
H-L-Bailey, I’m like beyond excited for the next chapter of ‘This was always home’, get writing hun, the anticipation is killing me! :) Your amazing for the lovely comment.

M Rated. Time jumps are through college at the moment, it will get to after as well, key moment in the story coming up in the next chapter or two, that will sort of define the rest of the story. It’s about Karma’s drinking and why :)

Previous Chapters

‘You seem really happy again. The two of you, together.’ Binky smiles at you and Karma from across the booth, raising her cocktail to her lips in the process. It’s a Friday night, and Karma convinced you to tag along on a karaoke night with Binky and Jen in Roys, which you regretted the moment she shoved you into a microphone and had ‘Dancing Queen’ playing on the screen.

‘We are.’ Karma squeezes your hand a little bit tighter in her own, beaming up at you, because, yeah, you totally are really happy together lately, and fuck does it feel amazing to have her by your side again. ‘I love her, you guys know that right? I’d never hurt Amy intentionally.’ You can tell that Karma’s trying to dull the protectionist methods Binky and Jen have put up since the two of you have started being together all the time again, your friends obviously terrified to that your going to get hurt again. ‘I made a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life. But Amy and I, we want to get past it.’

‘As long as Amy’s happy, we’re happy!’ Binky noticeably nudges Jen, who seems that little bit more reluctant to embrace Karma back into your life with open arms. You’ve had a couple of awkward instances over the past couple of weeks, between back handed comments and mild insults being thrown in Karma’s direction by your roommate. ‘Jennifer.’ Binky says sternly, and you eye your roommate closely, begging her to just let it go, like you have.

‘Yeah, sure.’ The sarcasm in Jen’s tone is obvious, and you can feel Karma flinching beside you, so you decide that nows an appropriate time to change the subject.

‘How’s the nationals routine coming along Karma?’ Binky feigns interest in cheerleading, changing the subject for you, you sending her a grateful smile. Jen slips out of the booth before the auburn haired girl can answer, mumbling something about getting drinks, leaving the three of you alone.

‘I’ll go talk to her.’ You suggest starting to slide out when Karma stops you, cupping your cheeks and kissing you softly.

‘No, I will. It needs to be me, she obviously has something to say to me so, it’s best if we get it over with now.’ Karma’s faking confidence, Binky playfully soluting her and telling her to sing a song if she gets angry, that always calms Jen down, which makes both of you laugh a little.

You watch as your girlfriend crosses the bar, determination in her walk as she approaches Jen at the bar, and straight away the two of them look to be in the midst of a heated discussion. Jen points over to you a couple of times, Karma doing the same in between, and Binky and you just keep on drinking, drowning in your glasses of beer and watching from a safe distance.

‘Why is she so mad at her?’ you ask Binky.

‘Jen may not like to admit it Amy, but you’re her best friend. Karma basically ripped your heat out, can you blame her?’

‘You got past it.’

‘Maybe I’m just more open to people making mistakes, Jen never has been. We both know that.’ You’ve watched Jen being cheated on by countless guys over the past couple of years, a tub of Ben and Jerrys and pack of cookies always waiting for her on her bed the morning after you find out.

‘They’re coming.’ You choke on your beer a little, pretending that you weren’t watching them the entire time, Binky doing the same.

‘Hey.’ Karma kisses slides back into place beside you, pulling you into a warm embrace, which you soak into until Karma whispers into your ear. ‘She likes you.’ And you pull back, confusion lining your expression, catching Jen glaring over at Karma in the corner of her eye.

‘Not even possible.’ You whisper back to Karma, eyeing Jen suspiciously, the brunette avoiding eye contact. ‘she’s straight Karma.’

‘So was I. Watch her.’ Karma whispers leaning over and kissing you slowly, your eyes close without a thought, getting lost in the feeling over her lips tenderly moving against yours, your mind far away from any form of tension between Karma and your roommate. ‘Mm. Did you see?’ Karma pulls back, licking her lips, nuzzling your nose with hers.

‘I only saw you.’ You say truthfully, tucking a strand of auburn hair behind your girlfriends ear. ‘Duet with me?’ you nudge her, pointing over towards the stage, Karma giggling as you wrap yourself around her, singing along to the bad version of Whitney Houston some guy is singing.


