
Include These 74 Alkaline Foods Into Your Diet To Lead a Healthy Life!

If you want your body to become alkaline, it’s be best to start by learning which foods will help in making your body alkaline and keeping it so. The best thing about such foods is that you will not have to be concerned that they will have any acidic effects. But keep in mind that some foods will be more alkaline. You don’t have to just stick to an all-alkaline diet for maintaining your body’s pH levels for alkalinity. You can take some acidic foods too. But make sure they are whole foods and natural – such as fruits.

So here are 74 alkaline foods that can help in naturally balancing your body:

Almond Milk & Almonds

Almonds have always been known to be the healthiest foods for consumption. What most people never realize is that they are also an alkaline food. They help in increasing muscle gain, reducing cholesterol levels, and with fat loss. You can get the health benefits of almonds without having to eat lots of them. They can be amazing snacks that could be enjoyed anywhere and between your meals.

Almonds have 44% proteins, 25% iron and 27% calcium per 100g.


Amaranth is an amazing grain, which may not be very popular. However, it could be the perfect food to include into your alkaline-focused diet plan. It is a unique grain because it contains much higher levels of proteins. It is an alkaline-forming food, and is rich in minerals and vitamins too. There are many recipes that can be used to make it for your family.

100g of amaranth contains 14g of proteins, 16% calcium, and 42% iron.


You will often see artichokes being used to top salads. They are also used in dips. But you shouldn’t just limit them to that. They should be included more in your diet. It is highly alkaline and can help in increasing your body’s pH levels. The rich antioxidant content also helps in purifying your liver and improves digestion. You can make a salad full of leafy greens and top it with lots of artichokes.

100g of artichokes contain 17% folates, 12% vitamin K and 20% vitamin C.


This is a leafy green you cannot afford to miss. Arugula is commonly used in detox diet plan, especially because it’s an alkaline food. It is loaded with vitamin A and has lots of calcium. When we think of calcium, dairy products are the first foods that come to mind. However, arugula is a non-diary food that supplies enough amount of calcium. Make sure to include arugula into your cart on your next shopping.

100g of arugula contains 47% vitamin A, 16% calcium, and 8% iron.


Asparagus also makes an alkaline effect. In fact, this is among the strongest of foods known for their alkalinity. It ranks somewhere in the top when you rank all the foods for their alkalinity. It is also loaded with various nutrients, antioxidants, and offers amazing detoxifying qualities. Asparagus also has anti-aging properties. So you have good many reasons for including it in your menu.

100g of asparagus has 15% vitamin A, 12% iron and 9% vitamin C.

Avocado & Avocado Oil

Avocado is not just an alkaline food, it is also a superfood. It shouldn’t be a surprise to know that it packs a big nutritional punch. They contain high amounts of healthy fat and potassium. Thus, they not only make your body more alkaline, you will also get additional nutrients. Avocado oil can also be used in place of other oils which don’t offer alkaline benefits. Other oils are also likely to be acid-forming in your body.

100g of avocado contains 27% fiber, 17% vitamin C and 3% vitamin A.


Most people don’t know that the spices or herbs they are using in their food also affect the acidity or alkalinity of their pH levels. However, there are two kinds of spices – good and bad ones. You should be using basil because it is alkaline-forming. Besides, it also contains many other nutrients, especially the flavonoids. Flavonoids are effective in helping your body with healing. Basil is also beneficial overall with different aspects of your body.

100g of basil has a staggering 345% of vitamin K, 175% of vitamin A and 18% of calcium.


There has been growing interest in beetroot. It is a nutrient-rich food that also helps in raising your body’s pH levels. What makes this vegetable stand out is that it is a rare source of a phytonutrient called betalain. It is believed to have anti-cancer properties. You can always add beetroots as a side or for topping your salads. It should always be purchased fresh and then steamed. Pickled beetroot will have lesser nutritional value.

100g of beetroot contains 75% folate, 11% vitamin K and 8% of vitamin C.


Broccoli is a quintessential healthy food that is alkaline. You should make sure that you add more of this vegetable into your diet because of all its health benefits. Many are taking it daily to ensure good health and make the most of its alkaline side. Make sure that you are eating it several times in a week. It will be best to take it 3 to 4 times per week.

100g of broccoli has 135% vitamin C, 11% vitamin and 4% calcium.

Brussels Sprouts

It is common for people to leave their Brussels sprouts on the plate without even touch it. You should no longer do that and start to enjoy this healthy vegetable. Brussels sprouts have been found to help in breaking down acids formed by acid-forming foods. This function helps in improving your pH levels. It also helps in maintaining your body’s alkaline state. They are also rich in various minerals, vitamins and fiber. You could add them as a side dish to almost any meal. Make sure to get Brussels sprouts fresh. They should be steamed before consumption.

100g of Brussels sprouts has 142% vitamin C, 15% vitamin A, and 8% iron.


Buckwheat is widely discussed as a health food due to the absence of wheat in it. However, it does give a similar texture when you take it as noodle. If you are a gluten-free follower, this is the right food for you. But that is not all. Buckwheat is also a great alkaline food that doesn’t form acid when it enters your system.

Another health benefit is that buckwheat is rich in proteins. It is also loaded with iron. There are so many recipes that you can make with buckwheat.

