Welcome to the 471st edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling where home school families share their home school wisdom with us from all over the world via their blogs.
This month we have over 70 links to homeschool support letters, advice, encouragement, free printables, unit studies, round up posts and much much more. Grab a cup of your favourite beverage and take a trip around the world wide web for the best of the best encouragement and resources in the homeschool blogging world this month.
Carnival of Homeschooling was started by the Cate Family over at Why Homeschool and has been a tremendous source of home school support and information over the years to the homeschooling community. We appreciate your support and monthly submissions.
This Week
Why Homeschooling
Life after homeschooling Henry is already starting to reminisce.
Every Bed of Roses
A letter from my heart to yours: Dear Mom Who is Feeling Overwhelmed.
The Year at Maple Hill Farm {Poppins Book Nook} a full unit study on farm life
Compost in a Bottle {Science Experiment} a step by step tutorial to create this science in a bottle experiment.
Artist Study {Claude Monet} a full unit study with links to FREE resources.
Trivium Pursuit
A recommended intensive phonics curriculum How to obtain Hazel Loring’s 1980 Reading Made Easy with Blend Phonics for First Grade
Free Art Curriculum Ebook for These Five Days
Reducing Fractions is like Folding Clothes: Have you ever thought of fractions while doing laundry? There are some interesting (and enlightening) similarities!
Getting the Most from Your Math Book Have you ever really LOOKED at your math book? Use these discussion questions to make the most of it!
Notes from a Homeschooled Mom
Do black children do better with black teachers? Sure, there is some evidence that black students do better with black teachers, but teacher experience and effort can even the score. Homeschooling, however trumps both.
The US Preamble and Lichtenstein Art Looking to combine our fine arts with our history studies; we dressed up like the Statue of Liberty, and made some pop art using US symbols!
Fossil Fun Studying the science or Origins and Catastrophism, we explored the fossil layer with some hands on experiments, and had a fun animal themed dress-up!
Gooey Bubbly Elements Fun! Some messy, fun element experiments that are easy to do and loved by kids both young and old!
Petticoat Government
"Nearing the School Year's End"
Learning Curve
How to Build a Solar Oven Hands on science fun as we walk you through the building of a solar oven and the results of two attempts at using it.
World War 2 - Unit Study A live show, survivor interviews and a museum trip are just a few of the interesting educational experiences in this unit study of World War 2. Travel back as you read about living on top of the Battle of the Bulge, George Marshall and the Marshall Plan and a host of books and video resources to enhance your study.
Let's Play Math
Math Teachers at Play #85A monthly round-up of creative math activities, tips, and games from homeschoolers and math teacher bloggers.
Math Game: Chopsticks A counting and strategy game for all ages, accessible to young children.
Math Game: Thirty-One An addition game for elementary and beyond, from a classic book: The Canterbury Puzzles.
Math Games with Factors, Multiples, and Prime Numbers Math games for upper-elementary and middle school students.
Journey and Destination
A Course of Study for Homeschooling Years 11 and 12 This is a post on what we did for years 11/12 and getting into University without formal qualification eg. Year 12 certificate.
Fill Your Bookshelf
Shakespeare Unit Study I talk about the resources I used to study Shakespeare with my kids.
A Net in Time
Missionary Monday: Ida Kahn Ida Kahn was an unwanted Chinese girl... too many children in a poor home. Adopted she was educated and became a doctor to her people. This is her story.
Thinking Thursday: Protagoras Protagoras, a greek sophist philosopher. His way of thinking is still current today.
The Every Day of Education
Homeschool High School: Apprenticeships We didn’t set out to find apprenticeships - they were a natural by-product of being friendly and involved in our community.
Every Day Learning: Measure What Matters Part 1 What sorts of things should we measure as an accurate prediction of our child's future well-being and success?
Why I Still Read Out Loud to My Teenagers The unexpected benefits we discovered by continuing to read out loud to our teens.
Journey & Destination
Teaching Children to Wonder & Admire Teaching children to wonder & admire - the use of literary books in science; some thoughts on The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
Big Family Blessings
9 Fun Board Games for Kindergarten Games Mom will actually enjoy playing with a kindergarten age child.
Tips for taking your toddler and/or preschooler to the library. Make the library fun not stressful with these great tips!
Tips for homeschooling upper elementary- without pulling your hair out Great ideas for creating independence and less stress when homeschooling upper elementary grades.
