Quotes for Writers – Jules Renard
“Style means the right word. The rest matters little.”
Jules Renard
Pierre-Jules Renard or Jules Renard (February 22, 1864 – May 22, 1910) was a French author and member of the Académie Goncourt, most famous for the works Poil de carotte (Carrot Top) (1894) and Les Histoires Naturelles(Nature Stories) (1896). Among his other works are Le Plaisir de rompre (The Pleasure of Breaking) (1898) and Huit jours à la campagne (A Week in the Country) (1906).
The child of François Renard and Anna-Rose Colin, Renard was born in Châlons-du-Maine, Mayenne where his father was working on the construction of a railroad. Renard grew up in Chitry-les-Mines, (Nièvre). He had three older siblings including Amélie (b. 1858), who died at a young age. A second sister was also named Amélie (b. 1859). A third child, Maurice, was born before Pierre-Jules in 1862. Renard’s childhood was characterized as difficult and sad (“un grand silence roux” or “a great ruddy silence”). Although he decided not to attend ...
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