
Guest Blog Post

With Ext JS 5, reusing code between mobile (Sencha Touch) and desktop/tablet apps (Ext JS) is a dream come true. In the following exercise, we will harness the power of Sencha Cmd 5 to build a Sencha Space application that's capable of sharing code between Ext JS 5 and Sencha Touch 2.

Our goals are to:

Create Sencha Touch and Ext JS apps that reuse as much code as possible

Use packages to contain shared features

Learn how to tackle incompatibilities

Deploy apps in a Sencha Space environment

To reach our goal, we will create an app that displays data for the most popular web browsers of 2012 in form of a grid and chart. The entire source code presented in this exercise is available for you to fork or download.


Good preparation is the key to success. Workspace and packages are old pieces of a puzzle that provide a much clearer picture of multi-application environments now that Ext JS 5 is available.

Let's start with creating a workspace. Make sure you have Sencha Cmd 5 installed.

Now, we have a workspace directory that will host our applications and the frameworks. Navigate to the workspace directory and run:

We will refer to our app as MyApp. This Ext JS 5 application will serve our tablet users. To suppport our phone users, we will create a separate Sencha Touch application:

Finally, it's time to create our package that contains shared code. We will code a chart and a grid/list component in it, so let's call the package GridChart. From your workspace directory execute:

This is what our file structure looks like now:

ExtSpace and TouchSpace are application folders, packages/GridChart contains shared components, while ext and touch reference framework SDKs. In the following sections, we will take a deeper dive into each of these pieces.

Shared Chart Components

Ext JS 5 includes the amazing new charts from Sencha Touch 2. Best of all, their configuration pattern is very similar, so we can easily reuse them in our apps.

The Ext.chart.Chart widget is capable of intelligently instantiating the needed chart — and it does that for both frameworks.

Full source code is available here.

Note: Charting in Sencha Touch is part of the Sencha Complete bundle.

Two patterns are visible in this example. First, the code will be shared — meaning the entire class definition is compatible with both Sencha Touch 2 and Ext JS 5.

Second, Ext JS 5 understands properties from config object and maps them to those outside of the block. That's why this chart configuration looks like Sencha Touch but works just fine in Ext JS.

Now that we have a universal chart widget, we can take a look at how we can create shared code that is slightly less common for the two frameworks.

Grid vs. List

We want to show plot data in a grid-like view. The Ext JS grid widget will perform the task for tablets and the Sencha Touch List will display data for phones. Nonetheless, the code for both will exist in the same package.

The beauty of this approach is in a single line that belongs to the 'package.json' file of our GridChart package. From the workspace directory, edit the ~/packages/GridChart/package.json file and add the following line:

The part that resembles 'src-${framework.name}' will allow us to have two folders, each containing source code just for its respective framework. Those folders will be 'src-touch' (List) and 'src-ext' (Grid).

Both widgets will be very simple. For tablets, our grid setup is as follows:

Full source code is available here.

On the other hand, the List is all about its template:

Full source code is available here.

We can wrap it up with our simple approach to displaying data. The following section is all about plugging this code into the platform-specific code of each application.

Tablet Layout

Shared code makes up a large part of our apps, containing most of the business logic. Plugging it in is as easy as appending a single line into the '~/ExtSpace/app.json' file of our Ext JS application.

Full source code is available here.

Ext JS 5 comes with a modular approach to dependencies. You’ll also want to use the 'sencha-charts' package. Sencha Cmd 5 knows how to find each of these and will make the classes available to the application.

Note: if you browse to the Ext JS 5 SDK directory, the packages folder will have ext-charts and sencha-charts listed. Ext-charts refers to the older charting package, whereas sencha-charts is the all new and improved code.

Before proceeding to editing the Main view, you will learn a new trick with Cmd 5 — app watch. Make sure your terminal is in the directory of your application (e.g. ~/ExtSpace) and run:

Many of the seasoned developers are already familiar with this command, which sits in the background and watches for changes in SASS and JavaScript files. Any changes will automatically do the minimum amount of work to update the app — whether it's CSS compilation or class metadata refresh.

Additionally, the command will now instantiate the built-in Jetty web server to host your files hassle free.

