
Hello and welcome to exampundit . UIIC Administrative Officer online exam is heading your way faster than zoom and it is high time we should focus on the General Awareness part.  So today we will talk about Current Affairs, Financial Awareness and General Knowledge topics and what to study for UIIC AO 2016.

What are the things you need to study?

Current Affairs

General Knowledge – Stock GK

Financial Awareness

How much you need to study?

1) Current Affairs – You need to study Current Affairs from 1st April, 2016 to 2nd June, 2016. On the other hand, you should look at the major current affairs from the month of March, 2016. What are the major current affairs? Well, the most important updates from March is what we are talking about. If there is any major award which was given in March, or any major appointment or scheme/app launched.

Your main strategy for Current Affairs will be focusing maximum on April & May, 2016. Focus on the Banking/Insurance/Industry related news and do read them in detailed. The most important topics from the Current Affairs are:

Banking/Insurance/Industry/Economy or Finance Related news

MoUs signed by India with other countries

MoUs signed between any major countries. Eg. China, Japan, Australia, USA

Indian Appointments & Global Appointments in Major posts i.e. Presidents, World Organisation heads

Power Plants, National Parks in news during April and May

Defence related news

Indexes, Reports & Lists

Apart from these, you must read the names of the sports persons and obituaries.

2) General Knowledge(Stock GK) – When it comes to General Knowledge, everyone seems to be a little scared. What to study? How much to study? What are the things we should keep in mind and etc. Stock GK is very easy to study if you read it smartly. In the recent past, almost every exam had Stock GK questions from the Current Affairs. Unlike last year, when all of a sudden Current Affairs turned in History & Geography Exam, this year the questions are appearing from the news.

For this, you have to keep an eye on the daily current affairs again. Anytime BHEL or anyone commissions any powerplant, the chances of it appearing in the exam increase. On the other hand, names of all the sports championship stadiums are important. So if India hosted the final of FIFA World Cup at Yuva Bharati Krirangan, you must note down the Location of the stadium.

Similarly, do this with National Parks and other places in News.

India, in the recent past has been in touch with almost every country around the world. So at least 5-6 countries associated with India, are mentioned every month. What you have to do here, is noting the names of the countries down along with the Capital and Currency.

In this way, you will easily study 80%+ Stock GK while reading Current Affairs.


3) Financial Awareness – A lot of confusion going on with the Financial Part for UIIC AO 2016. The most commonly asked question is about Insurance Awareness. Firstly, there are very thin chances of Insurance Awareness question popping up when you click Submit & Next. But to be on the safer side, do the very basics of Insurance Awareness. We will attach the basic PDF along the magazine.

The important thing for Financial Awareness is Banking related knowledge. Because banking and financing is related to insurance. So focus more on Banking Awareness and Financial terms. Study the capital market at a glance to have 100% preparation on Financial Awareness part.

The above numberings of the points are based on their importance in the exam. So study smart and you will definitely score maximum in General Awareness.

The magazine will be provided on or before 5th of June, 2016.

All the best. May the force be with You.

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What to Study for UIIC AO 2016 General Awareness by Exampundit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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