

Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Holy Shroud of Turin

Powerful prayer to St. Michel the Archangel - video ~ link

Ava Maria - video ~ link

Ava Maria - video ~ link

Pray for Peace

On the Road to the Third World War

Armageddon also means the Second Coming of Christ is Near

300 Days Since Hillary Clinton Has Held a Press Conference

Senior German leader: 'US Is Pulling Us Into the Abyss of War in the Middle East' ~ link ~ More and more people are speaking out, very afraid that we are headed into the Third World War.  Driven by the totally demonic Khazarian Globalist banksters!!!  Stirling

"What we are witnessing today is part of a longer development," the politician said. "The civil war which broke out five years ago resulted in a tragic struggle right at the moment when the Syrian-Israeli conflict over the Golan Heights seemed to have already been settled. All that was left to do was sign the agreement which could have resulted in peace in the Middle East. And if not for certain forces who were not interested in peace, this agreement would have been signed."

Now, Wimmer suggested, the central question comes down to "whether we can put an end to this disaster and prevent the spread of the Syrian inferno to other countries, which would signify the start of a great war."

Wimmer noted that today, "the US faces a presidential election at perhaps the most dangerous time the world may ever find itself. The forces which control the US seek to limit the freedom of action for the future government. This means that the threat of the war spreading beyond Syria is quite serious."

Have the End Times Begun? ~ link ~ YES! Do take the time to read this one in full at the link.  Stirling

End time prophecies are drawing near as American forces reach Dabiq, a place that the Prophet Mohammad specifically noted. Christianity says that Damascus will be in ruins, while Albert Pike said that Islam and Israel would destroy each other.

Message Sent - Russia and China release stunning video of Naval Drills ~ link ~

Helicopters and warships dominated the South China Sea, as Russia and China continued their joint eight-day naval exercises, dubbed Joint Sea 2016.

Situation in Syria: Very, Very Dangerous ~ link ~ Actually, I disagree with the writers analysis.  Obama will do what he is told to do by the Globalist Banksters Cabal.  They intend to have us kill one another off in WWIII and dumping a total pile of chaos (military and economic) on a new President Trump, if they can't control the election outcome, is one option.  There are other options and most involve war!!!  Stirling

If full fledged war breaks out with Russia, it’s very likely to begin in Syria. The only good news here is I doubt Obama will begin any major escalation with only a few months left in his Presidency.

The bad news is that if Hillary Clinton is elected President, all hell is likely to break loose in short order.

Russia warns against an American attack on Syrian forces ~ link ~ The Globalist and Zionist forces behind the terrorists/foreign rebels fighting in Syria are losing and they don't intend to lose this war that they created!!!  So, more US/allied direct attacks on Syrian forces are likely and this will pull into combat the Russian forces with S-400 air defense systems already operating in Syria and Russian Aerospace Force jets in Syria and Russian naval forces just offshore of Syria!!!  Stirling

Russia has warned the United States against carrying out any attacks on Syrian government forces, saying it would have repercussions across the Middle East.

Russia sending more warplanes to Syria ~ link ~

Russia is sending more warplanes to Syria to ramp up its air campaign, a Russian newspaper reported on Friday, as the United States said diplomacy to halt the violence was "on life support" but not dead yet.

Fighting continued to intensify a week into a new Russian-backed Syrian government offensive to capture rebel-held eastern Aleppo and crush the last urban stronghold of a revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that began in 2011.

Dangerous Crossroads as both US and Russia Prepare for Nuclear War ~ link ~

Carter casually dismissed the dangers of a no-win global war, which could evolve towards a “nuclear holocaust”, Ironically  ”… He also hit at critics of the nuclear program — which include former Secretary of Defense William Perry, [who ironically is] widely seen as a mentor for Carter — who argue that investing further into nuclear weapons will increase the risk of atomic catastrophe in the future.

US Propaganda Shams Now Openly Fail ~ link ~ America is being used by the most evil bastards on Earth as an Enforcement tool, for their strategies.  History tells us that this ends in a global war!!!  Stirling

New York Times brands Russia as an 'Outlaw State' ~ link ~ This is typical pre-war propaganda!!!  Stirling

Amid mounting public threats that the US is preparing an escalation of its military intervention in Syria, the New York Times Thursday published a lead editorial branding Russia as an “outlaw state.”

This ratcheting up of rhetoric that has grown increasingly hysterical in regard to Russia is a response to the debacle suffered by US imperialism in its over five-year-long proxy war for regime change in Syria. Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air power, appear to be on the brink of retaking all of the eastern portion of Aleppo, the last major bastion of the US-backed “rebels,” composed principally of Al Qaeda-affiliated Islamist militias.

USA backs India's military strikes on Pakistan ~ link ~ You didn't think that WWIII would be limited to the Mideast did you?!!  Stirling

India’s attack was patently illegal and highly provocative. US strategic think tanks frequently refer to disputed Kashmir as the most dangerous “nuclear flashpoint” in the world. Yet American officials have studiously avoided making any criticism of India, a “global strategic partner” of US imperialism and pillar of its military-strategic offensive against China.

A chorus of former Obama and Bush administration officials now employed by various military-strategic think tanks are lauding the Indian action and even praising New Delhi for its “restraint,” even as the Hindu supremacist BJP government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi pushes South Asia closer to the precipice of all-out war.

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