The Feature and Follow, hosted by Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read, is the premium BLOG HOP of Book Bloggers. Running for over five years, the Feature and Follow’s goal is to promote the book blogging and author community to join together and support each other – even if it is just through a simple follow. The FF also promotes creative post options by offering interesting topics we can all talk about and comment on! Come join us.
What are your favorite podcasts - both bookish and non-bookish podcasts
Before I started my current job I used to be able to watch TV in the morning while getting ready for work. This all changed when I got my current job. Not only did I need to be at new job earlier but it was a longer commute. A fair trade off as new job is infinity times better than old job. But unless I wanted to get up at a more ungodly hour, I knew I couldn't spend my morning cleaning out the DVR and saving my husband from my "trash TV shows." (In his defense, I do watch a fair amount of reality/trash TV. I'm not ashamed.)
It was about that time that I turned to podcasts. I went on a subscription binge and subscribed to almost anything that sounded interesting - celebrity podcasts, entertainment, life, etc. Slowly I learned exactly what I liked and didn't like. Some podcasts have since ended and others either bored or annoyed me earning themselves an unsubscribe.
Since my original podcast greed, I am now down to only three podcasts: OverDrive's Professional Book Nerds, Anna Faris's Anna Faris is Unqualified, and Chris Hardwick's Nerdist Podcast.
I love OverDrive's Professional Book Nerds because they discuss all variety of books (young adult, dystopian, mysteries, Harry Potter, so on and so forth), interview authors, and feature numerous employees allowing for a full range of recommendations instead of hearing from the same people week after week. I will confess that I only listen to Anna Faris is Unqualified and Nerdist Podcast when I like the celebrity guest, but both offer enjoyable podcasts that are fun and easy to listen to. Anna's is more like listening to two friends chat about anything and everything, while Chris has a slightly more formal interview style.
If you're not a podcast listener or are looking for a new podcast, I highly suggest checking out these three!
We're not just book nerds. We're professional book nerds! We are staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks from public libraries and schools. It's our job to discuss books all day long so we thought, "Why not share the conversation!" Hear about the best books we've read, get recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can't wait to dive into. Titles discussed are available to borrow through public libraries. Get started reading at and subscribe to our podcast today! (iTunes)
Not-great-relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types. I am a solid 3.4 student with a major in English from the University of Washington. I've also been asked what my SAT score was and it was 1060. It only took five years of dorm/rave life for me to accrue the life knowledge I have received. I’m a Sagittarius, which means I’m super creative and stubborn; but there are walls I need to break down because I always want to leap over the boundaries that make me climb ladders and roofs. I’m agreeable and delightful. I also have incredible leadership skills and following abilities. And, I have 20/20 vision so I’m an eagle eye. I could not love all of you more and please e-mail me at with your pressing relationship questions. (iTunes)
I am Chris Hardwick. I am on TV a lot and have a blog at This podcast is basically just me talking about stuff and things with my two nerdy friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira, and usually someone more famous than all of us. Occasionally we swear because that is fun. I hope you like it, but if you don't I'm sure you will not hesitate to unfurl your rage in the 'reviews' section because that's how the Internet works. (iTunes)
What are some of your favorite podcasts? I'm clearly in the market for more (both book related and non). Let me know in the comments below and I'll check them out!