explained does not include the Director’s wages as the agreement always stated the City and County would absorb the Director’s wages.

Angie would like to increase the hours for the part-time assistant to full-time.  Would also like to increase the part-time starting wage from $8.50 to $10.00 per hour.  Angie hopes to bring more applicants to the table and to increase longevity among employees.  This would increase the Professional Services line item from $30,000 to $50,000.

Adding the Concessions has helped put the Recreation Department in the black, however, Angie needs more people to help with concessions.  Angie also stated she may have to increase the rates for some of the programs because of insurance fees assessed for various programs, such as football and baseball.

Angie will let the Commission know what the City of Baker decides on her budget requests after her meeting with them.

The remainder of the budget remained the same; in adding $20,000 to her budget the overall increase would be approximately 34%.  However, the revenues will increase as well to help offset the increase.

11:35 AM  Angie left the meeting.


No one appeared for Public Comment.

11:55 AM- Dave Havens left the meeting.

11:55 AM- Commissioner Randash made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Ranum seconds the motion.  3 Ayes.  0 Nays.  Motion carried.



PRESENT:  Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Deb Ranum, Member; William L. Randash, Member and Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder GUEST:  David Havens, Member of the Public


PRESENT: Richard Menger, Sanitarian

Budget-Rich asked to increase his office supply budget by $500.00 to purchase necessary software.  However, the software was already purchased from last fiscal year so will no longer need to increase supplies.  Asked to increase the professional service budget by $600.00 to accommodate additional fees he has to absorb when submitting grants.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if that budget line was any longer needed as no monies were spent from there last fiscal year.  It was agreed to move the additional $600.00 to purchased services and no longer budget under the professional services line item.  Clerk and Recorder explained that line item was used when there was a contract Sanitar

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