
Hippocrates is one of the best-known physicians and philosophers of all times and an inspiration to many modern doctors.

As a physician he is best known for his writings and especially for the Hippocratic Oath.

Two of his most famous quotes are: “First Do No Harm” and “Let Food Be your Medicine”.

Although he established medicine as a science he maintained that ‘the physician is Nature’s helper’.

This statement is not a contradiction to Hippocratic medicine as an evidence-based practice.

Many of the diseases that can would cause significant harm and death in Hippocratic times are helped by modern medicine and its’ great advances. Indeed, Hippocrates would have admired many of our medical achievements and would have promoted them.

But modern doctors can still learn from the ‘Great Physician’, as Aristotle calls Hippocrates.

He can help us understand more about the tremendous effect of the environment, diet and lifestyle on peoples’ health.

People experience those effects every day but they don’t really ‘see’ them, recognise them.

21st century healthcare professionals with their vast knowledge have a modern way of interpreting symptoms and signs of a disease but do not know exactly how to guide their patients recover their health with their own diet and lifestyle efforts. And everyone is looking for a quick fix, not understanding that there isn’t one and everything that we do comes with a ‘price’.

Inspired by Hippocrates & ancient Greek philosophers and guided by modern science, Dr Eleni Tsiompanou, MD, DHPM, MSc Nutritional Medicine is going to talk about some of the lessons we can learn from Nature’s wisdom for our Health and our Being. And she is going to argue that now, more than ever our future depends on Nature.

Society of Friends Meeting House,

8 Hop Gardens,

London WC2N 4EA

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