



when ppl act like the goal of anti-nazi ppl is to “”change their minds”” about their “”beliefs”” like… that’s…

we don’t give a shit about their ~beliefs~??? I dont care if mr dick is sittin in his house thinking jews are awful. I would LIKE for him to not think that but I ultimately do not care. I do not care about changing his thoughts.

i care about preventing him from having enough of a public platform that he and people like him gain the power to ACT ON those beliefs.

so yes actually! punching nazis when they are trying to be suave on television, such that they are unwilling to try to go and appear suave on television again, does accomplish that.

i dont care what mr dick thinking in the privacy of the hole he crawled out of, at this point. we are at a point where there are way more pressing things regarding nazis. which is like. nazis get to be suave on television.


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