100g of buckwheat has 13.3g of proteins, 12% iron, and 2% calcium.


Many people may have a problem with cabbage’s taste. If you have an open mind, you can work around this issue. The reason you don’t like the taste is because you don’t know about the best recipes. The common reason many don’t like its taste is that it’s easy to cook it the wrong way.

It is an alkaline food, and also helps in the prevention and reversal of various cancers. Then there is its fiber content and low amount of caloric load. Don’t just go for its taste, cabbage is an amazing addition to any diet.

100g of cabbage has 54% vitamin C, 5% calcium, and 3% vitamin A.


We all know that carrots are among the healthiest foods for our eyes. However, they also have an overall alkaline effect on our body. So they are doubly healthy, great in taste when taken raw or steamed. You can steam them to chew up easier. They are rich in so many nutrients including vitamins, potassium and fiber. This makes carrots the complete veggie. You could just follow Bugs Bunny and chew on your carrot more often.

100g of carrots have 336% vitamin A, 3% calcium and 10% vitamin C.


Cauliflower comes from the same family of vegetables as Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Thus, it has many similar health characteristics. It is an alkaline food and contains lots of fiber. If you are looking for a rich non-fruit source of vitamin C, cauliflower is the right choice with up to 77% of the vitamin.

Cauliflower can be easily prepared while retaining most of its alkaline nature. You can consume it raw with salads. You can also steam it to make it tender.

100g of cauliflower has 77% vitamin C, 2% iron and 2% calcium.


You don’t have to love its taste, but celery is amazing. It is not just an alkaline food, it provides low amounts of calories to your body. It also offers a wide range of health benefits. Many people may not want to crunch it because the strands can get stuck in their teeth. Don’t worry, just crush it in the blender to prepare your green smoothie. Add it to your fruit smoothie to get a little bit of spiciness. It will not overcome the fruit’s flavor.

100g of celery has 4% vitamin A, 2% vitamin c and 2% calcium.


It’s hard to believe but these little seeds do pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are so small, you may also think how they can affect your body’s pH levels. The fact is that chia does have a significant impact on your body’s alkalinity.

The best thing about chia is that they could be sprinkled on almost any food. You could prepare a soup from the vegetables in this list and sprinkle some chia seeds over them. You could also add chia to a smoothie to get its alkaline benefits.

100g of chia contains 20% of iron, 20% of calcium and 10% vitamin A.


You should start taking more of chives because most people don’t take enough of it. Chives are alkaline forming and also add flavor to your meal. There are so many new ways to include it into your diet. You can add them to new potatoes (present in this alkaline list) and enjoy extra nutritional benefits.

100g of chives have 3% vitamin C and 3% vitamin A.


Cilantro offers you an amazing way for adding lots of taste to your diet. Consume it regularly to maintain your body’s alkalinity. It may be small in size and it can be surprising that they can be alkaline-forming and offer so many health benefits with digestion, anemia and cholesterol. They can be easily included into your cooking. Why not make a herb garden in your home and have cilantro grown organically. You don’t have to add lots of cilantro because it can easily mix with the other alkaline-forming foods in this list.

100g of cilantro has 2% iron, 1% calcium and 1% vitamin C.


When it comes to coconut, you are looking at a natural food that offers health benefits in every possible way. Whether you take coconut juice, flesh or milk, all the health benefits have been documented. At the same time coconut also offers the benefit of alkalinity. It can be quite difficult to include more of coconut into your diet. But make sure that you don’t take packaged coconut shavings in baking. It will be best to use coconut oil or the fresh coconut flesh for getting its benefits.

100g of coconut has 11% iron, 1% calcium, and 4% vitamin C.

Collard Greens

If you are looking at a staple soul food, collard greens are the perfect choice. Make sure that you don’t miss this vegetable. It’s green and is full of alkaline benefits.  It is also one of the leading cancer fighting foods. This is especially because alkalinity and greens are the perfect combination for fighting cancer. It is also loaded with tons of vitamin A. There are so many other vitamins and nutrients, you cannot afford to ignore it.

100g of collard greens have 230% of vitamin A, 20% calcium and 20% vitamin C.


This is one veggie you should maintain a regular stock of in your fridge. We all know the hydrating benefits of cucumber, but it is also alkaline. It will be best to keep the peels. But you can also peel strips from the peel off to create the pinwheel effect. It will give you a healthier treat while also giving a beautiful treat to the eyes.

100g of cucumber has  2% vitamin C, 1% calcium and 1% vitamin A.


You may or may not have cumin in your home. It depends on the kind of food that you cook. If you are already using it regularly, continue doing so. However, if you haven’t been using it much or are not familiar with it, you should include it into your cart when you go for shopping.

Cumin is a spice that helps by neutralizing acidic foods that you consume. If you take it with other alkaline food and veggies, it will give you double benefits.

100g of cumin has 8% iron, 1% vitamin A and 2% calcium.


Most people look at dandelion as nothing more than an annoying weed in their lawns. The truth is that both the flower and its root are highly nutritious. You may have to work a little hard to add it to your meals, it will be all the worth it.

Dandelion is an alkaline food and creates a detoxifying effect. It is also beneficial in helping lower blood pressure. This is the reason is in the list of the top foods for lowering blood pressure.

