About Android Malaysia 2012:
Android Malaysia 2012 on 31st October - 01st November, 2012 in MalaysiaAndroid Malaysia 2012 is the most comprehensive conference offering in-depth discussion on advances in Android technology and hands-on expertise to develop and successfully commercialise your Android device. The agenda designed after extensive market research covers latest industry challenges such as building cross platform hybrid apps, integrating Android and Linux kernel, optimisation of memory, focus on HTML5, redundant coding and porting. This event will involve participation of renowned national and international Android experts sharing their latest knowledge and experience. This is the event to attend if you are looking to leverage potential Android market in the coming years Key Takeaways: Practical guidance on coding, porting of Android, developing apps and more Learn all about latest technologies inluding NFC and C2DC Explore new possibilities of Android in alternative industries and devices Build customised UI and learn all about efficient debugging techniques Identify new marketing techniques and hear how to access new markets and widen your geographical reach This event has been specifically designed for technically gifted and experienced platform developers, software engineers, handset and hardware manufacturers and service providers. Certified hands-on training by globally renowned Marakana Dedicated full day workshop on porting, designing, developing, debugging an app with in-depth focus on sensors, adapters and lists. This detailed hands-on workshop is meant for those who want to know all about ICS 4.0, integrate Android and Linux kernel, build and monetize killer apps and update their knowledge on future technologies.Specially flying down from Marakana , San Francisco, Marko Gargenta is the best in the industry to tackle all your technological challenges when developing an ICS 4.0 device. Starting from basics like features of ICS 4.0, this workshop will go in-depth each passing hour and will end with customised apps and best UI for your device. We can promise this to be one of the most advanced and intensive workshops on Android development across the globe! The full solution-packed agenda and expert speaker line-up are currently being developed, so check back for the latest updates and to take advantage of special early booking rates. If your require further assistance then, as ever, please do not hesitate to contact me at the customer service team by telephone on +91 (022) 4046 1466 or by email to conferences-india@ubm.comContact us at+91 (022) 4046 1466Monday - Friday9:30 - 18:30 IST or email to conferences-india@ubm.com