
Chapter 2: Celebrations, Parties, & Confessions :)

Previous Chapters

“Why don’t we celebrate? Go to some nice restaurant and do it up real big? On me, because my boyfriend is filthy rich!” Shane asked, and everyone nodded. As everyone stood up, Amy grabbed Karma’s hand.

“Karma and I have to uhmm get something,” Amy said, still a little flustered by the kiss Karma initiated. Amy pulled her up to her old room, and motioned for her to sit on the bed, whilst she locked the door. She then turned around and gave Karma what Reagan would have described was her cute confused face. Karma smirked and giggled.

“What what I uhm what just happened? I’m just…” Amy trailed off, not being able to think of anything to say that wouldn’t reveal her feelings and would also get her point across. Karma stood up, and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Acting is my job. Don’t be surprised that I’m better than you are,” Karma said, laughing. Amy tried to laugh too, but she couldn’t when all she could think of was the kiss. And, by the fact that Karma was applying more lipgloss, she was sure there might be a similar episode tonight from a couple minutes ago.

“I’m not…I’m just…I don’t know. Can’t we have a signal? So, that I know you’re about to kiss me?” Amy said, a little defeated. She didn’t want to have to have a signal for when the love of her life was about to kiss her. She didn’t even want to be faking being fiancés. She wanted Karma to be hers and she wanted to marry her for real.

“Wow, am I that bad? You need a signal to prepare?” Karma asked, a little hurt, but she tried to cover it up in a joking tone. Amy could see through Karma’s facade, even if she was a pretty good actress.

“No of course not. You’re so good. You’ve gotten better since high school. It’s just weird kissing my best friend,” Amy said, not meaning a single word of the last part. It felt too right. It felt like that’s where she belonged. Right in Karma’s embrace. Karma smiled and hugged her.

“Well, I’ve had tonnes of practise. You’re not too bad yourself, either. But, we should probably meet the others outside. They probably think we tried to sneak in a quickie,” Karma said, with a small smirk. Amy blushed. Even at 24, a doctor with a good sense of the female anatomy, professionally and for pleasure, she couldn’t talk about sex without turning into a five year old blushing.

“Shut up!” Amy said, pushing Karma lightly. Karma laughed and poked her. Then, Karma intertwined her fingers with Amy’s and they walked outside together. When they got outside, they saw the group had already taken their seats in their cars, and they were all smirking and snickering. Then, when Karma and Amy sat in Shane’s car, Shane and Reagan began to laugh at them about how they couldn’t wait until after dinner. Making Amy blush and Karma laugh.

“You’re such a bottom, Amy,” Shane said, and Amy couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, so when she saw the restaurant, she was the first to go inside. The rest of he group took their time sitting at the table. Amy felt as if the restaurant seemed too familiar. Then she realised they were in Communal. That was one hell of a night. Karma and Reagan both fighting over her. Liam and her trying to keep the secret of him being involved with Sqwerkel, Shane and Duke trying to hide the fact that Duke was gay, and Theo and Lauren on their first actual date. Amy smiled at the memory. That group hang was one of the first to be messy.

The group began to discuss what they would like to have, before Farrah interrupted them with a tidbit of information Amy and Karma hadn’t even thought about.

“I’m assuming you two will just share a plate?” Farrah said, with a small smile, looking at Amy and Karma, and Amy looked confused, until Karma decided to take matters into her own hands.

“Haha, no. I love her but I am not sharing my pasta with her,” Karma said, and Amy took a small sigh of relief. Farrah frowned slightly but shrugged it off.

“Oh, well. You’ll have plenty of time to share things after you’re married. I mean, you’re starting tonight. You’re sharing a bed,” Farrah said, with a smile. Amy began to choke on her water, and Karma and Shane both tried to get her to relax.

“You didn’t know that?” Lauren asked, with one eyebrow raised and a mouth full of food. This baby made Lauren a sassy and always hungry lady. Oh, no. She was always like that. But, with the baby it was more intense.

“Of course, I did, Lauren. I just didn’t think it would start tonight,” Amy said, a little more relaxed now. Karma shot her a look that said ‘obviously we would share a bed, we’ve been in a relationship for four years and were getting married!’

“Amy’s so jet lagged,” Karma said, making he entire table laugh. After the waiter began to deliver their food, Karma told Amy to meet her in the bathroom. So, about two minutes after Karma had left, Amy went to the bathroom too.

“Hey, what’s up?” Amy asked, and Karma had a weird look on her face that Amy couldn’t decipher. She had never seen this look before.

“You have to prepare for a role before you take it, Amy,” Karma said, and when she saw Amy’s confused face she sighed. “You can’t be surprised about the smallest things about the role. I will kiss you. I expect you to kiss me. I will hold your hand. I expect you to hold mine too. We will sleep together in bed. I expect you to cuddle me. These are small things but if we don’t do them, we won’t be doing a good job at acting like a real couple. So, you can’t be surprised if I do this,” Karma said, and she kissed Amy. A small simple kiss, turned into a massive make out session, and two minutes later, the two pulled away breathing hard.


“I know.”

The fireworks in Amy’s stomach were too much. She couldn’t even look at Karma. She knew she had to though, because then they wouldn’t look like a real couple, and that was the entire point of the kiss.

“That’s how you do it,” Karma said, turning around and leaving the bathroom. Amy couldn’t even try not to look at her ass as she walked out. Amy tried to splash her face with water to try and keep her urges and sexual frustration to a minimum. About a minute later when it didn’t look like she had just fucked Karma, she left the bathroom as well. No one suspected a thing, which made her return much easier. The rest of the night went smoothly. They learned more about Theo, Lauren, and mini Theo and Lauren. They heard about Duke’s new wrestling clothing line. They heard about Reagan’s last DJ job at a house in Bel-Air. They listened to excruciatingly painful details about Farrah and Bruce’s trip to Cabo. They joked and laughed until the restaurant closed at 1 AM. The group met outside to say their goodbyes.

“Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow at my party. Sorry, Farrah and Bruce. I’d invite you guys but…its kind of an under 27 event,” He said, nodding at Theo who was 27. Theo laughed and put an arm around Lauren.

“It’s okay, honey. Bruce and I are going to a movie with the Martins anyway,” Farrah said, and Amy nodded. The Martins were these really creepy people who fed their children anything but candy. Anything.

“So, Karmy. I will see you in 14 hours!” Shane said, and Amy nodded. Karma smiled and yawned. Amy couldn’t help but stare in awe at her adorable stretch. Shane smiled goofily but kept his cool.

“Goodnight, you all!” Shane said. He told Reagan he’d drop her off so she followed him. Bruce and Farrah looked at Lauren, Theo, Karma and Amy.