100g of dandelion has 10% calcium, 54% vitamin A, and 32% vitamin C.


Whenever you are going out for vegetable shopping make sure to include this versatile veggie into the basket. Eggplant offers amazing alkaline effects. There is no limit to how much you can eat. It has low amount of calories and also makes you feel fuller. Eggplant is also beneficial in balancing certain acidic foods that you take daily.

It can be used for making so many recipes. That’s why it’s among the most popular veggies. You can also enjoy it with so many entrée recipes and side dishes.

100g of eggplant has 1% calcium, 1% iron and 3% vitamin C.


Endive is mostly grouped with leafy greens. However, it is an amazing food known for its alkaline power. Some palates may find it to be slightly bitter. However, many people like its taste, especially due to the reason that it adds variety compared to the normal romaine lettuce and spinach.

You can eat endive any way you want – in the salad or blend it as part of a green smoothie. It is always going to offer benefits to your body.

100g of endive has 11% vitamin A, 1% calcium and 3% vitamin C.

Flax Oil & Flax Seeds

Flax has been known to offer so many health benefits – both as a seed and oil. A major health benefit is that it helps your body in remaining alkaline. You can easily sprinkle the seeds on any dish. Besides, they don’t have any unique flavor. This means that you could include them into your meal without worrying about changing the taste. You can also easily add them into any smoothie.

Flax seed oil can be used for cooking. It can help in further enhancing the nutritious value of veggies.

100g of flax seeds contain 46% iron, 37% calcium and 2% vitamin C.


The health benefits of garlic, especially as a cleansing food have been known for a very long time. It has been widely used to add flavor to meals. It is also beneficial if you want to have an alkaline diet. Garlic has also been used for fighting cancer and preventing it. It has also been beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

Garlic is also great in detoxifying your body. There are so many health benefits to enjoy when you add more of it into your food. You can stir fry alkaline veggies with 2 cloves of garlic.

Each clove of garlic has 2% vitamin C.


The health benefits of ginger have made it increasingly popular. It is considered as a superfood, and offers amazing detoxifying properties. Because ginger is also a powerful alkaline food, you should not have any hesitation in adding it to your meals. It will increase your foods alkalinity.

There are so many recipes where ginger can be an easy to add ingredient.

1 teaspoon of ginger has 8mg potassium.

Gluten Free Breads

There is a growing gluten-free trend. Thanks to it, you can easily find more types of gluten-free breads in the local stores. These breads allow you to enjoy the typical texture and taste of bread without its acidity-contributing properties.

They may not be as alkaline as spinach and cucumber, gluten-free breads are slightly alkaline. Interestingly, all the alkaline foods on this list are gluten-free.

The nutrients in gluten-free breads differ based on the brand.

Goat’s Milk

It should not be surprised that dairy products are not included in our list of alkaline foods. However, goat’s milk is an exception. It is because it’s not like cow’s milk. One thing is that most people have better toleration for goat’s milk compared to cow’s milk.

Goat’s milk also reacts in a different way in your body. While it is slightly alkaline, cow’s milk has an acidifying effect. It may not make a massive difference in your body’s alkalinity, you can still drink it and not have to worry about any acidic effects.

Goat’s milk contains 33% calcium, 5% vitamin C and 10% vitamin A.


This is nothing less than a superstar food and you can find it everywhere. Grapefruit is a superfood and is beneficial in losing weight because it helps improve your metabolism. Grapefruit has also been called among the healthiest foods on Earth.

Grapefruit is also alkaline even if you find it to be acidic and sour to taste. It has low sugar count. Overall, it has an alkalizing effect on your body after you take it.

Half piece of grapefruit has 73% vitamin C, 1% iron and 2% calcium.

Green Beans

This is a widely popular vegetable. Many families take green beans as the perfect side dish. Green beans are an alkaline food offering various other health benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, calcium and iron. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be eating it.

Green beans are also easy to cook and there are so many recipes you can make using them.

A cup of green beans contains 30% vitamin C, 4% calcium and 6% iron.

Herbal Teas

If you want your body to become alkaline and maintain it, you should stop drinking regular tea. It will be best to switch to herbal teas. Normal black tea creates an acidic effect in your body. The same is the case with coffee. You should instead drink chamomile tea or ginger tea.

Green tea may be an alkaline tea but it is not included this list because it contains caffeine. This ingredient will make it acidic in your body. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and is considered to be a great beverage. It is also known as a cancer fighting agent.

The nutrients in herbal teas differ based on the type and brand.


If you are not already taking kale, it’s high time you did. Otherwise, you are missing out on so many of its health benefits. Whenever we talk of spinach and leafy greens, kale is also included in the discussion. It is loaded with so many nutrients including vitamins and minerals, you will be surprised why you didn’t include it into your diet so long.

It is rich in vitamins A and C, calcium and fiber. Kale is also known for its amazing cancer fighting benefits.

Just a cup of kale has 134% vitamin C, 206% vitamin A and 9% calcium.


There’s so much to kelp that you should start taking it if you are not already taking it in supplement or other form. You can easily add it to a green smoothie. Kelp is beneficial for detoxifying your body. It has the perfect combo of vitamins and minerals. By adding to your land-based veggies, this ocean-based food also brings variety. You will be boosting your alkaline efforts when you add more kelp to your diet.

