
All humans have a brain, many people know how to use it and only few know how to use it effectively without going over the limits of harmony created by Nature.

We also have our heart and even though it may seem that it is an organ that is much easier to use, human feelings and emotions have to go through a challenging refinement process for us to perceive what is really happening.

So what is more important – Human Heart or Human Brain?

It has been a corner stone for many arguments between scientists and spiritual teachers. What is more important – intellect or emotions, rationality or feelings? Our logic acts as a filter for information and our feelings are often very hard to interpret and understand. It seems that both of them can’t really exist together in the same room, much like fire and water. Too much water would put the fire down and too much fire would turn water into air. However, if you really know how to use both you can create something like a steam engine, where both fire and water are used to create power.

Most scientists would probably argue that brain is more important than the heart. After all, they can give a quite logical explanation of why it is true. First of all, human brain seems to be much more complicated than human heart. Some claim that we use only 10% of our cerebral brain capacity (films like “Lucy” and “Limitless” are great examples of what happens if you tap into more than those few %).  Perhaps at this moment of our evolution we can only give explanation (or give scientific model) to mere ten percent of human brain work. Even with all the modern equipment and devices there is still a lot of mystery as to how human brain really works.

Thanks to our brain we can communicate with the world, we can perceive and transmit information. Because of human brain we know how our skin feels when we touch something, we know how the birds sing when they do, we know how a rose smells, we know how an apple tastes, we know sunrise, sunset and then again sunrise when we see it. We need the brain to express our thoughts in words and move different parts of our body. We really do take for granted a lot of things that human brain can do.

Human heart, on the other hand, seems to have only one major function in our body – to pump blood. Yet, it is an amazing organ that works as long as we live. If we are involved in complicated brain work, our heart sends extra blood to the areas of the brain that need more power. If human brain shuts down our heart can only beat for few seconds and if our heart stops, then supposedly we have up to 5 minutes to turn it back on. Many people use this fact as a proof that human brain is more important than a human heart. However, heart is what makes us feel and be human.  Through our heart we can interact with the world on the emotional level. Thanks to our heart we can be compassionate, we can express kindness and care for something other than our own survival. More importantly because of our heart we can feel Love. Many people on their spiritual path believe that Love is the only true way to the “enlightenment” and that brain should always listen to the heart, but that is just tilting the vessel to one side and making it go in circles without noticing the need for a balance in order to go forward on a spiral of spiritual growth and evolution.

There is really no sense in claiming that one is more important than the other. A more effective way will be finding a model that can explain the work of both without giving more importance to one or the other.

The following model (based on the new spiritual science of Infosomatics and the research of the International Institute of Social Ecology) gives an easy to understand explanation on how human brain and heart work together.  The beauty of this theory is that it does not contradict existing scientific or esoteric models. It actually expands them and takes us to the higher level of understanding.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”

Albert Einstein

To understand this model we just have to see a human body in a form of electro-magnetic waves where human brain is a complicated radar system that can perceive information and transform it into energy, while human heart is a “power generator” that creates an environment for the needed information to be transformed.

“Through human brain – time is transformed into space”

Natalia Bekhtereva (Russian neuroscientist and psychologist, Institute for Human Brain)

Human brain has zones that are responsible for certain functions of our body. When our brain receives waves of information from the surrounding environment (flat parallel cosmic rays), it transforms them into energy and sends it all over our body through biologically active points (the existence of these points has been proven by several scientists and they have been used in practice in Chinese medicine for the last 4000 years, e.g. acupuncture). This energy is what forms energy centers (chakras in esoteric literature) that are responsible for certain organs and systems of human body. The work of these energy centers is what forms human energy shell or human aura. Our heart (together with the energy center that is responsible for its work) creates another shell (emotional shell) above our human aura (see the picture).

The emotional shell is responsible for the amount of flat parallel cosmic rays that our brain can receive. It’s like a magnifying lens that concentrates the rays on the top of our head (crown chakra in esoteric teachings) so our brain can process them. Emotional shell is powered by our emotions. The more positive emotions we experience in our life, the bigger our emotional shell is. When you have a big emotional shell (it happens when you are true to yourself and positive towards things that happen in your life) your physical body gets sick a lot less. Big emotional shell ensures a larger number of rays that your brain can then transform into energy. This process makes your energy shell much more stable to external harmful influences.  Human aura is just like an atmosphere of our planet that protects it from meteor showers and asteroids that can harm our planet. This model is also supported by the latest scientific research which claims that people who see the world in negative colors get sick more often than those who have a positive look on life.

This model gives a great explanation to how mutual work of human brain and heart create our life. There is really no need to claim that human heart is more important than human brain or the other way around.  Their work is significant and vital for us to interact with the surrounding environment and enjoy life at its fullest.

Life Script Doctor
See original article

Originally from Ukraine, Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) have studied new spiritual science Infosomatics and how human brain together with human heart interact with the higher levels of consciousness. He continues his research in many other self healing practices, teaches how ecological worldview based on the laws of Nature together with different visualization/meditation techniques can help people resolve their problems with health, personal or professional life. Follow the links for more insights,  join Life Scritp Doctor on Facebook and Share the Knowledge!

The post Go Beyond Human Aura Energy Field! appeared first on Expanded Consciousness.

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