Ever wished you could have one key to access your house, car, bike lock, and office? No more thick keychain bulging in your pocket or weighing down your purse. Well, we don’t (yet) have a solution for your house keys, but we do have the online equivalent. Later this month, we’ll be implementing a new “one key” approach to all of the Atlassian services, and we’d like to take a little time now to tell you about it. Introducing Atlassian ID, a single login for the many Atlassian websites you use to get support, ask questions and get answers, download or review add-ons, and manage your licenses. Atlassian ID replaces all the logins to all of these various systems – and it will be applied to even more services soon. For current and long-time customers, Atlassian ID provides an easy way to link all of your Atlassian accounts together. New customers won’t even realize Atlassian ID was rolled out – it’ll just feel right, right from the start. Getting started Single sign-on (SSO) won’t be available for a couple more weeks — we have a few final touches remaining. However, you can get an Atlassian ID now that you can use for single sign-on once it becomes available. Anyone with an account on My Atlassian was quietly upgraded to Atlassian ID in November. Don’t have a login to My Atlassian? Create one today and you’ll be ready to take advantage of SSO. Created your Atlassian account? Perfect. Next step: linking your accounts together…. Linking accounts Later this month, we’ll be connecting our longest-running service, our public Bug Reporting and Feature Request site, with Atlassian ID. Every few weeks thereafter, we’ll be bringing additional services on board with Atlassian ID: Atlassian Bug Reporting and Feature Requests Atlassian Documentation Atlassian Support Atlassian Answers Atlassian Marketplace Linking your existing accounts will be brilliantly easy: when you log in to Atlassian Support, for example, we’ll guide you through the process of linking your Support account with your Atlassian ID. After you verify your accounts through secure email token, your accounts will be linked and thereafter you’ll only need your Atlassian ID to log in to the websites. Where can I learn more? The next step is to sit back and wait for Atlassian ID linking to begin. We’ll also be writing another blog next month with a description of the Atlassian ID architecture and build out. Stay tuned.