
First Universalist Church of West Paris November Worship Services
West Paris – When did we last hope for a cold rain in November? This November, rejoice, the
wells are filling back up! What better way to express the joy and relief than to join us for Sunday
worship services at 9:00 a.m. Services are provided by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson, guest speakers,
and the Worship Service Committee. All are welcome to attend.

November 6, "Of, By, and For All the People" led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. It was
Unitarian Minister and Abolitionist Theodore Parker, not Abraham Lincoln, who first defined
democracy as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." The only difference was
that Parker said, "all the people." Lincoln left out that important word. Join us on this Sunday before our
elections as we explore our fifth UU principle, "the right of conscience and the use of the democratic
process within our congregations and in society at large." Reverend Stephenson gives services at our
church at least twice a month.

November 13, "Yearning and Learning", led by guest speaker Cynthia Reedy who is a lifelong
Unitarian Universalist and a frequent speaker at our church. Cynthia also teaches at Hebron Academy.
This service is about the changes and challenges that we encounter in our relationships with parents and
friends as we all age, looking and finding the silver lining in it all.

November 20, "A Communion of Thanksgiving" led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. At this
service we'll celebrate a cornbread communion as we reflect on the first Thanksgiving and gratitude,
we'll also consider Epicurus's assertion that "it is not what we have but what we enjoy that constitutes
our abundance."

November 27, "Advocacy & Legislative Ministry" led by guest speaker, Lynn Ellis, who is new
to our church. Lynn is a member of the UU Church of Brunswick and serves as co-chair on the Working
For Justice Steering Group. She attends Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network
(MUUSAN) meetings and is a member of the HealthCare Issue Group. Lynn has been a social worker
for over 40 years. She is also an advocate for peace; took a vow of nonviolence; and has been trained in
nonviolent communication, conflict resolution and BePeace.

For more information about the church and services, please contact Marta Clements, 674-2143,
mclements96894@roadrunner.com, or Bob Clifford at 674-3442, bobarlen@megalink.net.
To learn more about Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, please visit

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