
In the modern era, our urban landscapes have been shaped and adapted in thrall to cars, which account for more than 80% of passenger transport on land in the EU . The emphasis of the European Mobility week 2014 , the theme of which is “Our streets, our choice”, aims to highlight an alternative approach, by putting strong emphasis on transport policy in its wider social context as well as citizens´ willingness to act as enablers towards sustainable mobility and a better urban quality of life. How will societal, technological as well environmental changes impact on transport systems in the next decades? How can the key goals set up in the EU’s 2011 White Paper for Transport be met by 2050? How can cities effectively implement a shift towards sustainable transport systems ? This EPRS keysource presents a selection of reports and studies aiming to answer these questions. Some publications identify current challenges which modern cities and transport systems are facing in general. Others focus on how innovative transport systems, better mobility planning and smart urban transport solutions might promote a more sustainable mobility. This dossier is also complemented by a selection of databases offering case studies and good practices in the field of transport innovation and smart urban mobility.


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Transport for a Changing World / International Transport Forum, 2014, 52 p.

This report presents the session summaries of the 2014 Summit of the International Transport Forum on “Transport for a Changing World”. The conference focused on the main megatrends currently impacting transport and mobility such as climate change, new technologies, demographic change, and a changing economic balance leading to emerging lifestyles as well as a redistribution of global opportunities.

The Future of Urban Mobility 2.0 : Imperatives to shape extended mobility ecosystems of tomorrow / Little, A.D; UITP, 2014, 72 p.

This second edition of the study highlights the mobility challenges cities face on a worldwide basis. The index reveals that most cities are still badly equipped to cope with the mobility challenges ahead, indicating that there remains significant potential for improvement. Hong Kong tops the ranking with a score of 58.2/100, followed closely by Stockholm and Amsterdam. Copenhagen and Vienna complete the top five.

Trends and future challenges in transport policy

Global Strategic Trends out to 2045 / UK Government Ministry of Defence, 2014, 202 p.

The fifth edition of the report describes a strategic context for defence and security looking out to 2045. The thematic section Transport (pp.49-53) outlines the main implications future developments in transport systems might have for defence and security. The study identifies some major catalysts for significant changes such as development of driverless vehicles, additive manufacturing, automated inventory management and remotely piloted and unmanned transport systems, greater reliance on automated technologies and advances in propulsion and design.

Connected World: Hyperconnected Travel and Transportation in Action / World Economic Forum, 2014, 44 p.

The report identifies the main barriers for seamless travel and transport and proposes some solutions which include a game changer for using intermodal travel, a future traffic management system for megacities, a new answer for visas, airport security and border control processes, and logistics optimization.

The mobility ppportunity study / Siemens AG, 2014

This study commissioned by Siemens analyses the transport systems in 35 major cities around the world and assesses how prepared cities are to meet future challenges, including population growth and higher competition. It concludes that an efficient public transport network can provide these cities with an economic value of up to US$238 billion annually by 2030. The report is downloadable for free upon registration.

The future of mobility in cities : challenges for urban modelling / Wegener, M.; Transport policy, vol. 29, Sept 2013, pp. 275-282

This paper gives an overview about the drivers, feedbacks and constraints of urban mobility and location in a possible future in which transport energy will no longer be abundant and cheap. It asks whether current urban models are able to adequately model the impacts of significantly higher transport costs and demonstrates by an example how it can be done.

Rethinking urban mobility: sustainable policies for the century of the city / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013, 78 p.

Booming cities need contemporary mobility systems capable of transporting increasing numbers of people while doing the least possible harm to the natural environment. Multiple stakeholders, including local governments, must work together to create environmentally and financially sustainable urban transport systems.

Sustainable Transportation Ecosystem – Addressing sustainability from an integrated systems perspective / World Economic Forum, 2012, 56 p.

Scaling-up existing sustainable transportation technologies can help the transportation sector and governments to reach their sustainability and carbon emissions reduction targets. Additionally, it holds great potential for job creation and long-term sustained economic growth. The report provides guiding principles for achieving environmental sustainability in transportation across five dimensions: policy, financing, energy, infrastructure and customers.

The future of mobility in the EU : workshop ‘The future of transport’ : note / European Parliament Policy Department B, Institut für Sozial-Ökologische Forschung, European Parliament, 2010, 44 p.

