

Trump is an awful person, but he isn’t a competent politician.  Pence is possibly a worse person and a very competent politician.  There is already a conservative plan to impeach Trump so Pence can take the presidency.

A Pence presidency probably has less chance of accidental nuclear war, but a much greater chance of extremely socially conservative legislation which would be devastating to civil rights in America.  Trump just wants to make money and feel important; Pence has an agenda.

Nixon was impeached for corruption.  We already know Trump is corrupt.  Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about inappropriate sexual conduct.  We already know Trump has lied about inappropriate sexual conduct.

It’s only a matter of time before he lies about something too big for his press aids to smooth over and Congress gets to have his way with him, because he is a mess of a man and makes mistakes, and makes them loud.

If Pence is allowed to take his place, Pence will not make the same mistakes.

Pence is a career politician.  He’s well-spoken.  He’s relatively attractive.  His positions are clear and well-established.  He has a law degree.  He’s on the conservative end of Republicans, but he’s a committed member of the party.  In everything that made Trump unpopular among Republicans as well as Democrats, Pence is the opposite.

There were jokes comparing Trump to Emperor Palpatine, and a good rebuttal of them.  Compared to Pence, Trump is Jar-Jar Binks.  Pence is Palpatine.

Trump is wildly unpopular because both liberals and the Republican establishment don’t like him.  He’s ugly and crass and obviously incompetent, he’s the perfect figurehead to rally against.

Pence is not.  Pence is dangerous in different ways, and one of the worst is that he won’t make nearly as good a symbol for his opponents.  If Trump gets kicked out, we have to keep protesting, even as people try to say that we got what we wanted, that everything can go back to normal.

Remember this, when the impeachment happens, whether it’s a month from now or three years.  Trump is bad.  Pence might be worse.

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