
Looking back over the past year, some particular blog posts rose to the top for 2013.

Please consider sharing this post, or some of these with other believers in your network.

The Evangelism Tips

1.  A Comparison of Multiple Evangelism Methods

Is it possible that one type of evangelism more effectively utilizes and maximizes the talents of each believer?  A brief review of personal evangelism into 3 categories:



Incarnational / Relational

2.  The power of questions in conversational evangelism

I teach on conversational skills in evangelism.

While I believe it’s appropriate and a good practice to know a gospel presentation by heart, I think that asking good questions unlocks further avenues of conversations that leads to life change.

There is a time for questions.

There is a time for giving answers and the reason for the hope within us.

3.  Is relational evangelism Biblical?

Some critics of relational evangelism claim, among other objections, that there is no biblical evidence for a relational evangelism approach.

Let me lift up a few examples of how the gospel spread through personal relationships

4.  10 Ways to Kickstart Your Personal Evangelism

You can have the joy of introducing a person to Jesus Christ.  Watching people awaken to their faith in Christ because of your personal evangelism work is one of the greatest joys you can experience as a Christian.

Yet many pastors and church members often neglect their personal evangelism, sometimes through no fault of their own.

I’ve searched my archives and came up with 10 of the best action posts for personal evangelism to help you kickstart your passion to reach people for Christ.

5.  4 Free Evangelism Tools that Every Believer Must Have

Churches without a budget for evangelism training can still grow the evangelistic passion within a congregation with these four free resources that every church already has.

Your church already has these four free evangelism tools.

Use them.

The Church Greeter Tips

1.  Ten Tips for Church Greeters.

A video, top failures, and important lessons for church greeters.

2.  10 Things Every First Time Church Greeter Should Know

So you want to be a church greeter, but too embarrassed to say you are not sure what you are doing?

If you are a first time church greeter, here are ten things you need to know about the work of the greeter in the church.

3.  20 Stupid Things Church Greeters have said.

All of these have come across my twitter feed and in 2013, the trend continues.

Which one make you laugh out loud?

Which one makes you cringe?

4.  Church Greeter Training Discussion Starter Video

Every church wants their guests to return, and not be driven away by church greeters who say embarrassing things.

How your guests experience your greeters is one of the central influences in their decision to return to your church.

Yet depending on what study you read, up to 70% – 90% of those visitors don’t come back for a second visit.

Training your church greeters is one area that you can focus on to lower that number for your congregation and improve the rate at which visitors to return.

5.  Church Greeter Resources at EvangelismCoach.org

Over 6 years of teaching on church greeters, I’ve assembled many church greeter resources of my own.

Here is a quick list of how to get it all and where to find it.

The Hospitality Tips

1.  Other things to say besides good morning.

Is there something more Church greeters can say than “Good morning?”

Read on what various hospitality team leaders had to say.  Then add your own.

2.  Ten Ways to Grow Your Hospitality Ministry

No church wants to give a their first time visitor or returning guest a bad experience.

When visitors have a bad experience with your church, often your error is something unintentional.

This is a quick list of ten areas that you can work on to grow your hospitality ministries.

3.  8 Steps to Launching a Hospitality Committee

At the beginning of each year, many churches form new church hospitality committees or relaunching a tired committee with new people.

They want to update or infuse their church hospitality program with new ideas.

One common question that I get, particularly from smaller churches that have ignored this issue for some time is:

How do we start a church hospitality program?

4.  Six Ways to Follow Up on First Time Visitors

One reason to improve your church hospitality is to increase the number of first time visitors who decide to return to your congregation after the first visit.

Once your first time visitor comes and fills out a church visitor information card, what are some next steps you might take?

5.  How to Follow Up on an Anonymous First Time Visitor

They have chosen not to fill your connection card, friendship pad, pew register, guest book, etc.

They have signaled that they wish to remain anonymous.  Depending on the size of your church, you might not even know they have come.

If you don’t get their contact information, you can’t send them literature, make a home visit, carry cookies to their house, or invite them to come to the next service.

How can you follow up with them if you have no record of their presence?

6.  12 Ministry Leaders share what’s in their Visitor Welcome Folder

Many churches choose to use a Church Welcome packet as a way of quickly communicating news and programming information to first time church visitors.

The First Time Visitor packet can be used to share

the breadth of your church’s ministry programming,

as well as include perhaps a little thank you gift.

Simple next steps towards making new friends.

New Products in 2013

1.  Church Greeter Training Collection (2 Recorded Webinars)

2.  4 Growth Steps in Personal Evangelism (MP3)

3.  Visitor Assimilation Training (Recorded Webinar)

Please share some of these resources and posts with your church teams.

Read more: The Best of EvangelismCoach: 2013 Edition

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