Fasching in Germany, known as carnival is a festivity that occurs before Lent season. It is not only celebrated in Germany but also in other parts of the globe. For example the famous carnival in Rio de Janiero or the Rio Carnival, is considered to be one of the biggest shows on earth. The the festival attracts millions of tourists, both Brazilians and foreigners who come from everywhere to participate and enjoy the great show.
Fasching or Carnival in Hemau last 2012.
In Germany, carnival week begins on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday with parades being held during the weekend and finishes on Ash Wednesday, with the main festivities occurring around Rosenmontag (Rose Monday). This time is also called the “Fifth Season.” Shrove Tuesday is celebrated in certain cities.
Musicians also joined the carnival parade with their costumes.
The carnival session, also known as the “Fifth Season”, begins each year on 11 November at 11:11 a.m. and finishes on Ash Wednesday of the following year with the main festivities happening around “Rosenmontag” (Rose Monday).
Carnival float during the parade in Hemau, a town in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany.
Among the cities that celebrates the most famous carnivals in Germany are Mainz, Cologne and Düsseldorf. It is said that the first worldwide carnival parade took place in Cologne in 1823.. The highlights of the festivities are the carnival parades and costume balls.
If you want to celebrate and have fun, witnessing the carnival in Germany and other places will surely be am exciting experience.