
Dramatic secrets are being spilled all over soapland this coming week and the first revelation is one that viewers have been waiting on for a good few months.

Tracy Barlow’s guilt over the fire which killed Kal and Maddie finally pushes her to come clean as Carla heads for a breakdown. As Robert discovers the truth about his ex wife’s involvement in the tragedy, will he push her to finally put Carla out of her misery?

Over in EastEnders, just when you thought every Carter secret had been exposed, Shirley is left disgusted by another skeleton from the massive closet of shady Aunt Babe. In other Carter developments, can Mick finally build bridges with his mum? And Lee Carter lashes out in a violent outburst that could cost him his entire career.

Meanwhile, while some of the crimes in soapland being confessed to are true, other allegations aren’t as Emmerdale’s Lawrence discovers in an unsettling twist.

Finally, there’s a birth drama for Peri in Hollyoaks while Honey and Ethan could be over already in Casualty.

Here are 25 soap spoilers you can look forward to.

Coronation Street

1. It’s fair to say that Carla isn’t having the best of weeks. As she hits the bottle and causes a scene at Maddie’s memorial, concerned Aidan and Nick’s fears for her grow. But worse is to come when she lifts Nick’s credit card to feed her gambling addiction.

2. Witnessing Carla’s display at the memorial, Tracy’s guilt is clear and Robert wants answers. But how will he respond when she finally reveals that she was responsible for the fire which killed Kal and Maddie?

3. Fiz and Tyrone face a huge challenge in the wake of Hope’s diagnosis. As the pressure mounts, Fiz snaps at Tyrone that he would be less calm if it were Ruby who was ill. Stung by the comment, can Tyrone offer his support to Fiz and get her to see that they need to come together during such a tough time?

4. Lloyd and Liz are very much an item – but how does Steve feel about the new union? And do Lloyd’s feelings actually still lie with Andrea?

5. As Simon lashes out at Leanne once more when she refuses to buy him a new mobile phone, she ends up unconscious after sustaining a head injury. With the lad having finally gone too far, Leanne reveals his behaviour to a stunned Zeedan.

6. Excitable Tim arranges a surprise party for his man-bae Kevin and presents him with a unique gift. But Sophie is left feeling dubious after catching her parents in what seems to be a compromising position…


7. The Carters head to Ramsgate to try and track down Aunt Babe who has the ashes of Stan. United by a common cause, things start to thaw between Mick and Shirley – but how long can it last?

8. After breaking into Babe’s caravan, Shirley has a showdown with her and is left reeling when another secret from her past is revealed. Triggered by a mention of Queenie Trott, just what has Shirley discovered that has left her feeling even more disgusted with Babe?

9. Back in Walford, another Carter is feeling the pressure too as Lee fears his relationship with Whitney is hitting troubled waters. When he sees a colleague flirting with her, he lashes out by punching him but the whole altercation is witnessed by his superior officer. Is Lee’s career in the army over?

10. The Masoods are in pieces following their tragic news and Kush struggles to be there for Shabnam as she is forced to give birth to her stillborn child. The trauma threatens to tear the couple apart – and both Masood and Carmel are struggling too.

11. Recent events push Shabnam to a shock decision as she announces that she is going to move to Pakistan after the funeral. Can Kush prove his devotion to his wife in need and persuade her that this needn’t be the end?

12. Finally, Denise sees a new side to Vincent when he opens up about his childhood. But what does he reveal about his past and will it change the frosty reception he gets from Kim’s relatives?


13. Lawrence lives to regret being taken in by an apparent odd job man Connor. Despite Lawrence’s kindness when the lad claims to have been attacked by homophobes, he ends up being questioned by the police over the attack. Robert offers to do some digging on Connor for Lawrence and, left with little choice, he’s forced to accept his help. But what could Robert want in return?

14. Elsewhere, Andy grows close to discovering Robert’s involvement in Katie’s death but can guilty Aaron’s efforts prevent the truth from coming out? Consumed by his self loathing over deceiving Andy, Aaron flees to London. But what will be uncovered in his absence?

15. There could be Hope for Bob (see what we did there?) when Harriet and Brenda finally track down Carly. But can she be persuaded to do the right thing and get her dad out of the mess he’s in?

16. Emotions run high for Eric at Val’s funeral. Forced to say goodbye to his beloved wife, he is clearly a man on edge – as Diane discovers when she feels the brunt of his anger.

17. Jimmy and Rodney end up in a very unexpected situation after Jimmy considers going into Rodney’s line of work. But can Rodney persuade his hapless pal to do something illegal for even more income?

18. Finally, Bernice is feeling awkward following Lawrence’s situation and words of warning from Edna do little to help. Is the blossoming relationship over already or can a big gesture from Lawrence change everything?


19. Following a dark secret being revealed, Peri ends up in labour. Overhearing an emotional Tom discussing parenthood, decision time finally arrives for the young mum. But has she changed her mind?

20. Nico continues to dig following Dylan’s death – and a revelation leads her into a very dangerous situation.

21. Sinister Pete feeds Celine with ice cream and is satisfied when she seems to be falling back into her old ways. The smug manipulator goes on to make further comments about her weight to ensure she falls even further back into the grips of an eating disorder…

22. After a passionate encounter with Tegan, Ziggy vows to come clean to Leela. But will he go through with it?


23. Louise has a busy first day on the ED – can she hold it together or will she find herself out of her depth?

24. Honey and Ethan face relationship difficulties – could they be over already?

25. Zoe is surprised to discover that Max has kept quiet about her infidelity.

What’s next?

Kathy Beale gets in touch with a surprise Walford local in order to make contact with Phil…

Which soap pensioner ends up facing the brunt of a thug’s anger?

A birth drama kicks off for one soap favourite after she is caught in the middle of a fight over drugs…

By Duncan Lindsay

The post Confessions, secrets and assaults in our 25 soap SPOILERS appeared first on EVOKE.ie.

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