
Eddie Harvey on MLM and Home Based Business Success Tips

Eddie Harvey is a husband, father, and a successful home-based business coach. Check out our interview.

Wow Eddie! I love your style and your brand. You got some great content on your blog that I want to know more about, so let’s get started!

How old is your blog, how many posts do you have, and are you still blogging today?

Thanks Erik, I truly appreciate it and I’m honored to be doing this interview!

It’s ironic that my blog actually just made a year old on the 18th of this month! As of today, I have 113 posts on my blog, while for some that may seem like a lot to some, I feel I should have more.

Yes, I’m still blogging today, as I’ve been working on some other things it was a few days a week. However, I’m getting back to blogging everyday.


How is the traffic to your blog and do you get leads consistently from your blog?

The traffic I get to my blog is solid, good quality traffic. It all stems from the strategies I use to generate it.

I would say about 50% of my leads I generate come from my blog. My lead flow to my blog is picking up to where it’s almost daily leads coming in from it.

What I have found though is that when I post a fresh, new post to my blog daily, I’m almost guaranteed to get leads that same day.

In addition to the fresh leads I generate, with each post, so as long as my blog is up I know I have little soldiers working around the clock for me to generate leads.

Right now that stands at 113 soldiers working for me 24/7 and my posts that I’ve created months ago, still bring in new leads, so that’s pretty cool.


Are you promoting just MLM with your blog, or do you also promote an educational platform, such as My Lead System Pro, Elite Marketing Pro, or another Affiliate offer?

I honestly don’t promote my primary MLM on the front end and actually all of my blog posts minus a few are value based and educational and lead to one of the platforms you mentioned which so happens to be My Lead System Pro.

I love MLSP and the majority of what I have learned about marketing, branding and leadership has come through My Lead System Pro’s trainings.

So I lead with that, as I feel it provides the solutions to the problems MLMers face. On the backend, my MLM is promoted and for those who may be looking for a home, they can access it that way.

When and how did you discover network marketing?

Oh man, I’m young, but I’m a veteran when it comes to this industry. I was first introduced to network marketing in 2002.

I played college basketball, and I was home on a short break for Christmas. I happened to be in the mall, and bumped into a high school buddy of mines.

After a quick catching up session, he asked me the magic words “are you open to making extra money?” and I said yes, what’s going on.

He handed me his phone, and let me listen to a pre-recorded message and then invited me to a meeting, ( I believe it was that night), I went and when I saw the presentation and the example showing $10,000 per month, I was hooked! LOL

However not only was it the money, it was the product and I believed that this was an industry that could make a positive impact on so many people’s lives not only as customers but representatives/distributors as well.


What was the first two years like, was there struggle and if so how did you start getting some success?

Yes, there was struggle the first two years and there was success as well!

I had no problems getting my first couple of representatives nor did I have issues getting customers, I did what I was taught and leaned on the relationships of my warm market.

But you see where I differed from a lot of people is that I got started in my hometown and a week and a half later, I was back at school in another state.

So if I wanted to build this thing, I had to dive pretty much right into a semi-warm/cold market and that I did.

I was coachable and had no fear in prospecting and talked to everyone.

To make a long story short, I ended up building a team on my campus, and put in 15 team members in one month, was able to rank advance and even got the attention of my Regional Vice Presidents as they saw new reps coming into their organization from Pennsylvania but didn’t know who was doing it until we got to a National convention and was made aware of who I was.

I want anyone reading this to know that struggle is part of being an entrepreneur, no matter what industry you’re in.

If you don’t already have a huge network of people to tap into or have a solid marketing budget, you will have some ups and downs, even people who have these assets have them to, but again it’s part of the process.

The key is to remain consistent, and taking action daily, if you do this, success will come!


If someone is new to MLM and wants to do everything through blogging, what would you tell them?

I would tell them that you absolutely should have a blog as it is your home online and it’s the place where your prospects get to know, like and trust you and come to see you as an authority.

However, blogging should not be your only strategy. Blogging takes time and while you can and will yield results right away, to get a lot of consistent, daily organic traffic and views will take time.

So I would say invest in at least one other strategy starting out, it can be a free or paid strategy, video, FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. there are so many to choose from. Pick the one that resonates with you the most and master it.

The cool thing though is that when you’re marketing your other strategy, you can now in you call to action have a link pointing back to your blog, which in turn will lead to you getting more traffic, leads and sales.


What’s been the best SEO hack you’ve done on your blog?

Obviously, keyword selection is important, but I don’t know if you can call this a true SEO hack, but what I’ve found that has led to me getting on the first page of Google for my post lies in my content syndication strategy.

The formula I use gives me a really good balance of using social media to get right now views and backlinks as well as long-term backlinks through drip-feeding my content over a period of time.

