
So, for many of you Fall is all about Pumpkin, but there are those of us out there who feel differently. I know, who on earth would know from looking at Facebook or Instagram? Pumpkin is everywhere! People are obsessed!

I definitely enjoy pumpkin, but I also feel like Fall is equally about the apples. Apple picking, visiting an orchard, the easiest on-the-go snack, apple pie – I could go on and on… and I almost did.

We love apples because they are the original 100 calorie snack pack. Why do we buy that crap when an apple can be thrown easily in any bag and eaten on the go anytime?

My kiddos love apples and we knew just what to do with our Might Nut Powdered Peanut Butter when it came in the mail to review as a part of the Sweat Pink community. This is so simple, but we tried to take it just a little bit beyond being boring. You just can’t mess with a classic!

I have some caramel apples in the fridge for the kids. They were on sale at Aldi and I thought they would love this special treat. They liked them, but they didn’t go as crazy as I thought.

So, what goes better with apples than caramel? In my opinion, peanut butter!

…of course, I could also say cheese, because yum, but this is a peanut butter review….

We were thrilled to try the Original Mighty Nut Powdered Peanut Butter along with the Mighty Nut Flax & Chia Powder – both were fantastic!

For a very simple snack we mixed up some of the Flax & Chia powder – the container tells you to mix 2 tbs powder to 1 tbs water, but I like to do a 1:1 ratio.

Cut an apple in half and scoop out the core – I used a grapefruit spoon. Pour the Mighty Nut Flax & Chia Peanut Butter into the apple, dust with cinnamon, and sprinkle the top with dried date bits.

We also did some easy apple slices and sandwiched the peanut butter and dates between and sprinkled cinnamon on top, which is a little easier for the kiddos to eat, but I love the big bite of peanut butter!

The dates add a sweetness to the powdered peanut butter. I got them at the local Co-Op and they were labeled “Date Fines” but I would assume you could also put a few dates through the food processor for a similar product. I just wonder if the texture would be a bit off, because even dried dates are a bit sticky and these are very dry…

Such an easy snack, but it feels like a treat with the dates added. I also love that it’s lower in fat and sugar than your run of the mill peanut butter. I can’t wait to try the other flavors! Along with original and Flax & Chia, they also have vanilla and chocolate – I bet they’re awesome!

Forget pumpkin, Fall is all about apples! Try this quick, delicious apple snack with @gomightynut…
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Lucky you! Peanut Butter and Co. is giving one of you the Mighty Nut flavor of your choice along with the cute, Mighty Nut scoop!

Fingers crossed! US only. One prize per person. If you win this giveaway, and have already won another prize from Mighty Nut through another blog, please disclose that you have already won so we can choose another winner.

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Good Luck!

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