This briefing note examines the current debate on the future of mobility and traffic policy in Europe. It picks up on trends and challenges such as social differentiation, demographic change and cultural aspects, and looks at their significance for mobility and traffic from a socio-ecological perspective. In a second stage, current papers on the further development of traffic policies are critically examined. The final section looks at what a sustainable mobility culture might look like in a society that is taking on an ever more differentiated and pluralistic form, focusing on the aspect of multi-optional transport products.

Megacities on the move / FIA Foundation, 2010

The FIA Foundation has launched ‘Megacities on the move’, a major new study into global urban mobility issues and solutions. Megacities on the move, a collaboration with Vodafone, EMBARQ and Forum for the Future, is a practical, scenarios-based toolkit designed to help governments, city authorities and businesses understand the challenges of the future and develop strategies which will allow people to live and travel more sustainably in the major cities of the 21st century. Full report here .

Innovative urban transport and mobility measures

Innovation toolbox: 15 inspiring transport measures that can change your city / Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe (TIDE), 48 p.

This report available in several languages introduces local authorities and urban transport professionals to fifteen innovative measures grouped into thematic following clusters: New pricing measures; Non-motorised transport; Advanced network and traffic management to support traveller information; Electric mobility; Public transport organisation.

Shared mobility / Roland Berger, 2014, 28 p.

This report analysis how the world of shared mobility, where vehicles are shared and mobility offerings used jointly, will evolve in the period through 2020. The authors anticipate that annual growth rates of up to 35 per cent in the new business fields around car, bike and ride sharing and shared parking.

Policy Pathways: A Tale of Renewed Cities / International Energy Agency, 2013, 98 p.

This report highlights lessons learned and examples of good practice from countries with experience implementing a wide range of measures to improve energy efficiency in urban transport systems.

Innovation in urban mobility / Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP), 2013, 28 p.

This Policy Brochure produced by the Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP) highlights the contribution of research in delivering innovative solutions for sustainable and integrated urban transport. Related official video here .

Technology futures – a horizons scan of transport technologies / TRL, 2013, 58 p.

This study published by TRL Consultancy carried out a meta-analysis (“review of reviews”) of current technologies that could impact on how transport is provided or used over the next 30 years. It also describes the methodology adopted to carry out this meta-analysis and provides a summary of its findings. The report is downloadable for free upon registration to the website.

Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Global Report on Human Settlements 2013 / UN – HABITAT, 2013, 348 p.

This report argues that the development of sustainable urban transport systems requires a conceptual leap. The authors focus on accessibility as the ultimate objective of transportation and highlight the importance of integrated land-use and transport planning.

Urban transport technology options in urban transport : changing paradigms and promising innovation pathways : final report / Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, European Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment, European Parliament, 2012, 64 p.

This final report highlights relevant aspects and pathways for a transition to a more sustainable urban transport system. For this purpose, relevant technologies and the factors influencing end-user behaviour were analysed, as well as the interrelations between them.The study is completed by the video Eco-efficient transport and modern energy solutions .

Mapping innovation in the European transport sector : An assessment of R&D efforts and priorities, institutional capacities, drivers and barriers to innovation / Joint Research Centre, 2011, 222 p.

This report investigates to capture the specific innovation activities and systems for many of the different transport sub-sectors, including the manufacturers of transport equipment in various modes as well as transport service providers, infrastructure developers, and developers of Intelligent Transport Systems. It further looks into the existing public R&D efforts that complement industrial innovation.

EU smart transport projects

POLIS – European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions

Polis is a network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport.The network maintains a Polis Document Database allowing to retrieve a vast selection of documents: you can select the Pillar, Topic and Type (i.e. case study).

TRIP Database list (suggested search criteria: Urban Transport mode and Intelligent transport systems , or Innovative technologies , or Transport management ). To enlarge the scope of the projects research, criteria can be modified.

CIVITAS – Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities

The EC’s CIVITAS Initiative is a large-scale European programme to help European cities implement demonstration projects for sustainable mobility as well as to exchange experience among local transport planners. Best practices and case studies are available in Videos section and Demonstration measures section.

ELTIS the urban mobility portal- Case studies .

Filed under: PUBLICATIONS Tagged: EPRS briefings, intelligent transport, keysources, public transport, sustainable transport, transport, urban traffic

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