100g of kelp has 15% vitamin C, 17% iron and 7% calcium.

Khorasan Wheat

This is rare wheat-based food you will find on this alkaline foods list. Don’t be surprised if you realize that it has gluten in it. The only reason that gives it the edge over other wheats (and why it’s here on this list) is because it gets digested in a different way. Another benefit is that khorasan wheat doesn’t have the same acidifying results.

Khorasan wheat also contains more proteins and iron compared to regular wheat. It also helps in retaining your body’s alkalinity. All this makes it more nutritious foods compared to regular wheat. It will be best to choose the Kamut brand when shopping.

68g of khorasan wheat has 8g proteins and 10% iron.


A regular addition to soups and a number of recipes, leeks are known for their slightly oniony flavor (without having all the overpowering effect). It is recommended to use leeks more in your diet, as they are also alkaline foods.

Besides, leeks are also rich in nutritional value. As a vegetable, leeks contain high amounts of vitamin C. This nutrient helps in improving your immune system and keeping you healthy. You may not eat it as such, but you can steam and mix leeks with other veggies given on this list. This can help you in boosting your pH.

A cup of leeks has 30% vitamin A, 18% vitamin C and 10% iron.


The appearance of lemon on this list of alkaline foods may come as a big surprise to you. Chances are that your mouth must be feeling soury even when you think of lemon. Lemon is sour and acidic to the taste and most people think that it is nothing else but acid forming. It will come to you as a surprise that lemon creates alkaline response by your body. Because it contains low amounts of sugar, you won’t have to worry about it like sweet fruits. Lemon also helps your digestive system with its cleansing effect. Not to mention its high vitamin C content that helps your body in so many ways.

100g of lemon has 51% vitamin C, 2% calcium and 2% iron.


Usually overlooked, lentils have started gaining massive popularity recently. This was especially after they were featured in the best-seller, The Four Hour Body. Your body digests it slowly. It has lots of fiber and best of all it is an alkaline food. There are various types of vitamins and minerals in it.

For best results, it is recommended to cook lentils at home. Don’t buy those available in cans. All you have to do is to boil lentils until they become al dente.

A cup of lentils has 80% iron, 11% calcium and 14% vitamin C.


You will come across people telling you that regular lettuce doesn’t have much nutritional value. But consuming it will create alkaline effect in your body. So it is not that it will not benefit you. If you want to add more nutritional value, you can choose romaine and various other varieties which are also alkaline.

Lettuce, of all types, will provide you with phytonutrients. They will also help in keeping your body’ pH level on the alkaline side of the scale.

A cup of lettuce has 1% iron, 2% vitamin C, and 1% calcium.

Lima Beans

Because lima beans contain high amounts of iron, they are widely popular with both vegans and vegetarians. Their high vitamin C content means that you will get more than 50% of your daily recommended dose. You will not have to eat any citrus fruits such as oranges.

Lima beans have alkaline-forming properties once you have consumed them. They help in countering acidic foods in your system. Lima beans will help in keeping your body on the alkaline column.

100g of lima beans have 61% vitamin C, 27% iron, and 5% calcium.


Limes are also mistaken to be acid-forming, similar to the lemons. This is also because of the sharp acidic taste given by the citric acid. However, when you consume limes, your pH level will rise. You should start including more lime into your diet. You can use them for dressing up your foods. You may just add a slice when you drink water.

You may not be able to consume limes the same way as you do an orange. That’s why it will be best to include them into your dishes. You may also infuse limes into your cooking to add its flavor.

A lime has 32% vitamin C, 2% iron, and 2% calcium.


If you prefer gluten-free diet, millet could be the perfect grain to add to your plate. It is a rare grain devoid of gluten. Its popularity stems from the fact that you can easily replace wheat with it. It can be used for making healthier breads. It can also be used in other recipes where you will usually use wheat.

It is not like wheat in its nutrient content. It is rich in both proteins and iron. You will be getting better nutritional value while also avoiding the acidic side on the pH scale.

A cup of millet has 33% iron, 22g proteins and 2% calcium.


Adding fresh mint to a dish is a wonderful way to enjoy a unique flavor. It will also offer amazing nutritional benefits. Along with all these benefits, mint is also an alkaline forming food. If you are looking the best herbs and spices, you should consider those that form alkaline and not acid. You can simply add one or two mint leaf to your smoothies because of its amazing aroma. It is going to give a fresh taste that also improves your breath.

100g of mint has 3% vitamin A, 1% calcium and 2% vitamin C.

Mung Beans

The benefits of mung beans include fighting some cancer types, preventing and managing diabetes, and reducing cholesterol levels. But that is not all. Mung beans are alkaline-forming foods in your body. You can consume them regularly to ensure that you increase your alkaline-food intake.

Mung beans are also rich in the antioxidant vitamin C. They have also been found to be beneficial in improving immune system. If you are a vegetarian, they can also be consumed as natural source of iron.

A cup of mung beans has 23% vitamin C, 5% iron and 1% calcium.

Mustard Greens

This list of alkaline foods contains lots of leafy greens. But mustard greens is something of a special addition here because most people must have never tried them. According to research, mustard greens are loaded with antioxidants. They also have amazing anti-cancer benefits. Other important health benefits include maintaining a healthy heart and detoxifying your body.

