
The Atlassian Marketplace had a banner year in 2012–thousands of Atlassian customers took advantage of our revamped add-on experience for finding, trying, and buying add-ons for JIRA, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo, and more. What can you do now that you couldn’t do a year ago? Start an add-on evaluation in one click Consolidate your Atlassian products and add-ons on one invoice Browse collections of add-ons tailored to your needs, like the Enterprise And hundreds of new free and commercial add-ons in the Marketplace help you get so much more done with Atlassian products.Visualize your behind the firewall git repos. Get fine-grained issue watching controls in JIRA. Create a kanban board out of Confluence pages. We’re showing our ecosystem some love and highlighting our 10 favorite add-ons of 2012. Find them all in the Atlassian Marketplace. 10. Scroll Office Scroll Office helps you to create great documentation. It turns your wiki pages into professionally styled Word documents. 9. VertygoSLA Your SLA’s compliancy status at a glance in JIRA: Display your contractual commitments on each issue Visualize priorities with color codes Define a SLA between each transition Personalize your own working-hours calendar 8. Custom Dashboards for Confluence The Custom Dashboards plugin for Confluence is the simplest solution to create custom dashboards in Confluence. It allows you to replace the default global dashboard with your custom one. 7. EazyBI for JIRA eazyBI plugin provides easy to use drag-and-drop creation of custom JIRA reports, charts and dashboard gadgets. You can analyze JIRA issues by any standard and custom issue fields, identify trends and top/bottom performers, start from summary overview and drill into details. 6. Awesome Graphs for Stash This plugin adds graphs to let you visualise information about your git repository, commits and committers, including: Contributors. Activity for every contributor during time. Commits. See weekly activity and activity by days of the week. Punchcard. Easiest way to understand which days of week and times of the day most commits are executed. 5. JIRA Issue Collector Need to capture feedback on your website or web application?  Want to make it easy for end users to directly create bugs so your developers can act on them? The JIRA Issue Collector plugin makes collecting feedback and bugs from your users and customers easier than ever. 4. Balsamiq Mockups for Confluence Mockups for Confluence allows you to add wireframes to your Atlassian Confluence wiki pages. Just click on “Add UI Mockup”, edit your mockup, name it and save. The mockup will show up as an image on the page, with an “edit” link under it. 3. Zephyr for JIRA  Zephyr for JIRA is an add-on application that augments JIRA 5, providing cost-effective, highly sophisticated test management capabilities right inside your JIRA 5. Zephyr for JIRA is the only vertical test management application built exclusively for the JIRA 5 platform. 2. Zen Foundation Zen Foundation is a styling tool that makes Confluence beautiful and easy-to-use for non-technical users. With amazing graphic design, drag-and-drop page layouts, easy menus, simplified editing, drafts & publishing, and better blogging, you’ll make the marketing department smile. 1. Tempo for JIRA Tempo offers painless time tracking and planning for JIRA. Whatever [...]

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