
I have been working hard all week long to get this unit with all of it's printables out by Friday.  Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, I was delayed a day.  It's my hope, that from here on out, all unit studies with new printables will be posted on Fridays for those interested.  This will hopefully help you in your planning. I know it will help me enjoy my weekend a little bit more.

I'm not the biggest fan of St. Patrick's Day and really contemplated not incorporating it into our activities.  My kiddos had different ideas though, and so I decided to keep them happy.  We're studying St. Patrick's Day this week, so I won't have to interrupt our next big unit study to incorporate it.  Details about that will come later.  You'll notice some activities have nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day.  I'm using this week as a make up week also.  Any activities we've skipped over in units past, I tried to present here.  There are so many free printables available.

Moving on to activities-


TH,SH, & CH Sorting

Princess has been working hard to figure out her beginning consonant blends.  She seems to confuse the ones above the most.  I'm hoping this activity will help her.  The kiddos will sort out the picture/word cards and place them under the correct beginning consonant blend shamrock.

Source.  I created the printable for this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Language Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Rainbow Shapes

 The kiddos seem to be struggling with basic color and shape words. I decided to combine the two sets of words together in one activity.  Kiddos will draw a color word and a shape word from the cups provided. They will then find the corresponding shape card and paint it the correct color using the paints provided.  I have provided controls for them if needed.

Source.  I created the printable for this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Language Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

St. Patrick's Day Spelling Activity

The kiddos will practice writing their spelling words on the windows, using the rainbow window markers provided. Usually I don't require the kiddos to write their words, but I thought writing on the window would be enough of a treat for them, that they may actually go for it. We'll see.

Source.  I created this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Language Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.


Number Words & St. Patrick's Day Object Sorting

The kiddos have been struggling to identify their numbers, just as much as colors and shapes.  I created this St. Patrick's Day themed activity to help them.  Each number card has a corresponding picture on it.  The kiddos will find the corresponding objects and match them up with the cards.  There are only as many objects as the number card specifies. If they can't identify the number on the card, they'll be able to figure it out what it says by accurately counting the objects underneath it.  Hopefully this makes sense.

This week I really struggled finding activities that would accommodate Bulldozer's food allergies and adhesive allergy.  In the printable, I have provided a set of blank number cards for those who would prefer  to use their own objects or stickers.  My original idea was to use different St. Patrick's Day Stickers as counters, to correspond with stickers on the cards.  Stamped cards would work too, but at the time I didn't have enough.

Source.  I created the printable for this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Math Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Pot of Gold Subtraction

The kiddos will answer the problems on each of the subtraction cards using gold pieces as counters.

Source.  I created the printable for this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Math Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Measuring Shamrocks

The kiddos will use a ruler to measure each shamrock.  They will place the correct answer card next to each shamrock.

Source.  I created the printable for this activity as part of my St. Patrick's Day Math Printable Pack 1.  For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.


Deciduous Tree Match

 This activity is a make up activity from a previous unit.  The kiddos will match up pictures in the cup with pictures on the chart, identifying different types of trees.

Source: I created this printable.  For your free copy, click HERE.

Poisonous Plants Sorting Activity

 This activity is a make up activity from a previous unit.  The kiddos will sort the poisonous plant cards using the control cards provided.

Source:  I created this printable. For your free copy, click HERE.

Sorting Food Groups

 This activity is a make up activity from another unit.  The kiddos will sort the food cards by food group.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. For your free copy, click HERE.

Animals of Europe

This activity is a make up activity from another unit.  Dinomite is SUPER excited about it.  The kiddos will look through the cards, sorting them in any way they wish.  There are 50 animal cards in all.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. For you free copy, click HERE.


European Country Syllable Practice

During the month of February we learned about Paris, France and Sochi, Russia, however we did not spend much time studying Europe in general, except for when studying countries in the Olympics. I wanted to be sure to introduce all of the countries on the continent.  We've done this through the study of syllables before.   The kiddos really seemed to enjoy it. I'm hoping they will again.  If you notice any corrections that need to be made to these cards PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know.  Syllable work is a great way to practice pronouncing words that may be difficult for kiddos, like country names, etc.

Source:  I created this printable.  For your free copy, click HERE.

Places to Visit in Ireland

To go along with our St. Patrick's Day theme, I thought it might be fun to learn a little more about Ireland.  the kiddos will match these 3 part cards.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. For your free copy, click HERE.

Visual Arts:
The kiddos continue to draw in their journals daily.

The kiddos continue to learn and sing new songs each week. They also participate in a singing group at our church.  We start a new piano piece this week also.

Physical Education:
We continue to do our Family Fitness Physical Activities.

Practical Life/Sensorial:

St. Patrick's Day Sensory Bin

 Our "fun" shelves haven't been the greatest the last couple of weeks.  I asked my kiddos what they wanted on the shelves.  Bulldozer said he wanted a sensory bin and water activities.  The others couldn't give me anything specific.  This sensory bin is for Bulldozer!

Pouring Water

 This is a simple pouring activity. I colored the water green for St. Patrick's Day.

Making a Rainbow

 We've done this activity before. The kiddos are given the three primary colors, and then asked to mix and match them to make a rainbow of colors.

Tweezing Lucky Charms

The kiddos will tweeze out the marshmallows in the bowl of Lucky Charms. They are then welcome to eat any they'd like.  I stocked up on boxes so we'll be set for the week.  Bulldozer is unable to eat Lucky Charms because of his allergy to oats.  Instead of this activity, he will spoon Fruity Pebbles, if he'd like.

St. Patrick's Day Invitation to Play

 I've never done an invitation to play activity and a sensory bin in the same week before now.  I'm hoping it will go well.

Green Goop

 I'm not sure if this is considered science or sensory or both, but it sure is interesting.  I mixed 1 cup of corn starch with 1/2 cup of green water.  Hopefully the kiddos are willing to touch it.

St. Patrick's Day Cutting Activity

The kiddos can always use practice cutting.  Here they'll cut the little strips of paper on the dotted lines.

Source: I created the printable for this activity.  For your free copy, click HERE.

For those interested in the St. Patrick's Day Printable Packs, click on the links below:

St. Patrick's Day Language Printable Pack 1 by Renae at Every Star Is Different

St. Patrick's Day Math Printable Pack 1 by Renae at Every Star Is Different

Next week we dive into our Kitchen Unit.  I'm super excited about this one.  Besides activities on our shelves, the kiddos will be preparing meals with me throughout the week.

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