
Friday’s are FAN-static here on PEN! Tonight Join us as we present the finest in Internet Broadcasting. PEMA TV at 9pm est( 8cst,6pst). This week Kim and her Yeti are talking with Dr. Marie Feuer. Dr. Marie began doing readings in 1987 encouraged by her Teacher who trained her natural talent. Her international clientele includes financial advisers, corporate trainers, business owners, celebrity psychics, astrologers, energy workers, and remote healers, and published authors. Her clients stay with her for decades. Dr.Marie’s personal spiritual cultivation includes 37 years of study and work with old time metaphysicians, Native American medicine men and women, a Taoist master who teaches energy work and readings, the study of numerology life charts and many other studies and experiences. Dr. Marie is committed to her own personal growth and continues her self practice and continues to share information and experiences with other practitioners. Dr.Marie’s traditional background includes a PhD in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicines as well as numerous years of study and practice with classic psychological therapeutic models, family and relationship work, twelve-step processes, nutritional and body/mind/spirit healing, complementary, alternative, and quantum medicine especially as relates to mood issues and mood disorders. She was a professor, corporate and leadership trainer since 1994. Marie’s vast array of experiences and disciplines gives her a unique talent to address a person’s spiritual and real life issues and provide solid well researched methodologies as well as spiritual solutions. Dr. Marie specializes in her ability to integrate the spiritual beliefs and the world outlook of each individual and then provide new contextual frameworks to view life’s challenges, identify gifts, and pursue personal dreams.


~~~PEN 2~~~~

Bearfort Paranormal- The Shanley Hotel is like no other haunted hotel we have ever encountered. The building rich in history, lore and legend is in various stages of repair. While the guest rooms are quite cozy, the third floor is still undergoing renovation. The dichotomy this creates only adds to the Shanley’s charm.

Spiritual Sex- How intuition works & where it comes from; Who is talking to us & how can we better hear them;What areas of life can you use your intuition

Biddy Tarot-There’s no doubt about it – court cards are the most challenging Tarot cards to understand in the Tarot deck. What makes them particularly hard is that there are so many different ideas on how to interpret them. Are they a person, a personality, an event or something totally different? And if they are a person, are they the client, a loved one, an acquaintance or someone you don’t even know yet?


~~~~PEN RADIO~~~~~

DTM Wicked Radio Everything Paranormal 6pm to 8pm est

Paranormal Mayhem Zone 8pm to 9pm est

Carrots Don’t scream if you boil them 9pm till 10pm est

Vision Quest 10pm to 12am est

Paranormal Review Radio 9pm est- Man has always had a very close and loving relationship with our pets….when they move on, do they become spirits? Can we actually make contact with them? Rob Gutro is an author, medium and paranormal investigator. He has written a new book called “Pets in the Afterlife”. Join us tomorrow night as Rob returns to the show to provide proof that our pets communicate with us from the other side.

Reflect Radio Andi’s Energetic Happy Hour 8pm est – Lets talk about spirit.

Activating Compassion in the Midnight Hour 12am est – Jesse interviews Dr. Nicola Bird – new generation, visionary psychotherapist who pioneered a groundbreaking approach to personal transformation and brain retraining. After seeing the same patterns in herself and her clients, she created a powerful system for self-empowerment. During her almost 20 years of practice, she’s helped people to breakthrough their negative tapes. Her one-of-a-kind method gives people the tools to free themselves from limitations and fears and empower their lives. Nicola received her doctorate from the University of Toronto. She is the author of “The Boomerang Effect: How You Can Take Charge of Your Life.” We will be looking at this pioneering work.


12pm, 5 pm & 10:30 pm (EST): UFO Headline News

7 pm – 9 pm (EST): The Stench of Truth

2 am – 4 am (EDT): Fringe Radio


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