What I will also say is that you want to also attack those long tail, low hanging fruit keywords. Don’t neglect those keywords that are only getting 50 to 100 searches every month as those will be easy to rank for and typically are buyer keywords.

If someone is doing a search on the keyword “lose weight” versus “lose 10 pounds in 10 days” the person looking to lose the 10 pounds in 10 days is someone who’s looking to get a result right away and will more inclined to buy a product immediately.


What’s your favorite social media platform to use for MLM?

So many great platforms, I will say that video is my favorite strategy and while I love YouTube and Facebook and use those platforms daily, just as of the past week, Twitter has become my favorite platform.

This past weekend I just put my Twitter marketing on steroids and I’m looking forward to the results it will yield me.

I saw your article on getting a lot of blog posts ideas down fast. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Yes it’s a strategy I learned from several leaders inside of MLSP, one of them being who I learned all of my blogging strategies from!  There’s content all around us and if you don’t have it you can go out and find it.

Between notes you may have taken from trainings, webinars, hangout, live events, Tuesday & Saturday trainings, coaching calls and the list goes on. That’s all content you can use for you blog and uncashed checks! It’s a process called I.L.T. (Invest, Learn, Teach).

You invest your time into a training be it free or paid, you then take notes on what you learned and from there turn around and teach it (making sure to put it into your own words) in the form of content on your blog, video or audio, etc.

You can take an hour long training for example and within the first 10 minutes, odds are you will have learned something.

Stop the video right there and then take the notes you have written down and now turn that into a blog post.

Do that for the rest of the hour long training. Take what you learned, every 10 minutes and turn it into content for your blog. You do that and you now have 6 posts for you blog!


I noticed you shoot a video for each post. How important is video for your home-based business?

Yes video is an essential necessity to my home-based business. Video is my favorite strategy and if you look at my blog, you will see that all of my post as you said have a video in it.

In my opinion, video is the closest way to connect with a person without being face to face. You capture their attention, and they can see and feel if you are real and genuine with what you are talking about.

In addition to that, every social media platform utilizes video. I would say live broadcasting is the hottest marketing strategy out right now and Mark Zuckerberg has stated that Facebook will be over 70% video between 2017 and 2018.

Also look at other social media platforms, of course YouTube is video content king still, and then Twitter allows you to watch videos right inside of a Tweet now.

Instagram has increased their video length to 1 minute, then you have SnapChat and others as well.

So I recommend everyone to do video and if you’re not comfortable in front of the camera, get over it and just do it!

Is that a Facebook video you embedded into your blog post? If so, how do you embed a video from Facebook?

Yes, sometimes I will embed my Facebook Live videos right inside of my blog post. If not my Facebook Live, my YouTube video will be there, but there will always be a video embedded in my blog post lol. While everyone’s blog allows embedds differently, tt’s a fairly simple process.

Once your live is finished and is uploaded to Facebook, all you have to do is right click on the timestamp showing when you went live and it will open that live post up in another window. From there I just copy and paste the link of my live into my blog.


You’re a father now. How has fatherhood helped your motivation and home-based business?

Well I’ve been a father for awhile now lol, my wife and I have four kids. As a father, along with it being something I want to do, it’s my duty and obligation to protect, provide, teach and give my children the best life possible.

My kids along with my wife are my “WHY”, they’re the driving force behind why I build my business and put in the work I do on a daily basis.

I know they are watching me and they let me know they are watching, through the things they say and do, which is pretty awesome.

So I’m looking forward to reaping the good harvest my business is going to yield and they are essential to that and will benefit from it as well!


What’s your favorite book or training right now?

I’m in the middle of reading The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell.

Leadership is a huge part of being successful in this industry and is key to Personal Development.

You have to work on yourself daily, even more than you do on your business, because when you build and grow you, by default as long as you’re taking the necessary actions to be successful, odds are the business will grow as well.


What are your goals for 2017?

My business goals for 2017 are to personally help a minimum of 200 people either start their own network marketing business or help them acquire the skills necessary to build and sustain their current one, this is in addition to me creating a consistent 5 figure per month net income.


What’s your favorite business quote, and why?

My favorite business quote is actually a quote I created myself it’s “Being Consistent and Persistent Are Key To Success”. It’s my favorite because in the home business arena, it’s a level playing field.

You don’t need any special gifts or talents. If you have a gameplan to follow, have marketing strategies inside of that game plan, and remain consistent and persistent with taking action on a daily basis, when it’s all said and done, you will have success, you will win!


This is such an awesome interview, Eddie! I’m sure my readers got a lot of value out of this. Thank you so much.

For more info on Eddie, please visit his Blog HERE.

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Erik Christian Johnson


The post Eddie Harvey on MLM and Home Based Business Success Tips appeared first on Erik Christian Johnson.

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