

Getting Fit With Bodyweight Exercises

When you think about getting in shape and getting healthier, there are plenty of options to choose from. You may choose to  join a health club or buy a piece of exercise equipment, all in search of getting results. One thing often overlooked is the amazing benefits you can get from doing bodyweight exercises. I have put together some articles about bodyweight exercises and have an amazing video of 44 exercises that will push you to your limits!

Hot ‘n Healthy – Make your body your gym


Savannah Morning Newse.


“When it comes to exercising, we all seem to have a load of excuses ready.

One of those excuses always seems to be that we don’t have time to go to the gym or we don’t have access to a gym. Well, today I have the perfect solution to that problem — body weight exercises. Body weight exercises are effective and convenient. Today I have three different exercises that you can do in your hotel room, living room, a park or wherever you might be.

We’re going to get the worst one out of the way first and start with burpees. They work almost every muscle in your body.

Burpees give you a total body workout while getting that heart rate up at the same time. Read the article at…”



Bodyweight exercises to do at home | Naturade


(author unknown)

“Whipping yourself into shape requires you to eat right and do a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training. But you don’t always have time to get to the gym in order to use the weight training equipment. The good news is, using your own bodyweight, you can take your workout virtually anywhere. If you’re at home, all you need is your living room floor for a great workout that will help you shed the pounds fast, boost your immune system and promote anti-aging. Here are some bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere:

Tuck jumps: Stand with your knees slightly bent and jump up in the air as high as you can while lifting your knees toward your chest. Arms should be extended straight out. Be sure to land with your knees slightly bent. Not only is this a great cardio exercise, but the act of bringing your knees toward your chest works those abs!

Plyometric pushup: Get into traditional pushup position on a well-padded surface. Hands should be directly below the shoulders with no arch in the back. Lower down to the ground, then push up hard enough to come off the floor for a second. Once your hands touch the ground again, go immediately into the next repetition. For an extra challenge, see if you can clap your hands while you’re in the air!”



The Benefit of Bodyweight Exercises – CoachUp.com


(author unknown)

“No equipment? No problem! One of the biggest misconceptions about exercising is that you need fancy equipment or a pricey gym membership. CoachUp is a service that connects athletes with private coaches. We believe that private coaching is the secret to reaching the next level in sports and life.https://www.coachup.com/…/the-benefit-of-bodyweight-exerci…”



Hypertrophy highs



“I am one for keeping my promises (well most of the time anyway). So as per my pledge last week, today we are going to focus on achieving muscle growth using only bodyweight exercises. While muscle growth is right up there with fat loss as one of the most desired fitness objectives, it is also highly controversial with legions of men wondering why they are not growing any bigger while their female counterparts use the spectre of outsized muscles into talking themselves out of exercising altogether. The truth is most people will look and feel significantly more healthy and attractive with muscle added to their frame and unless you are hopped up on steroids and consume a small army of chickens each day, you are unlikely to grow freakishly large.

Now the two most important requirements for muscle growth are Mechanical Tension and Progression. Mechanical Tension refers to contracting your muscles against significant resistance and Progression is continuously increasing the demand on your muscles since they adapt rather quickly. Progression can be achieved through greater volume, shorter rest periods and increased resistance among others.

Today, we are going to debunk the myth that external loading is essential for hypertrophy. ”http://www.mydigitalfc.com/good-living/hypertrophy-highs-487


When it comes to getting in shape, bodyweight exercises can provide you with a total body workout at anytime and any place. Whether you add bodyweight exercises to your routine or you do a bodyweight workout routine, you will definitely benefit from it. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it and feel free to share with others.


Check out this amazing bodyweight exercises video!


Here is an product for doing bodyweight exercises…

TRX Suspension Trainer Basic Kit + Door Anchor

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© Exercise and Nutrition Tips, 2013. Written by admin

Post tags: Bodyweight, Bodyweight Exercises, exercise, workout in Categories: workout routines

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