
While as parents we want our children to enjoy and play a variety of sports, their safety is always at the forefront of our minds.

We strap on shin-guards and make sure they do their stretches beforehand but what do you know about protecting your child from the most serious type of injury, brain injury?

Do you know the signs of concussion if your child receives a blow to the head? Or the important next steps to take if a suspected concussion has occurred?

New research from Headway Ireland, Laya Healthcare and Amárach Research found that 50 per cent of Irish parents do not know the signs of concussion. And some 70 per cent felt schools and clubs lacked adequate protocols when it comes to dealing with concussion in sports.

To spread awareness of the dangers of concussion, Ireland’s top sports stars have joined forces with Headway to launch #ConcussionAware.

The campaign is now calling on schools and clubs nationwide to ensure adequate procedures are in place to deal with concussion injuries and spreading the simple message: ‘If in doubt, sit it out.’

Irleand soccer captain Seamus Coleman, Dublin footballer Johnny Cooper, Leinster rugby’s Luke Fitzgerald and Donegal GAA footballer Kate Keaney issued a nationwide plea to coaches nationwide and athletes of all ages to mind their heads and get informed about concussions.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a disturbance in brain function caused by a direct or indirect force to the head. It results in a variety of non-specific signs and/or symptoms (like those listed below) and most often does not involve loss of consciousness.

Concussion should be suspected in the presence of any one or more of the following:

-Symptoms (e.g., headache)

-Physical signs (e.g., unsteadiness)

-Impaired brain function (e.g. confusion)

-Abnormal behaviour (e.g., change in personality).

Potential signs of concussion?

If any of the following signs are observed after a direct or indirect blow to the head, the child should stop participation, be evaluated by a medical professional and should not be permitted to return to sport the same day if a concussion is suspected.

-Any loss of consciousness? (if so, how long?)

– Balance or motor incoordination (stumbles, slow / laboured movements, etc.)?

-Disorientation or confusion (inability to respond appropriately to questions)?

-Loss of memory (if so, how long? Before or after the injury?)

-Blank or vacant look?

– Visible facial injury in combination with any of the above:

Indications that your child needs emergency management:

A hit to the head can sometimes be associated with a more severe brain injury. If the concussed child displays any of the following, activate emergency procedures and urgent transportation to the nearest hospital:

– Glasgow Coma score less than 15

– Deteriorating mental status

– potential spinal injury

– progressive, worsening symptoms or new neurologic signs

– persistent vomiting

– evidence of skull fracture

– post traumatic seizures

– Coagulopathy

– History of neurosurgery (eg Shunt)

– multiple injuries

For the full guide on Concussion management visit Concussion Aware‘s website for all the latest resources for sporting teams, parents and schools.

The post Must read for parents: How to spot a concussion and what to do immediately appeared first on EVOKE.ie.

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