They also have high amounts of fiber, which help with weight loss.

100g of mustard greens have 118% vitamin A, 65% vitamin C, and 5% of iron.

Navy Beans

We have also included navy beans and other white beans in this list, as they are effectively used by the body. These beans are also on the alkaline side. Besides, they are rich in so many nutrients including iron, calcium, proteins, and fiber.

Navy beans are low-glycemic foods. This means they help in preventing spike in blood glucose levels. Besides, navy beans are also highly versatile foods. You can include them in so many recipes as side dishes. They can also be mixed along with various ingredients in your vegetarian main course.

A cup of navy beans has 117% iron, 48% calcium, and 47% proteins.

New Potatoes

Many people are not used to using new potatoes. If you are among them, it is time you checked their descriptions closely. Even though you may have to spend a little more compared to regular potatoes. It will all be worth because of the alkaline benefits.

New potatoes get their name because they have been picked premature. They not only taste great, these potatoes are also helpful in keeping your body alkaline or are helpful in making your body alkaline as it’s not an acid-forming food.

You should just try them to find their amazing taste and alkaline benefits. You can top them with chives to increase alkalinity.

300g of new potatoes have 63% vitamin C, 3% calcium, and 12% iron.


Okra has been a hot topic in health food circles. There’s good reason why – it’s special mixture of minerals and vitamins. Okra also belongs to an alkaline family of foods. You could take it as much as you want, as it is going to help your body get or remain alkaline.

A cup of okra contains 35% vitamin C, 8% calcium and 8% vitamin A.

Olive Oil

There can never be any contest that olive oil is among the healthiest of oils. But with its alkaline characteristic, it is even better that you thought it to be. It is oil that can be drizzled over your salad. It will be best if that salad has all the alkaline veggies. You can also use olive oil for cooking to improve the health benefits.

Olive oil is amazingly beneficial for weight loss. It can also help in detoxifying your body. You can add olive oil to green smoothies to give them improved consistency and thickness. This is amazing oil that can be used at any time.

A tablespoon of olive oil has 1.4 monounsaturated fat and 9.8g of polyunsaturated fat.


Onions can never be skipped from the list of top alkaline foods. You must already be consuming them regularly. It will be even better if you take them along with other alkaline-forming foods. Don’t just take them as toppings in your hot dogs and hamburgers.

When you sauté them, use olive oil. This will help in increasing the overall alkalinity. Make sure that you are not overcooking them. There are so many recipes in which onion is the staple. Make sure that you are using fresh onions to get the best out of them.

A cup of onions has 17% vitamin, 4% calcium and 2% iron.


Parsley is not just about adding more presentation to your plate. It will also help in maintaining your body’s alkalinity. You will usually find this little green herb as almost an integral siding to steaks. But don’t just limit it to that. You should also take more of it with veggie-ful plates.

Take this tip – you can just add parsley to your smoothies. You will have a fresher-tasting smoothie loaded with more minerals and vitamins. Interestingly, you can grow parsley in your own garden so that you could always use it fresh.

One tablespoon of parsley has 8% vitamin C, 65 vitamin A and 1% iron.


Peas can be considered as the best side dish of the year. What is even better is that peas are alkaline foods. Peas are even greater because they can be used on their own without the need for adding anything else. Make sure to limit the use of butter. It is the only thing that will add acidic food.

You should try unbuttered peas for best results. You will find them to be amazingly delicious. Besides, they will not have the fats and calories.

A cup of peas have 22% vitamin A, 97% vitamin C and 12% iron.


You could take any color peppers, they are all going to help you remain alkaline. Yellow, green and red peppers – all help in maintaining high pH levels. You will also find them to be too simple to cook. They are also amazingly delicious and fresh.

When cooking peppers, you should stir fry them with garlic and onions with little olive oil. Similar to the foods given in this alkaline-food list, you will enjoy several benefits. Peppers are rich in vitamin C, and have good amount of vitamin A.

A cup of green peppers has 200% vitamin C, 11% vitamin A and 3% iron.


There is a new trend of pomegranate juice. This is one fruit you could consume without the need to worry that it could be acid-forming. It has very high percentage of potassium. It is also rich in vitamin C. You can add it to smoothies or enjoy it as  snack whenever you like.

When drinking pomegranate juice, it is important to insure that sugar is not added. You should also avoid mixing it with any high sugar fruits. Doing so could result in loss of alkalinity.

A fruit contains 400mg potassium, 16% vitamin C, and 3% iron.

Pumpkin & Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin is not just about the holiday pumpkin pies and Halloween parties. You can cook this veggie throughout the year and enjoy its amazing health benefits. And most importantly it’s alkaline. You can simply consume its seeds as snacks, and they are alkaline too. Its huge vitamin A content is also a great reason to start eating more of it.

A cup of pumpkin has 171% vitamin A, 2% iron and 17% vitamin C.


There is growing interest in quinoa as a highly healthy food, and it is most likely that you must not be eating it already. Quinoa is quite versatile and can be used easily. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals, more than various other grains.

This seed is also gluten-free. It may not be too alkaline, but it is the right amount so that you are not choosing anything acidic. When you consume it you are taking little steps towards becoming more alkaline. You can make amazing recipes with quinoa.

