
June 23, 2014, Davie, FL: The Town of Davie is committed to providing safe, clean water to its residents. Florida Administrative Code mandates the issuance of a Precautionary Boil Water Advisory under certain operating conditions.

Due to construction work east of the Florida Turnpike on Old Griffin Road a watermain break occurred. Businesses and residents between State Road 7 west to the Florida Turnpike and from the New River Canal south to Stirling Road are under a precautionary boil water notice.

Based on the requirements of Florida Administrative Code we are issuing a Precautionary Boil Water Notice for the area between State Road 7 west to the Florida Turnpike and from the New River south to Stirling Road. BoilWaterMap6232014

Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A ROLLING BOIL OF ONE MINUTE IS SUFFICIENT. You may use the water for bathing, laundry and irrigation.  All fixtures should be run for several minutes to clear the lines in your home.

THIS “PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICE” WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL THE BACTERIOLOGICAL SURVEY SHOWS THAT THE WATER IS SAFE TO DRINK. The testing should take approximately  36-48 hours to complete. We will communicate with you again to advise of the cancellation (rescission) of the advisory.

For more information, please contact Town of Davie Customer Service at 954-797-1065 (8:30 am to 5 pm M-F) or the emergency number 954-327-3750, or the Broward County Health Department at 954-467-4700 ext. 4231. Notice from Town of Davie

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