With everything ready, we can create the main view:

Full source code is available here.

Just by reviewing the code above you will notice a few gotchas:

Previously we included the GridChart package in our app, so Sencha Cmd could correctly map its location. In order to use any of the classes from that package, we must still require them as per the Sencha convention.

Unlike Sencha Touch 2, Ext JS 4 configuration options are not members of the config object. For cross-framework compliance, Ext JS 5 is now able to recognize most parameters from config objects that should otherwise belong to the constructor. In this example, we are re-using the store property and adding two new: grid and chart. Both grid and chart are strings representing a location in the border layout.

Layout is an exception for the point above. Due to differences in Ext.Component lifecycle between Sencha Touch 2 and Ext JS 5, layout configuration has to be outside of the config block.

Both grid and chart components reuse the same local data store.

The Sencha Touch modular component instantiation, which uses factory method and appliers, is now Ext JS compliant. See applyStore, applyChart, and applyGrid methods.

Tip: When creating shared components in packages, we can override 'constructor':

Most of the hard work is now done. If you run the Ext JS 5 application in your browser, you will see something like this:

Let's replicate this view in Sencha Touch.

Phone Layout

Before adding any view code, we will revisit this app's app.json file in ~/TouchSpace/app.json:

Full source code is available here.

This time there is no need to reference sencha-charts because charts are not in the form of a package in Sencha Touch 2.3.

You can run sencha app watch for this app as well to help streamline updates.

Now, let’s edit the Main view that was automatically generated for us and update it to match something like this:

Full source code is available here.

Instead of border layout, we used horizontal box. Everything else looks similar to the code we used in the Ext JS variation of the app.

The main difference is in the initialize and initComponent blocks where Ext JS needs to override this.items property, and Sencha Touch makes use of the add method. This is simply because Sencha Touch creates DOM elements during instantiation, while Ext JS does so during render phase, which happens just before inserting the widget into the DOM.

With sharing so much of the code from the Ext JS application, we developed a similar user interface in just a few minutes. If you haven’t run it in a browser yet, this is what you will see:

Deploying in Sencha Space

Sencha Space is a secure, cross-platform environment for mobile web and HTML5 apps that helps organizations deliver enterprise applications to end users. If you are new to Sencha Space, you can watch the webinar Deep Exploration of Sencha Space.

Our new application will benefit from being part of this ecosystem and use its API to communicate with other apps.

Provided that you already have an account, log in to your Sencha Space Management Console. From here, add the apps and make sure they point to your local web server. No need to make the app publicly available quite yet, which will help with the debugging process.

Make sure you set up invoke intent strings for both applications (see figure below). This demo uses *bpmobile* for phone (Sencha Touch) and *bprich* for tablet application (Ext JS).

We will revisit app.json files of both applications just to add paths to Sencha Space APIs. If you wish to debug, you can also add a path to your local Weinre instance.

Full source code is available for the Ext JS 5 app and the Sencha Touch 2 app.

Finally, one last gem. We want our apps to detect form factor and prompt the user to switch to the other app for a better experience. For example, phone users accessing the Ext JS app should be told that a more applicable solution exists for their device.

Your Ext JS app's ~/ExtSpace/app/Application.js file will have the following addition:

Full source code is available here.

Ext.onSpaceReady fires when the Sencha Space ecosystem is ready to use, which happens milliseconds after the document becomes available. Our handler will prompt the confirmation message first, then use Invoke API to bring the Touch app to the foreground. Notice the bpmobile invoke string that identifies which app to communicate with.

There is no better reward than to sit back and enjoy the results of our coding session.

Ext 5 blog post from Modus Create on Vimeo.


Full working source for this application is available here. All you need to do is load it in a browser or your Sencha Space instance.


Ext JS 5 offers many new features for enterprise apps, one of which is support for integration and code sharing with Sencha Touch. However, the integration capabilities extend much further with Sencha Cmd 5 and Sencha Space, delivering the most feature rich frameworks to satisfy any enterprise environment. In this example, we also demonstrated the power of the brand new Sencha Charts feature inherited from Sencha Touch 2. Ext JS 5 delivers an impeccable, smooth user experience on both desktop and tablet devices.

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