‘What did you and Karma talk about?’ you ask Jen tiredly, flopping yourself down on your bed. You’ve just gotten back, because you walked Karma back to her dorm, had a quick little rendez-vous, then reluctantly came back to your dorm room, knowing that whatever tension there is with Jen right now needs to be resolved before the start of another day.

‘Don’t bullshit me Amy.’ Jen rolls her eyes, stripping off her shirt for bed, and yeah you let your eyes wander a little big, admiring her toned physique, because well, you’re gay and she’s hot.  ‘I know she told you what I said.’

‘She didn’t.’ you answer and Jen scratches her head in thought for a second, before climbing into her bed. ‘Come on, we’re besties right? You can tell me anything Jennifer.’

‘She asked me if I could ever forgive her and let it go, what she did to you. I said no, you mean more to me than to let her do that to you again. End of.’ Jen tucks herself into the pillows, flicking off the night switch.


‘Yes Ames.’

‘Can you do it for me?’

‘Do what?’

‘Lay off Karma, I get that your protective, and you know cheerleaders better than I do since you rocked that whole thing in high school, it’s just, I’m happy…Karma makes me happy.’ You stare up at the ceiling, engulfing the silence around you, waiting on Jen to respond.

‘You know she’s going to hurt you again, right?’

‘Yes.’ You sigh, because you do, whether it’s next week or five years from now, you definetly do know that Karma’s going to hurt you again. Trouble follows her, it’s inevitable. You just feel like she’s worth the pain.

‘Fine. I’ll do it for you.’



One month later.

Karma: Hey babe, I’m at the gym, practice ran over time. Can you pick me up there? I have my bag with me J so excited for this weekend away with you. Xo J

You: Me too. I’m on my way, see you soon beautiful. X

Lauren: Can you give me a ride back to Austin? Karma says you’re going home this weekend.

You: Fine. But you owe me.

You park your car right outside the gym, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, patiently waiting on Karma and Lauren to emerge from practice. You’re happy that you didn’t force Karma to quit cheerleading, you know how much she loves it, how amazing she is at it. Does it upset you that she still hangs around with the people on the squad? Yes. But you know that time is minimal, because you basically spend all your time together.

Karma: Come in. We’re just finishing up. I want you to see the new routine for nationals. Come in? Xo

You really don’t want to go in. You hate all things cheerleading now more than ever, but you think your in love with Karma again so you force yourself to slip out of the car and into the gym, taking a seat on the bleachers, something you haven’t done since before the incident. Probably because you cannot stand Shane Harvey, who always seems to be firmly placed on the bleachers, like some sort of a pathetic sub. You notice him glaring over at you when you sit down, pulling your sunglasses off your face to wave over at Karma who’s beaming at you, signalling to the routine the squads performing right now.

‘You know she loved it right.’ Shane calls out to you, nodding over towards Karma. ‘It was so hot, steamy, dirty and rough… she basically begged him for it.’

‘Fuck you.’ You respond, trying to ignore him. It took you over a month, with plenty of crying fests and ‘I’m not talking to you’ days with Karma to get over it. Shane is obviously, determined right now, to unhinge any progress you’ve made, probably because Karma actually seems to be happy again.

‘Karma’s a whore, you get that right? Campus bicycle is what the squad calls her, everyone has had a ride of-‘ anger fires through you, and before you know it your face to face with Shane Harvey, yelling profanities at each other, right there in the middle of cheer practice. You don’t care though, because everything that he’s saying is degrading the woman that you love. You respect her, he should too.

‘Amy stop!’ Karma managed to interject herself in between the two of you, pushing you back a little by your chest, a crowd forming around you to watch the show, updating their twitters with the latest squad gossip. Your so upset and angry, and Shane’s flashing pictures of Karma with Mike that night on his phone right in front of your face, making your heart wrench with pain. Karma’s pathetic attempts to draw your attention away from him right now basically going unnoticed. ‘Amy whatever he said, ignore it ok? I love you and only you. Be mad at me if you need too. Just don’t get yourself into trouble by touching him.’

‘Words you should have been told… right Karma?’ Shane chastises and you can see her stiffen. You’ve had it, you push past her, accidently knocking her over in the process, and your basically about to slap Shane Harvey when Lauren of all people knocks you back with a force that sends you stumbling back towards Karma.

‘Amy look at Karma you idiot. Get your head out of your ass.’ Lauren yells at you, but the noise of everyone cheering for a fight around you is just blocking out anything she’s saying to you. That is until you hear it, Karma sobbing in the background, desperately screaming your name to get you to stop. ‘Amy they’ll kick you out of school if you touch him!’ that’s when you realise that’s exactly what Shane wants. A smug smile lining his face the entire time. No way. Not going to happen.