“Theo and you are also staying at home. I just want to have a few more nights with my girls,” Farrah said, tearing up. Lauren instinctively went to hug her and Amy awkwardly patted her on the back. Karma tried to suppress a giggle but it was hard. The family drove back home with Theo, Karma, and Amy smushed in the back seat, because Lauren needed an entire row.

When they made it back, Bruce went straight to bed because he had work in the morning. Theo decided to go to sleep as well, so Farrah, Karma, Lauren, and Amy gathered in front of Amy’s door.

“I’m so excited. Tomorrow we get to start planning. I’m sure Amy won’t want to do this, but Karma you, mommy, and I will do this,” Lauren said, clapping her hands. Amy’s blood boiled. She loved Lauren and they got along so much better now, but little jabs like this always cut deeper because she knew that Farrah had always wanted a girlier daughter and she had that in Lauren.

“I’m sure she’ll be ready for t tomorrow. I’m tired, I worked a 16 hour shift before we came here so I’m taking Karma with me, goodnight!” Amy said, pulling Karma in and closing the door before she could hear anything Farrah or Lauren had to say in response to that little outburst. Karma tapped her foot repeatedly, looking a little disappointed in Amy. Amy sighed.

“I hate how she does that. She knows she’s my mom’s favourite and she just rubs it in my face and I can’t fucking stand it. Lauren and I are good now, but she still says those small things she knows will hurt me. It fucks me up, but my mom or Lauren will never know,” Amy said, turning away from Karma. She didn’t want Karma’s pity. Unexpectedly, Karma wrapped her arms around Amy. Amy sighed, and turned around and held her close.

“Hey. You don’t need them. I told you. I’m your family now,” Karma said, and Amy let a small tear fall. The only person she felt comfortable crying in front of was Karma, and even then she tried not to do it often. But, the fact that she wasn’t her mom’s favourite even though she was her biological daughter killed her inside.

“Don’t cry, baby. Come on. Let’s sleep, and tomorrow I’ll get you donuts for breakfast,” Karma said, and Amy smiled and clapped her hands, excitedly. As corny and weird as it was, Amy would do anything for a box of donuts. Her mom and Karma were worried that would get her kidnapped one day. If she was offered donuts by a stranger, Karma didn’t doubt she would accept.

The next problem arose. Amy slept naked. Amy couldn’t stand the heat. However, she felt it would be just a little awkward to be naked next to someone she was fake marrying.

“Are you actually going to sleep naked? At least keep your bra and underwear on. I don’t want to touch something that I really shouldn’t be while we’re sleeping,” Karma said, and Amy blushed.

“This is why, I’ll be sleeping on the ground,” Amy said, about to take her shirt off before Karma stops her.

“You are not doing that. You’ll have to sleep right next to me,” Karma said, crossing her arms. That meant there was no way to get out of this situation. Amy sighed.

“I’ll wear my PJs,” Amy said, going to the bathroom to change. She splashed her face with some water to figure out what her game plan was. She could either stick to her side of the bed and not move at all. Or, she could cuddle with Karma and then duck out when she was asleep. Or they could fall asleep cuddled up next to each other. While the last one seemed the cutest and the best option, she couldn’t do it. However, she was too tired. She figured she’d figure it out after Karma falls asleep.

When she got out of the bathroom, Amy saw Karma slide off her shirt, and although she tried her hardest to not look, she couldn’t help it. Her fake fiancé was hot.

“Come on. Slide in to bed with me,” Karma said, pulling Amy towards her. Karma got in under the covers and Amy joined soon after. Although they started off on opposite ends, in under two minutes, Karma was the little spoon to Amy’s big spoon. Amy couldn’t help but feel happy in that moment. She loved cuddling with Karma. They often did it when they would binge watch Netflix shows, and it was one of the best feelings in the world to Amy.

However, to say she wouldn’t want it any other way was a lie. She wanted to be with Karma. She wanted to actually marry her for real. She wanted to pleasure her well enough for her to forget that she was ever straight. She wanted to be Karma’s and she wanted Karma to be hers. Exclusively forever.


There was an unceasing knock on the door, so a grumpy Amy opened her old room door, wiping her eyes. Amy saw Karma, who looked overly gorgeous and she was wearing next to nothing. Amy’s words got caught in her tongue, but words weren’t needed. Karma began to kiss her, hungrily. As if without her kiss, she might die. Amy was so confused but she was enjoying it so she tried not to overanalyse anything. However, Karma explained herself.

“I know how you feel about me and I’m just so glad that I reciprocate your feelings. 8 fucking years without doing this,” Karma said, before pushing Amy onto the bed. Karma claimed dominance and Amy didn’t seem to mind.

“Fuck yes, I’ve been waiting for this for so fucking long. God, Karma. I’m in love with you. I’m so fucking in love with you, I can’t help it,” Amy said, before smashing her lips back onto Karma’s and the make out session deepened and deepened until suddenly Karma stood up.

“Do you want pancakes or toast, freak?” Amy looked confused before she realised everything was a dream. The entire conversation and make out session was a dream. Amy got so angry she punched her pillow. She heard Karma ask something.

“What the hell? You okay? What were you dreaming about?!” Karma asked, confused. Amy got up angrily, and just walked into the bathroom. Karma sighed and sat on the bed. She knew Amy needed a moment alone and that she would tell her as soon as she walked back into the room. She’d learned that over the 19 years of friendship. On Amy’s end, Amy knew she shouldn’t have gotten angry. Not at Karma at least. Never at Karma. Even when she’s at fault, Amy could never be angry with Karma. And, she tried to reason with herself that she wasn’t angry at Karma, and that she was angry at the fact that it wasn’t real. She sighed and took a shower. She felt the familiar yet distant feeling of showering in her own bathroom. She saw the little dent in the wall from trying to connect a shower speaker system in her bathroom which her and Karma epically failed at. She smiled at the fond memory of the small stains of red dye on her bathroom counter. Karma wanted to ombré Amy’s hair and Amy complied because of how in love she was but at the last minute she backed out, and the dye went everywhere. Karma and Amy had scrubbed her bathroom for days to get the colour off the counters but Amy still saw a couple spots here and there. Amy even smiled at the fact that this bathroom was where her and Karma got ready for prom. Amy had come out to Karma that year. She hadn’t told her that she was in love with her. But, she did tell her that she had feelings for girls. So, Karma did everything in her power to find her a girl but Amy could never accept. She could never tell her that the only girl worth going to prom with was her. But, Karma surprisingly got her a last minute date, who came with Liam to pick the two of them up. That part of the memory wasn’t fond, but what happened after the first ten songs was. Liam had come down with something so Shane drove him home, and the girl got sick of Amy not wanting to dance with her and began making out with their old Home Ec teacher. So, Karma and Amy were alone together. And, once The Way You Look Tonight played, Karma and Amy were slowly swaying to the music. They danced to Michael Buble, One Direction, and other bands at that time that produced music to slow dance to. She didn’t care for the song, but she cared that Karma and her danced the entire night and they laughed and it was one of the best memories that she had with Karma. Amy sighed as she washed the shampoo at her hair. All of her memories are tainted with Karma. That’s why she can never get mad at her. She means everything to her. Everything was Karma and anything that wasn’t wasn’t important. Amy sighed at how pathetic it made her seem, but smiled at just how loyal she was to Karma. She washed up, and put a towel over herself and walked out and hugged Karma, who was already showered and clean.