A cup of quinoa contains 87% iron, 22g protein, and 10% calcium.


When it comes to radishes, the health benefits are so much you could never go wrong with them. They help with fighting cancer, boosting your digestion and also in the prevention of heart disease. Radishes also helps in detoxifying your body. They are also beneficial in the regulation of both blood glucose levels and blood pressure.

Radish is also helpful in maintaining your body’s alkalinity. If you are concerned about the taste, you have so many ways for cooking them. You could also add other alkaline herbs to improve the taste.

A cup of radish has 29% vitamin, 2% iron and 3% calcium.

Red Beans

You will find red beans usually as kidney beans in stores. There are many other red beans types and they are all alkaline. You should include them in your diet more often. These beans are simply healthy for you without concern how you prepare them. They will help in improving your body’s iron levels. They also contain calcium and vitamin C. Their high fiber content also helps with digestion. They also help you with weight loss.

A cup of red beans has 14% vitamin C, 68% iron and 15% calcium.


You can find it difficult to get familiar with rhubarb. It may seem that it is a vegetable, but in fact it is a fruit. This is among the very few fruits that made it to this alkaline-foods list.

You may find it to be a unique type of celery. The unique tartness could prove to be excessive for some people. The key is to use it in the right recipe or you should learn to prepare it the right way. Its high calcium content and various antioxidants makes it an important food to include in your diet.

A cup of rhubarb has 16% vitamin C, 10% calcium and 2% vitamin A.

Sesame Seeds

When it comes to sesame seeds, make sure that you are not getting your intake from sesame seed bun in the burger. It is not going to help you with alkalization to counter a large amount of acid-forming foods. It will be best to sprinkle sesame seeds on a salad of alkaline veggies. You can also add them when blending green smoothies. They have lots of iron and also supply significant amount of proteins for such a small seed.

A cup of sesame seeds has 25g proteins, 65% iron and 20% calcium.


Soybeans have been considered to be very healthy for a good number of reasons. For one, they are alkaline forming foods. Vegetarians have long been using them, as they are a rich non-meat source of iron. Soybeans have also been an alternative to dairy as a rich source of calcium. You could add them to your plate when you want to reduce your intake of meat and dairy or you want to avoid them altogether while remaining alkaline.

A cup of soybeans has 162% iron, 52% calcium and 19% vitamin C.


Spinach is another amazing alkaline-food, and you must already be consuming it.  This leafy green has amazing health benefits. You could consume it any way you want, it will help your body become alkaline. For best results, get baby spinach. It can be used as a base for your salads.

Now that you know about different types of alkalizing veggies, you could easily make a salad that gives a big boost to your pH levels.

A cup of spinach has 56% vitamin A, 14% vitamin C, and 4% iron.


You may not be able to prepare a side dish using nothing else but sprouts. However, you could also add them as a wonderful sidekick to other vegetables. Add them into a stir fry or simply blend them.

Their amazing alkalizing benefits cannot be ignored. Then sprouts are full of so many nutrients, proteins and enzymes. Sprouts are readily available, as you could find them in almost all supermarkets and grocery stores.

A cup of sprouts has 3% iron, 10% vitamin C and 1% calcium.


There are different types of squash and each one has its own set of nutrients. All this means unique health benefits too. But all of them help in adding up to the body’s alkaline state. Squash can be used to prepare wonderful side dishes. There are so many vegetarian recipes that can be made with squash, where they can be the main entre. You could use other veggies as side dishes.  Butternut squash has a staggering amount of vitamin A, and good amount of vitamin C.

A cup of butternut squash has 298% of vitamin A, 49% vitamin C and 7% calcium.

Sunflower Seeds

Avoid dry roasted sunflower seeds and the ones which high amount of added salt. Sunflower seeds are naturally alkaline foods, and should be taken without any additives. The additives can increase sodium and fat levels. These seeds contain good amount of healthy fats, iron and proteins. You can consume them to reduce your intake of acid-forming meats.

An ounce of shelled sunflower seeds have 11% iron, 6g proteins and 1% vitamin C.

Sweet Potato

There is a widespread misconception that starchy foods form acid. This is the reason you should be a little surprised to see both new potatoes and sweet potatoes on this list. The fact is that the acid-forming and alkaline-forming property of a food depends on how it gets broken down in the body after you have consumed it. Therefore, sweet potato is alkaline.

There are many other health benefits of sweet potatoes. It has an amazing taste, is loaded with fiber, and is rich in vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant.

100g of sweet potatoes contain 369% vitamin A, 4% iron, 4% calcium, and 5% vitamin C.

Swiss Chard

This is a leafy green that’s not been so popular. Swiss chard is also an alkalizing leafy green. You may have had it as part of a mix of greens in garden salads in restaurants. You may also have enjoyed it at your home. It is known for its unique bitter taste. You may not find it to be appealing initially, but you are likely to crave it after trying just few times. You can also enjoy it with other green leafy veggies like kale and spinach.

100g of Swiss chard has 18% vitamin C, 2% calcium and 4% iron.