‘You do realise that she could have died that night.’ You yell at him and everyone goes silent, intently listening to you. ‘Leaving her drunk in a bathroom stall by herself. You should be ashamed of yourself. You all should be! None of you are friends, you’re just a big bunch of fake people who like to dance together.’ Silence surrounds you, a mixed reaction framing the faces of the squad, some looking guilty, others looking pissed off.

‘Amy come on.’ Karma grabs your arm pulling you away towards the exit of the gym. ‘What the hell was that?! Have you lost your mind?’ Karma’s fuming, pacing in front of the gym, her arms securely tightened around her own waist. ‘That’s my squad Amy. You cant just insult them. Not when your tied so closely to me.’

‘Tied to you?’ you scoff, running a hand through your hair. ‘We’re in a relationship Karma. A pretty shit one but hey, we’re still in it.’

‘Whatever.’ Karma rolls her eyes. ‘Maybe it would be a little bit less shit if you actually gave a rat’s ass about what I do when I’m not with you.’

‘Oh trust me Karma I do care. Your bestie Shane can testify to that.’

‘What did he say to you?’ Karma softens, stopping herself in front of you, guilt lining her expression ‘He promised me that we wouldn’t speak to you anymore.’

‘He called you a whore.’ You tell her, burying your face in your hands. ‘Reminded me of how many people you’ve slept with… our buddy Mike…’ Karma sighs loudly, defeat taking over.

‘Amy…’ Karma looks defeated, completely defeated. ‘We can’t keep going on like this…’

‘What are you saying?’ you ask her, your heart racing in your chest. You can’t believe that your about to get dumped outside a cheer practice. This was definitely on your list of things you never want to happen in your life. ‘You know what, I’ll say it for you. Maybe we should break up.’

‘No!’ Karma’s face twists into shock, and she shuffles forward, grabbing hold of your face and forcing you to look at her. ‘Amy this is one day, yes it’s shit but tomorrow will be better. We’ve been happy lately. Don’t let them ruin that. Please!’

‘It’s not supposed to be this hard Karma.’ You choke out, her green eyes filling with tears to match yours.

‘I know. But love is never easy right? I love you Amy. I’m in love with you.’ Tears stream down Karma’s face, the weight of the world on her shoulders. ‘It’s my fault for bringing you here ok? It’s not yours. Shane’s trying to break us up Amy. I’m so sorry, I should never of put you in this position…’ Karma nestles her body into yours, embracing you like her life depends on it, and you feel yourself squeezing her back, drowning in the feeling of being so close to her.

‘It’s fine. Can we just get out of here? My mom’s expecting us at like five.’ You sniffle back your remaining tears, wiping them away with the sleeve of your shirt, checking your watch to see that it’s approaching half one and you still haven’t hit the road for your three hour journey.

‘Are you sure you want me to come? I mean I can stay here this weekend, we can go away just the two of us some other time.’ Karma wraps her arms around your neck to draw your attention to her, since it’s obvious that you’re being overly fidgety right now. You can’t even look at her, all your thinking about is Shane telling you how much she enjoyed cheating on you, how you were asleep a couple of miles away while she was doing it. You’re angry again. You can’t help it. This is what scares you about your relationship with Karma, you know that you’re never going to fully get over it and you’re going to keep on punishing her for it.

‘What, you don’t want to come now?’ You snap at her, taking her hands down from around her neck and taking a step back from her. ‘You’re the one who asked me if you could come Karma. This whole trip was your idea.’ You focus your attention on the path in front of you, avoiding Karma’s face, because it breaks your heart a little bit more every time you see her in one of these arguments.

‘Ames.’ Karma steps closer to you, into your space, reaching out to rub your arm soothingly which you shrug off. ‘You know I want to see where you grew up. I want to meet your parents. It’s just… things are off between us at the moment… we both know that and I don’t want to pressure you into something you’re not ready for. You need time. I’m more than willing to wait.’

‘Whatever.’ You huff out at her, scanning the crowd behind her to see Lauren approaching with her bag in hand. ‘Are you ready?’ you call out to her and she nods her head, running over to your car, which you auto lock just to piss her off for fun.

