
over at the saker, he mentions us too:

bimboplumpe on December 05, 2015 · at 11:56 am UTC

Very interesting question, Ann, what do you think why did [Anonymous/”C.”] not mention any glorious findings our Germ Alternative Press (GAP) made, which are hidden there and can be found there and would have to be reported in the world wide web, e.g. at TheSaker’s? My short answer (#1): because there isn’t any GAP in Glorious Old Germany (GOG). An extensive answer (#2) would have to be a whole book, perhaps under the title of “Tragedy, Idiocy, Infamy and No Hope” (TrIaNoH).

But I could be wrong! So, I hastened to do some field work at the Zoo station’s Zeitungsshop (ZoZ). In Berlin it has become a custom that you can read as much as you want for free in the bigger newspaper shops e.g. at bigger railway stations (it’s more important to instruct the masses than to extract petty money from them). They don’t provide chairs and free coffee as well to round off the offer, which may be one reason why for months I haven’t been there “to inform myself”. But mostly, I must have been too busy reading information where it can be found, at home, in the internet, e.g. at TheSaker’s. Ok, what I found yesterday evening was what I had remembered, but it was good to see that I had forgot nothing and nothing new had developed in the mean time. I took a photograph of the small space of the shop (ca 2 metres) with the whole alternative stuff, but I don’t know of a possibility to include pix in a comment, so I have to describe it in words. In the top row there are 2m of erotic art… In the next four rows: finance and business – for the average Berliner even more exotic or alternating than erotic adventures – and related topics (The Arts). Perhaps I should have begun with the bottom. There they have alternative views on our German Reality by German Minorities. These are, from the right to the left: Evangelical christians (no catholics here), Jews (two papers), Prussians and unfaltering Nazis (Deutsche National- und Soldatenzeitung). After WWII, the Evangelical (EKD) and the Neonazi (NPD with fore- and afterrunners) movements were triggered by the same gang of english shpitzels, the von Thaddens – Weizsäcker, “Merkel” and Gauck were “was hinten rauskommt” (Kohl)… what came out of the combination english shpitzelism and the von Thaddens: GOG’s führers since 1981.

In the 3rd row from below, on the right side (105cm) you could find the whole spectrum of our GAP: “Zuerst!” (right-wing), “Hintergrund” (academic-boring, no chance to contradict anything) “konkret” (left, in german: “ultra-links”), “Compact” (left-plus-right wing or vice versa; its boss, Elsässer, being a former leftist who has seen the light, a sun rising in the West), and “compact spezial” (single topics). These are all the “alternative” rags we 80 millions may choose from (=answer #3); more about them in the future TrIaNoH study. Our ZOZ is, of course, a huge shop with hundreds of TV program/women/crossword/fashion/computer journals and a large offer of fat books which voyagers might want to buy before trying to reach Hoppegarten or Fangschleuse. There once was among them one (thin) book I found interesting, and which I wanted now to look at again or even buy to be able to report its content in detail. Its title was “Berlin zum Abkacken” (Berlin for shitting off), and when I had a first look at it months ago I felt it was the first important advancement on the standard description of post war West Berlin “Berlin – Hauptstadt von Filz und Korruption” (Berlin – capital of filth and corruption) by Matthew D. Rose. Unfortunately, someone must have bought this book already, I couldn’t find it anymore and the man there never heard of it.

Obviously there are also plain newspapers in the ZoZ, and among them (i.e. at another location) some more minority/alternative stuff. There is one not too bad Serbian daily (Vesti) for the Yugo minority in Germany, printed in Frankfort/M, there is the fat weekly “Russkij Berlin – part of Russkaja Germanija”, operating from the hated Springer House, but not too springerian, there is a monthly for Thai ladies and their admirers, “Farang”, which I uused to buy and read before the one known shop that sold it went bankrupt, it continues to exist and to claim on the internet that there are many outlets in Berlin, but ZoZ is definitely not one of them. A Polish rag – Kurir poloniny – existed for a while but rests in peace for years already. Those papers by and for “foreigners” usually are 100% uncritical of the country where they are allowed to exist in peace only if they are guaranteed 100% unritical, and thus, no alternative, offering no alternative views (=answer #4). Aw yes, those bloody Poles again, there *were* some articles in Kurir… complaining e.g. about the reported fact that the children of Polish families in Germany can be taken away if the parents refuse to speak German with them at home to provide them with a correct “mother tongue”. Funny that namely this Kurir… disappeared, isn’t it?