Thyme is an amazing spice that can be added when cooking. Along with all its health benefits, it’s also alkaline-forming. It is the primary seasoning with various dishes in certain cultures. Among its main health benefits includes positive effects for the respiratory system. It is now increasingly considered as a superspice. Thyme is believed to have its own set of antioxidants. It is also rich in so many nutrients which is surprising considering that it is such a small herb.

A teaspoon of thyme has 1% iron, 1% of vitamin A and 2% vitamin C.


Tofu has been the meat replacement for vegetarians for many years. If you had been consuming it, you must have been helping with the creation of alkaline state in your body without knowing it.

This could be the reason for the documented health benefits of vegetarian lifestyle, as it involves cutting down or removing acid-forming meats and replacing them with alkaline-forming foods such as vegetables and tofu. It is not essential to become fully vegetarian to enjoy these benefits. A typical alkaline diet allows consumption of some acidic foods too.

A slice of tofu has 5% iron, 5g proteins, and 3% calcium.


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and antioxidants. They are also great for heart health and contribute to longer and happier lifespan. Tomatoes are also alkaline-forming foods. So you should consume more tomatoes. The sour taste of tomato, just like in the case of lemon, may make you think that it is also acidic. However, it is not acid forming and will work by raising the pH level of your body.

A med. Tomato has 26% vitamin C, 2% iron and 1% calcium.


Watercress is also a leafy green that contributes to keeping your body alkaline. It is also rich in so many vitamins, which means you will get a wide range of nutrients for your body. Thanks to its unique flavor, you may also like it compared to some other leafy greens. When it comes to its alkaline benefits, it also ranks high for its effects on your body. Studies show that watercress is also beneficial in repairing damages caused to the DNA, which can be of great benefit in the prevention and reversal of cancer.

A cup of watercress has 32% vitamin A, 24% vitamin C and 4% calcium.


More recently, the popularity of wheatgrass has increased significantly. This has especially been due to the increased popularity of the green smoothie. But “health nuts” have known about wheatgrass for some time now. It has amazingly strong alkaline effects on the body. It is usually available in supplemental form. You could consume it by just mixing in water and drinking it. Many like to take a glass of wheatgrass juice everyday to ensure that they are getting adequate amount of alkaline-forming food.

3g of wheatgrass has 44% iron, 12% vitamin C and 30% vitamin A.


You can find this veggie almost at all grocery stores. Thus, you can easily begin using zucchini and include it into your comprehensive approach towards keeping your body alkaline. You can make various zucchini recipes. You may also simply steam and eat them to get all the benefits. It is also beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels. In men, it has been found to be helpful in preventing prostate cancer.

A cup of zucchini has 35% vitamin C, 2% iron and 5% of vitamin A.

It is not essential that you should be restricted to just these alkaline-foods. However, they can work as the perfect alkaline-base to your diet plan. You could consume as much of them to ensure that your body remains more alkaline. It is important to maintain a balance, and there are other foods that have lots of nutrients and vitamins. So you shouldn’t avoid them from your diet. Make sure to add variety to the healthy foods you take. Your diet should include the alkaline-foods given here, and eventually you will be giving lots of benefits to your body.

FAQs Related to Alkaline Foods

Can alkaline foods support acid reflux?

When you consume alkaline foods, it directly helps in the reduction of stomach acid. It is considered to help in reducing or preventing symptoms of acid reflux. You must have already identified some foods that cause acid reflux when you consume them. You must be avoiding them now. There is a good chance that those foods belong to the acidic foods list.

If you check the alkaline-foods list, you will realize that none contributes to acid reflux. You should ask your doctor about the right diet plan for reducing your acid reflux. There’s a good chance that such a diet plan will match an alkaline diet.

What do you mean by “alkaline-forming” foods?

It refers to foods which may not be alkaline in nature, they produce alkaline effect when your body breaks them down. This is the opposite of acidic-effect due to acid-forming foods.

Citrus fruits such as lemons and grapefruits are excellent examples. They may have citric acid, but they are alkalizing when you consume them. This is the reason you must differentiate between foods which are acidic when outside, but turn alkaline when digested and processed in your body.

You will come across so many alkaline and acidic foods-lists. They can have variations with different foods. Some lists may show some foods to be alkaline, while others may show the same foods to be acidic. That can confuse you, but we have made our best efforts to deliver highly accurate information.

What are the functions of alkaline foods?

When you consume alkaline foods, they might be helpful in raising your body’s pH levels to a stage where they support your overall wellbeing and health. Alkaline foods may also be beneficial in neutralizing extra amounts of acid that could cause inflammation and various chronic conditions.

There is debate in some circles if such foods are capable of bringing change to the pH levels of blood, thus causing changes in the way the body manages different diseases and conditions.

The answer you get can vary from one to another, if you ask them whether alkaline foods can help with reversing cancer, preventing heart disease, or reduce inflammation in your body. At the same time you must keep in mind that all alkaline foods will feature their own set of health benefits. So eventually it may come down to eating better and reducing the intake of foods which are unhealthy. Following both the paths can give positive health results for most people.

Can alkaline foods be helpful in losing weight?

It is highly likely that when you change your diet by including more amounts of alkaline-forming foods, you end up losing more weight. The reason is that the foods offer various types of health benefits. Most of these foods are believed to be superfoods. If you replace your acidic foods or highly processed foods with alkaline foods, you are highly likely to lose weight. Interestingly, most of the alkaline foods listed here can also been seen in weight loss and healthy diet plans. All diets which advocate the consumption of leafy greens including spinach and are considered to be healthy are also found to be alkaline.