“I’m sorry. I love you. I’m not angry. I just had a really good dream. And, then it was ruined by the realities of life,” Amy said, still hugging her. Karma nodded, encouraging her to keep talking.

“Why? What was it about?” Karma asked, and Amy shook her head. Karma shoved her playfully and tried to get her to talk because she knew that it would pay off. And, it did. So, Amy had to think on her feet. She couldn’t reveal her feelings, almost naked, a day after announcing that Karma and her were getting ‘married’. It was unethical.

“Basically, uhm, it was about you and me. I had just bought a sick huge house and you agreed to living in it with me, but then Liam stole you away and you chose to be his best friend and live with him and that’s when you woke me up,” Amy said, kind of impressed and shocked and a little disappointed with her improvement in lying and absolutely cringing at her crappy story. Karma seemed to have bought it though, so Amy took a sigh of relief.

“You never have to worry about that now. Liam’s getting married. To that bitch Soleil! I always knew him and her always got it on when I wasn’t around. I fucking hate him. He even invited me and you! He was HAPPY that you and I were together. What the fuck! That fucker!” Karma said. Amy nodded. That’s why Karma bought the story Amy sold to her. She was bothered by this girl stealing Liam away. Amy was happy but Karma was angry. Amy sighed until she realised something.

“How’d you get invited? We didn’t even go to your house to get your mail yet? And, he’s not going to send a wedding invitation by phone. He’s Liam Fucking Booker,” Amy said, until it dawned on her. Karma rushed to her side, “You went to go meet him? Why…why would you do that?” Amy squawked out. One of her biggest fears was Karma being stolen away from her, in any sense. Karma took her hand and Amy almost instantly tried to move it. Karma and Amy had never fought over anything more than they did about Liam Booker. Karma always thought it was because Amy had a crush on him since she was bisexual. But, boy she was lost.

“Look, I just wanted to tell him things were over between us. He didn’t have to drop that fucking bomb on me though. I hate him, Amy,” Karma whined at the end, with a pout. She couldn’t handle it and her anger dissolved and she hugged Karma.

“I’ll deal with the fucker. Don’t worry,” Amy said, and Karma clapped her hands. Amy smiled as she zoned out of Karma’s blabbering about just how to destroy him. She noticed the little smirk that she always loved, the wag of her finger, and the way her eyebrows were raised. That meant she meant business. Those three signs. And, Amy loved it. It reminded her of her dream when Karma meant business as she took control of her body.

“Anyway, your mom wants to know if you’ll join us in wedding planning,” Karma glared at her. Amy had failed to mention that Farrah was serious about planning. And, that she said that she wants the wedding to be as fast as possible. The next words flew out of Amy’s mouth before she could stop them.

“How do you feel about marrying me?” Amy asked, and Karma looked confused. Amy quickly tried to save herself.

“Look, how about we extend our time to three weeks. We get married at the end of three weeks. We have our clothes and everything we need. Let’s fake get married. I’ll hire a fake guy to actually do it. Or I’ll tell Shane to officiate it, even though he doesn’t have a license. I’ll tell him he doesn’t need one. What do you say? I know you love wearing wedding dresses,” Amy said, and Karma thought it over. She did love wedding dresses. She blushed and nodded. Amy jumped up, happily.

“I should’ve fake asked you better. I have three weeks to make it up to you, and then the rest of my life,” Amy joked, feeling all of her concerns float away. This 'wedding’ was going to be a blast.

“Condition though. You have to take me on a date. Not like a real one. But, just some me and you time. We never have that anymore. Your shifts at the hospital are crazy and my job is so random so that when you work I am not, and then when I work, you don’t. I want to hang out, Amy,” Karma said, and Amy nodded and kissed her head.

“Of course, and no, I will not be helping out with wedding planning. But, could you please make sure that anything that could expose us, you’ll take care of it? Like who is going to officiate and the whole thing? Thanks. I love you so much,” Amy said, and Karma smiled and nodded her head. If it had been anybody else, Karma wouldn’t have even thought about it. It would have been a 'no’ to taking it again. But, it was Amy. And, she had done everything for her. Amy was always there for her. So, she owed her a lifetime of favours.

“Of course,” Karma said, and with that Amy began to change. Karma was one of those people who didn’t deny anything they could possibly feel. Karma had experimented with Amy in high school and she couldn’t deny that it was a feeling she can’t forget. But, she’s not sure she’s gay. Though, when Amy was changing, she stared for longer than she should have if she was straight.

“Ready to go? I actually may have to go pay the hospital here a visit. But, I’ll be back in like three hours. Tops. Good luck with mother dearest,” Amy said, and Karma sighed. Karma and Amy’s moms were two extremes. Karma’s was too chill and Amy’s was too shrill. They walked down the stairs.

“Oh! Hey there, sleepyhead! I made toast and pancakes!” Farrah said, overly excited. Lauren smiled as she ate three plates of pancakes. Amy pulled out Karma’s chair and sat then in her own.

“Where’s Theo?” Amy asked, trying to create a conversation with Lauren. She seemed too into her pancakes but she answered Amy’s question.

“He went to work. He saves lives by enforcing laws,” Lauren said, and she began to fan herself. The hormones from the pregnancy probably made her horny. Amy made a face and nodded.

“Actually, yeah, mom. I’m just gonna grab a pancake or two and then I have to head out too. The hospital here wants me to do a colonoscopy,” Amy said, shrugging. Karma decided this was a perfect way to butter up to her 'mother in law’. Karma grabbed Amy’s arm.

“Yeah, your husband might be a police officer but my fiancé is a doctor. She saves lives. She saved my own. I love you, Amy,” Karma said, adding the extra cheesy factor. It worked, and Farrah put a hand over her heart. Karma smirked at Amy, who smiled awkwardly.

“I love you too, baby girl,” Amy said, and Karma blushed a little bit. That was one of her turn ons. To be called baby girl. She was sure Amy knew that, and smiled at her.

“You two are just too darn cute! Let me go get my camera!” Farrah said, running off to find her camera. Lauren began to eye then suspiciously.

“We get it. You’re a couple? Why are you trying to sell it so much,” Lauren asked, with a weird look on her face. Amy began to panic, internally. Karma remained calm and told Amy to follow her lead, with her eyes.

