
New updates all day, check back often

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World wide bits and bites


Dramatic horse rescue near Saskatoon


Someone took a horse onto a tram in Ireland because we live in a very strange world

New Zealand:

Safety first: A dangerous horse is a ticking time bomb

United Kingdom:

25 signs you’re an incurable dressage diva/divo

Maria Eilberg: how to improve your horse’s trot *VIDEO*

Harry Meade back at Blenheim

Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials ‘Rugby Ball’ fence up for auction at the Betfair Newmarket Open Weekend

United States:

Classy dressage puts USA’s Montgomery in Blenheim horse trials lead

CEM: What every stallion owner should know

AEC parties and entertainment: Don’t miss the excitement!

Eventing 2016-2026: USEA to hold sport summit at the annual meeting and convention

Events this weekend in North America


Alhambra Victory Tack Fall Event & Provincial Championship (AB) [Omnibus] [Website]

Topline September H.T. (BC) [Omnibus] [Times/Results]

Glenarden Farms H.T (ON) [Omnibus] [Website] [Times]

United States:

Plantation Field International CIC and H.T. (PA) [Omnibus] [Website] [Times][Results]

Twin Rivers Fall H.T. (CA) [Omnibus] [Website] [Times/Results]

Otter Creek Fall Horse Trial (WI) [Omnibus] [Website] [Results]

Stoneleigh-Burnham School Fall H.T. (MA) [Omnibus] [Website]

Stanton Farms H.T. (ID) [Omnibus] [Website]

Stone Gate Farm H.T. (OH) [Omnibus] [Website] [Times/Results]

Marlborough H.T (MD) [Omnibus] [Website]

Fleur de Leap Horse Trials (LA) [Omnibus] [Website]

Tryon Riding & Hunt Club H.T. (SC) [Omnibus] [Website] [Results]

FEI events around the world


Pinjarra CIC3*/2*/1*


Haslev CCIP1*, CIC2*/1*


Rheurdt CIC1*

Rüspel CCIP2*, CIC1*

Montelibretti CCI2*, CIC2*/1*, CICO3*-NC


Varsseveld CIC2*/1*


Strzegom CIC3*/2*/1*, CICYH1*


Shongwen CCI2*/1*, CIC2*

United Kingdom:
Blenheim CCI3*/CIC3* for 8 & 9-year-old horses [Website] [Omnibus] [Times/Results]

Clinics in North America:

Stephen Bradley (Maryland, USA): Sign up to ride with Olympian and one of the only two American riders to win the Burghley CCI4*, Stephen Bradley, in a one-day clinic, on December 5th. This clinic will be hosted at Playland Equestrian Center, LLC, a family-owned property located in the beautiful countryside of Frederick County, Maryland. The cost is $115/person for a 90-minute small group jumping lesson. Email emurphy@arbee.net to sign-up!

Laine Ashker (Maryland, USA): Sign up to ride with top US eventer, Laine Ashker, in a two day clinic (November 14-15th). This clinic will be hosted at Playland Equestrian Center, LLC, a family-owned property located in the beautiful countryside of Frederick County, Maryland. The cost is $145/person for one day or $275/person for two days. Email emurphy@arbee.net to sign-up!

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