
How would you like a forum that did the following...

Log in with … anything

Use your existing Twitter, Facebook, Google credentials to Log in or create a standard account.

Paste to share images

Want to share an image? Just copy and paste it in. Or drag and drop it in.

Get notifications when mentioned

It's difficult to have a conversation when you can't hear anyone. When someone quotes your post, we'll notify you. When someone mentions your @name, we'll notify you. When someone replies to your post... well, you get the idea.

Simple, but with context

A flat forum, where replies flow down the page in a line. Replies are attached to the bottom and top of each post, so you can see the context of the conversation – without breaking your flow.

Links automatically expand

Want to share a cool link you found? Just paste it in on a single line and the forum will make it awesome.

Links to Wikipedia, YouTube, Amazon, GitHub, Twitter, Flickr and dozens of other popular web sites will automatically expand to provide additional context and information.

Real time updates

If a topic changes while you are reading or responding to it, new replies will appear automatically without refreshing the page. And as new topics arrive, they appear at the top of the list.

Reply while you read

You can respond and continue to read, altering your reply and adding new quotes from others as you delve into the topic! You can even jump around to other topics, quoting other posts.

Your spot will be saved – and your response – even if you finish on a different computer.

Reply as a linked topic

You don't want to interrupt this scintillating conversation, but a post just triggered your memory about an upcoming event you think others should know about.

No problem! Use "Reply as new topic" to keep everyone up to date – and both topics will be visibly connected together.

No app required

Designed from the beginning for high resolution touch devices, and has a built in mobile layout.

Move back and forth freely between your laptop, your tablet, and your smartphone without the constant irritation of being told this forum has an app, do you want it?

Bring your friends

Once you're trusted, you can click a button to invite your friends via email and they can reply to your topic with a single click.

"Project X" is a skunk works project that has the goal of being the next generation of watch forum but will be launching here first. It still is very early days but I wanted to see the interest of something new.

It is based on a from-scratch reboot, an attempt to reimagine what a modern, sustainable, fully open-source Internet discussion platform should be today – both from a technology standpoint and a sociology standpoint.

The act of participating in a discussion should fundamentally feel good in a way that it currently does not on all existing forums and mailing lists. It should be fun to have discussions with other human beings, not a chore, or something that's barely tolerable.

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