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Revision as of 16:58, 15 October 2012

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People who have expressed interest: David Wood, Ivan Herman

People who have expressed interest: David Wood, Ivan Herman



=== Linked Data for Web developers: JSON for Linking Data ===



Proposer and facilitator: Francois Daoust (Joshfire)



Web app developers need to integrate and manipulate content from various sources, either from their own databases and/or from external content provider APIs. To ease development and maintenance, content manipulation needs to remain clear and easy to grasp, which usually ends up being synonymous to "I'll use a specific data model that suits my particular needs for this app". Historically, developers have looked at the Semantic Web with reluctance, as if that was sure to make things more complex than they already were. JSON-LD, proposed by the JSON-LD Community Group and now discussed within the RDF WG, brings linked data to the developer usually without requiring developers to change the way they think and implement things.



Goals of the open discussion:


* Explain what JSON-LD is from a developer point of view


* Review the progress made by the group on JSON-LD, syntax and API


* Discuss integration with typical Web developers toolsets.


* Discuss features, tools, and libraries that might be useful or needed


=== Web Intents and Web Intents for local services ===

=== Web Intents and Web Intents for local services ===

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