‘Are we ok?’ Karma asks you tentatively, running her hand down to your fingers and squeezing them a little bit. ‘Please just talk to me Amy. I’m really trying here.’ You look up to see a tear rolling down her cheek, which you instinctively reach out and wipe away, and she leans her face into your hand kissing it sweetly.

‘Fine. We’re fine.’ You deadpan. You lean forward kissing her cheek quickly before stalking back towards your car, keys dangling in your hand and Lauren yelling profanities at you. This is the first time you’ve ever lied to Karma. You know that you’re not fine.


‘Hey you.’ Karma takes a seat next to you on the quad outside your lecture hall, dropping her bag down beside yours and clearly debating whether she should kiss you or hug you or what. You’ve barely spoken to each other since she decided not to go on your trip back to Austin with you last Friday, sure she texted you a couple of times while you were there to make sure you’re still alive but you always responded coldly, your fingers typing the messages quicker than your heart could handle. ‘Do I get a hug or…?’ she asks in an overly playful way, clearly trying to ease the tension between the two of you.

‘I don’t know, do you?’ you ask her continuing to scribble in your notepad, hell bent on ignoring her still.

‘Ok get up Amy.’ She huffs out standing up and wiping the grass off her jeans, waving her hands for you to do the same when you raise an eyebrow at her as if she’s crazy. ‘Amy Leigh Raudenfeld, get up right now. We’re going for a walk.’

‘Karma I have a lot to do here…’ you start to mumble your way through a lie and she quickly steals your notepad pointing at the scribbling you were doing and pretending it was serious, waving it in front of your face as if to say she caught you. ‘Busted huh…’ you mumble laughing a little, and she frowns at you, sticking out her hand for you to take, which you do, sighing in defeat. Karma intertwines your fingers with hers and pulls you off towards the track field, never letting go of your hand.

‘Karma, what are we doing here?’ you ask her when she pulls you to the spot just outside the gym where you first asked her out months ago. She takes your hands placing them on her waist and rests her head on your chest, forcing you to hug her, which you do with a little bit of hesitation which she obviously senses.

‘I didn’t see you coming Amy, I never asked for you, I never prayed for you, I didn’t even want you.’ Karma signals to the spot your standing in. ‘Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t of gone to practice that day, or if you had of decided to skip your run, and you know what I think about?’ Karma looks up at you, her green eyes shining in the light sky, and you can’t help but feel like you’re meeting her for the first time all over again.

‘How many donuts you’ve eaten since that night…’ you say smirking and she pinches your side playfully, biting her bottom lip.

‘No Amy. I think about how miserable my life would be without you in it. How unhappy I was before I met you. How far we’ve come from being friends with benefits, to girlfriends, to broken up…’ you cringe a little bit when she says it and she forces you to look at her, cradling your cheeks ‘to back together.’

‘Is this supposed to make me feel better?’

‘No Amy it’s not. This is so you can decide on what you want.’ Karma presses an unexpected kiss to your lips before stepping back about five feet, drawing a line on the ground with a nearby piece of chalk, and taking another five steps backwards. ‘If you can’t think of five reasons that we should still be together, right here, right now, then we’ll break up right now and I promise you that I’ll leave you alone…’ Karma looks away as she’s saying, as if she’s terrified your going to walk away from her tonight ‘But if you can think of five reasons we should be together, and we meet in the middle here, then you have got to stop punishing me for what happened that night Amy. I swear to you it was the biggest mistake of my life, but I need to know if you can get past it or not.’

‘This is stupid.’ You groan out and Karma giggles at you, throwing her hands in the air as if it’s some sort of victory.

‘Reason number one for me is that you’re so annoyingly grumpy, it drives me insane, but somehow it makes me get all these warm fuzzy feelings inside when you give into me.’ Karma takes an extra long step forward, making you laugh a little at her as she nearly stumbles over. ‘Ok blondie, it’s your turn.’

‘Do I really have to do this?’

‘Amy!’ Karma whines, puppy dog look immediately gracing her beautiful face.

‘Fine. Your really cute, like most girls are cute… but you, your different. Your cute in this unexpected way, and it always make me smile.’ You step forward, Karma victoriously pumping the air at your participation, once again reminding you of how cute she really is.

‘Reason two, you make me feel safe.’ Karma steps forward again, this time more seriously. ‘Anytime we’re together, I feel like nothing bad can happen to me, as long as I have you.’