“Well, if Farrah likes us more than you, then she’ll give us and our kids the beach house,” Karma said, and Lauren’s mouth dropped open. Amy smirked at Lauren and put a hand around Karma’s waist.

“You sneaky bitches! That’s mine! Theo and me! Hell no,” Lauren said, and got quiet when Farrah walked through the door. Amy ran her fingers through Karma’s hair and she almost moaned. That was another thing that turned Karma on. She didn’t know Amy knew that.

“Hey, those pancakes were so good, mommy. I just wish Theo and I could enjoy them together. I know just how much he loves spending time with you. He specifically asks to spend more time with you and daddy,” Lauren said, appearing vulnerable. Karma, being competitive, decided to challenge her.

“Ms. Raudenfeld, I just want to ask for your permission to marry your beautiful daughter. She already asked me but I want to make sure you’re okay with it. Your approval is the most important thing to us. For everything,” Karma said, and obviously the 'for everything’ part was for wedding planning. Farrah smiled, giddy.

“Oh wow, how blessed am I to have the three most beautiful and kindhearted girls in my family! Karma welcome to the family, and Lauren, you’re bringing me my first grandchild, how come I am so blessed?” Farrah said, hugging the three of them. Feeling awkward, Amy tried to get out of it but Karma punched her so that she would stick in it.

“And, Amy and I were talking, we want our wedding to be in three weeks. Well add an extra week to our vacation time. We just can’t wait to be married. I can’t wait to take her last name,” Karma said, and that was the winner. The beach house was definitely theirs. Farrah was bigger on weddings than children so Amy and Karma had won this fight. Lauren humphed and left the room. Farrah hugged the two of them.

“This is the greatest news! I’m so excited!” Farrah said, clearly excited. Karma then kissed Amy, out of the blue. Amy smiled into the kiss and Farrah smiled.

“Alright, bye baby, I’ll see you when you come back. Don’t take too long. I’ll miss you too much,” Karma said, as Amy finished her last pancake. Amy, still a little dazed from the kiss, nodded. Then, she did the unthinkable. She kissed Karma goodbye. Karma was definitely shocked but she quickly reciprocated, and Amy smiled and pulled her out to the front door.

“Two kisses in a row? You’re a fucking genius, Ames,” Karma said, and Amy smiled and laughed a little awkwardly.

“Alright, well I gotta go. Text me if you have any issues. Love you. Bye,” Amy said, as she left the house. Amy breathed in the warm Texas weather, and there was a pep in her step. She was much more happier and a lot less snarky than she used to be.

She drove to the hospital with minimal swearing and shouting because of traffic. Big record for Amy and Texas traffic. She carried out the procedure and was applauded for doing so, and was back on the road in 3 hours. She drove back to her mom’s house and had bought iced coffee for them. When she walked in, she saw Shane fighting with Lauren with two very pointy sticks, Karma and Theo in an intense staring competition and Farrah and Bruce making out. Amy did not expect to see such a sight. At least she had bought extra coffee.

“What the hell is going on here?” Amy asked, and everyone stopped. Lauren and Shane looked like two toddlers that just got caught doing something wrong. Karma and Theo tried to keep the staring competition going on, and Farrah and Bruce grabbed their coffees from Amy’s tray and were in their car in two minutes. Amy didn’t even want to know what they were doing in there and if the coffee was involved.

“Why are you all such children, and hi baby,” Amy said, walking past everyone to Karma to smile and kiss her cheek. Karma blushed. Even though it was an act, Karma was glad, Amy was playing the perfect fiancé.

“Biased. Anyway, take your stupid doctor coat off and get ready! We leave for my party in 45 minutes. Figure it out, kids,” And, everyone ran up to their separate rooms. There were enough bathrooms for the four of them but they all liked the bathroom that Amy and Lauren shared. Theo decided to just go into the other bathroom but Lauren, Karma and Amy were stuck fighting it out for the bathroom.

“Amy can’t go right now! She takes hours to shower!”

“Lauren can’t go because she’s freaking pregnant! It takes longer to wash the baby bump!”

“None of you can go if you take hours to get ready,” Shane said, filing his nails on top of Amy’s dresser. Lauren and Amy had been distracted by Shane’s sudden outburst so Karma snuck in and locked the bathroom doors. She laughed when she heard them groan.

“Can’t you guys shower together? I mean, in four years, I’m sure you’ve done it before, you nasties!” Lauren said, and Karma froze. She was inside and Amy didn’t handle sexual conversations well. And, this whole faking it thing, although her idea, she wasn’t good on her own. She needed Karma’s support to get through it. Before Amy opened her mouth to say anything, Shane opened his.

“We want them to get ready quick. Not have sex in the bathtub. Jesus, Lauren, this baby sure has made you stupid, and horny,” Shane said, and Amy blushed. Karma sighed a breath of relief and stepped into the shower and took a quick one. When she got out, with her makeup done, and just a towel on, everyone’s jaw had dropped. Even, Lauren.

“Good job, Amy. Picked a good one,” Shane said, with his mouth watering. Karma blushed and shooed them all out of the room. Besides Amy.

“Karms, you really do look beautiful. Insanely. I can’t believe you don’t think you do. You look so pretty, it’s hard to even understand just how beautiful and pretty you look,” Amy said, and Karma blushed and hugged her before going into her suitcase. She picked out a cute but fancy dress, and put it on. Amy let Lauren take a shower, as she picked out her clothes and kept sneaking glances at Karma who was watching TV. Amy sighed. She didn’t want to have to sneak glances at the love of her life. She loved Karma. She wanted to be able to tell her she was beautiful and have her receive it in a way a lover would. Amy took a shower after Lauren and settled for some light makeup and skinny black jeans, a small white t shirt that clung to her body, and a jean jacket over it, with her white converse. It was hard to believe that Karma and Amy were 24 now since they still looked like they did in their adolescent years. Amy grabbed Karma’s hand, and they made their way downstairs.

“Finally, the happy couple are ready. We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes!” Shane said, as he walked outside to go start the car. Theo and Lauren followed behind him, and Amy stopped Karma.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Karma. You’re the bestest friend I could ever have and an even better fiancé. I know this is a bit much, but you’ve not given up on me. Means the most. Thank you,” Amy said, and Karma nodded and planted a kiss on her cheek. Just the slightest contact made Amy shiver with goosebumps on her body.

“Come on, before Shane blows a fit,” Karma said, and they walked hand in hand to the car and Amy opened the door for her. When they were sat inside, Theo and Lauren kept making kissy noises at them because they saw the kiss marks from Karma’s lipstick stained lips on her cheek. It made Amy blush and Karma smirk.

They were at Shane’s house in two minutes. Since Shane wasn’t the only host, he had let the other two people take care of everything he hadn’t yet taken care of. It was just 7:30, but the house was already full. Karma braced herself for all the drunk crazy dudes who would hit on her.

