
Apple Watch app developers had an #Instamoment this week! A newly released Instgram library is expected to make it quicker and easier for developers to build apps for the Apple Watch.

And while Apache hit a 20 year milestone, a Microsoft executive hinted at the possibility of an open source Windows in the future. Should we all start holding our breaths?


Apache HTTP Server Project is a a robust, commercial-grade, feature-rich, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. This important project has 73,434 commits and 1,744,325 lines of code!

Are you a developer looking to build apps for the Apple Watch? You should check out the IGInterfaceDataTable open source library Instgram released on GitHub.

Apache celebrated 20 years with this infographic showing the community’s progress from the “Apache Group,” as it was founded in 1995, up to the nearly 600 active members it has today.

At this week’s Chef Conf 2015, the CTO of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform responded “It’s definitely possible” to a panel question on the possibility of Microsoft open sourcing its Windows operating system.

Looking for an open source, browser-based threat modeling tool to help reduce vulnerabilities and increase the security of your applications? While participating in Mozilla’s Winter of Security 2014 project, a group of students from St. Mary’s University in Canada, built the Seasponge tool to do just that!

With the majority of project of GitHub still not containing a license, TechRepublic contributor Matt Asay concluded “The GitHub kids still don’t care about open source.”

Are you considering using open source solutions for your next software project? Red Hat CIO Lee Congdon shared five basic questions you should be asking yourself.

Do you posses these five key skills for Linux job seekers?

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