‘You make me feel silly, in a nice way.’ You reply, grinning a little bit as you take another step. ‘My whole life everyones told me that I’m way too serious, too focused on school or exams or work, you’re the only person who makes me want to be silly, to mess around, and to spend time doing nothing.’

‘Your listen to me. Doesn’t matter if I’m talking complete nonsense or if I’m talking about something that really cut me deeply, you always listen to me.’ Karma takes her third step forward, her eyes never leaving yours. ‘I’ve never had someone in my life who listens to me like you do, or cares enough to try.’

‘You let me be sad. Whenever I have a bad day your always there for me to cheer me up, or help me to make it better.’ You step forward. ‘Most of my life I’ve spent hiding away my emotions, but you tear those walls down and I feel like it’s ok, for the first time in forever, to be upset about something, or to have a shitty day.’

‘You understand my illness.’ Karma takes a deep breath before she keeps speaking. ‘You knew me for a couple of months and you figured out that I was dying on the inside, when everyone else thought I was this insanely happy person.’ She takes another step.

‘You opened me up to love.’ You say softly, and Karma’s eyes lock on yours again, the weight of your statement carrying over to her. ‘I never thought that love was real before I met you, I thought it was like an infatuation, waiting to crumble, but it never did.  No matter how badly you hurt me or I hurt you, I always want you. There is no one else.’

‘I love you.’ Karma takes her last step onto the line in the middle, her green eyes glazed over with tears waiting to see if you do the same.

‘I love you too.’ You say softly taking your last step, and you don’t have anytime to think before Karma’s lips are on yours in a passionate kiss – like one of those kisses you read about in a Nicholas Sparks novel, where fire works go off in the background, and the whole world is at peace, if only for that couple of minutes. She pulls back, hands cupping your cheeks and body pressed against yours.

‘You love me?’ she asks, as if she’s genuinely uncertain about what she heard come out of your mouth a couple of seconds ago.

‘I love you.’ You nuzzles your noses together making her giggle, your arms wrapped around her waist. ‘I always have Karma. I always will.’

‘Good.’ She responds barely kissing you. ‘I thought I was all alone in the love department.’

‘Turns out you have company.’


Three months later.

‘Babe, chinese or pizza? Karma calls out to you from your dorm room floor where she’s sitting cross legged, surrounded by a bunch of take out menus that you just handed to her.

‘Um, whatever you feel like.’ You say, reaching down to pull a fresh hoodie out of your trunk, you and Karma have basically spent all day in your dorm room cuddled up in your bed talking about your lives. You found out that Karma went to an all girls school right up until high school, her mom’s a florist and her dads a baker, they’ve been happily married for the past twenty four years – twenty five at the end of the month, her brothers name is Zen and he’s in the peace corps – or so he claims, Karma’s convinced that he’s hiding out in Florida with her grandma or something and finally, she plans on spending her life, devout to teaching children the art of music, hence the music major.

‘What if I feel like something with peanuts in it…’ she’s teasing you about your allergies, since you listed them for her about an hour ago, laughing as she took the more complex ones down in her phone and demanded that you tell her how to respond if you accidently inhale something you shouldn’t, which really just lead to the two of you making out on your bed for awhile, until Jen walked in.

‘You better have a backup girlfriend then.’ You call out teasingly. ‘Someone who can stand the fact that you’ve never had a churro because we both know it upsets me.’ You can hear Karma scrambling to her feet and before you know it your reflection in your bathroom mirror is no longer just yours, it’s hers too and she’s scowling at you.

‘Do you have a backup girlfriend Raudenfeld?’ she asks, and you shrug your shoulders, feigning innocence which agitate her that little bit more as she comes up behind you, slipping her arms around your waist and nibbling on your ear lobe. ‘Who is it?’ she asks poking your side playfully, making you squirm. ‘Tell me who it is or we’re never having sex again.’ Karma threathens, cocking an eyebrow.

‘Jen!’ you yell out and Karma disappears into your dorm room, determination all over her pretty little face, and you keep washing your face as you hear her messing with Jen, before you decide to rescue your roommate, re-entering your room.

‘Your right Jen, you are out of Amy’s league.’ Karma calls out loudly as you approach them, knowing that you can hear her. You dive forward picking her up by the waist and pulling her back to your bed, making her squeal and giggle the entire way there.

