
Hey Friends! How’s it goin?

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know that for most of Winter, I complained about the lack of ripe bananas to be found. Groceries and farmers’ markets were filled with too green bananas that took weeks to ripen. Since I try to have at least one banana a day – usually more – and I prefer my bananas to be pretty ripe, I was not amused.

Thankfully, the cold weather is over for the most part, and ripe bananas are making an appearance. Even if I buy green bananas in the grocery, it takes no time at all for them to ripen. This is generally a good thing, but sometimes they can ripen too quickly if I buy too many, and I’m left with some extra ripe, soggy bananas that even I won’t eat. Usually, I just put them in smoothies, but those overripe bananas are also perfect for baking.

23 Banana Recipes for your overripe, spotty bananas #healthyeating
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Almond-Chocolate Breakfast Cookies via Diary of an ExSloth

Lentil Banana Muffins via The Lean Green Bean

Banana Bread Granola Bars via Running with Spoons

Ice Tray Banana Yogurt Pops via Fit Foodie Finds

3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies via Diary of an ExSloth

Gluten-Free Banana Bread Donut Splits via Food Faith Fitness

Banana Fosters Cinnamon Rolls via The Healthy Maven

Banana Smoothie Breakfast Bites via The Big Man’s World

Blueberry Banana Baked Oatmeal Cups via Diary of an ExSloth

Strawberry Banana Overnight Oats via The Almond Eater

Single-Serve Cacao Nib Banana Bread Muffin via Clean Eating Veggie Girl

Banana Cacao Avocado Acai Bowl via Hummusapien

Gluten-Free Banana Mac Nut Protein Bites via Cotter Crunch

Coconut-Banana “Ice Cream” Sandwiches via Diary of an ExSloth

Banana Honey Cornbread via Peas and Crayons

Cinnamon Coffee Cake Banana Bread via The Fit Foodie Mama

Sesame Banana Buckwheat Muffins via Skinny Fitalicious

Banana Bread Pizza Crust via Fresh Fit & Healthy

Chocolate Banana-Nut Bread via Diary of an ExSloth

Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Cups via Pancake Warriors

Vegan and Gluten-Free Banana Pudding via Almost Getting it Together

Flourless Protein Banana Cake (in a rice cooker) via Fairy Burger

Fruity Banana Coconut Pancakes via Strength and Sunshine

What about you?

Do your bananas go bad around this time of year? What do you do with the overripe ones?

Share in the comments below!

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More Hidden Fruit/Veggie Recipes:

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The post 23 Recipes for your extra Bananas appeared first on Diary of an ExSloth.

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