
BOSU Ball and Strength Training

Hello friends, here is my  next post in my BOSU Ball series about the combination of the BOSU Ball and strength training. The BOSU ball’s main function is to develop better balance and core stability. But, it’s also a rather effective way to enrich your strength training workouts. Through lifting weights on a BOSU ball you are able to get all of the benefits of weight training and also improve your balance and strengthen your core muscles at the same time.

In this article I will be talking about six of the best strength training exercises you can do on a BOSU ball. One particular key thing to bear in mind is that a BOSU ball is much less stable than a exercise bench or even the floor, so you will not likely be able to exercise with as much weight. If you are using the BOSU ball for the first time or do not have much experience using weight with it, I would recommend selecting weights that are lower than what you usually lift for these exercises.

1) BOSU Dumbbell Chest Presses

Dumbbell chest presses are a awesome exercise that will build strength in both sides of your chest equally. Simply by incorporating the unstable surface of the BOSU ball you will activate your legs and core muscles also.

To execute BOSU dumbbell chest presses, get a BOSU ball (dome side up) and also a pair of dumbbells. Take a seat on the BOSU ball and place the dumbbells on the floor beside your knees. Then raise the dumbbells from the floor, curl them in the direction of your chest and gradually slide down the BOSU ball until your butt is on the floor, your upper back will be on the BOSU ball and your knees should be bent. When you get in this position, push your butt off the floor and slowly press the dumbbells towards the ceiling until your arms are completely extended. When your arms are fully extended gradually bend your elbows and bring back the dumbbells to their beginning position.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Dumbbell Chest Presses <<<

2) BOSU Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

Standing overhead dumbbell tricep extensions are a great tricep exercise for isolating your triceps. Doing them on a BOSU ball will bring in your legs and core too as you concentrate on balancing as well as lifting the weight.

To do BOSU standing overhead dumbbell tricep extensions, get a BOSU ball (dome side up) along with a pair of dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball while holding the dumbbells in each hand over your head. You should then bend your elbows while keeping the top of your arms straight over your head and lower the dumbbells behind your head. When your elbows reach a 45 degree angle, extend your elbows and raise the dumbbells again back above your head to the beginning position.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions <<<

3) BOSU One Armed Dumbbell Rows

A great way to build muscle in your back is with one armed dumbbell rows. Including a BOSU ball into the routine makes the exercise even tougher because you have to balance with one hand while trying to lift the dumbbell with the other.

To do BOSU one armed dumbbell rows, get a BOSU ball (dome side up for beginners, platform side up for the more advanced) along with a single dumbbell and place them beside each other on the floor. Put one arm on the BOSU ball and one arm over the dumbbell, straighten out your legs behind you and get in a press up position. When you have your balance, begin to slowly pull the dumbbell off the floor in the direction of your chest. When the dumbbell hits your chest, slowly lower the dumbbell down until it is just above the ground.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU One Armed Dumbbell Rows <<<

4) BOSU Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Isolate your biceps with standing bicep curls. Performing them on a BOSU ball will also activate your legs and core muscles as you have to raise the weights and continue to keep your balance.

To do BOSU standing bicep curls, get a BOSU ball (dome side up) along with two dumbbells. Stand up on the BOSU ball, hold the dumbbells by your side and get control of your balance. When you have your balance, begin to slowly curl the right dumbbell towards your chest and when your arm right arm is fully curled, slowly lower the dumbbell back to the beginning position and then repeat with the left arm.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Bicep Curls <<<

5) BOSU Dumbbell Squats

To build big, strong legs, standing dumbbell squats are one of the best exercises. Adding the BOSU ball will give you an even better leg workout because you have to lift and balance at the same time.

To do BOSU standing dumbbell squats, get a BOSU ball (dome side up) along with two dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball, hold the dumbbells by your side and get control of your balance. When you have your balance, begin to slowly bend your knees while making sure you press the arches of your feet into the BOSU ball and keep your upper body straight. Continue tp lower yourself down until you have your butt parallel with your knees and then you can slowly raise yourself back up to the starting position.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Dumbbell Squats <<<

6) BOSU Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses

Standing dumbbell shoulder presses are a excellent way to focus on all areas of your shoulder. Adding the BOSU ball converts the exercise into more of a full body workout by also focusing your legs and core.

To do BOSU standing dumbbell shoulder presses, get a BOSU ball (dome side up) along with two dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball, get control of your balance and then slowly lift the dumbbells up onto your shoulders, making sure your palms are facing forward. When the dumbbells are in position, begin to slowly press them over your head and straighten your arms, and make sure not to lock your elbows. Then slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses <<<


The combination of using a  BOSU ball and strength training is a superb way to keep your exercise routine fresh and to get great results.  Even if you don’t use it each week, you really should make the attempt to add the BOSU ball into your workout routines now and then. Doing this is going to give your strength training a distinctive twist and make certain that your balance and core muscles continue to be strong.

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