All EverQuest Live Servers will be down on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 3:00 am US Pacific for a Game Update. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for approximately 5 hours.
Magelo Sync has been patched!
Hardcore Heritage zone revamps begin with Blackburrow and the Temple of Cazic Thule on May 11th, 2012! Lower Guk and Unrest will transform on June 1st, and Crushbone and Permafrost will transform on June 22nd.
Existing Lost Dungeons of Norrath adventures can now be obtained and completed by players above level 80. The Wayfarer's Brotherhood has not found any more challenging adventures, however.
A variety of achievements are now available for Seeds of Destruction.
Healer mercenaries level 85 and above can once again cast the Promised and Elixir lines of spells.
Healer mercenaries now regenerate their mana faster in and out of combat.
The first player-generated maps have been added. See below for a list of the included maps.
All Legends of Norrath claim items are now heirloom.
The dropped furniture items found in Sarith City and Pillars of Alra can now be traded.
Quests & Events
The Triune God raid - Corpses of players who die in the third phase will now be teleported to the proper location if the raid resets.
Existing Lost Dungeons of Norrath adventures can now be obtained and completed by players above level 80. The Wayfarer's Brotherhood has not found any more challenging adventures, however.
Hardcore Heritage zone revamps begin with Blackburrow and the Temple of Cazic Thule on May 11th, 2012! Lower Guk and Unrest will transform on June 1st, and Crushbone and Permafrost will transform on June 22nd.
The Triune God mission - The Triunity and its relics will clear themselves of detrimental spells when going invulnerable.
The Triune God mission - The Shard Explosion spell no longer damages Relics or the Triunity.
Bard - Reduced the amount of flurry chance given by Aria, Aura, and Echo of the Composer and Aria of the Orator.
Bard - Increased the instrument modifier cap on Aria of the Composer and the Orator.
Beastlord - Reduced the amount of flurry chance given by Nature's Fury and Kolos' Fury.
Beastlord - Increased the damage modifier of Bestial Vivisection and Bestial Rending.
Beastlord - Increased the speed of Spirit of Kolos summoned with Enhanced Minion VII through Enhanced Minion XII to match the speed of pets summoned by higher foci.
Berserker - Reduced the amount of flurry chance given by Avenging Flurry Discipline ranks 2 and 3.
Enchanter - Added the effects from Speed of Aransir to Compelling Edict and Enforce. Creatures you charm with these spells will now have all the benefits of a haste spell while under your control, but the haste effects will drop when the charm is broken.
Magician - All level 91-95 non-swarm pets now come equipped with a Summoned: Visor of Vabtik in addition to the other armor and jewelry they already had equipped.
Magician - Increased the innate run speed of all level 91-95 pets that are summoned with an applicable focus.
Magician - Increased the resist modifier and damage dealt by Servant Slay and Minion Slay.
Magician - Increased the damage dealt by all components of Strike of Many.
Necromancer - Level 92 and 95 pets summoned with Enhanced Minion XIII and up have had their proper appearance restored.
Rogue - Smokeblind traps have been set to no longer trigger when touched by mercenaries.
A variety of achievements are now available for Seeds of Destruction.
Secalna Galnor now offers the Achievements Tutorial in the Plane of Knowledge.
Healer mercenaries level 85 and above can once again cast the Promised and Elixir lines of spells.
Healer mercenaries now regenerate their mana faster in and out of combat.
Mercenaries will no longer trigger Smokeblind traps (or other such traps).
The first player-generated maps have been added:
– Acrylia Caverns map by Cardiac of Drinal
– Al'Kabor's Nightmare map by Cardiac of Drinal
– Ashengate map by Blindheart of Drinal
– Crystallos map by Blindheart of Drinal
– Goru`kar Mesa map by Zigie of Povar
– Harbingers Spire map by Zigie of Povar
– Hills of Shade map by Blindheart of Drinal
– Icefall Glacier map by Zigie of Povar
– Kaesora Library map by Jyve of Antonius Bayle
– Korafax map by Danille of Bristlebane
– The Steppes map by Jyve of Antonius Bayle
– Stone Hive map by Blindheart of Drinal
– Sunderock Springs map by Jyve of Antonius Bayle
– Toskirakk map by Blindheart of Drinal
Fixed an issue that caused some players to be unable to remove their shroud forms.
Fixed issue with pets and mercenaries not properly gaining effects from their worn items. This will prevent melee DPS mercenaries from generating too much hate, among other issues.
Fixed a crash issue related to selling items while in a shroud.
Added a tip file for the evolving item XP transfer window.
The item display window will only display its scroll bar on the augmentation section when it needs it now (instead of all the time).
Changed -
Previously Updated
Hatching a Plan - Characters should now receive credit for either destroying eggs before they hatch, or killing the hatchlings that hatch from the eggs.
Hatching a Plan - The character who has an Empty Vial should now receive a Blood-Filled vial when all eight creatures have been killed, regardless of who killed the final creature.
A Different Perspective - This mission is now available to all adventurers on non-progression servers regardless of expansions purchased.
The Triune God raid - Prevented players from having a charm aura placed on them without warning.