“I won’t let anyone do anything to you. I am the jealous type,” Amy whispered in Karma’s ear, smirking. They slowly walked inside the packed house, with a much more relaxed Karma.

It didn’t even take two minutes for the first guy to come over to Karma. She looked so uncomfortable so as soon as the guy had started speaking, Amy made her way over to her.

“Hey baby, wanna dance? Maybe, we can dance in bed later, if you know what I mean!” The guy said. He was clearly drunk and Karma was so disturbed.

“No, sorry, but thank you,” She said, trying to make her way over to Amy and Shane, but the guy wasn’t backing off.

“Hey, buddy. I’m pretty sure MY FIANCÉ told you to back off,” Amy said, in the guy’s face. The guy shrugged it off and started dancing with another girl. Karma’s third turn on of the day. Standing up for her. How did Amy know all of these? Did she even know? Is this how Amy would be like in a relationship? Karma was so confused by her own thoughts. She didn’t even know what they meant. But, since she hadn’t let loose in a long time, she poured herself a drink and one for Amy as well.

“Thanks. You know. For getting the guy to back off. It was kind of cute to see you get all tough, because you’ve such a little frame. And you sounded so tough,” Karma said, with a small giggle, that turned into a hearty chuckle, and then all at once into laughter. Amy smiled but then got serious.

“I’d do anything to protect you. From anything and anyone. No matter what. I like to protect the people I love most. I’m a doctor, haha,” Amy said, and Karma nodded. Karma loved Amy’s sincerity. It was one of her best traits. She smiled and clinked her cup with Amy’s and they began to drink.

After their second glasses, Amy and Karma were a little tipsy. They walked around the house and then they saw two people they never wanted to see. For different reasons.

Liam Booker and his fiancé.

He saw the two of them and waved his hand and made it over. It really pissed Amy off that Liam hadn’t any clue that Amy hated his guts and that Karma only liked him for sex.

“Karma! Amy! Congrats on the engagement! Did Karma tell you, Soleil and I are engaged too? You guys are invited, by the way!” Liam said, mostly to Amy. Amy’s blood boiled at the way Karma looked at Liam and Soleil. So, she did something bold. Something she’d never do if she didn’t have a drink in her.

“Sorry, Liam. But, we’ll have to talk later uh, Karma looks too good not to kiss right now. Thanks for catching up,” Amy said, and pulled Karma into her body, and used her finger to bring her face into even closer proximity than she was, and she smashed her lips onto hers. Amy and Karma made out for what seemed to be two hours but was only a matter of minutes. When they pulled away, Karma noticed Liam staring, and just smirked and held onto Amy.

“Sorry, pal. If you want more you’ll probably have to climb the tree next to my house next to my room to hear Karma moaning my name and sweating as I take every single piece of innocent she’s ever had in a few swift movements. Basically, I fuck the brains out of her. And, she likes it. So, how are you and Soleil?” Amy asked, and that was it. Liam and Soleil stormed off. Karma smiled and hugged Amy and Amy couldn’t help but notice just how heated that make out session was. Karma looked even more beautiful, breathing hard. Amy wondered what else she could do to make her breathe hard like that.

The night moved slowly. It wasn’t one of Shane’s best parties, and he knew that. He tried everything in his power to get the party back into whack. However, even Shane’s parties at their worst were better than most people’s parties at their best. Either way, he closed the speaker system, which angered people.

“Sorry, sorry. I just want to let you all know I’m doing a couple games of Spin The Bottle, Truth Or Dare, and Never Have I Ever!” The majority of the people shrugged it off, and began dancing to the music again. A couple people gathered around and Shane ran up to Theo, Lauren, Karma, and Amy.

“Hey, Shane. Great party. Karma is a little tired so I think I might take her home?” Amy said, and the three of them nodded, but Shane shook his head.

“No, you’ve gotta stick around for a couple games. Please, Ames. We don’t have enough people to make it fun. You guys will play, won’t you?” Shane begged and Amy sighed and nodded.

“Fine. We’ll stay. Three rounds of each though. That’s it,” Amy said, and Shane nodded and led them to where the rest of the group was sitting. Amy saw Liam sitting all alone and asked Shane what the deal was.

“Soleil left to go home. She didn’t feel well or something. She told him to have a good time though,” Shane shrugged and Amy nodded and smiled.

“Let’s Spin The Bottle!” The group of 7 screamed excitedly. Shane spun it first and it landed on a random boy. Duke was out of town on a business trip and it was just spin the bottle. He mentally promised himself to tell Duke. He kissed the boy quickly. For a mere two seconds. The boy spun it and it landed on Lauren. Theo relaxed himself but before he did so, he asked the boy about what he had been drinking and how old he was. Too many questions that they begged someone else to spin it. So, Shane gave it to Amy. She spun it and when it landed, Karma held her breath.

It landed on Felix. Felix was a boy that the group met their junior year. He wasn’t as close of a friend to them as Shane or Theo were but he was close. He was a cool guy but he made it pretty obvious that he was in love with Amy. Karma didn’t know why she held her breath in suspense. There was no way she had feelings for her best friend. Those weren’t butterflies.

Felix leaned in and Amy leaned forward, and Felix kissed her. It was about ten seconds, until Karma had had enough and pulled Amy back.

“She’s MY fiancé. Should’ve tapped it sooner, buddy,” Karma said, without even thinking about it. Amy smirked. Looks like she wasn’t the only fake jealous one. Neither of them knew that they weren’t faking the jealousy though.

“Jeez, Karma. Chill. Let’s play Never Have I Ever. That’ll get us all back in the mood to party!” Shane said, and the group nodded. By then a few people entered the group. Shane went first.

“Never have I ever kissed someone just to make someone jealous,” Shane said, and a few people took shots. Amy being one of them. She had just kissed Karma to make Liam jealous. The people who took shots had to tell their story so Amy sighed. When it was Amy’s turn, Karma looked at her expectantly. Amy decided this was a perfect way to make everyone gush over her relationship with Karma, which was something Karma wanted.

“Back when Karma and I were just friends, I knew she had at least a few feelings for me. And, I had feelings for her. Big time. I was so in love with her that none of my thoughts would ever not be about her. Even during exams. Which isn’t good. But, yeah. I basically kissed one of our friends back in Cali, and Karma flipped. Because, just the night before we had cuddled, and I was so close to telling her how I felt. She just looked too peaceful. She always does when she’s sleeping. She’s got this cute little scrunched up face when she’s having a confusing dream. She likes to have one hand under the pillow too. She can’t sleep without it. But, I only did it because the guy she was going out with was a dick. I wanted her to realise I was much better for her. So. Yeah. I kissed her. Karma started screaming at her. She was like, stop kissing her! She’s mine! And, then she dumped him and uh yeah,” Amy said, intertwining her fingers with Karma’s. The crowd nearby had stopped to listen to their story. Amy smiled and Karma blushed. She didn’t know Amy had noticed that about when she slept. She didn’t even know that she made those faces.

