
A combination of Blue green red brown algaes with a pinch of stevia

Increase the metabolic rate, thyroid activity and the detoxifying function of the body, and increase blood circulation and soothe inflamed tissues.

Just simply add to a glass of water for a uplifting tonic.  raw vegan, paleo, Great energy for sports people and crossfit athletes alike


Chlorella is an algae, a tiny, microscopic, single-celled plant that grows in fresh water. Our particular strain is called Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The abundance of chlorophyll gives it a deep emerald-green color. Chlorophyll plays a critical role in human health as it closely resembles the hemoglobin (red blood cells) in our bodies and is effective against pathogenic bacteria. Chlorella can help strengthen our immune system and is alkaline forming food known to help slow the aging process, stabilize blood pressure and prevent anemia.

Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper, and many other vitamins and minerals. Chlorella also contains a large percentage of chlorophyll, which is essential in aiding digestion, cleansing the bowels, and purifying blood. Chlorella is an incredible, multi-faceted superfood that contains over 60% protein, and boasts an abundance of nutrients, such as chlorophyll and enzymes, but its most important attribute is its ability help rid the body of toxins, such as heavy metals, and even radioactive particles. Research conducted in Japan after the nuclear disasters at Nagasaki and Hiroshima showed that chlorella increased the elimination of toxins such as uranium, cadmium and lead. With all of the radioactive particles recently released into the atmosphere and ocean, there has never been a more important time to add detoxifying foods to your diet.

• Complete protein – 60% protein and contains 19 amino acids, including the essential amino acids

• Contains vitamins A, B-1 (thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin, B-3 (niacin, B-6 (pyridoxine), B-12 and vitamin C

• Helps the body eliminate heavy metals, pesticides and even radioactive particles

• Boosts the immune system

• Can help slow the aging process

• Supports the digestive system

• Strengthens bones, teeth, gums and helps fight bad breath

• Supports the elimination of toxic substances such as alchohol, nicotine and solvents

• Helps protect against anemia


Spirulina is a fresh water micro blue green algae that gets its name from its microscopic spiral shape. Spirulina has been eaten by many cultures throughout history. It is one of nature’s most perfect, nutrient rich foods, and is a world class immune system booster. Spirulina is also a renowned source of protein, chlorophyll, trace minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is well known as a protector against radioactive particles and an enabler for balancing pH, thus producing a more alkaline, health-giving state in your body.

Try adding to your smoothies, coconut dishes and desserts!

rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, D, A, E. Several biological assays have been used to test for the presence of B12. Spirulina is a rich source of potassium and also contains calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc.

While spirulina has its roots in the ancient, modern research is proving more and more each day that it is a thoroughly modern supplement that could be a solution to many of the world’s ills. Among the positive research that has been done involving the uses of spirulina are studies of children who were exposed to radiation at the site of the Chernobyl disaster. Those studies seemed to indicate that those children treated with spirulina had boosted immune system function despite damaged bone marrow. In vitro studies suggest that spirulina increases the production of antibodies and cytokines that ward off infection and chronic illnesses. While more study is needed to define precisely what actions spirulina may provoke in the body, there is a remarkable lack of harmful side effects or suggestions that there are any drawbacks. Even if it is used only for its nutritional content, spirulina is a valuable addition to the diet.


Also known as Laminaria digitata and Ascophyllum nodosum, Sea vegetable, Sea-Weed, Sea Frond and Atlantic Seaweed.

Kelp is an underwater plant with a majestic form, deep green color and a high nutritional yield. Commonly referred to as “seaweed” this botanical beauty is not from the common “seaweed” but rather a different classification of plant entirely. Care and importance should be taken when consuming kelp and one should know its origin. Many of the world’s oceans are suffering from pollution, so it is best to use a Kelp product from clean, pristine and protected ocean. New Zealand is a choice location for quality kelp, which has been sun dried, cleaned and powdered. Kelp is a great source of nutrients and can be added easily to any diet.


