
This past weekend I spent the weekend out in the cold, in the rain, in the wind, to be the best Horse Husband I know how to be. But I wasn’t at an event as my wife, Nicki, is a dressage rider. I was at Dressage at Devon, which is a 100% outdoor show with little to no escape from the elements. After this weekend, I have a whole new respect for our fellow dressage peers and our brothers/sisters in arms. I watched many international and regional dressage riders put on their show attire and head into the bitter cold, wind, and rain to lay down the best dressage test conditions would allow. So to every rider and horse that did not allow the weather to dictate the job at hand this past weekend, you are a true die hard equestrian and I tip my hat to you.

Events Opening Today:  MeadowCreek Park H.T – The Fall Social Event (TX, A-5)

Events Closing This Week:  Waredaca H.T. and Classic 3 Day Event (MD, A-2),  Windermere Run H.T. (MO, A-4),  Hagyard Midsouth Three-day Event & Team Challenge H.T. (KY, A-8),  Holly Hill Fall H.T. (LA, A-5)

Tuesday News and Notes:

Help Wanted at Maryland Horse Trials. The Maryland Horse Trials is looking for volunteer help this Wednesday through Sunday. Help is needed for many positions each day and MDHT needs you. If you give your time MDHT will supply you with swag, food, and cross country schooling passes. To sign up to help go to www.themarylandhorsetrials.com, click here, or Email Carolyn directly at info@themarylandhorsetrials.com

Who is Fernhill Cubalawn? We all know Phillip Dutton, but how well do you know his mount Fernhill Cubalawn? This awesome horse has the personality of a pony, can be pretty low key, a true people pony, and it has been reported he has a crush on Veronica. There is just something special knowing that the great horses of our sport can be just like our very own horses. [Behind the Stall Door with: Fernhill Cubalawn]

Offical Schedule for Thoroughbred Makeover Announced. In a week and a half, 200 retired racehorses will be flocking to Lexington, Kentucky to show off their new skillz in ten different disciplines. Not only can you see what these horses have accomplished, there is a ton to do and learn while you are there.  Check out EN’s pre-makeover run down here or head over to Retiredracehorseproject.org to get a run down of the whole schedule. [Thoroughbred Makeover Schedule and Entries Announced]

RK3DE is Hiring.  Are you energetic, forward thinking, conscientious, ambitious and results driven? Then The Equestrian Events, Inc Board has the job for you. EEI is looking for such a person to become the next Executive Director for the organization. Applicants should submit the required materials by October 31, 2015. For more info check out rk3de.org

Schleese Saddles Stolen. Schleese is asking for your help in locating several saddles stolen out of a company truck that was parked at a hotel near Niagara Falls. Two men were seen on video surveillance breaking in to and driving away with the Schleese company truck and trailer. The trailer was found on a near by Canadian Indian Reservation stripped, but the truck and 7 saddles are still missing. [Schleese Reports Saddles Stolen from Company Vehicle]

Tuesday Video Break

Here is yet another video to remind us of the deplorable conditions this past weekend on the east coast as Doug Payne pilots Vandiver to a double clear in the CIC3* at Morven Park.

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