“Alright! That was like the cutest thing I’ve ever heard but who is going to go next?” Shane asked. Liam stood up. Amy gripped Karma’s hand a little more firmly.

“Never have I ever fallen in love with my best friend,” He said, slurring his words. Amy looked confused, as she and Karma took a shot. He looked sad.

“Okay. I just needed to know that you and I can’t ever get back together. You’re in love with her. You’ve been in love with her since fucking high school, I don’t know why the fuck I even tried. Hope you’re happy Karms. I’m not. I love you, Karma. And, you love her,” Liam screamed. The air was still and everyone was quiet. The only thing that could have been heard was the music playing. He looked at her one last time and stormed out of the house. Everyone looked at Karma who was crying. Amy held onto her hand, and motioned for her to go talk to him. She loved her but she knew she didn’t love her back. Even though Liam said since high school. It didn’t make any sense. Karma followed Liam outside and stopped him from sitting inside his car.

“Liam, please. Wait,” Karma said, and Liam froze. He sighed, and walked back around his car. He sat down on the grass and he motioned for Karma to do the same. He took her hand and chuckled at himself.

“I chased a girl in high school. She had the cutest smile. The best hair I’d ever seen, besides my own. Her eyes glistened in the moonlight. She was my favourite thing about coming to school. The only problem? She was gay. She was a lesbian. She was in love with her best friend. They were the school’s most loved couple. Until I learned they were faking it, my goal was to turn that girl straight. Rude of me, I know, but I just couldn’t help but love her. She made me smile just by being near me. But, when I learned they were faking it, I was so relieved I could finally be in a relationship with her. But, the girl was more invested in her best friend that she was faking it with. I thought you know she’s her best friend. It’s probably just extreme love for a best friend. But, it wasn’t. It was the kind of care I provided her. She insisted that the girl was just her best friend. So, I believed it. Then, as high school came to an end and I got accepted into a different school than she did, she insisted we not do a long distance relationship because she wanted me to be happy, and just a friends with benefits situation, every time we saw each other. She didn’t know that the only way I could be happy was to have her. Just to have her in my arms. To look at her every night and whisper 'I love you, beautiful’ before falling asleep. And, whispering the same thing when I woke up. I imagined this life with this girl. And, during high school, I thought she did too. Then, we didn’t see each other. The two or three times we did, was straight sex. No talking. No 'I love you’ or 'how have you been’. Just sex. I was okay with that because at least I got to see her. I then realised that the real issue was, I was fooling around with Karma. That’s what I had been doing to girls for years. And, I finally had it done to me and I couldn’t handle it. It’s not Karma’s fault. You know. It’s not her fault she’s the most beautiful human I could ever see. And, clearly someone else thought that too, because she’s engaged. This girl. She’s engaged to her best friend. The one who she faked it with. Guess it wasn’t really faking. It was my fault for being naive, but her fault for stealing my heart. I had it locked up. But, she stole it. She still has it. She won’t even try to give it back, but even if she did, I couldn’t accept it. It was a gift from me to her. A crappy one at best, but it was still a gift. I just miss her. I wish I could find another girl like her. Just one girl. Someone to take the pain away. But, I can’t. She’s my everything and she always will be. The spark I had with that other girl, I mistook it for love. It’s not. It’s just complacent. I asked her to marry me to fill the void in my heart, but she can’t. And she never will. She’s not her. She’s not you, Karma,” Liam said. By the end of it all, they were both in tears. Amy stood by the door and heard the entire thing. Amy and Liam were in the same position. They were more similar than they thought they were.

“Liam, I’m so sorry. I. I just. Amy and I…I’m sorry,” Karma said, running away from him. She couldn’t understand anything anymore. She didn’t know what to do, so she ran. Liam stood there, heartbroken and Amy felt so bad.

“You heard that? I know it was sappy. You don’t have to tell me. I’m…I’m just in love with her. I don’t have to make you promise to treat her well. I know you will. You’re better for her anyway. I’m a coward. I couldn’t even tell my dad I wanted to become an artist. You’re good for her,” He said, wiping his tears away. Amy hugged him. She hadn’t related so much to someone.

“I need to tell you something, Liam. You have to promise you won’t say anything though,” Amy said, and he nodded, confused. So, Amy got in Shane’s car and Liam sat in the passenger seat. They were going to look for Karma but Amy was also going to explain everything. And, she did. She explained everything.

“Oh. Wow. Holy shit. Why did she run away though? I mean, if she does love me like you say she does. Or you think she does, why couldn’t she tell me? We were all alone?” Liam asked and Amy thought about it. Why didn’t she say anything? It was hard for Karma to keep a secret but she was keeping this one so well?

“I guess she thought I’d get mad that she told someone. I’m sorry. I know it’s fucked up. But, my mom just wants to see me get married. I didn’t want to let her down so I just got myself in this mess instead. Poor Karma. I’m a sick bastard for doing this to her,” Amy said, turning to Amy and Karma’s favourite spot as kids. There was a pretty deserted beach only two minutes away from Amy’s old house. They saw a figure skip pebbles and Amy knew it was Karma. She loved doing that with Karma. She motioned for Liam to follow her.

“Karma,” Amy said. Karma looked at her and ran up to her and hugged her with tears streaming down her face. Amy hugged her and the hole in her chest got bigger. Liam stood behind her awkwardly. She opened her eyes and saw him, and backed up.

“What’s going on?” Karma asked, and Amy sighed. Liam smiled softly at her before Amy nodded and took a deep breath.

“I told Liam our situation. Thankfully, he’s not mad. You can be with him freely, Karma. If you want. We’ll just have to hide it. Which, I’m sure we can do,” Amy said, smiling painfully at Liam. Liam stepped forward and Karma took a step back. Liam frowned.

“Liam. Amy. No. Don’t okay. I don’t know anything right now! Liam, I don’t know how I feel about you anymore. I know that it’s not like it was back in high school. And, Amy you can’t do this kind of thing. Okay. I know you don’t want me to be with him. Chicks before dicks. I love you Aims. And, I love you Liam. I just don’t know. I’m just too confused,” Karma said, before sitting down on the sand. Amy and Liam both walked over to her and sat down next to her on each side.

“You don’t have to tell me right away. And, I know you don’t love me like you did in high school. I was just hoping if you gave me a proper chance, I could make it different. And, Amy, if you’re really uncomfortable with it, I’ll stop. I won’t. I want your blessing. I want Karma to be happy, and the only way that will happen is if you’re happy as well,” Liam said, and Amy nodded. What she said next would make all the difference.

