
This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @ JillConyers.com, & Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch.org) is…The Fit Dish Interview: Get to Know the Amazing Women of the FitFam!

Throughout my years in high school journalism and with my research project in grad school, I interviewed a whole lot of people, but I can’t say I’ve ever interviewed myself! I suppose there’s a first for everything though, so here we go!

#DishTheFit: Answer these questions + get to know the #fitfam! #thefitdish #empowerment
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What is your proudest achievement to date?

Making it this far!

I’m apparently now considered a fourth-year, which means I’m finally on my very last year of school ever! WHATWHAT. It has been a long, long road, and this is my 9th year of school after high school, so you can probably understand why I find this so exciting. If all goes well, I’ll be graduating in less than a year!!

If we’re talking about fitness achievements, I’m going to go with my 275 lb. deadlift. Yay for state records! (I hope to break national someday.)

What keeps you passionate?

I’m starting on my applications for residency programs right now, and thus far, I’ve managed to narrow it down to ~10 states (give or take 1) and 59 programs that I think I might like.

(…For the record, I think the average that people apply to is around 15-20-ish.)

Clearly, I have some work to do, so I made an epic spreadsheet!

My Type A is showing.

Knowing that I’m this much closer to being able to spend my life working a job that I love and being able to make a difference? That’s what fuels my passion. I’m so excited (though also nervous) about what the future will hold, and I really hope I find the perfect program for me (we’re going with the assumption that if it’s the one, it’ll want me to be there too)!

#DishTheFit: Get to know the #fitfam! What keeps you #passionate? #empowerment #fitness #thefitdish
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What makes you the most proud to be a woman?

All the answers that I came up with could also very much apply to being a dude, so instead of directly answering this question, I’m going to share an awesome graphic that I found on imgur.

Why do you think it’s so important for women to unite as a sisterhood + empower each other?

I don’t know who said that quote, but I very much agree:

Strong people don’t put others down. They lift them up.”

I don’t see any reason why anyone would ever feel the need to put someone down just to feel better about themselves. I think  we have enough trouble with being so #distractinglysexy! (Great example of unity right there. <3)

What are some examples of some small ways we can empower the women around us in our day-to-day life?

Think before you speak.

Be a good listener.

Give compliments that you really mean.

Encourage others instead of criticizing them.

Be sincere.

Give credit where credit is due.

Do not belittle someone else’s feelings/thoughts/experiences.

Look for the silver linings, and help others to do the same.

Lift others up instead of bringing them down.

Be kind.

What is one piece of advice you’d like to share with the fitfam?

Don’t be afraid to go after your dreams. The road there may not be easy, but if it’s something you really want and believe in, it’ll be worth it when you make it there!

#TheFitDish Interview: Stay #Passionate & #BeYou! #SweatPink #GirlsGoneSporty #FitFluential
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Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]

The post The Fit Dish Interview appeared first on fairyburger.

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