Iodine, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin B1, B2, B12 and polysaccharides


Japanese studies have shown that the high Iodine value in Kelp assists with healthy thyroid function and these results have been overwhelmingly supportive in it being an effective treatment for hypothyroidism. Preliminary tests are showing that it may be effective in the supplemental treatment of tumors, however to date these reports have not been validated.

Irish moss

When it comes into contact with rough and dry skin, Irish moss can help to rehydrate it, and leave the skin feeling silky and smooth. Irish moss is effective on a number of severe skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, bad sunburns, and rashes. This amazing seaweed is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D, all of which play a role in nourishing the skin to make it healthy. Applying Irish moss to the skin, can help to enhance the natural moisture barrier of the skin. At the same time, it helps to block out harmful elements that can damage the skin.

Over time, the skin loses it’s elasticity. Irish moss contains vitamin K, which has been associated with keeping the skin’s elasticity intact. It can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and can diminish dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Irish moss not only helps the skin, it can help on the inside of the body as well. The seaweed can help protect against arteriosclerosis, hyper tension, and fat buildup. It can also help prevent the buildup of cholesterol, and protect against obesity. It helps to increase metabolism which can lead to the ability to burn off fat quicker. By helping to prevent these problems, Irish moss can help lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Irish moss is an expectorant, meaning it can break up mucus and help clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold. Because of the expectorant qualities, Irish moss helps to prevent a common cold from turning into pneumonia. Irish moss can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis.

Irish moss has been found to be very helpful with the recovery of radiation poisoning and cancer. This is due to the plant’s high iodine content. Iodine is difficult to come by, and is found mainly in table salt. People don’t get as much iodine in their diets as they should, so Irish moss is beneficial for that purpose alone. Along with iodine, Irish moss also contains calcium, sulfur, potassium, and vitamin E.

Other issues that Irish moss can help with include the following.

* Varicose veins

* Halitosis (bad breath)

* Dysentery

* Inflammation

* Problems with the urinary system

* Duodenal and peptic ulcers

* Strengthens connective tissues

* Strengthens hair, skin, and nail

* Swollen joints

* Thyroid conditions

* Glandular problems

* Tuberculosis

* Influenza

* Mumps viruses

The health benefits of Irish moss are plentiful, both for the outside of the body, as well as the inside. This seaweed can help you live a longer life by preventing diseases and warding off illnesses. It can also help you look and feel younger.


100% pure concentrated organic stevia leaf extract powder providing 90% stevioside = a white, crystalline powder. (stevia rebaudiana)


Recommended Dosages:

-Beginner or Child (ages 2-9): less than 1/2 teaspoon / day

-Normal or Child (ages 10-18): 1 – 2 teaspoons / day

-Therapeutic dose: 2 teaspoons – 1 Tablespoons / day

-Super-Athlete dose: as much as 2 Tablespoons / a day

Typical Preparations

ocean delight is easy to add into your diet. You can mix a little into your morning or afternoon smoothie and start reaping the rewards. can be easily included in practically every dish. You may sprinkle it on entrees, soups, salads,

and it makes a marvelous drink in the form of a “green smoothie”. Also adds well in teas and in iced drinks.

A Nutrition-packed Drink: Mix 1-2 tsp into water, stir and drink as soon as possible (it will form a gel in less than a minute). Or try mixing directly into juice.

Mix with any dehydrated green powder. (Examples are barley grass, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, kale leaf, extreme greens, which are especially alkalizing).

Blend 1-2 tsp. of ocean delight into any smoothie.

Salad Dressings, recipe here.

Don’t use on a daily basis for more than 2 weeks at a time, taking a 2 week break before using again. This will prevent you from overdosing iodine with potential imbalance in thyroid function. For periodic use only and not to be taken for extended periods of time. Not to be used while pregnant.

For educational purposes only.  This information has not been evaluated. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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