Eyp. Georgia</h1> <a href="http://eyp.org.ge/eng/?page_id=6312" role="button"> Learn more </a> <h2>BECOME AN ACTIVE CITIZEN NOW!</h2> <h1>What...
Eyp. Georgia</h1> <a href="http://eyp.org.ge/eng/?page_id=6312" role="button"> Learn more </a> <h2>BECOME AN ACTIVE CITIZEN NOW!</h2> <h1>What...
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TransConflict is pleased to showcase the work of the Civil Forum for Peace from Georgia, a member of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation. Suggested Reading Conflict Background GCCT The Georgian-Ossetian Civil Forum was founded in 20...
SOUTHERN WINGS BIRD CLUB AUCTION SET Monday, October 21 – 7 PM at the Gwinnett Justice & Administration Center (Note the date change – 3rd Monday) Everyone is invited, bring family and friend, bring items to sell, for the birds, garden...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Mindflex, The Learning Organization (www.mindflextraining.com), is involved in corporate softskills training. Training modules inc...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
ჩვენი გამომცემლობა 13 წლისაა!!! გამომცემლობის პრიორიტეტია - ქართული სამეცნიერო ლიტერატურის წარმოჩენა და პოპულარიზაცია. ჩვენ ვზრუნავთ აკადემიური ხარისხის შენარჩუნებაზე - ჩვენი გამოცემული წიგნები გად...
The 7th National Selection Conference of EYP Georgia was held in June 6-9 ,2013 in Tbilisi. It Gathered 120 participants. The Number of the Delegates was 89, which included students from Tbilisi and f...
EYP Georgia - European Youth Parliament - GeorgiaEuropean Youth Parliament – Georgia
European Youth Parliament started its activities in Georgia in 2007 as an initiative group, but National Committee of Georgia was recognized as a full member of the organisation in 2008(April), at the...
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