“Karma. You don’t have to pick between us. We’re friends. It’s just him and I have the same job. To keep you safe. The job that people who love you take upon themselves. Sometimes we get carried away. We can’t help it. I know I can’t. So, when you have the same job, you get a little competitive. And, that’s how it’s been so far. But, I’ll stop being competitive. I’ll always make sure you’re okay and that you’re never sad, but I know Liam could possibly take away the sadness and also make sure that you’re safe. We need to work together and if you want us to, we’ll try our best. It’s not our fault that we want to keep the most beautiful thing in our lives happy and safe. I just don’t know how to tell you this. If you want Liam, go for it. We’ll figure out something. If you just want to relax and figure it out step by step, we can do that too. There’s no pressure. And there never will be. I’m sorry we caused that when all we are trying to do is make you happy. I’m so sorry. We are,” Amy said, to Karma. This may have been just about the most painful speech she had ever had to give. She has had to give lectures to kids who had no interest in the subject and still this was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do. Handing over the love of her life to a boy that she had lost her to multiple times in high school.

“I love you, Amy. You too, Liam. I just. I need time. For the time being, Amy and I are going to fake it. I’ll figure it out, hopefully and I’ll tell you. I’m sorry if I don’t choose you. Amy has and is my life. She always will be. She’s my best friend. I get a little carried away as well. I know I shouldn’t make her my centre priority. I can’t help it. She’s all I know. She’s all I’ve ever known,” Karma said, and Amy felt a little better. She did. It just wasn’t enough to pull her out of the slump she was going to be in until she made a decision. Liam nodded.

“I’m just glad you’re considering me,” He said, before planting a kiss on her forehead. The same thing Amy did, and it made her blood boil. She reminded herself to relax. He can do that now. Karma nodded and watched as he drove back. Amy took a seat next to Karma.

“It’s funny. I grew up hating him. He always stole you away from me. And it always made my blood boil. I just couldn’t stand not being with you. You’re my best friend. You’re my soul mate. We will spend the rest of our lives together. Even if I have to watch you with him. It’ll take some time not to hate him anymore. But, if you’re happy with him, I’ll learn how to do it. I’d do anything for you and now you should be sure of it. I love you, Karms. He does too,” Amy said, looking at her. As the sun came up, she looked at the sun. Amy couldn’t understand just how beautiful she was with her hair blowing in the slight wind and the sun showing off her already beautiful face. This mental image was going to be with her until the day she died. Karma nodded, turning to face her.

“I just don’t know how I feel anymore, Amy. I used to wait for him to express his love for me the way that he did back on Shane’s yard. I used to think we would end up together. I just don’t anymore. I can’t see him in my future. I don’t know what my future is but I don’t see him in it. And, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how I feel. About anyone or anything anymore. It’s all too confusing. I just..” Karma trailed off and Amy hugged her. Karma kept her head in the crook of her neck. Amy smiled softly at her.

“You’re confused and that’s okay. No one told you you need to figure it out this second. All we said is that the both of us will be with you every step of the way. No matter what. We love you. We’re patient. We can do this,” Amy said. Karma nodded and stared at the ocean.

“What would you say if you maybe started seeing someone really close to you in a different light? Like, maybe someone you really hate you fell in love with. Or maybe someone you hadn’t noticed before, you saw that they were hella cute. I feel like I’m seeing someone in a new light,” Karma said. Amy got a little scared. Maybe she fell for someone else. Two people fighting for her heart should already be enough. Well, really only Liam is fighting for her heart. Amy’s just trying to keep it safe.

“Uhm yeah. A guy back home. He lives in our apartment. Short brown hair and blue eyes? Zac. He’s really sweet to me. And, now I never get that constant greeting. I think I might be falling for him. Do you think he’d feel weird about going from a platonic relationship to a real one? Like going from barely talking to always talking,” Karma lied. Amy swallowed hard. The thought of her wanting someone she didn’t even know was even worse.

“Oh. He’s…yeah he’s nice. I’m sure he’ll come around to it. Plus. You’re hot. So, obviously he’ll be into you,” Amy said, as quickly as possible. She didn’t want to discuss it anymore. Karma smiled as she closed her eyes.

“Maybe, I’ll try turning on the Karma Ashcroft charm for him. Do you think it’ll work?” She asked Amy, who looked like she had just lost everything worth fighting for.

“Of course it will work, Karms. You’re so pretty. He’ll definitely want to 'tap that’ as you kids say,” Amy said, trying to make a joke to hide the crack in her voice. Karma opened her eyes and hugged Amy for the 36348th time that day.

“What was that for?” Amy asked, a little confused. She enjoyed the contact. Karma was the perfect length for Amy. She always came up to Amy’s chin. Karma snuggled up to her.

“You’re just the bestest friend anyone could’ve ever asked for. Could you imagine if we had never met that day in the ball pit?” Karma asked and Amy smiled thinking back. It was a much simpler time. But, that was also when the obsession started. The obsession with Karma. To be around her. To always keep her smiling. Which on some level always ensured Amy’s happiness.

“I don’t like thinking about that. You’re in my life now and I’m still the happiest kid in the world. So, I think that has something to do with you and being in this amazing friendship with you. Do you want to go home now? There’s sand in my butt,” Amy said, and Karma laughed. That was why Amy wanted Karma so much. Her sense of humour. Amy could say anything that was disturbing and Karma would laugh. It made them work. But, on some level that also prevented a relationship from ever coming about. They were too casual. That’s why to prove that she’d be a great person to be in a relationship with, she would go all out in certain occasions. Just for Karma.

“Not just yet. I like how this place looks when the sun comes up, Amy. It reminds me of home,” Karma said, with her eyes closed. Amy was ready to kill a man to find out what she was thinking right about now.

“You’re my home, Karma. I don’t need a silly little sunrise to see that. You’re my home. You make me feel safe,” Amy said, getting closer to Karma. Karma smiled and ran a hand through Amy’s hair, which almost made her moan. The sun came up and Karma smiled.

“You’re not going to take a picture? Thought you loved the sunrise?” Amy asked, and Karma shook her head.

“It’s the small things in life Amy. Witnessing a sunrise should be peaceful. No distractions. Just being there with someone you love and the serenity of the waves is enough to provide a sense of home. It’s the small things I appreciate. Being an actor has taught me that,” Karma said and Amy nodded, and put an arm around her and watched as Karma smiled at the sun. The stayed like that for the next couple minutes. Until Karma stood up.

“Now, let’s go home. I’m tired as fuck,” Karma said. Amy laughed and started up Shane’s car. She had to return it in the morning. Or well, later morning. The drive back was calm and no one spoke. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. It was a silence that provided a feeling of accompaniment. Something that words couldn’t do.