In the Maison de France they sometimes have a shy something that claims to be the voice of the French in Berlin… at least years ago, sometimes. There is a readable and often amusing program mag in english, “ExBerliner”. But like all program magazines (Tip and Zitty), it is mostly about discos and classy restaurants. The first prog magazine in Berlin, “Hobo”, forerunner of “Zitty”, was a real “alternative” rag in 1973 when it was founded after the model of London’s “TimeOut”, and I joined it after some months as my first job after university, hoping to become a real tough alternative journalist in a rising alternative media powerhouse. I was fired shortly afterwards after having mumbled some lines about the (for me) obvious wish of Israel to illegally install their own settlements on the freshly acquired West Bank and thus make it their’s: such an “obvious nonsense” was just too much alternativity to our main stream line that “our Jewish friends” would never ever do anything objectable. Being fired once “for such an outrage” means never getting another chance – this is Germany and not America (Ringier et al.) I have tried other “alternatives”, which also were not… you’ll find a complete list of them in TrIaNoH. Today, Tip and Zitty are two labels of the same publisher and care mostly about discos and classy restaurants (=#5). There was a predecessor to Hobo, called “883” in the late sixties. It’s editor became later one of the creatures typical for GAP-activists that refuse to see the light in time: with no proper address, no proper telephone, unknown ways of living (not journalism), perhaps reachable via his lady… (=#6) After reunification one Ester Berlin burgerrightler founded an alternative journal, with the title.. uh.., but soon made the terrible mistake of publishing a list of former shtazi shpitzels. Imagine! The poor things – put into the reach of their victims (brave germans who never do anything not ordered)! This outrage was punished with a heavy fine for interfering with the personal freedom which the former shtasis had just acquired through reunification. The paper ceased to exist, and if the editor managed to remark and see the light in time, there was surely found a way to avoid the fine. If – then, else – not.

By the way, there *were* many alternative projects within GOG’s press, always an “alternative to the whole system” – that is, the need for an alternative press organ was always felt, answered with one whole strand of new initiatives, which then always failed, mostly by nazi infiltration, skewing, reversing the original intentions (=#7). In 1965 or so, Günther Grass (our nobel writer from the Waffen-SS, that is, a person with built in career mechanism) and friends of his turned the local paper “Spandauer Volksblatt” (for the district of Spandau within West Berlin) of the Erich Lezinsky publishing house into a national alternative paper. What remained of Lezinsky today is a bureau for accepting small ads, which I detected recently in Spandau. The writers of the Spandauer Volksblatt moved on to the “Frankfurter Rundschau” (which is today a problem child without any reach or influence and probably value). Then, 1968+?, the “Tageszeitung (taz)” was founded, in the same movement (I remember, probably not too correctly) that also produced “liberation” in FR and “Gazeta Wyborcza” in PL. “Alternative” media were then (or always) an expression of a new initiative of alternative politics – thus, the taz was the organ of the “Green” movement and party. I don’t remember when I stopped touching the taz (“this nazi crap” as not only I thought of it), but after the social democrats and greens under nazi shpitzel and provocateur Jozef Fischer restarted Hitler’s war against YU in 1999 everything green and definitely the taz is avoided by its main possible clientele as contagious poison. After “reunification” (illegal annexation of the GDR), the mighty East German communist party paper “Neues Deutschland” was bought by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, which is the contínuation of the Munich-based American Army reeducation daily “Neue Zeitung” (whose perceived quality was such that its end in 1954? was a day of national mourning for the whole post war intelligencija in West Germany). In the late 90s I made theatre pix for a small (“alternative”) theatre in Berlin, which were sent to our newspapers, often printed, and then paid by all of them except one. While The Enemy, Springer, always paid without any remarks to my person not being what they want (which cannot have escaped Springer’s own spy service), Neues Deutschland never paid and instead ornated their copyright thefts with smart jokes of all kinds. Thus my vote for the most stinking GAP product goes to this nest of bavarian jesuits hiding and playing foul under the false image of “impudent old communists”.

