
The word heroine has many negative connotations associated with it, and what many people don’t know is that a lot of painkillers are basically the same thing. Painkiller use has reached alarming levels in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified the misuse of painkillers to be at an epidemic level. This has even prompted the FDA to consider changing the classification system of these drugs in an effort to tackle the issue with abuse surrounding their prescription and consumption.

According to statistics from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the number of painkillers sold at retail establishments increased 90 percent between 1997 and 2005. Oxycodone, used in OxyContin, is responsible for most of the increase, with its own usage having risen over 600% within the same time frame. Deaths due to overdose from opioid painkillers have also surpassed deaths from heroine and cocaine. Opioid pain relievers caused 14,800 overdose deaths in 2008 alone. Meanwhile, deaths due to overdose from marijuana remain at the expected tally of zero. DEA figures show that between 2000 and 2010, distribution of oxycodone, used in OxyContin, Percocet, and Percodan, saw sales increase sixteen-fold.

“In the United States, enough painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around the clock for one month.” - Amel Ahmed

It is clear that prescription drug abuse is prevalent in our society, and that its usage is continuing to increase dramatically. Perhaps this attitude contributes to the fact that marijuana use is becoming more widespread and socially acceptable, even persuading some nations and states to consider its legalization. Marijuana has proven to be effective in treating a myriad of ailments, including seizures, it has even been shown to treat cancer.

Arguably, cannabis may even be the best natural source we have available for disease and cancer-fighting treatment. The painkiller use is even driving some individuals to purchase morphine, claiming that it is tenth the price of their “favorite pill”. Just because painkillers can be obtained “legally” doesn’t mean they are any less dangerous than heroine, crack, or other “illegal” drugs off the street. Their purity is more guaranteed, but that doesn’t make them necessarily less harmful. You are feeling pain because there is a problem somewhere, and painkillers don’t treat the problem, they just treat symptoms and cover the problem up.

If you are experiencing pain because you suffer from chronic inflammation as an example, then changing your diet, and/or choosing natural, anti-inflammatory substances, is a healthier choice for battling your discomfort than consuming synthetic painkillers. Addiction is a foul social curse, and we as a nation treat addicts like criminals, whether or not they have committed any non drug-use related crime. Although, millions of Americans do suffer from chronic pain and illness, perhaps it would benefit the citizenry more if doctors would take a more active interest in the diet of their patients.

It is an undeniable truth that certain foods we eat can cause excess inflammation in our bodies. If you have excess inflammation in your body it can lead to a variety of physical impairments, including pain. One might wonder why we need and only legalize totally synthetic prescription medications for painkilling purposes, when hundreds of studies have demonstrated that concentrated cannabinoids in cannabis oil have been shown to be of the strongest painkillers known to man. Marijuana has also been shown to effectively offer relief to aids and cancer patients, and is also believed to help cure cancer. Alternative methods to prescription painkillers are often much safer and not as addictive (if at all). When an individual gets addicted to these synthetic substances, they can suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms. They will also find that there is a crucial lack in treatment facilities, and lack of space available within those existing. Treatment can also come with a very high price tag, and many are unable to afford any effective treatment to cure their painkiller addiction.

The solution to the painkiller epidemic may lie in the broad legalization and DE-criminalization of the natural substance, cannabis. Uruguay, Colorado and Washington are progressively open-minded about altering archaic drug laws, and are leading the transition toward legalization, with other nations, and states in the US looking to follow suit.

Cannabinoids have been shown to kill cancer cells in many cases, and they can help our bodies to holistically, along with our biochemistry, restore balance. While the debate rages on for those in favor or against legalizing marijuana, more frequently the anti-marijuana myths are being debunked and ridiculed. And the truth about the variety of benefits from its consumption are becoming better known.

Health is a complicated issue, and often natural substances are more effective because they contain lots of different molecules and therefor help several different systems and deals with the causes. Prescription medication largely treats symptoms, and often takes a high toll on the liver and also likely our gut flora. How much longer can the establishment and big pharmaceutical companies continue this horrifying charade?

The post Nature’s Medicine Versus Big Pharma appeared first on Exposing The Truth.

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