‘Amy stop.’ Karma tries kicking you off her but you keep tickling her, gazing down at her lovingly as she keels over with laughter, her dimples being highlighted. You eventually stop, when your gaze is met by Karma’s, and she mouths an ‘I love you.’ to you, which encourages you to lean down and kiss her, so lost in it that Jen has to cough extra loud to make you stop.

‘You guys are like sickeningly in love.’ Jen calls out making Karma push you off her with a groan from you, you can see Jen flicking through her magazine in the corner of your eye. ‘I bet you wish you could have sex right now.’

‘Jen!’ you cry out.

‘Wrong name Amy. It’s Karma.’ Jen responds laughing and Karma bursts into a fit of giggles too as you turn a deep shade of red. ‘Are you staying over tonight Karma?’

‘Um. Am I staying over tonight Amy?’ Karma asks you, her hand slipping down to your centre and rubbing it softly through your shorts, biting her lip and watching you squirm trying to respond. This girl is insane.

‘Yes.’ You semi moan and Jen hops straight out of her bed, walking over to her desk and pulling out a pamphlet which she throws at you and Karma on your bed, before rolling her eyes and walking out of the room, mumbling something about wanting to get dinner.

‘What is it?’ Karma asks, still messaging you there, making you whimper and try to hold yourself up, as she acts completely disinterested in what’s going on below the sheets, reaching for the pamphlet behind you.

‘Who gives a fuck right now.’ You moan into her ear as she teases you sensitive area, you decide to try and take things further, starting to pepper kisses down her jaw and her neck as she keeps on playing with you and reading the pamphlet at the same time. Something she should not be able to do right now. ‘Karma can you put that away and focus at the task in hand.’ You whimper again, she’s pressing a little bit harder.

‘Relax babe.’ Karma gently pushes your shorts a little bit to the side and lets her fingers make skin to skin contact with your clit, rolling them in circles. ‘I can multi task. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get off.’ She sings out as you start to lose your breath and she just keeps on reading that frickin pamphlet.

‘How romantic.’ You say sarcastically  and you gulp when one of her expert fingers pushes inside you, starting to curl right in that spot and you collapse on top of her, which only drives her on, still with that one hand, each thrust going that little bit harder. ‘Oh baby. Right there, a little bit harder.’ You moan into her ear.

‘We need to talk about this pamphlet.’ She says disinterestedly, and you can’t believe that she’s giving you a mind blowing orgasm while thinking about something that’s probably really stupid. ‘I have to finish you off quick baby, sorry.’ And with that she rams another finger up there and presses her palm down on your clit, sending you spectacularly over the edge, so much so that you just feel like sleeping when you come down, wrapping your arm around her waist and burying your face in the crook of her neck to close your eyes.

‘Ah ah ah.’ She rolls you off her, rolling her eyes and flashing the pamphlet in front of your face. ‘I think we should consider it… I mean… it makes sense if you really think about it.’

Your curious now so you sit up in your bed, Karma propping herself up too, taking your arm in her two arms and stroking it soothingly as your eyes quickly read this pamphlet that just made you have forty year old sex.

‘You want to move in together?’ you ask her, feeling your mouth go dry and your throat start to block up as she scans your face for any signs of doubt, all of which she must be seeing right now.

‘I’m not asking you to marry me Amy. You can breathe.’ She says gesturing for you to copy her breathing movements, which you do, to try and calm down. ‘It makes sense though.’

‘How?’ you ask her, desperate to see the sense in moving in with your girlfriend at such a young age.

‘We’ve been together for nearly a year now Amy, even if we weren’t official we were acting like we were. We spend like all of our free time together, be it here pissing Jen off, or at my place pissing creepy Rose off. We sleep together every night, apart from like two nights a week, and that’s to give our roommates a break more so than you or me. When we’re not together we’re texting… then there’s the whole I love you and you love me thing…’ Karma grins at the last part, still not over the fact that you finally manages to say it, her entire face lighting up. ‘Do you see us together next year?’ she asks you, this time really analysing your reaction so you know to respond quickly.

‘Yes. Of course. Why wouldn’t we be.’ You roll out and Karma smiles knowingly at you, opening the pamphlet on a page with a one bed roomed apartment just off campus, not so far so that you can walk places, and not so close that you wont be surrounded by drunk students all the time.

‘There’s a viewing next Saturday. Are we interested?’ she asks hopefully, excitement lining her features.

‘I guess we are.’ Karma basically lunges at you, peppering kisses all over your faces.

You’re just not sure why you feel like your roommates trying to kick you out.

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