Yet another wave of alternativism resulted from the obscene theft of East Germany by the continued nazi power of West Germany through the von Thadden conspiracy (of real nazis under the guise of benevolent wise evangelical clerics). In some ex-commie countries namely the party youth dailies survived (e.g. in Russia and Czecho(slovakia)), and in the territory between Rhine and Odra, too: the “Junge Welt”, ex-commie, became an alternative to the taz, then “Jungle World” became an alternative to Junge Welt (Junge Welt was leftist but not leftist enough, this “left extremism” of Jungle World seems to be generally regarded as a CIA-provocation, I did not regard myself into that matter), while the von Thadden nazis created as another alternative to Junge Welt the frankly nazi “Junge Freiheit”. It became then fashionable for mainstream politicians to grant them interviews, brushing off the n-problem with wisecracks like “in a democracy everybody must have the right to speak to anybody”, which applies obviously only to deviations to the right side. Junge Welt, somehow connected to the weekly Freitag, continues to be nice and left, it is now owned (partially or completely) by Augstein jr, the son of the english shpitzel Rudolf Augstein and as such founder of Der Spiegel. “Der Spiegel”, for decades an alternative to everything else, was in the early years run by SS journalists under english scum service supervision, and has become a cooperative of the Springer empire some years ago. I read it from 1954-2014, then stopped, because the Springer influence had made another political Micky Mouse magazine out of it. Der Spiegel was the top of West German journalism for decades, and as “left” as old SS hands knew to appear, but was always manipulative … and so on… and so on.

A last set of alternativity, present at ZoZ, should be named: we have two “satirical” magazines, “Titanic” (Frankfurt/M, West) and “Eulenspiegel” (Berlin, East). Both express much better than anything written in words anywhere in Germany the agony, the hatred, the disgust, the contempt that “Hitler”‘s probable daughter (see an excellent photographic comparison on http://www.evilyoshida.com), Angela, is inspiring to anyone who is not paid by the von-Thadden-Adolf+Angela-Regime and who has some brain left. In that, Eulenspiegel seems more consequent than Titanic, and they sometimes have researched articles, too.

The main reason why all this is so – that, simply said, there is no GAP (=#1) – must be that a. it has been setup this way by the regime of the english shpitzel Adolf “Hitler” and his gang, who installed the Reichsschrifttumskammer (RSK, chamber of the writers of the Reich) for achieving a homogenous stratum of well-paid yes-sayers without any no-sayers (since these would not be accepted into or excluded from the RSK, and by this alone, would have no right to be published anywhere), b. West Germany continued under the pressure of the angloamerican occupants the former nazi state as it was (changing labels and optics, of course), including the RSK, which is now a part of the (activities of) the general nazism-supervision-body, the BND, allegedly “Federal News Service”, but in reality the same jesuit Bavarian Nazification Dirt that had already pushed up “Hitler”. BND is a scum “service” (or rather master), so eveything is covered, and the main cover of the BND is that this is “our lovely foreign esponage agency”.It is not, their foreign espionage history is a ridiculous failure – they are a nazification machinery, which made out of a completely destroyed nazi state in 1945 a fully nazified and germanized EU in 2015. One of its many instruments (all of which work under cover, on no legal basis whatsoever) is the continuation of the RSK: no writer, journalist etc. can write (what he wants and be paid and reach old age) without the consent of the BND: *every* literary event in Germany is beshpitzelled by the BND (as the author’s magazine “lietart” printed before it suddenly disappeared), and *all* of this is done invisibly, not proclaimed as “law” as under good old naive Adolf, but as a “matter of fact”; finally, c. the lack of intellectual sophistication of the germ society results in accepting *everything* from above without thinking about it, or, God help us, doing anything against it. Vot kak – that’s why (#8)



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