
Travis Kalanick is the man behind that last unicorn since Facebook. It’s a company that has changed transportation forever, has in just 5 years expanded to 130 cities globally, it fights industries and government and doubles it’s revenue every six months. The company is called Uber and it represents a shift in paradigm most of us aren’t even ready to understand.

But Uber in it’s current form is only the start, Kalanick believes that his company can replace car ownership entirely. That in the future it will be more cost effective and convenient to ditch ownership and embrace the Space Age. I wholeheartedly agree, and while it might sound crazy to some to picture a day when most people don’t own cars but numbers are already speaking. Parallel to Uber’s success is Google’s developments with driverless cars, Elon Musk releasing all of Teslas patents and the micro-location movement picking up full pace. The truth is that the world has already changed, my question though is how can we be getting so sophisticated in terms of tech and be relatively snail pace culturally?

I’ve never had much of an interest for tradition. I mean how much sense does it make to follow something that was established hundreds of years before, for reasons only relevant to the people who made them and could easily serve no practical purpose for the reality were a part of. Further more, what sense does it make in the context of your life, of your needs, desires, experiences and ambitions? We can pick up a little slim device and tell a freaking car to come exactly to where we are yet we’re living like savages culturally. You know why Uber is in constant battles with existing industries? Because the old systems can’t survive through innovation, they survive but suppressing competition. That’s why we don’t have cultural innovation, because this entire system is based on us being trapped in it. Do you know what that means? It means we could be more than what we are but through bs culture and tradition we’re limited to be something that upholds the matrix, that shit cray. I know we’re hyper progressive here but that’s what it’s going to take, we have to become more man, I’m not trying to be a fuckin savage to support someone else’s system. Enjoy.

Ben Khan – Savage

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