
This is a subject that has come up over and over again.

The Toronto District School Board, whose wasteful spending and incompetence will result in a reduction in needed teaching positions, finds the money to put on expensive conferences promoting collectivism and fund policy papers and teaching guides that actually promote communism.

There is a reason that every single occasion Communists have had an opportunity to form a national government for any significant length of time, the result has been repression, totalitarianism, deprivation of basic freedoms and mass murder.

It is an inherently evil system in which the individual is devalued.

But the people running the Toronto District School Board, including Acting Director Donna Quan and Chief Academic Officer Manon Gardier, along with TDSB Chair Chris Bolton do not appear to recognize that. If they did, why aren't they doing something about the pervasive promotion of Marxist and communist ideology in the curriculum?

Reader Matt L. sent in the following information about the TDSB`s resource guide `Challenging Class Bias`which is an outright promotion of communism and a promotion of class warfare to children by our public school system:

Here they are taught to despise class enemies and that the middle and upper classes are ``agents`` of class bias:

The TDSB`s ``educators`` are promoting a vapid and patently false depiction of capitalism that appears to have been arrived at by some idiot who based their information on the subject exclusively from reading the rules for the Parker Brothers`game Monopoly:

Naturally, according to the TDSB, the wealthy should be despised and a lack of a specific wealth tax is somehow a `gift`` (or a capitalist plot):

And wasteful entitlement spending could all be paid for if we only taxed the rich more and more. Evidently, the morons running the TDSB never learned the lesson from England in the 1960`s and 70`s when that approach nearly bankrupted the country, drove the wealth out, and resulted in a backlash that brought Margaret Thatcher to power for many successive governments:

And once their young charges have been sufficiently indoctrinated, teachers are commanded to tell their students to lobby government for the politicized outcomes the TDSB communists want:

This type of education is immoral and a violation of the rights due to parents and the responsibilities educators have to their students and to society.

I`ll be discussing it further on The Arena with Michael Coren tonight.

My friend Aurel Braun discussed some of this with Ezra Levant yesterday:

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