What is the taste of alkaline foods?

Because there are different types of alkaline foods, there is no fixed answer to what the typical taste is. Many are veggies, others are fruits, nuts and grains. At the same time, you should know that acidic foods will not always taste like acid. Don’t expect all of them to burn the tongue. What they do is create acidic effects in your body.

Similarly, alkaline foods don’t feature any particular taste. The flavor cannot tell you if you are eating acidic or alkaline food. Oranges may have citric acid, but they are actually alkaline-forming. So taste is not a determining factor for alkaline foods.

Can cooking alkaline foods turn them into acidic?

It is not essential that they turn into acidic. But when you cook your food, you could be cooking the essential minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for your body. You don’t have to consume raw diet to be able to consume alkaline foods. However, you should try to eat them fresher for best results. When cooking is unavoidable, you should use methods such as steaming to ensure that the nutrients remain intact.

Role of Alkaline Foods Against Cancer

You must have often come across the information that consumption of alkaline foods can be helpful in preventing cancer. You must have also heard that it can help in reversing cancer. One thing you must know is that hospitals provide special diets to their cancer patients. These diets are loaded with alkaline foods. But they never specifically refer to these diets as alkaline diets.

According to others, an alkaline environment destroys cancer and doesn’t allow it to thrive. They claim that consumption of acidic foods causes cancer. They also believe that acidic environment also causes cancer to thrive and spread out in a patient’s body.

Some scientists and doctors claim that your body maintains blood at pH levels without concern what you consume. They also say that eating any food doesn’t have any impact on your pH level.

Thus, you would question why consume alkaline diet if it is not going to have an impact on your body’s pH? Those supporting alkaline diets might be just getting you to consume healthy diet due to the reason that they have found a way to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy foods. This diet is mostly vegetarian. It is something that certainly helps in improving health when taken for long term.

One of the best answers on this topic is that the list of alkaline foods comprises of all-healthy foods. All have their unique set of side benefits which means they are beneficial for your body. When you look at the basic level, it become apparent that foods from the Earth are helpful for your body. But heavily processed or manmade foods are not. You should consume foods which have been grown naturally. They absorb sun’s energy and transfer the energy to your body. If you consume dead food or something loaded with chemical, will only make you ill.

Gout & Alkaline Foods

Gout results from excess amount of uric acid in your system. It is believed that if you consume more alkaline foods, it will help in reducing the levels. This can help prevent gout attacks. When you consume alkaline foods, they create an alkalizing effect. Thus, they are helpful in neutralizing certain acidic foods you have eaten.

The special diets made for people suffering from gout are found to be similar to alkaline diet. When you take alkaline foods, you will thus avoid the foods which are known to cause gout attacks.

Acne & Alkaline Foods

Alkaline diet promoters say that these foods are also beneficial with acne. They claim that acne is most likely caused by acidic environment. It has also been believed for a long time that taking improper diet that has greasy fried foods, could contribute to more acne. It is now believed that it is the acidic effect and not the specific food type that leads to these breakouts.

When you consume alkaline, you get lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in the form of whole food. This helps in making your skin healthier and eliminates all the blemishes.

Allergies & Alkaline Foods

The benefits of alkaline also include allergy relief. But it is not yet clear the way alkaline diets can help in the prevention of allergic reaction towards pollen, pet dander and dust. In fact, alkaline diet is mostly considered as a cure-all for all types of things ailing humans. Although there is no damage to consuming more alkaline foods, as many are superfoods and loaded with minerals and vitamins, there is no clinical research yet that points out a connection between alkaline food consumption and reduced allergic outbreaks.

Diabetes & Alkaline Foods

There are so many alkaline foods that have been found to be helpful with maintenance of blood glucose levels. They don’t cause the kind of spikes that come with consumption of high-sugar foods. It has been found that different diabetic diets that doctors prescribe are similar to alkaline diets. They mostly have veggies and beans.

Even the likeliness of developing diabetes when consume alkaline diet also get reduced. It is also believed that your diabetes can become more manageable when you take this diet. You should consult your doctor before you start consuming an alkaline diet. Chances are your doctor may recommend even an improved eating plan.

Other Conditions & Diseases

When you come across a site that attempts to sell you alkaline diets, you will notice many claims about the benefits of alkaline foods. This can include claims like preventing different conditions and diseases. The underlying concept is that when the body has alkaline state, it is least likely to develop some diseases and illnesses. These conditions affect only those who have acidic body.

It is not clear what is actually meant when they claim that your body is acidic or alkaline. The fact is that certain parts of your body have to be acidic for working effectively. You stomach is a good example because it has to break down foods. Your body also has a self system of regulating the blood’s pH levels. This works similar to your lungs that have to breathe, your heart that beats, and some organs and body parts that require certain temperatures.

Make sure to do your own research and consult your doctor before you chose any diet plan.

Image Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/karimian/57925008

Next Article:  Download Your Complementary Foods Chart Here!

Source: Bembu

The post Include These 74 Alkaline Foods Into Your Diet To Lead a Healthy Life! appeared first on Extreme Natural Health News.

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