Life at Rossmont
Dealing With Unsupportive Relatives Regarding Your Homeschooling? Sharing encouragement in the face of un-supportive relatives about our home school journey, and research sources that may be able to dispute some of the un-supportive members' opinions.
Year Round Homeschooling
It's Time to Change Our Homeschooling Method My children learn differently than I do, so after 7 years of homeschooling we're changing our homeschooling method.
When the Yellow Bird of Freedom Calls The yellow bird of freedom calls to every homeschool mom, at some point in time on a homeschooling journey.
Year Round Homeschooling
Confession: Life Still Happens When You Homeschool Life happens, even when you homeschool. How can you homeschool successfully when life seems to get in the way?
Gypsy Road
Gypsy Road's Unit Studies This is the master list of all the unit studies we create, listed by topic.
Speech Therapy Resources This is part one of two, and focuses on articulation.
Overcoming Burnout Focuses on causes and solutions to homeschool burnout.
Golden Grasses
Spring Dinner Dance Yearly spring Dinner/ Dance for area homeschool high school students with Mystery Dinner served by parents, tons of fun games and of course, dancing!
D.D. in 5 Fast and furious trip to D.C. for dh's conference. We crammed in some awesome sight-seeing, ate a Crab shack and dipped our toes in the Chesapeake.
9 Ways to Succeed as a Homeschooler 9 Simple Ways to Succeed as a Homeshcooler
I Choose Joy!
Dear Mom Who is Hesitant about Homeschooling Middle School explaining why it's wonderful to keep homeschooling during middle school
Homeschooling With Toddlers: Tips and Resources Lots of ideas for homeschooling when there are toddlers in the house.
Advice from One Homeschooling Mom of Many to Another Advice for homeschooling a large family
How I Got Interested in the Classical Method for Homeschooling a summary of how and why I started homeschooling, book I read, and why I decided to use the classical method
Enrichment Studies Blog
FREE for a limited time: Women Artists of the Renaissance Fine Art Pages For a limited time folks can get our full Women Artists of the Renaissance Fine Art Pages collection for FREE when they sign up for our newsletter! This is a $6 art appreciation product. Parents can easily print the fine art pages at home and display them around the house for pain-free, organic art enjoyment. :)
A Peace of Mind
Worth Neglecting! What really matters? What do I need to focus on most in this season of life? Do I have a goal for my home and family? Do I have one for myself ? I cannot tell you how many things have come my way recently telling me to list those things that really matter – to relax and ponder and pray more – to seek after joy and peace no matter the mess. And who doesn’t have a mess when you are a homeschoolers with a bunch of eager and creative children?
What About Miss Mason Charlotte Mason says “Education is a discipline, education is an atmosphere and education is a life.” She encourages us to see our children as born people — when nurtured on a feast of noble ideas through “living” books, picture studies, nature studies (those things typically considered to be “extras” ) our children are better able to develop their own ideas utilizing all around them: God’s world in nature, art, literature, history, music and, of course, God’s written Word. Surely we want our children to have a worldview with the Bible at the center of it all :-)
Do My Kids Hear Joy in the Lifestyle We Have Chosen ? I admit it, if you have been reading lately, we are struggling a bit right now. The passion is waning; the time I put into this ~ our own homeschooling days just aren’t so full of joy. In fact, I’ve been feeling sort of burnt out on the whole homeschooling thing. There are days I really do want to toss my kids on a bus to someone else.
Book Nook - Folk Tales I think my son wants to be a lumberjack when he grows up now; I do know that he cannot wait to try some of this out himself one day! yikes. Even I had no idea about some of this; the things these guys do ~ Its amazing!
The Arrowood Zoo
Dyslexia Myths & Tips" As I have watched 2 boys (one dyslexic, one not) have learning issues and them personally give there all these are myths and comments from various sources that have really bothered me at some point and time. They are lazy. Oh, they will grow out of it. They really should try harder."
Dyslexia Reading Stages "In order to become a good reader, a child will need to first learn to decode words and have word recognition skills. Some children naturally progress easily with minimal help and guidance, like my daughter however both of my boys have been totally different. A child with Dyslexia will not be able to learn easily and they will need lots of assistance and instruction tailored to their need."
DIY Whisper Phone "Whisper Phone... Your probably doing just like I was - What in the world is a whisper phone? Like we need more phones - right? Whisper phones are used so that the child can HEAR what they are saying. The phone supports and helps build phonemic awareness, which helps build their reading skills. My son has a problem saying one sound and thinking it is another and actually just not being able to hear himself has caused him a lot of trouble while reading and spelling."
Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Homeschooling... "I have been homeschooling 9 years this August and time and life has changed so many times over the years. When I started homeschooling my family didn't even have internet! Learning the ropes was extremely hard and unforgiving.
Here are a few things I've learned over the years:
1.Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.
2. You don't have to answer the phone in the middle of a lesson - Nor feel guilty about it.
3. A meal plan is your friend."
Counting Our Blessings
How To Homeschool When Life Happens A few tips on homeschooling even during medical emergencies.
Free Unit Study Resources To Study The Human Cell A round up of links to websites, interactive tools, and videos for use in studying the human cell and mitochondria. For grades K5 through 12.
Homeschool Mom vs. School Teacher Discusses the difference between a large homeschooling family and the large public school classroom.
Rethinking Homeschooling At the end of the day, this is the most important thing we can teach our children.
In All You Do
End of the Homeschool Year Certificates {free printables} End of the year certificates for Homeschoolers - from K to 12, two designs available for boys and girls.
FREE End of the Year {Preschool} Certificates End of the year certificates for PreK3, PreK4 and PreK - Two designs for boys and two designs for girls.
5 Reasons I HATE Homeschooling While I love homeschooling as a whole, there are 5 things I absolutely HATE about homeschooling.
Lemonade Stand Coloring Pages {freebies} Some fun Lemonade Stand Coloring Pages and Emergent Readers just in time for Summer.
Homeschool Coffee Break
Middle School Monday - Looking Ahead to Grade 9 We're nearing the end of our Grade 8 year, so we've started plotting out the course for high school.
The Real Homeschool Mom The truth about this homeschool mom - the longer answers to questions or comments such as: "You must be so organized" or "You must have a lot of patience"
Don't You Have a Life? (The Real Homeschoolers) They might not use the "s" word (socialization) but people still wonder if homeschooled kids have a life. Real questions and comments we've heard - and the truth!
Flashback Friday - Arts and Crafts for Kids A round-up of arts and crafts ideas we've used in our homeschool - suitable for elementary and middle school age students.
Puddle Jumping
How Did I Get Here Homeschooling Mom of 3 A personal story of how I came to homeschool through life, miscarriages, self employment, musician husband and honoring Christ through it all!
Tales of a Homeschool Family
Make Your Own Jamestown Fort Replica After studying early American History, a great hands-on project is to make your own Jamestown Fort Replica! Here's how we did it in our homeschool.
How does an Introvert Survive Homeschooling a Houseful of Extroverts Out of the 6 members of our household, I'm the ONLY introvert. How does an introvert survive homeschooling a houseful of extroverts? Here are some tips that have helped me!
Tots and Me...Growing Up Together
Littles Learning Link Up: Panda Bear Fun {Free Printable} We have been learning about pandas and along with sharing our muffin tin meal and some of our activities, I am sharing a free printable for our Panda Bear Shape Craft.
Berry Berry Fun with the Poppins Book Nook {Free Printables} For our last Poppins Book Nook post we read a book called Farley the Ferret of Farkleberry Farm. We focused on berries and I created a few printables to share, including a memory match game, Montessori 3-Part classified cards, and a word scramble for older children.
Daily Life
Free Printables for 30 Days In honor of turning 30 I am posting a new free printable on my blog every day for 30 days. There will be different subjects and age ranges. This is the first post and will have links to each day's printable.
Our Worldwide Classroom
Simple Game To Improve Your Homeschool Mood A qucik easy game that helps out on days when things aren't going so great!
Plants - Experiments, Puzzles, Collage & More An overview of a plant life unit we have completed.
Japan Unit Study A unit study of Japan with lots of hands on activities!
Some Call It Natural
How Do You Decide When Your Kids Get a Day Off? Lots of quotes from homeschool moms on when they take days off from school and what their homeschool schedule looks like.
Carnival of Homeschooling for June {472 Edition}
Next months Carnival will be hosted over at Notes From a Homeschool Mom
Submit your links for the June edition of the Carnival on Google Docs Carnival of Homeschooling June 2015 Submissions: .
OR Email submissions to: CarnivalOfHomeschooling@gmail.com
(With "carnival" or "submission" in the subject field of the email.)
When: by 6:00 PM (PST) on the Monday evening of the week the carnival is due to go live.
It is greatly appreciated when the submissions come in earlier.
What: Please send the following information
Title of Post
URL of Post
Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Brief summary of the post