
For the first time in history, a U.S. Vice President spoke at the March For Life rally. And Mike Pence had a powerful message of hope to bring pro-lifers, reports Life Site News.

"Life is winning again in America," Pence boldly stated. He mourned the deaths from abortion since Roe v. Wade, but encouraged the crowd that their fervent stand for life was paying off.

Pence cited a “historic election of a president who stands for add stronger America, a more prosperous America, and a president who I say proudly stands for the right to life – President Donald Trump," as evidence of the powerful shift in the nation toward a pro-life America.

But Pence had some powerful advice to those who want to see abortion ended in America. The key, he said, would be championing the cause with love and gentleness.

"Let this movement be known for love, not anger. Let this movement be known for compassion, not confrontation. When it comes to matters of the heart, there is nothing stronger than gentleness," Pence said.

"I believe that we will continue to win the hearts and minds of the rising generation if our hearts first break for young mothers and their unborn children, and if we each of us do all we can to meet them where they are, with generosity, not judgment," he added.

Pence's words are especially wise, as a pro-lifers are frequently portrayed in the liberal media as lacking compassion or being judgmental. But that is not the true heart of the pro-lifers, and Pence rightly calls out the strength of the movement: Love.

Life Site News shares the amazing steps the Trump/Pence administration has already taken for pro-life, in just one week.  "On his very first day of work in the White House on Monday, Trump signed an executive order reinstating the 'Mexico City Policy' which banned government funding of foreign pro-abortion groups like the International Planned Parenthood Federation."

"The following day, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in large majority to permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortion on U.S. soil. The same day Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, promised a 'heavy Administration presence' at the March for Life."

And Pence has delivered upon that promise and went on to tell the crowds that he and Trump would not give up.  "And be assured, be assured, that along with you, we will not grow wearied, we will not rest until we restore a culture of life in America for ourselves and our posterity. Thank you and God bless you," he said.

Wow! What powerful words from our highest government! Praise God! What do you think of Pence's direction for the success of the pro-life movement in America?

Let us hear your thoughts and prayers in the Comments! Thank you!

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