Karma and Amy snuck inside the Raudenfeld-Cooper household, and snuck inside Amy’s room. Amy let Karma change first. When she came back out, she had washed the makeup off of her face, and she had her loose baggy pyjamas on and her hair in a loose bun. Amy could even tell that Karma wasn’t wearing a bra. She looked too effortlessly beautiful. What happened next was something Amy couldn’t control. Amy pounced. She grabbed Karma’s face and began kissing her with such force. Karma kissed back almost instantly. The intensity of the kiss grew as Amy pushed Karma onto the bed. Karma let Amy take off her pyjama top, as she took off her bottoms. Amy kissed her again, as she climbed on top of her. Realisation hit her.

“Are you sure?” Amy asked, hungrily. Karma nodded just as hungrily. Amy looked concerned before Karma pulled Amy towards her.

“I want you to fuck me,” Karma said, and Amy nodded.

And, she did indeed fuck her.

“Karma, we jus -”

“Save it for the morning,”


And, Karma fell asleep. Amy stayed up as she looked at Karma in awe. Amy couldn’t believe she just fucked Karma. She wondered how that felt for her. Because it sent Amy to another world.

After an hour of admiring Karma in her sweaty glow, Amy fell asleep.


“Amy! Wake up,” Karma said, as she jumped on the bed. Amy groaned and looked at the clock. It was just 9:00 AM. And they had gotten back around 5. And, then they did something. Amy groaned.

“Karma, it’s 9. Let me sleep just a little bit longer,” Amy asked and Karma shook her head. She jumped on the bed, relentlessly. Amy got up.

“Should we talk about it now?” Amy asked and Karma shook her head. Amy grew frustrated but knew that there would probably be a reason for Karma not to want to talk about it.

“No, because you’re taking me out on a date tonight. A real one. We’ll discuss it afterwords. I asked your mom if just her and Lauren could plan today. My parents can’t come until tomorrow, because their flight got delayed. I told Shane that we would see him later, when I gave his car back. You’re welcome for that, by the way. I haven’t talked to Liam but I texted him and asked him to give me a day of silence. Lauren and Theo have their pregnancy class and then their doctor appointment to find out the sex of the baby, so they won’t be home until after we’re gone. Depending on when the date is. Come on, Amy,” Karma asked. Amy nodded. Amy ran into the bathroom to get ready. This was her first date with Karma. This wasn’t how she wanted things to start with Karma. She didn’t want to have sex first and then talk about it over a date that Karma demanded from her. But, with Karma things were never conventional. And, she enjoyed that. The first date that Amy had been planning for 8 years was about to come to life. She needed Shane’s help with this. So, she took a quick shower and changed and was out of the bathroom in ten minutes.

“Bye, Karms. Love you. I’ll come by and pick you up at 6,” Amy said, hurriedly, as she kissed the top of her head and rushed out of the front door. Karma kept calling after her but she couldn’t hear her.

Until she realised she had walked outside without her pants on. She ran back in and walked all the way up the stairs and saw Karma laughing. Amy blushed as she threw on the pants she wore last night.

“Bye, honey,” Karma called after her. Amy ran to her car and called Shane. He didn’t pick up. So, Amy drove to his house and pounded on the door until someone answered.

“Oh, hi Amy! Such a pleasure to see you again. I’m glad Shane has such a good friend who doesn’t go out partying all night. Shane’s in his room,” Shane’s dad answered the door. Amy smiled and said a quick hello before darting up the stairs into Shane’s room.

“You can fucking answer your phone, you know. It’s not against the fucking law,” Amy said. Shane looked outside the window. He didn’t even bother turning around. Amy’s face softened.

“Shane? Shane? Are you okay? What happened?” Amy asked as she walked closer to him. As she got closer she saw Shane in tears.

“Shane? What happened? Talk to me, man. Come on,” Amy said, and Shane just motioned towards the article on his phone.

“Wrestler Duke Smith out with new boy toy in Santa Fe,” Amy looked at the title of the article. There were multiple pictures of Duke laughing and smiling with him.

“Shane, this magazine lies a lot. There’s no way Duke would be cheating on you. He loves you. That boy is head over heels for you. There’s no way. I don’t believe it,” Amy said, and Shane sighed. Shane’s phone rang and Shane saw that it was Duke. Shane didn’t have the strength to answer it so Amy did.

“It’s Amy. What the hell, Duke?” Amy said, a little angry. Duke sighed over the phone.

“Please give it to Shane,” He asked and Amy looked at Shane who shook his head. Duke sighed.

“He doesn’t want to talk to me, right? Why would he? He thinks I’m a cheater. I swear, Amy you have to believe me, I’m not cheating. It’s actually kind of the opposite,” Duke said, and it clicked. All the pictures of the two of them were taken outside of jewellery stores.

“Holy shit. Okay, I know what that means. You need to talk to Shane,” Amy said. She handed the phone to Shane who didn’t take it at first but Amy forced it on him and he took it. Duke most likely explained what was happening and Shane started dancing up and down. Amy smiled at her best friend.

He put the phone down and hugged Amy. Amy laughed as she hugged him harder.

“I have a fiancé!” Shane ran around screaming. His dad came up see what the ruckus was about and when Shane told him, he hugged him. He even hugged Amy.

“Aww you kids are growing up so fast. I love you both!” Shane’s dad said, and Amy smiled as she snuggled into him. After a while, they were released from his grip. The two walked back into Shane’s room.

“You know what will make you even happier. Your favourite ship had sex last night. And, they’re going on a date tonight,” Amy said, blushing a little bit. Shane looked at her.

“Okay, how about you stop trying to mess around with me and actually tell me what you’re here for,” Shane said and Amy just looked at him, sheepishly. He looked at her and almost screamed.

“OMG! Amy tell me everything or I’ll eat your first child spit it all out, and sell the carcass on eBay,” Shane said. Amy took a step away from Shane and began.

She started from the beach. Twisting around the story just a little bit. She felt wrong for lying to Shane about not actually being engaged, but she couldn’t afford to risk the secret. And, telling Shane meant telling the entire world.

“OMG! You’re here to ask me to help you on your amazing date plan? I’m so honoured. Let’s go!” Shane said, grabbing Amy and sitting her down in her car, and sitting himself down in the passenger seat.

Amy sighed and looked at her phone’s lock screen which was a picture of Karma with a bow on top of her head. It was Amy’s favourite picture of Karma out of so many. She was so excited to make Karma’s day. Of course they had their situation to talk about but today they would just have to put that aside so that Amy could take Karma on a real date. This might be her shot to be Karma’s.

And, by hell she was going to take it and she was gonna give it her all.

This was a long chapter. I rambled a lot. I’m sorry if it wasn’t good. I tried my best. I tried rewriting it. This was the best that came about. Any recommendations would be completely and utterly accepted. Thank you :)

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